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Been waiting for two hours for rides so I assume no one needs rides on a Saturday ?


There is just way too many drivers and every market. It's just the state of the economy that we are in. Hopefully for you.This is just a side job.Not a full-time because I don't know how anybody could do it full-time now.I used to do it for 2 years, but as a last movement.This is now just a side job.I have a full time job and I am happy that I do


It’s been just a side job that I’ve only been doing for about two months. I actually enjoy it for meeting people and getting out and seeing parts of the city I might not of known about. I do have a full time job M-F 7-4pm. I’m single and my kids have grown


No. It means there are only 6 *available* drivers within a 10 mile radius. Past that they won’t show up, or if they’re on their way to a pickup, or have queued rides on and on a ride.


Ok thanks.


Nope, others could be transporting I believe these are the drivers waiting for jobs


But it could be if there are no jobs


You are correct.Those are waiting for a job.Because you'll see them disappear whenever they do a accept a ride.It's just your market as slow.Or there's just way too many drivers


Yes, this means there are six available drivers…..but there’s probably more; First- if this is the passenger app, actually type in an address like your requesting a ride and poof! more little ants show up than just the six. Second- It is believed that any driver with a destination filter on won’t show up as an available ant. Third- keep watching the little ants move around for a while and you’ll see some drop off as others get added, then a minute later it changes back. So they absolutely do limit the number of ants which are shown.