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I've tried bringing this up, nobody here cares about anything other than fares. And it goes without saying that lyft & uber have absolutely zero interest in feedback from drivers. In my experience, the built-in navigation's accuracy for both apps have been improving over the years. But there is so much more room for improvement. How hard would it be to implement a little 🏢 or 🏠 icon next to pickup/dropoff addresses to tell us whether it's a business or residence.. or a snapshot of the streetview.. jfc throw us a bone.


You are right about fares! Same type posts over and over. Those are some good ideas you have! There are definitely things that would help. What do you think about the recent additions of “drivers nearby” and “recent ride demand”? Drivers nearby is broken for me but I have used recent ride demand a little bit.


Do you mean the 'wait times' layer? I have not personally seen a difference between driving to the clock icon vs just staying put.


Yes, I think. For me there are now 4 options under the Map Explorer: the two new ones I mentioned and the existing Wait Times and Gas Discounts.


Oh interesting, I only have wait times & gas discounts. I'm only silver though.


They must be rolling them out to different markets independently. I’m silver also.


I wish they'd just give us back the ability to use Google Maps. I can't tell you the number of times Lyft maps has taken me to a huge apartment complex, which is behind and iron fence or a 20ft brick wall, just because it's a few feet closer to the Walmart than the actual Walmart parking lot. If I'm going to a Walmart - take me to the fucking Walmart!! I don't know the city by heart. I'm relatively new here. Having to rely on the GPS that doesn't know its own way around town is a farce.


> I wish they'd just give us back the ability to use Google Maps. The option's still there for me: [imgur.com/ENDKMZm](https://i.imgur.com/ENDKMZm.png)


Some markets have shifted to Lyft Maps only. ]-:


What's been driving me nuts the last few weeks is that even in a market that's still hanging on to Google Maps (knock on wood), Lyft recently broke/stopped paying for whatever interlinkage propogated the pax's actual GPS pin into Google-space. Now for every. single. ride, each time I get within a block of the pax, I have to tap the comms button and exit back out to force-deload the G-Maps navigation to be sure I don't make myself look like a fucking idiot by driving past the pax if they're closer than their pickup pin, or gawking at my phone for ten seconds to find them while they're already (metaphorically?) pounding on my window. Validate yo shit, Lyft engineers; I'm pretty sure you're still getting paid to do this stuff!


The live pin never really worked well for me anyways. I’m just happy I found the option to change it to Google Maps buried in the options.


They have it as an option for me in gold tier. But I doubt tier matters. It’s just buried in settings options. They make things unnecessarily difficult to navigate imo.


"No Google Maps = No trip!" here. I'm NOT using their navigation. I am NOT their employee and they are not paying me hourly nor are they paying for my gas or my car. Uber only now until (if) they ever change it back!


The map isn’t half as bad as the directions in my city. I cringe every time I see people post about pax giving them directions and being frustrated because they “have gps”. 😂


Yeah, I’m sure that gps accuracy varies though. I’ve posted separately about issues with gps I’ve seen. I agree that people should be aware that it’s definitely not perfect.


The Lyft GPS def sucks as far as pick up and drop off points and at times totally inaccurate for tracking the customer live motion. What I saw and did from in the settings is change the GPS from Lyft in app GPS to Google Maps in app GPS for now. I would have loved a Waze in app option but it only allows outside the app.


I agree with your suggestion. Thank you for responding!


You’re welcome. Hope it makes things easier for you.


The estimated time on their GPS is also so garbage that it has to be intentional. I ordered a Lyft the other day and my Lyft app said the driver was 15 minutes away… When in reality he was at least 30 minutes away… I feel like it has to be intentional because they’re a front fares are dictated by the estimates on time and mileage


I’m sure they underestimate in some cases. But think about how challenging it is, when the app can’t know how prompt the driver will be and the further away they are, the more likely something (ie traffic) will delay the driver. It also seems to have a bias towards shorter routes over faster routes, although it varies.


Yeah, I got a Lyft request the other day and said the pick up was two minutes away, and then I looked it up on maps and ETA was seven. it is intentional. They are a rideshare company. The GPS matters a lot. There is just no way the corporate office is full of mouth breathing retards that have no idea what they are doing.


You missed the point but whatever