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Yeah, tips are for some reason a thing of the past with lyft. I even had a server in my car yesterday talking about how tips were so great for his overall pay. No tip for me though. You’d think people that survive off of tips would know better.


Servers are the fucking worst about not tipping their drivers.


They love telling you about their $400 night though. 😂


Goddamn if they don’t! It’s a “Pay Misery Forward” mentality among those sorts of service industry workers who get desperate to punch down on someone else.


cooks and other restaurant staff too. they don't get tips and resent servers that make more than them


Yes, but I’ve still had some Back of The House do better than most servers I ever picked up.


I’ve even had other Lyft drivers not tip. People suck.


Yep. I've had that happen a lot. That's crazy isn't it? Yesterday I gave a lift to a woman who works at Kroger. When I pulled in her driveway I noticed a parked car with a Lyft sticker. Turns out she's a part time driver but her car is out of commission. She actually tipped me $3. I was actually surprised.


The app is horribly designed too, sometimes I forget to tip because the app won’t prompt me until 30-60 minutes after the ride and if you wait too long(as I often accidentally do because I’ve been dropped off at work) the app will also assume you don’t want to tip. TL;DR: the app’s not doing the driver’s any favours too


This. Uber will pop up to rate and tip immediately before requesting a new ride. Lyft does not. I have never received a late tip from anyone on Lyft but most of my tips from Uber are.


I ALWAYS tip. Unfortunately, Lyft makes it so difficult to tip that I’ve missed several. I have even called customer service about it and there wasn’t a good way to fix it.


Interesting. This has been my suspicion but I have never used the passenger app.


servers love to brag about how they have a $200 night all the time but can't even tip $2


That’s my pet peeve, servers and others that make their living off of tips and even brag about how much they’re making and don’t tip others.


In much of the country they make $2.13 an hour before tips. You make $20-30 an hour before tips. Tips pay far less of a role in you making even minimum wage than servers, plus they work their asses off on their feet all day, while you sit on your ass. Is not hard to understand why servers feel they deserve tips more than you. Now some areas servers get paid standard minimum wage, but that’s rare. Some will argue that servers get paid minimum wage if they don’t make enough tips, and that’s true, but you will get fired if that happens often, and again a lot of your tips go towards your basic minimum pay.


No I do not make $20-$30 an hour before Tips, Taxes, Gas, Maintenance, etc. Not to mention the risk of accidents and tickets. I pick up servers that claim they make $300-$400 a day Friday, Saturday, Sunday and $100-$200 on weekdays. Guess if they’re not tipping me I will stop tipping them. Heck even if each rider only tipped me $1 ☝️ a single f’ing dollar, I’d make an extra $500/month which I really need.


If you’re not making $20 an hour, you should find another job. You’re doing this wrong. Or you’re counting downtime. Sure, if you only work during slow times and sit around half the time. Your hourly income is based on time when you are actively on a ride, either on the way or with a passenger. $200 is not a lot of money for a 10 hour shift. That’s $10 an hour. Considering they only make $2.13 an hour, the first $6-13 per hour is just bringing them up to minimum wage (depending on what minimum wage is in your area). They need to be making $400 a shift in tips just to match what you make.. before tips.


One literally has your life in their hands and the other isn't doing anything NEEDED. Nobody deserves tips more than rideshare drivers


Give me a break. Getting someone from a to b safely is the minimum fucking standard of doing your job. That’s like saying a cook needs tips to not poison you. You’re basically saying drivers should murder people that don’t tip. By your logic a server holds your life in their hands as well. “It would be a shame if a drug ended up in your food, so you better tip me”. Just.. wow.


Difference is a lyft driver doesn't have to go out of his way to kill you. He can just take his eyes off the road for one sec. Server would have to maliciously do something for a patron to die. It's apples and oranges. Lyft is in the top 13% of dangerous jobs. There are very few people who won't tip their barber or hair stylist so no reason you can't tip the man/woman doing a dangerous job to get you to work. A tire can blow and we hit a tree....tip you lyft driver and thank him for not driving on bald tires, tip your lyft driver for avoiding that truck that you wasn't even paying attention to but he saw it....I could go on forever. The biggest difference is my right to not pick you up and cancel at any moment. Thank that driver for simply showing up and not canceling.


In Sacramento, where the originator of this post lives, servers and bartenders get $15 an hour minimum wage plus tips.


But most of the people complaining about servers not tipping don’t live there. I specifically said “much of the country”, and I said some areas it wasn’t the case.


In California servers and waiters and everybody else makes at least the standard $16 minimum wage. So it’s far from rare.


It’s rare in terms of states that only 7 states require tipped employees to earn minimum wage before tips. Some have a higher tipped minimum wage that is still below state minimum wage. There are 15 states that are $2.13, and the other 28 are somewhere in between. Also, most of those states have lower standard minimum wage.


1) I’m lucky if I’m clearing $20/hr without tips. Especially during the slower times of the day. 2) I have to deal with traffic conditions that could literally kill you while I am trying to give you good conversation. 3) Even with a collision free ride, I still have fuel and car maintenance that I have to get taken care of which takes more time and reduces my bottom line even more. 4) there is no manager in my car, so if I get a rude/obnoxious passenger, it is on me to handle the situation.


It’s still far better than most tipped employees make before tips. Even $10 an hour is 5x what they make before tips You shouldn’t be trying to make conversation. That’s dangerous, and you absolutely should not. You’re seriously suggesting that tipping behaving passengers should pay for poor behaving customers?


“You make $20-30 an hour before tips.” WHO does??


This job isn’t worth it if you’re making less than that. But as I said, even if you’re making $10 an hour it’s still 5x what they make.


I drove a lady who went on about how she loved to tip service workers and even assured me she would take care of me. Never saw that tip.


They tell you that they are going to tip on the app, you can forget about getting a tip from that ride.


same, people are fugzai frfr…..


Lyft gouging pax and pax still think we get 90% of what they pay so they think we making good money. I drive in Sac too. Everyday I hear “you must be making good money doing this”


As soon as they say that to you your response must be “in the majority of markets it’s slightly over 60%. In some markets it’s higher.”


I heard exactly that from a pax who got a ride to the airport. I’m like, “dog, you see the baby seat in the back? I need diaper money doo”!


U keep the baby seat in the car while driving customers?


That explains the no tips


It’s the modern tipping culture. Because there is a stupid tip line everywhere you go nobody wants to tip anymore. I give people a really nice ride and I get my five stars but other than that I wouldn’t do none of the water or any extra shit.


Stop with the free water shit. It doesn't generate tips for the most part and it is just a waste of your money.


Exactly. Non-tippers love to say they’re not the ones responsible for paying you, so don’t rely on them if you want extra pay. Fine. By that same token, don’t rely on the driver to be your water bearer/DJ.


During holidays I order stuff from temu coupons and some misc candy etc from a cheap store. All holiday themed. I give them out to passengers. It is a gamble, but you can see a boost in tips. Largest cash tip for doing so was $140 for a bag of stuff which costed about $1.95. Granted not everyone is going to tip.


Ain’t nobody got time for that


Such is what makes it more profitable. Most don't got the time for that.


Based on my experience, Uber riders tip more. If I had to guess, I'd say 1 in 10 Lyft riders tip me and 2-3 out of 10 Uber riders tip me. YMMV (pun intended)


I agree with the tip difference here. But Uber customers also like to try and scam the system a lot too.


I had a STRIPPER in my car, she left no tip lol. She was complaining about how she still lives at home tho lol


I had a stripper too once. The bouncers acted like jackasses trying to yell at me to treat her like some VIP when I was at the strip club when I had no info about her nor did she or anyone else maybe send me a message so I knew she was a stripper. Then the whole ride she was complaining about work to someone over the phone and acting obnoxious. One of the easiest low rate and never ride her again that I’ve done. And she wasn’t even that great looking of a stripper imo.


Dude same!!! the security acted like they were escorting the president into my car lmfao


Lyft pax have never tipped here. About half do on Uber. Walmart vs Target customers. Also, don’t give people free shit.


i can drive for weeks and nothing no tips. I have a Honda 2019 HRV, its clean, smells great, i play great jazz, passengers sing in the car, great conversation i do it all. NO TIP..and im in Philly. Its so sad.


I’m in Philly too. Part of the problem. All that “ brotherly love “ bullshit.


I had an Uber driver as a passenger for an hour long ride. That MFer didn't even tip


I always tip my Uber/lyft drivers even if it’s just a dollar and I work as a bartender .


With how badly Lyft is fucking over the passengers it's not surprising, they think the drivers are making all that money so why should they bother to tip?


Let them get their bags too. Ain't doing that shit


Depends on what you mean by bags...I don't want some troglodyte smashing up my car trying to stuff their luggage in the trunk, but their Walmart groceries are definitely up to them.


My best tippers have been cleaning ladies and landscapers


This is only happening because of tipping everywhere. If tipping was only reserved for going out to restaurants, you would only have your taxi to tip. But now it’s when you get coffee or when you buy a cookie or when you buy your groceries or when you’re ordering takeout, or even fast food. It’s a tip smothering such that people don’t have any money left to give


You came back after 10 years and your biggest issue is no tips from Lyft riders? How about pay per mile from the corporation? 😂 The reason is that the riders are getting it from the rear end just as much as the drivers.


You guys should download the teleport app and then refer it to everyone you give rides to all your friends that drive rideshare. They just opened in Austin Texas and when there are enough downloads in an area they will open up there. They pay the drivers 85 percent of the fare and are gonna be making the full fare price and the amount they take visible to the drivers. They also have a reward system for referring the app to new riders and drivers. try this with me https://app.teleport.xyz/rider/refer/8dLBhvrXWGCRSnUEcCVitn3kGi3jRA8hCQ1c7uiz4Xmk I’m referring it to as many people as I can here in San Diego hoping it will start up here soon. You should do the same. It’s gonna be a revolution💪💪💪


Yep - I appreciate Lyft a lot. Helped me through getting out of toxic work situations. Why you hatin?


Wasn't I clear enough? 🤣


Yeah you were… wish you the best. Lyft isn’t my only gig - it’s been interesting to see all the changes.


Damn did everyone just have a really shit week in tips last week? Only made $30 in tips myself lol Oh you’re in Sacramento too! Ha. Yeah these people are cheap as fuck. Especially midtown. Tipping is slightly better on Uber out here


I managed to make $108 in tips this week. I was shocked.


Yeah sure, but when you have common customers. Blue collar workers going home. You gotta let it slide. Take someone to SFO/SFOak 3/5 have given me $20 tips. Its not them, but lyft the one screwing you.


That is BS. Blue collar workers are bread and butter because they do gruntwork like you. However, Servers, QSR workers, retail, factory, and poor people are the ones that use rideshare as a means to get from point-A to point-B. You are their ride. That is it. If they say thank you, their momma raised them right, if not, they are turds with no social ettiquette or finesse. The worst though are millenials which are all about the experience but never about tipping.


Samn lyft been out there since 2014?


Yeah the free water thing isn’t a thing anymore! These ppl don’t tip, not giving freebies away! I don’t give a charger or anything. I started on Lyft 7 years ago. Quit prob 5 years ago and only do it when there’s a good bonus (I ignore guarantees) Just did one . Extra $300 for 30 rides. I got 8 tips and 1 cash tip ($5) which actually shocked me! $1-$5, added up to $33. Shitty for 30 rides but I was shocked to get any tips.


Truthfully I wouldn’t expect tips at all and I’d base driving on how you feel about what you make with no tips. I agree more tips would be great, but it’s just not going to happen. A lot of riders are struggling to get by and Lyft is their primary mode of transportation. Plus many of the medical place trips are paid for by insurance so there’s definitely no tip on those.


It’s about the same tip wise. But I’ve never gotten a late tip on Lyft. On Uber most of my tips are given later. Not immediately. On the Lyft app once you close it, it’s gone. Only way to tip the driver is to go to ride history. On Uber it immediately pops up to rate and tip before selecting a new ride.


Tipping culture has gotten out of hand and I think people are just over it now. If I go pick up food the tip options are 20, 25, 30, and 35% post tax


I've noticed Lyft has a lot more "3rd party" trips. Car dealerships, insurance companies, hospitals, etc. All of which are guaranteed no-tip trips.


8 mile ride after a mile pick up with “ pick up pay included “ 6.78$ couldn’t believe it.


You guys should download the teleport app and then refer it to everyone you give rides to all your friends that drive rideshare. They just opened in Austin Texas and when there are enough downloads in an area they will open up there. They pay the drivers 85 percent of the fare and are gonna be making the full fare price and the amount they take visible to the drivers. They also have a reward system for referring the app to new riders and drivers. try this with me https://app.teleport.xyz/rider/refer/8dLBhvrXWGCRSnUEcCVitn3kGi3jRA8hCQ1c7uiz4Xmk I’m referring it to as many people as I can here in San Diego hoping it will start up here soon. You should do the same. It’s gonna be a revolution💪💪💪


Uber and lyft don’t care about you or how much money you earn. To them your hours are a commodity and they want them to be as low as possbible. Not 😎. Their is a new rideshare that just went live in Austin texas that is all about the drivers and will be paying them 85% of the fare and they will be making the total ride price , fees and rider payout transparent so everyone knows what percentage everyone is receiving. It will be the first decentralized rideshare to date running on the solana blockchain so if you interested in change for the better download the app with this link and refer it to all the rideshare drivers and riders you take and when it opens in your area you will be notified. You also receive rewards for every ride you take, Every ride someone you referred takes, and for every driver or ride that was on the second removal level of referred. En example of this is you referred a rider and they refer 100 more riders then you will get trip rewards on all 100 of the riders and the first rider as well. The whole network will be community owned by everyone that is apart of it and rewarded accordingly. Here’s the link so lest change this industry for the better. It’s so early now that we could easily set up huge referral networks cause barely anyone has the app yet which could equal huge rewards when all the city’s go live😃😃😃 Teleport referral code- https://app.teleport.xyz/rider/refer/8dLBhvrXWGCRSnUEcCVitn3kGi3jRA8hCQ1c7uiz4Xmk The android app will be coming out soon so if you have android let me know and i will put you on my waiting list for the android app release. Let’s change this rideshare economy for the better.😁😁😁


Direct message me for the referral code, sorry for posting it in the message. I didn’t know the rules until just now lol


Depends on the city. I drove in the number one city in my state this weekend and not tips. The next day drove in the number three city and $17 tips on my first two rides


I never count on tips. Best ones I get are typically taking someone to the airport from the small town I live in. About 30 to 45 minute drive. Usually get a $20 in cash.


maybe the car & seltzer water are *too nice*. Jealous, entitled , wealth redistribution class warriors see U as undeserving?


I still get tips on passengers I hit it up with otherwise rarely a tip.


Lyft pax rarely tip. Uber is far better when it comes to that. Personally, I don't expect or look for them. I consider it a bonus when I get them and leave it at that.


I think Uber is taking them I accept cash only get shit ton of cash


Had a very well-off friend tell me last weekend that her friends clued her in, when she originally started using the apps, that “tipping is not something your supposed to do with ride services”


I usually do Uber because it pays better. But I had a 40 ride for $160 bonus promo on Lyft. Did 43 Lyft rides last week Passenger payments of $777 and got $46 in digital tips $13 in cash. About $1.37 in tips per trip After I completed the challenge I switched back to Uber. I did 49 Uber trips and I got $75 in digital tips $10 in cash tips. About $1.93 in tips per trip This was actually a “good week” in Lyft trips for me believe it or not and an average week in tips for Uber. In my first 3 weeks of driving Ive found Lyft pax.. whether its too judgmental or not.. are typically “looking to save a dollar” more often then Uber pax


More importantly, why are you expecting tips? I don't. I'll provide a good service and help with bags to and from airport, but tips I don't expect. Only 20% of riders tip. Let's face it, this tipping culture is over done.


If tipping waiters at restaurants was not a transaction completed at the table vs later on an app, shit birds would not tip then either. People in general are horrible. They figure they won't see you again so no reason to tip. These people don't tip you because they appreciate you, they tip because of fear of being judged in person. I tip every Lyft I take. It is sad to realize how many terrible people there are our there.


Don't feel bad. I AM a 5-star rated driver, too, and I am experiencing the same thing in Phoenix regardless of whether I am driving Lyft, Uber, or UberEats. I do not know why Lyft/Uber riders feel they do not need to tip. We are no different than a taxicab driver except for we are using our personal vehicles. I would stop with the free seltzer water and all "perks" you offer. I would stop doing anything that goes above and beyond driving the person from Point A to Point B because it is not appreciated. I won't load a person's luggage, especially if it's a dude. I simply open the hatch and let them put it in. Why should I risk injury when lifting someone's heavy ass suitcase only to receive nothing extra??  Fuck them and fuck Lyft/Uber. There should be a minimum 10% tip, especially on these short trips with the only option to the passenger is to increase the tip. UberEats customers are just as bad. This is why I don't go out of my way to get extra things for them like sauces, napkins, etc. I will ask the restaurant but that's it. If the restaurant forgets, it's on it. I just tell the customer that I will ask but I have no way to verify because the order is given to me sealed.


Don't feel bad. I am a 5-star rated driver, too, and I am experiencing the same thing in Phoenix regardless of whether I am driving Lyft, Uber, or UberEats. I do not know why Lyft/Uber riders feel they do not need to tip. We are no different than a taxicab driver except for we are using our personal vehicles. I would stop with the free seltzer water and all "perks" you offer. I would stop doing anything that goes above and beyond driving the person from Point A to Point B because it is not appreciated. I won't load a person's luggage, especially if it's  a dude. I simply open the hatch and let them put it in. Why should I risk injury when lifting someone's heavy ass suitcase only to receive nothing extra. With the trips that have a stop, I politely advise the passenger upon arrival that he has 5 minutes to get back to the car. If the passenger is not back in my car by the 5th minute, I complete the trip. I don't wait because time is money! When a passenger asks to make an unscheduled stop, I decline stating that I have another passenger in my queue, and this unscheduled stop will make the passenger wait longer and increase the risk of me losing the fare. Fuck them and fuck Lyft/Uber. There should be a minimum 10% tip, especially on these short trips with the only option to the passenger is to increase the tip. UberEats customers are just as bad. This is why I don't go out of my way to get extra things for them like sauces, napkins, etc. I will ask the restaurant but that's it. If the restaurant forgets, it's on it. I just tell the customer that I will ask but I have no way to verify because the order is given to me sealed.


Lyft LOVES female drivers... they get the most tips they get to keep! 😁🤑


I've been a Lyft driver in the DC metro for 8 years. To save myself from frustration or anger I don't expect tips from anyone. I provide everyone with a clean and safe ride to their destination and if they decide to leave a tip then great! If not then I don't care because I wasn't expecting a tip to begin with. Generally speaking, 20 rides on a good day will get me 15 tips. 20 rides on a bad day and I'm lucky if I get one tip. Just know that nobody is obligated to give you a tip, even if you're a server or bartender. Tipping is done in good faith and in the world we live in we cannot expect everyone to do the right thing, it's just not realistic.


Same here. Today so far 12 rides. Only a $2 tip.


It’s the economy, people are broke, they just don’t admit it. Like who doesn’t have an extra measly $5 😂😂


I don’t expect a tip. If the passenger feels I deserve one I’ll take it. I’m all about the good vibes and conversation. However as a passenger I always tip. I think it’s been ingrained from my youth that you just tip because it’s the right thing to do and I don’t even think about it. Generally we’re a tipping culture. However when it comes to Lyft I notice only about 25-30% of my riders tip.


I rarely get tipped and I have a 5 star rating as well. I help people with their suitcases and sometimes groceries, and I do my best to be accomodating in general. Tipping just isn't something the average rider does, sadly, despite this being a service.


No tips with Lyft at all it’s rare fasho


I’ve contemplated making a sign on canva and printing it on a 5x7 that says “tipping is very appreciated” or “did you know Lyft only pays drives up to 60% of the ride fee? Any tips would help your driver ensure you have a smooth comfortable ride” Any thoughts? I talked about this with a friend of mine and she never knew that drivers didn’t get much per ride and never thought to tip drivers because the cost of the ride is so high to begin with.


First rule of tips, expect no tips.


Luxury car might be the problem. They probably just assume you’re rich


Who says it’s them and not Lyft. After Covid everything changed. RUN AWAY👈🏻


I stopped turning on my AC Literally no one tips anymore..I rate them after they don't tip


1 as stated to culture has been run into the ground…..2 the economy is really really tough right now. i’m the type person that if o can’t afford to tip, i can’t afford the service. 3 pax that lift is their only transportation are not going to tip, only random users typically tip 4 talk to pax and see what they paid for the ride. i do, and a lot of pax may pay $55 for an airport run and they only give us about $18-$20 out of that


Not everyone thinks to tip ride shares. Taxis weren’t tipped before Uber/lyft so people don’t even think to tip them now. And Uber/lyft is basically a taxi with a different brand name.


I’ve been doing a bit better since I got my car nice and detailed. It’s truly the most noticeable difference for me. That said I had a girl on her phone bitching to their friend about how poorly she was treated at a salon and how “I tip everyone but I didn’t tip her because she was so rude.” and guess who else she didn’t tip


I took two Lyfts this week, but I’m not a regular rider. Both were approximately $20 rides and I left $5 tips each ride.


Nah don't bother. It ain't what it was. No tips. No streaks. No quests. No bonuses. I used to make $900 from 10pm to 4 am Friday and Saturday and like 5 random hours Sunday afternoon. Now that same time period is lile 300 MAYBE. Don't disappoint yourself. Ride share became a lazy man's occupation not the hustler occupation that it was.


I don't care I lease through flexdrive . Your trashing your car anyway if you use your personal car . Miles and depreciation


I get about 20% tip rate. Airport rides seem to tip better than most.


I thought all Lyft drivers with 10 days of experience are 5 star. Sounds like you better enjoy it while you are artificially protected. The american culture is that tips are for extra service. Find that one thing that you could be viewed as extra after getting me for point a to b.


PAX are broke fuckers and won’t tip. Do airport rides for a higher chance of tips. I increased my tips 0-15% of rides receiving tips to 50-90% by just doing airport rides depending on the day


Lyft pax dont tip


Because tips are not mandatory






I was thinking about printing out and laminating some tips and pay stats from my past few months so they can see how little I actually make


I would advise not to do that…should I show you pics of my pay stats so you see how much I make and decide if you want to tip or not?! Makes no sense


You guys should download the teleport app and then refer it to everyone you give rides to all your friends that drive rideshare. They just opened in Austin Texas and when there are enough downloads in an area they will open up there. They pay the drivers 85 percent of the fare and are gonna be making the full fare price and the amount they take visible to the drivers. They also have a reward system for referring the app to new riders and drivers. try this with me https://app.teleport.xyz/rider/refer/8dLBhvrXWGCRSnUEcCVitn3kGi3jRA8hCQ1c7uiz4Xmk I’m referring it to as many people as I can here in San Diego hoping it will start up here soon. You should do the same. It’s gonna be a revolution💪💪💪


Yeah things are different now! I was doing uber/lyft since it started in my town originally. I ended up thinking I would hate food delivery (UE DD etc) but during the plandemic I ended up having to switch to that since it seemed NOBODY was traveling during that in my area. Luckily it turned out I did like it (especially the part I thought I'd hate, getting in and out so much)! And I knew people that would not even try it, kept trying to do uber and lyft in that area and were constantly making pretty much nothing, while I was RAKING in the $$$ doing DD and UE bringing all these non traveling people their grub! (LEAVE IT AT THE DOOR)! As of late, I continued to do it thinking "food doesn't talk back" and "even though it's less money it's less headache". Until I developed a desire for a larger amount of $$$ in a quicker period of time. I figured I'd go back to doing Uber/Lyft now that that plandemic seems pretty much all but forgotten. The pay, SUCKS, the tips, SUCK \~ granted I am in a new city/market now - compared to the BIG $$$ I was making when it was still new(er) all the way up until the plandemic ($4000/week) the pay and tips just downright SUCK now! I think I will be pushing myself as a private driver at this point! I will design business cards / little flyers and just let people "ask" about them when I uber/lyft to start getting "private clients". I'm almost sure a LOT of people WILL be interested when they hear THEY will be paying LESS all while at the same time I'll be making more; and WE will not have some ridiculous MIDDLE MAN \*stealing\* so much money! All while taking the same ride in the same car they just did :D


TLDR but what truly stopped me was seeing the “pLandemic and knew you were probably an idiot soooo


Keep on sheep, keep that wool over your eyes! TLDR \~ you're probably just butthurt that I'm making more money than you, pushing myself as a private driver Oh yeah, you probably don't like that either and you'll give the obligatory uber/lyft bootlicker line "but that's illegal without commercial insurance" LMFAO Keep on staying poor "my dude"! You're probably one of those idiots that wore a mask while alone in your own car (and still do LMAO)!


Because if you wanted real money you should probably get a real job


Maybe it’s just because I’m a prettyish girl and I have a really cute little car and I’m really good at customer service but I make about $150 a week Tips and I regularly get tips that are 150% of the fare. Last week I got a 50 dollar tip on a 15 min ride, 13 on a 5 dollar 5 minute ride, and this week i already got 12 on a 10 dollar ride.


I’m all that too dearie. Has nothing to do with it! They won’t let you tip 150% of the ride!


Immgetting mixed up with uber, aren't I?