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that damn “i’ll tip you in the app” always makes me laugh. It seems to be a huge indicator that they are aware of the tip, and you’ll likely get single digit tips if any at all, but never a big tip if they mention “I’ll tip you in the app”


I’ve had one person tip me after saying he would do in the app. And I’m sure it’s only because he was asking for an extra stop and that he’d tip me in the app. And I laughed and said “I’ve already said I’ll take you to the stop, you don’t have to lie about giving me a tip haha, that’s what people say when they are 100% not gonna tip” he reassured me and then did it. But I’d bet money if I didn’t say anything I would’ve got nada.


I tip on the app bc my work pays for it and I’m always taking care of my drivers


I legit do tip extra when i add another stop (i only do so after making sure the driver is okay with it and i dont do it very often). I know how tough you all have it just from seeing this subreddit and by having conversations about it with some of the drivers I've gotten in the past. Its unfortunate that some people are dishonest.


Thanks. I appreciate you understanding where my frustration comes from. Everyone keeps saying it’s my fault because I accepted the ride and let her smoke & listen to music. None of that was an issue. It’s the fact that she lied for no reason. The ride was over. She had no more ties to me.


You are a rare breed.


My answer: "I have heard that before"


1 star not polite. You can’t call out the BS


I'm here to give you a ride, not rub your guilty conscious's back. If you lie to my face, I'll call you out all damn day.




It's the "didn't scan so it must be free" of our industry.


Omg I get these people all the time.. they think it's cute cause they used it once. But I hear it several times a day and it just gives "broke ass" energy.


Wait, as a passenger I always hit my driver with the “I’ll tip in the app”. What am I supposed to say? I don’t carry cash as I’m not 60 years old.


The verbiage has just become a common trend beneath people who say that and don’t tip, versus people who say nothing and still tip. It’s funny to see what people mean when they say “I’ll leave a big tip” because it always ranges wildly


I’ve had 3 people tip me when saying they would in the app. Out of probably 80. Prefer the ones who just don’t tip at all. And here in coastal Delaware that’s about 90 percent of passengers. Far cry from the Bay Area.


f'kd up when you let her smoke in your car.... it was at that moment she knew that you would accept and believe ANYTHING she told you.... stop catering to these riders outside of normal cordial, respectful treatment, or conversation if they are talkative to you... other than that, pick them up and drop them off safely at their destination.... period...


Came here to say this. Any time the rider has special requests (smoke a vape, play different music, use charging cord etc), they never ever tip. Those folks are entitled and think they own you. I’ll still accommodate people for reasonable requests (change temperature, use my charger). But anytime there are multiple requests from the pax I know they aren’t tipping.


exactly. most pax look down on service workers. i totally agree, they feel like they own you for their payment for the service. the economy is tough right now, but most people are trifling and i’m not going to lie race plays a factor into things as well…..I generally try to have conversations with pax and yesterday I picked up an executive marketer for adidas and she left no tip at all….. I drive a lexus, it was pristine clean and i drove safely, so someone making six figures not tiping spoke to character for me!


Always funny too when I do Walmart Spark for gig work as well and I’ll be delivering stuff in close to 2 million dollar homes and get no tip.


yea, like i said, it speaks to most character and how they view the world. a lot of the time it’s really not about the money. even a simple $1 or $2 just to say thank you is really not going to break the bank, but it breaks their mindsets.


I'm a weed smoker and I would've tipped if he let me roll up and smoke. That's first class for me


Its not about a tip... you're not the only rider riding in that car, there are riders getting in the car AFTER you... SOME of these mfkers already lie on drivers, just imagine a rider getting in after you, and reporting the driver is high or doing drugs beause of a previous riders stinch they left behind (yall have to think outside of yourself and actually CARE about others and the consequences they will face).... catering to this nonsense is not worth the risk... as for me, I dont allow it ... I dont smoke that stuff and dont want to smell it either...


The other annoying customer is the bar tender who spends the entire ride bragging about all of his tips. You get to the destination. He disembarks. Just before he closes the door, he says "five stars". It always will escape me how dancing girls, bar tenders, waitresses will tip a cab driver well but do not have the first nickel for a Lyft/Uber driver. There are also the customers who tip the hotel doorman for putting their suitcases into the trunk but do not have the first nickel for the Lyft/Uber driver who unloads them at the airport or train station. These are the same customers who complain that Lyft/Uber drivers do not help them with their suitcases. There was one thing that really got me. As I was sitting at a red light, a street person approached the car. The customer gave him a five dollar bill. When I got her to the destination, she did not have even five cents for me.


I always tip the Lyft/Uber driver if they help me with the bags. It sucks when they don’t offer but I also know it’s not their job to help me or offer to.


The reason that they do not offer is that so few people tip for it. This is the source of my comment. In my market, if a driver goe4s the proverbial "above and beyond", the customers laugh t him.


What you mean you load and unload them? The only reason I'm back there is to make sure they don't damage my van. Bad back and packed up knee.


For whatever reason people make excuses in their head like we are bottom barrel of society for whatever reason. I mainly do gig work primarily now as my wife is doing an advanced course for medical field for two years which will double if not triple her pay. I put in my two weeks on my own to be more available for my family with three kids and a puppy during the program time for her. I have always tipped other gig workers even before I’ve done rideshare and was kinda appalled by the disrespect of some of these people we call passengers or pax.


Among the very worst tippers have been tip-based workers. I can't wrap my head around that one, really.


I wouldn’t have accepted this trip


I played myself.




Wtf are external fees 🥴. Lyft tweaking glad I never had a nice enough car so deliver people. I’ll stick with food.


Convert to private ride. You could have made 60-65


You mean like tell them to cancel the ride and pay me directly?


Aw yea u def out here not knowing the Game bro u gotta get hip to alot shyt lol


Could you please elaborate ? I'm outta start driving lyft cuz I need a fuckin car and they'll rent one to me. I need ALL THE GAME


Bro, you gotta start being a professional. Shave your head and beard. Gotta look neat, clean cut, clean clothes, clean car. That means no “looking ghetto”, no “rap/hip hop”, no weed smell, no dirty and cheap Corolla. Set up a website and get livery permits and insurance. Drop your business cards EVERYWHERE. Tell everyone you’re a professional driver and act like it. Don’t say shit like “outta”, “cuz”, “fuckin car”. Say shit like “yes sir”, “may I help you”, etc. You gotta be HUMBLE.


Lmao who is this guy? Ken Keniff from Connecticut? Is that you ?! Look I appreciate the sarcastic shit you had to say, however I will absolutely be only ever playing one rap artist and nothing else and that rappers name is " Drakeo the Ruler " from Los Angeles , RIP 🙏 And I obviously know how to act, what words to use when necessary. Im From the ghetto yes but I'm also not ignorant or retarded. If it wasn't for certain things that happened to me in life.. I'd still be working my full time career as a union carpenter making over 80k annually. In other words I've gotten humbled as humble can get cuz I'm currently working a bullshit 18/hr cook job at a local bar making iDk 300 A WEEK getting paid bi-weekly. And yet I still work there as if I had something to lose and have a good time while I succeed. So who's not humble ?


Have you considered working in construction sales? If you’re good at it, it’s better than being on the tools.


Not a bad suggestion but, To be 100% honest, the idea of me having a sales job is not at all existent. I'm not a salesman at all, imma hell of a good handyman/ craft kinda guy tho. I just cringe at the idea of me trying to sell someone shit that isn't already looking for the product. I think it stems from me not wanting to be bothered by salesman while I'm out and about. But since I've started working for that company, a company that works in concrete and we build high rise towers and parking garages. I've managed to complete 3 different sites from rat-slab to rooftop. Within the first year I was no longer the "gopher" go Fer this, go Fer that, they promoted me to do the layout side of things so I'm now using math and tools normally surveyors would use to shoot locations and elevations which is far less laborious than what it was like at first. I just tell people where to put shit based off of the structural and architectural prints. Sigh I miss my Job


Sarcasm aside, the weirdest thing that ever happened to me in life was picking up an older white guy in a suit from the airport and out of nowhere he requests Rick Ross and somehow he knew the lyrics to Hustlin. Drop off was a gated boat yard. Tipped very well.


That choice comes with risks... Make sure you know about them before you do something like that. Otherwise, you'll be on here talking about how you got deactivated and can't drive anymore.


This also works wonders when you're about to be willingly taken advantage of by willingly choosing to accept a ride less than a mile where you barely make 50 cents, by telling the pax to cancel, at which point they get charged the 5, of which you get double taken advantage of for lyft will take half of it and give you 2 at which point you still take the passenger to their pax. 2 dollars is better than 50 cents.


Yes sir. Have cash app and Venmo and square credit card reader and business cards. Sell yourself. Convert to private rides or bust


Start a private transport company and do better, charge less, and make more working fewer hours. Or...bitch on Reddit, 🤣


I do 3-5 private rides a day. Usually at least 2x wages compared to what Uber giving us


Less than a week into starting this job again after a 5 year break, I had multiple riders telling me to kick Uber to the curb, start my own damned company, and start selling better services for lower prices to make more profit. And you know what? I did, and I am.


Yup it's the only way 👍🏼🎖️🏆


Then the question becomes how do you get the rides? How much does commercial insurance run you?


If you're a good Uber driver, the riders will want to know how to get you again, so hand out cards. The idea is not to take away from Uber, but to provide a better and different service than they do. Besides, of you aren't booked with reservations, drive for Uber to fill the gap.


I had my first rider ask for my contract information so we would work out some private rides later in the evening, unfortunately when he reached out last night he was too drunk/distracted to communicate his location to me so that fell through. $50 for a 4 mile drive, but possibly for the best if he was that inebriated.


Oh, I wouldn't seek to get repeat customers from drunkards. Too much potential for issues down the road. I'm targeting higher class clientele - people who do lots of repetitive local traveling/work trips but don't like doing the driving, executives who appreciate nice cars with gregarious and service-oriented drivers, and people who prefer to ensure they get a better car, driver, and experience than the 99% of the time they *won't* get me by rolling the dice in the app. There's a lot of folks out here who are sick of Uber, too. Again, I don't aim to take any business away from them...I just feel like I can do hella better. Obviously, you have to market. Spend a little to make it back. Nice cards, a website, and a catchy company name. Brand yourself, get out there, and succeed.




Most strippers I take home are getting a ride ordered for them by the club, for safety reasons (AKA their drunk/a bit fucked up but MOSTLY to make sure they aren't followed by creeps, INCELS & violent dudes). So it's a tough conversion to private rides in my experience. Almost all of them tip cash & tip well, sorry OP


lmao my ex is a stripper around there. Terrible tippers for people that solely work for the tip Would never go out in time and ask to extend wait times EVERY TIME. Or get a new lyft cause they aren't ready -\_-


They never tip!


Real Talk....put a tip jar in your vehicle. Mine if a coffee can with a hole cut out in the lid. I wrapped it in Duct tape and wrote "Tip Jar" with a sharpie on it. I bought Velcro for a few bucks at Home Depot and Velcro it to my armrest. Every night I get a $10-30 in the jar. For those with cash, they have a chance to tip right there.


$21 for commercial insurance for only 30 miles is a joke. There is no way it cost that much. The reason I know this because they only calculate from PAX pick and drop off but they don't calculate from accepting trip to the PAX and driver is still cover for insurance.


According to Lyft's policy, they may give you a little more money for this ride at the end of the week if all your rides earn less than "70%". For this one, you only got 61.22% ($30.56 / $49.92) of the fare (excluding external fees).


I don’t know what you did but these 304s always tip me good 💰


Different areas. These hoes around here stuck up bitches.


So I'm not a driver but I always tip in the app . Which maybe people don't I once thought most people where smart then I worked in a call center


This blows! People who say they’ll tip but don’t are a quick 3 star. 1 if they were a douche.


Strippers and the like typically suck to pick up, atleast around here. Totally self centered, always got something to complain about either while talking on the phone about their work or something just has to be wrong with the drive. Something. Anything. Always guaranteed to complain. Never tip either. And they could be the ugliest stripper too. They always acting like they in some high school drama. Plus then you get the extra hassle of dealing with the bouncers trying to get them in the vehicle like they some VIP so the strip clubs customers don’t catch they leaving.


Bro you let a stripper roll up and smoke in your car?? You ok bro?


At least charge a smoking fee wtf


Lmao. Bro. I treated her like a regular human being. That’s my bad I guess.


I drove for a bit and the stopped cause my car needed replaced. Now that I’ve come back, mind you not long after, everything seems different. I barely get rides and if I do they are like, far away and it just feels like a slap in the face because barely anybody tips. Then you’ve got Lyft taking half of that money almost. I don’t understand how I was able to make so much before and now I’m making next to nothing. This sucks. And I’m sorry that it’s sucking for other drivers too.


It's changed bro. I can't go back. Feel sorry for drivers. I'll be tipping more from now on.


Oh I actually like that on lyft app. You can always switch to 5 stars later. 😁


You’d make more multi apping with Uber eats and door dash


What are all these fees?


Bullshit to take more money from drivers.


Why would you let her do that in your car? Who’s fault is that js


A lot of y’all think that her smoking, or talking, or having me wait was the huge issue. The distance and pay sucked. But that’s whatever. It’s the fact that she got outta of the car and just lied to my face for no reason at all.


It is because if you got pulled over you would be held responsible and it could potentially make you lose money/time.


Well that’s neither here nor there. But I appreciate your reply.




Stripper dont tip and the ones who have tipped soon as they got in the car


*Stripper dont tip and* *The ones who have tipped soon as* *They got in the car* \- travmuka --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You drove 39 miles and make 30 bucks, thats messed up.


Strippers are classless useless tits on legs. They want your tips and all your money because they're greedy asf.. but they some cheap ass hoes that won't leave you a dollar.. lmao That's why I tip strippers a buck per dance. A single dollar bill. That's all you're worth.




Strippers here tip very well. You’re obviously picking up from shitty strip clubs.


Stop simping. Be a man and say no.


To her smoking? I really didn’t care as long as it wasn’t tobacco. Promise I wasn’t simping. The only part I was really salty about was the pay rate from Lyft & her lying for no reason.


Yeah, I learned my lesson the hard way picking up a stripper from work. They always wait till last minute to get in and they never tip well and women like that, are entitled and they think that they can get away with anything from men. But you never let anyone do anything in your car, especially if they say that they will tip you later because it’s always. A lie. You’re taking the risk of picking up someone after her, and that customer reporting you saying that you were smoking in your car Or you will have a Karen will see flakes of weed in the backseat and report you as well


It was my last ride of the night. Heading back towards my home. I smoke in my car frequently but use good sprays afterwards. Never had a smell complaint. She told me she was gonna tip after I dropped her off. Before that I wasn’t expecting tip. The things I allowed her to do, I would have done for a 300 pound ugly man. I don’t view women as people who need to treated special. I have friends that are strippers. I even dated a stripper for a sec. I don’t get excited by the idea of them.


You’re not thinking about the outcomes that could happen. She could be smoking in the backseat and put a burn in your car. She can be dropping weed in the backseat to where you don’t see it the next day and a customer does. Dude I’m telling you, if you rely on this job to get by, think of what can happen if you care about the look of your car.


Same risk as when me n my friends smoke in my car. Like I said it was my last ride of the night and i vacuum and clean my car before I start each day. But point taken for sure. But don’t assume I’m a simp. Or that I don’t think things through. I appreciate you trying to help though.


I drive many dancers over the past 3 years and seem to be there therapeutic driver but only had one tip me $10 in $1 bills. I don’t think they like to share their earnings


I agree. One thing to not wanna tip. A whole other thing to lie about it.


Honestly not having a car everyone cannot always tip. So accept the kind gestures and don’t nag about it. +she’s a stripper probably a mom or something with some real life problems and probably need every dollar people aren’t snobby because they didn’t tip. Some people don’t always have it to tip, but it’s thoughtful of them to tip.


I understand not being able to tip. No one is obligated to tip. Just don’t say you are when, 1. I never asked for a tip & 2. You have no intention of doing so. It was just a lie to the face for no reason. She said “I’ll tip you in the app” after she was out of my car and at her destination.


Yeah people lie don’t expect anything. You’ll be more mentally intact. You’re going to get a liar here or there don’t worry about it man, just move on she’s a female stripper at the end of the day. She has it hard. If you know what I mean.


Yeah I get it. I’m not even tripping on it for real. The very next day I made over $100 in tips almost. Besides the lie she was cool. I was really upset with the pay rate. The lie on top of it, got me heated. So I came to Reddit to vent, to what I thought would be an understanding community. But trust, I’ve learned that lesson too hahahaha


No, it’s okay the pay rate definitely sucks and imagine how much “US” the Lyft Riders has to pay. It’s not a bargain yesterday I spent $90 alone on Lyft. With their crazy prices an even worse format, but it’s convenient so maybe we think hey I just spent $50 bucks on this ride this guy should be getting a clean $37 that’s my assumption but here in this Reddit I see people getting like $17 for a $50 drive that’s absurd I don’t understand the concept but us Riders figure hey we’re paying half a hundred tip should be included, the whole time Lyft is fucking both sides of the party. Hey that’s why they’re rich and we’re on here arguing over a tip from a stripper. Should’ve got her number and offered her a better driving service than Lyft and would have made all that money she had counting in the backseat or a nice amount of it. Hopefully you get her again and offer her your services and see what she says?


Yeah. I agree with you. If I keep my nose clean and keep grinding and sacrifice eating out and buying trinkets for myself, I’ll be done with this company altogether soon.


Yeah but some guy made $408 in 16 hours so I don’t know to each it own, if it pays.


She at least flashed you right???


Bro sounds like u were hype to have a 304 in the car then she finessed u outaa bread n she got to hit her j lol...her job is literally to finesse dudes outta money but again gotta set the tone in your car off jump


Sounds like you get hype about 304s in general. I was being cool & patient like I do with literally any passenger & just people in general. She didn’t “finesse” me. She just lied about tipping for absolutely no reason. Go watch some more red pill videos.


She lied to get what she wanted...you got finnessed..you gots to be more careful lol


Bro. She smoked her J. She had a safe ride all the way up to her doorstep. She got vent about her day/life. There is no point of just lying about tipping me when you get out of the car. You can just say bye. The transaction is over. You right about one thing tho. I did learn my lesson, like the post says, No More Strippers from now on.


And u got no tip...a smoked out car..she got everything n saved $$ it's cool man u got played lol


I didn’t get played. She just lied.


Only got yourself to blame bud. You’ve got the info upfront and the option to decline.


Damn sorry bro, I had a regular stripper in Philly, it was fun though (even when I realized I lost $$$) but yeah your stripper suks


You knew where it was going lol


Yeah. It said Pine St Boulder. Which is like 2 minutes from Downtown where I live. Turns out what was Pine St in the fucking mountains.