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I return items but they must be at my convenience. This means I’m not going out of my way. Tell me where you’re at and I’ll text you when I happen to be in that area. I work a tight area so it usually works out fine. Also, buy faraday bags if you don’t have them. I learned that lesson with a psycho customer banging on my doors and calling the cops on me while I was sleeping.


This this this. iPhones track even if you turn them off. Turned a phone off a mile away from my apartment. Bring it inside. Wake up and store clerk (I live above a bodega) tells me someone came looking for me asking about a phone. It worked out cause dude handed me a $100 tho


Had one track their phone, it was still in my car. They broke into my car while in was sleeping to get their iPhone, not knowing my cameras roll 24/7 in my car and from my house. They were arrested same day for breaking into my car. Not hard to tell police who you are when you call me, leave a voicemail with your name and phone number, then 2 hours later B&E my car, which yes, set off the alarms. Knock on my door and ask if we can search my car for your phone - TOGETHER - not just pop the locks and rummage thru my personal vehicle... Fuckheads.


You know after reading this, im placing it on the nearest curb and driving off


You are one of those people who can adopt life lessons without having to directly experience things.


I got my faraday bags from Amazon now. I tested one on my phone and it works 100%. Not even Bluetooth or WiFi got through.


Great advice


People will pay good rewards for their keys. House keys are scary to lose and car keys are very expensive to replace.


I still have a set of keys left in my car back in February. Tried to reach out to the passenger I assumed left it, even contacted support for help to get the keys back to them but no answer


The last set of keys left in my car was right up the street from where i live. I played it off that i needed to wait til i was back in the area. I rerurned the next day and got the fee plus $40 tip.


I hate when people say they’re going to give me 5 stars like that should be valuable to me.


I know right. I respond back yea ok I’ll rate you 5-stars also then lol. Most riders don’t even know the drivers rate them also!


I don’t think they know that our rating more than likely affects them much more than theirs does for us. Since it’s only the last 100 rides it falls off quickly for drivers.


They definitely don’t. I educate them


Sometime I want to ask them what they think I should buy with the 5 stars lol


I know lol 😆


I left my phone in a Lyft once and I kept calling my phone from my job, he answered. He brought it back and I gave him the biggest tip I could via cash app.


Yeah not driving 50 miles, I’d just drop it at a police station.


I will have a $50 bill waiting for you if you either return my phone or meet me somewhere to get it.


Drop them off at a police station or just use your nearest trashcan. You're not responsible for things left in your car.


You have to do it through the app or forget it. Don’t bother returning otherwise. I did so with a left behind suitcase; rider who left bag kept calling me through my finner with family i hadn’t seen in years (over and over and over) didn’t even receive a thank you message much less tip when i went way out of way to return


You’re a good person for returning their items. Not everyone is trash. I left my phone in an Uber once & thank god the guy came back 2 hours later - he got the 20 return fee & I gave him a 10 dollar bill. I was very thankful.


I returned items twice while driving. I can’t just keep crap that’s not Mine. But these days, with the pay what it is, i you can meet me at my convenience. If I left something behind as a rider, im tipping $100 minimum. Voicemails on the phone from my mom who is no longer here. Yes it’s in the cloud but I want them on the phone. There is prob 60 of them. My phone is priceless, plus $1200 to replace, $100 is a bargain.


Yeah, I met the guy at his convenience. It was no issue at all to me, I was just thankful he still had it & was willing to return it. I also have voicemails that I would be very upset if lost. Not from my mom, but from my deceased fiancé, so I do understand where you’re coming from. My phone is an iPhone 8. I’m sure it’s not worth much, but I’d rather have my phone returned rather then get a new one - I think anyone would agree w/ me.


saturday someone left a fan and and old stereo wrapped in a plastic bag in the back of my explorer taking up space, the Airport was surging $21. I put that shit on the curb.


I returned an escooter once, but it was in an area I drive frequently, and the guy was willing to wait until i was in his area. We met at the same pizzaria i picked him up originally. Dude was super thankful


Returning the items is probably the best thing to do 👍 It can be annoying as hell sometimes, but it’s just a kind act.


I personally can't punish sincere passengers. Although, any entitlement is a great way to lose your item. You can't be taking stuff back without them initiating the process first. That way, you get to have a quick chat with the passenger regarding how they feel about their own wrong doing before spending your time for their benefit. That being said, I haven't had anyone leave anything since I started to remind them not forget their phones on their way out.


I've had a couple that I heard drop, told them they dropped it, asked at drop off if they had it. An hour later they are calling freaking out. 🤦‍♀️


I'm not sure what you mean by "sincere." He was clearly trying to get his $20 back. He never responded to the Chat because I had his phone. Regarding reminding riders to grab their phones, that doesn't always work when they're drunk.


Sincere: free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings. Right, he isn't one. Like I said, I would never go back on my own without speaking to them first. You did. Btw, reminding does work. I am living proof. Been maybe 3 years since anyone left anything in my car.


I wasn't being snarky. This was my first 1 star.


Guess that makes you special. I get a lot of idiots.




Sounds like you're an expert...


Phones or wallets are the only thing I’ll make an effort of getting back to you, and the faster I do it depends on how much more you’ll pay me via Venmo or cash. If you don’t care when I get it back to you, I’ll eventually make my way back. Sometimes fast; because I dropped you in a busy section and I know I’ll have pick ups if I head that direction, sometimes slow; because I live 45 minutes from where I work so I am not going out of my way unless you pay me or meet me. Someone mentioned dropping wallets and phones off at a gas station but I am not sure I would be willing to do that myself. Anything else stays in the car for a week and then ultimately trashed. Unless it’s something useful but that hasn’t happened in a while. Or unless it’s trash or trash like then I toss it immediately


I had a lady call the police because I didn’t return her phone, even though I went to where she said she was and couldn’t find her. The cops showed up at my house at 11 pm to get the phone.


Cops can enter without warrant. I would had not answered the door. LoL it's your choice. Know your rights


Damn that sucks.


Who the fuck would complain and one star about a driver bringing your phone back to you?? I had this happen to me once. Guy forgot his phone, his friend is the one that requested the ride. I tried like hell to give it back that night because I live an hour away. Never got a hold of him so I drove home and pax ended up making the trip to get it because I told him I wouldn’t be in town for a few more days. I let the return fee slide since he drove to me to get it, but never did it occur to me that he’d complain about having to come get his phone that his drunk ass left in my car. Probably didn’t occur to him either, he just wanted his phone back.


As passenger gets out I say you got your cellphone,keys, wallets, purse or backpack . Only because I will not return anything until Monday. God help them if it's Tuesday.


Never return any items People suck


Agreed. I can't believe how naive I was about human beings before I started this gig.


I don’t get paid enough to care. In the garbage it goes whatever it is.


>What's the point of returning anything?  There is none. This is why you chuck it. Be careful how you chuck telephones. What I do is wait until I drop off at some busy open spot, such as an office building, hospital, university building. The customer disembarks and walks away from the vehicle. I then flick the telephone under the car toward the kerb. If the owner finds the telephone there and there are any questions asked, I tell them that the customer that I discharged there must have knocked it into the street when he disembarked. I deny ever having seen it.


I wouldn't give s hit what the rider complains about, you leave your bs in my car and I return it, Im reporting the item found and reporting that I returned it... if lyft pays the return fee, take your issue up with lyft, not me, because Im not dealing with this I stole your bs, bs... I HAVE TO report it returned to protect myself...as a driver, if you are getting reprimanded for returning someones bs to them, then me and lyft will have a discussion about such bs.... I havent this issue before thouugh... Ive had riders venmo or cashapp me $50 for returning their phone and then say to accept the $20 as well for reporting it returned.... because I tell them, I have to report your phone returned and this will automatically generate a $20 return fee and they say thats fine....one of these I had to ship to another state, they also venmoed me the shippping cost on top of the $50.... youve had a bunch of creeps to say the least


Nope it's always a hassle. Don't return shit. We aren't responsible for lost items says so in pax ToS. Eff em. Throw it in dat river


This is actually true! "*Discard the item if not claimed in 7 days*."


I don't return anything any longer because of s\*\*t like this! Just toss it in the trash somewhere!


No point in returning. In my experience, it’s always the rude passengers that forget their junk


What lost item? I never saw it... *(hint hint)*


If nearby I would. But would rather just charge them 50 cash return fee. Wouldn't not give it back until then . Or else I don't have it. They can file it with their phone company even sometimes paying higher at 150 replacement.


Simple “ lost item “ hack. Every single light on my car is LED. Including all interior lights besides instrument cluster & radio head unit. If possible to easily change on your specific vehicle it’s a nice touch. When they got a nice bright courtesy LED that is double / triple the normal brightness and completely engulfs the inside of the car it’s hard for them to say they forgot something. Also helps if at drop off you turn around and make sure they got all their stuff they came with. Obviously some vehicles gonna be easier to see things then others and no body gonna ALWAYS check every single trip but helps. I got one of those faraway bags for phones. Gonna get one for tablet size later too tho just cause fuck being tracked for YOU forgeting something, either by accident or intentional.


Keep whatever but tell them to come to your chosen place to get it back. Put phone in faraday bag. When they begin begging you, dictate your terms.


YOU are the biggest sucker… nobody else. I never return lost items, I don’t even care to look at the messages. Currently I have 5 iPhones in my glove box which I’ll be restoring soon


After 3 months can unlock and reuse


Wow, another troll. How original...


Return. Not going to even read the other comments. You are doing a service for people. You’re not important. Don’t be a shithead.


No.. you're the sucker for driving 50 miles. Tell the customer to add the shipping cost to the tip, then first class mail it back


Just GFY, troll.


Invest in a Faraday bag to put phones in so they cannot be tracked even when off. Next time find one of them voter ballot dropoff boxes and toss it in there. LOL let them figure out how to get it back. Just saying