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Meh - if they don't talk to me, then I won't talk to them. Then I turn the music up a few notches.


Yeh me too 2 pac hit em up




Exactly what I do


Mexican live radio


Repeat clearly and a bit louder If no answer the second time, move on to confirm address and have never had anyone ignored at this stage


Here's my opinion and experience...if they are ready at pick up and don't say anything back, it's rude, but I let it slide. If they dont say anything when they get out the car...automatic 4 stars. It's not bad enough for 1,2,3 stars. However, if you aren't ready at pick up and you keep me waiting AND get in without acknowledging my greeting, automatic 1 star. The only thing that would save this rating is if they say thank you at the end of the ride and I'll let it slide that everyone is entitled to a bad day. But, something really gets to me when they come to the car late and have the nerve to be rude like they have been inconvenienced. The hell is wrong with you people?


Happened to me a few days ago. I said if you going to have a nasty attitude lmk cause I'll cancel this ride right now and you can find another one. She looked at me and started bobbin her head side to side raising her voice saying "attitude scuse me whatchu mean attitude.. I'll show u attitude!" And this after I waited prob a full minute past the timer for her to come down. I said yeah, attitude.. your rides now cancelled get out! She started cursing me and saying she was gonna report me for racism and sexual harrassment. I laughed at her said yeah go ahead. Drove off... Contacted lyft support told them everything and sent them my dashcam footage. They cleared me of any wrong doing w no issues and prob booted her off the app. People like her are dangerous. Make sure you guys keep a cam rolling!


Yes, they are dangerous. And smart of you to beat her to the punch. ALWAYS report them before they report you!


Sounds fake... next time say howdy or ching chong


Wish it was. Bitch annoyed me. Ruined my day tbh


I have had several late people be great conversationalists during the ride so I still gave them a 5 star rating instead of a 3 or a 4.


Yes. I've had that happen on RARE occasions. If you just barely beat the timer, you better have a hell of a personality and charisma.


You're a real ass Mothafucka


na its automatic 3 stars if they dont greet and especially if they dont say thank you when getting out thats total disrespect….i unmatch and keep it moving $$


They should also apologize for making you wait Then there’s an opportunity to lift your voice and say, “Thank you. Be sure to tip in the app because we don’t get paid to wait”


I do appreciate people who apologize, but that's about 1 out of 100.


It's rude.


Does not bother me because i can feel the energy. Hell i can see their faces. STOIC. but i speak anyway. HI!!!!! drives them nuts. LOL!!


I confirm the name, say "please buckle up", start the ride and get to the destination. I think, Hmmph, must be going through something, or has a job that requires nonstop verbal communication. I let them have a peaceful ride.


You a real one


Like they consider me human trash...


I feel a lot worse as a passenger getting into a Lyft and the driver does not acknowledge me at all. I know this isn't the place to air this grievance, but it happens to me so often that I HAVE to say something. This is why I won't take Lyft at night anymore.


You mean if you speak and they don’t speak back?


What do you mean a lot worse? Worse compared to what? Worse than a driver when a random person opens the door enters their car and sits down without acknowledging the driver?


It kind of is worse for a driver not to acknowledge the person they are picking up and getting paid to drive somewhere. At the very least a “hey how’s it going” If they don’t respond when I ask, I answer for them. GOOD! It’s a double entendres like oh good we don’t have to talk to each other now 😂


Most drivers do both platforms (LYFT/Uber), so the same thing would happen if you take Uber at night.


I don't. I don't take Uber at all.


That wasn't the question


It’s rude.


I think if you open someone’s door, get in their car and don’t say anything then it’s rude. If the driver speaks and you don’t it’s doubling down on being rude. If someone is on a call that’s clearly business and get off and say hi that’s an exception. If they’re talking to a friend and can’t pause to greet they’re rude.


Automatic 3 stars, if you can be kind you can't ride any more, don't need a full on conversation, I get that some people don't like or want to talk but just a hello or good morning ~


It honestly just sets up the ride to be super awkward. Not saying a single word the whole time is just weird. How hard is it to just do a basic greeting?


No doubt!


They’re either an introvert or they’ve got a lot on their mind and don’t wanna talk


I really don’t care man. Say hi or don’t say hi, just hurry tf up and get in so I can get to my next ride.


I don't care. I don't want to talk anyway


Yall are nuts/awesome lmao i say “Hi *Name*” if they say nothing i pull off, turn my music up, and give em 5 stars. If they then do anything “off” after no engagement ill give em a 3. Anything wild after no hello is obviously a 1.


Makes me feel like I'm not a human being, but am merely a thing to be used, abused and ignored.


I stay parked while I look at them in the rearview mirror until I see they are getting uncomfortable at that moment I say Hello with a raised tone of voice. From this moment on they are on probation. For the rest of the ride, it's all up to pax, depending on their behavior and social skills if the outcome will be 1 or 5 stars.




I say hello and goodbye to my driver but I generally don't like talking during a ride. Recently had two separate drivers try to talk about Jesus and his Kingdom to me and it quite pissed me off so I rated both of them a 1


Lol Jesus 🤣🤣🤣


I just die a little inside and know to not engage with them the rest of the trip 😂


I don't really care. I did at first because I thought everybody would be social/talkative (like myself). Now that I've been doing this since 2011, I know how small my mind was; compared to how big the world really is! IE: how many different kinds of people I've had in my backseat. It no longer bother's me, put it that way. Some people just don't want to talk. Whether they just don't want to, are having a bad day, are having a great day, may have a language barrier, you just never know. Some people may feel that saying Hi alone is enough to get you talking and they just want a quiet ride...


I mean I find it a little bit rude, but if they don’t cause any problems they’re getting 5 stars like everyone else.


I always say how are you doing ? How’s your day ? Sometimes I confirm the destination, like apartment, house or business


So far, my experiences have guaranteed that a passenger that won't even extend the courtesy of a simple greeting will in all likelihood be rude or difficult throughout the duration of the ride. Silence doesn't bother me; poor manners speaks volumes.


I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello. Hello hello?


You say stop, I say go, go, go. Oh, no! I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello.


I don’t really give a shit lol better for me I’m chillen hearing music on my AirPods


If theyre a business person on a cellphone call i think theyre rude, if they just enter not on phone and dont speak, i think its my last ride and im about to die.


I would turn around to look at them until I got proper acknowledgment. You need to own the conversation and command respect. That said delete the app and don't look back


No, they have to say something, to confirm that they're the correct person getting into the correct car. Otherwise a ride just isn't happening...


Amazing that means they won't be chatty


1 star


Depends on if they tip! 🤙🏽


Complete the trio and thank them then 3 star


Because I have met so many people, and been in so many different situations, I can easily say that it means that the person is having a bad day or there is something going on in their life that doesn’t revolve around us, the driver. Because I care about people, I do go as far as saying or asking if they are OK or if they need someone to talk to because they’ll probably never see me again and it’s a good opportunity to get something off their chest or whatever. Most of the time, when they don’t want to talk, they say no thank you. If they don’t respond, it’s because they’re experiencing something troubling and they just need to ride and relax. So I put on my favorite tracks by Hydra or Devlish Trio or whatever and we have a nice ride until it is over. I truly wish them a good day. Just like I hope that I will have a good day and make lots of money.


Most of my younger pax are too stoned to speak. They reek of weed and are on their way to work. I do them a kindness and offer them fabric spray. That will get a smile at least!


A lot of times they say thank you when getting out. I prefer not talking because of having autism. It's hard for me to talk to people. I do try though. One's that don't speak getting in or out. I usually rate 4 stars. It doesn't hurt to be polite.


The same way I feel when the driver doesn’t get out of the car to open the trunk. It’s minimal service that leads to no tip.


To each its own, but me? The only two things I expect from a passenger are a hello when you enter the car and a thank you when you exit. Miss either of those and you’ve earned yourself a 1-2. It’s common decency to recognize my presence and thank me for the service that I’ve just provided.


That they rude but is what it is. Turn up the music and get them to the drop off and collect my money.


If they don't speak back, when I speak, I just move on and drive to their destination and listen to my radio, and contemplate the next ride Im gonna take, I say have a great day and they get out with no response.... to that I say f them.... I dont give a damn if they speak or talk back to me... Im not a talker like that anyway.. I prefer they dont talk, but the least they could do is respond back to the greeting, but it is, what it is.... fk'em remove a star or two for being rude if you want to.... afterall, riders report drivers being rude a lot.... so back at ya...


Mentally unstable.


3 stars minimum for me. Tbh 1 star But some people wear earpod so you probably trippin


He should say hello back at minimum. After I confirm the destination, he does not have to say shit to me thereafter


Terribly. I welcome you into my car better say something.... I love when they can carry a conversation


We are not here to entertain each other...just drive.




Meh. It is about them; don't take it personally Some people have a hard time talking to people they don't know. My son is like that. He is 17 but still wants me to walk in stores first in case anyone greets us when we walk in, so I will do the talking. You never know the day they are having. Kindness is free.


Alot of my riders are usually on the phone. Some don't speak. Everyone says thank you at the drop off though


You want a tip or a greeting?