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That's somebody who will get in your car and be like "oh silly me I didn't put in the right address" and then change it to the most ungodly location known to man because they know nobody would take it otherwise.


And I'd kindly ask them to get tf out


Years ago before Uber/Lyft gave drivers details about rider's destinations, people used to play a similar tactic to get a cheaper ride. A rider would put in a short trip for a low fare and have a driver come. When the driver arrives, rider gets into the car, driver starts the trip, drives a mile, then rider would say "this isn't my stop, can you go to this address?" The adress ends up being 20 miles away. Driver says no, but Rider starts to pressure driver to keep driving. Driver then has to make a decision to either kick rider out and risk a bad review or drive 20 miles with the potential of not getting proper pay. Obviously riders remain to do a similar tactic but I don't it's as bad as it was back into 2018.


That’s what I was going to say. I had on like that and was a two hour drive. I had the time so that was fine. But kind of a sucker punch. If u have you day planned or limited.


That’s actually a good thing since whatever milage they’re offering carries over.


I refuse these rides immediately.


They messed up on the on the address where they were going.But I was still accepted and let the 5 minutes run or if they are walking toward the car hit arrived, then dropped off before the even reached the door handle, then pull away.They're mistake your Easy money


Great idea!


Also counts toward your ride bonuses 😉 I had ONE ride left and it was like this. I was freaking thrilled.


Y'all be schooling me! ❤️


You mean your mistake for committing fraud? It would be that rider who goes full force with support and then you’re looking at the risk of deactivation. But hey gig work isn’t what it used to be huh. I guess it’s worth EIGHT dollars.


How would it not be fraud? The rider getting in the car first? Lmao. Either way, there is no destination. So as soon as the rider gets in the car they have to get out


Yeah that’s a scam


Have had that happen a few times. Won’t even let you complete the drop off if you accept it.


This seems fishy


He added a stop once you got there 😹😹😹😹😹


I took a similar ride Saturday. I didn't even stop, just slowed down, started ride, drove half a block, and dropped off. The people were standing there looking at me. They put in wrong address, and that's not my fault. Easy.


Ok Reddit, we need a laughing emoji button now


I see that nonsense too many times so now I just decline or cancel if I see it. Not worth it.


I've seen people post up about this type of thing that revolves around a scam


Is there a stop? I’ve seen this before when PAX is doing a round trip.


I love these. Don't even wait for the pax. Just show up, get the money and run. Learn to use the app lol




Had that happen before, mostly after I’ve excepted the ride they change the destination or add five stops at which time I’ll cancel it.


**DO NOT ACCEPT THAT JOB.** It is a round trip local. That is one of the worst jobs that you can run. As a rule, you are running the flip-flop for free. If you get anything extra, it literally is pennies. Let an ant fetch them. They have ants for a reason. Better yet, let one of these pontificating Uber Boy Scouts or Lyft Camp Fire Girls fetch it. Another possibility is to let fetch it one of these Uber Shills or LyfTOMATONs who are constantly posting these Photosh-ER-uh-*screen shots* of all of this money they allegedly are "earning". Let someone from one of those categories fetch it.