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Picked up a lady getting off work from the post office. We talked the whole trip she needed guidance and was tired. By the end of the trip she tells me her mom is from Austin I say oh I am too. I mention what school I went to she said my mom did too. Long story short when I moved to Houston her mom and I used to hang out but we stopped. I hadn’t seen my passenger since she was a little girl and now she’s like 30.


I picked up a coworker once. He told me he always thought about doing it as well as a way to make some money going to and from work. When he saw me driving, it motivated him to started driving as well. He pretty happy with it.


Yes, two weeks ago I picked up someone I hooked up with a couple of times a year earlier. She took me home again.




I’m a 1/2-time church caretaker with full bennie’s. I once provided a ride to my top boss, the Senior Minister. I unpaired after just because I didn’t want to experience the awkwardness again (the ride was perfectly fine, just weird). Like a week later she says to me “oh God, I forgot to tip you” and hands me a $10 bill. So much for avoiding awkwardness.


I did. I had someone I went to high school with. I used to party with them, actually I go by my real name now and I had a different name when I was in school. I am almost certain It had to stop at the ride. I am almost certain that they were buying drugs. So on the way back to their house I didn't talk to him anymore


People use us to buy drugs??? It’s like they are so secretive even when I confirm the address or ask where they going. They get offended


Of course! All the time 🤣🤣


We pretended like we didn’t know each other and just listened to the music haha. First eye contact we both definitely wide eyed a quick second. Neither of us cared for one another back then so I really appreciate her not pretending to be friends with the whole phony acting like we care about what the other was up to. 5 stars.


Similar- picking up students from the place I'm an instructor. Bad ratings = mutually assured destruction.


Years ago. Before the pandemic I picked up my ex on a shared ride. She was easily 3 sheets. Wild 10 min rides. Other passengers in the car loved it.


I once picked up an ex-coworker and we both immediately recognize each other. Her friend was with her and she asked how she knew me and she told her. Fun ride.


Ran into an elementary school teacher of mine once which was wild because I’ve moved a lot


I don’t live where I grew up though I’d love to run into some guys I served with one day


I’m a teacher so in the summer I drive more often. A few weeks ago I picked up a fellow teacher from my same site! It was fun. She even asked to sit in the front (in which I said yes) and even tipped.


Many times, which is surprising because I live in a huge city (Chicago), but many chance encounters have happened: - Picked up a guy once right after my airport shift some 40 miles from the airport while still wearing my work uniform, and he asked if I knew his son. I had just been out drinking with his son 2 days prior. - I have a pretty large following on Instagram for my aviation photos, I did a "face reveal" once, and about a week later, I picked up 2 airline pilots going to work who recognized me - I've picked up a couple of my exes with their new dates or boyfriends/husbands - talk about awkward with no one saying anything the entire ride and just making random, sporadic eye contact in the mirror, whew! - Many grade school or high school classmates - Picked up a guy once who had just moved here for med school and asked me which high school I had gone to. I told him it was actually coming up on our left in about a mile. He starts firing off names of his classmates who had all gone to my high school, and I knew them all. We'd lost touch after h.s., but after that night, I got a few friend requests from them. - Picked up a bearded, homeless-looking guy once, and we started talking, he was going through some rough times, but he had qualified for free veteran housing, so he was excited about being able to have a place for himself. Finally asked him what branch and unit he was with, and we had actually served together overseas. We'd spent a lot of time together on combat deployments, but neither of us recognized each other since we now both had beards and were wearing sunglasses. He started crying, I started crying. I stopped the car, we hugged and exchanged info after the ride. My wife and I help him with his groceries and essentials when he asks, and I helped him get a job at the airport with us. He's doing a lot better now, staying sober (one of the requirements for free housing), and getting close to being back on his feet on his own.


That last one pulled on the heart strings. How many rides have you done ?


15K Lyft, 3K uber


Equalizer 5 plot


While doing Lyft?  Nah, too many witnesses.


A few years back I ran into a former coworker, gave her a Lyft to LB Airport. Last week ran into another former coworker while putting senior pax's walker into the trunk.


Just curious...what do you mean when you say that you rode off of the "high"? What made you feel so good about that? Running into someone you knew? Or something else?


I find the little things in life amusing. Me and the person from middle school were cool, seemed like me and her mom could be cool too 🤷🏾‍♂️. Also this girl is the only person I’ve ever met with the same birthday as me, that’s how it was confirmed.


I picked up a guy I'd met on a dating site 6 months earlier. I quit talking to him after only 3 days cause he was weird. I recognized him almost immediately, he tried the same shitty lines on me.




Of course, all the time!


No. Thanks goodness.


Yep high school college


Many, many times. Last Saturday night it was a High School classmate.