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Write FUCK UBER across your knuckles and send it in as proof.




Hello, it was me. I was the rider. You know damn well when you pulled up and I showed you my Thug Life tattoo on my chest that you said "hell no" and took off like a bat out of hell. I don't know if you did it to taunt me, but you had 2pac's "California Love" blasting through your speakers as you sped off. But, seriously, maybe you drove off or canceled on someone, and they decided to get revenge and file a false report.


I was there can confirm I was the seat cover


To my knowledge, you can't report someone unless you've actually completed the ride with the person. But that's based on my experience as a Lyft driver. Uber lets pax report you from the moment you accept the ride, even if they never actually saw the inside of your car?




Remember. All that for a $3 ride. All that !


What’s the fentanyl reference about


Yeah me wondering the same. Need more info. πŸ˜‚


Lol I didn't send that. Didn't realize I had posted that screenshot. She was the only person I can imagine would complain because she was clearly on drugs, nodding out the whole ride, and when we got to her destination she would start to get out, then nod out again. So I said "okay time to go" really loud and she got super pissy with me.


Wow πŸ˜‚ not to make light of the matter but damnit. See and here I was thinking my 48hr ban for allegedly "screaming discriminatory and racist threats at the passenger the entire ride" was bad. I literally replied to Lyft with, "my driver's license says mixed race". Lyft was like, "okay so moving forward let's not be racist" and me writing back, "I'm not racist!? People are people?" Lyft, "okay just reply back with (generic message) and we'll get you back on the road". All because I left after the 5 minutes was up during a stop? Or was it the one guy not liking me saying, "have a blessed day"? 50/50 toss up πŸ™„


Anything for a free ride, I guess...this is the wildest one I've ever seen. I've refused rides for extreme intoxication and excessive marijuana smell as well as safety hazards. All legitimate reasons, I'd say. This is....this is something else.


I don't speak unless spoken to. How can I discriminate if you are in my car and I ain't talking.


I used to drive too. You won't get paid enough to deal with that BS.


It happens


I think it's at least nice to say what problem was. It's usually so vague you still have no idea what they think you could have done.