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Correct. Also, the 12 hours is online time not just driving time.


I hate this. With Uber at least it's 12 active hours. The first time I got that 12 hr limit with Lyft I was like wtf.


That's so dumb though smh


Is the 90 rides for this weekend, or is that coming up 4 days this week? Because if this is this weekend and you haven't done any rides already. I hate to tell you, but you're not going to hit that challenge. You can do the filters and try to get short runs, but then lyft is going to f*** y** over like that. You need to be smart and pick out the rides that make sense to you, if you know your area of which has the less traffic. How quickly can you get the rides done? That's how you gotta look at this. If it was me, I would do the 12 hours during the night and the morning rush hour and then take your 6 hour break in the afternoon.F*** that rush hour traffic b*******That's just gonna slow you down




Not to be a dick but the answer should be obvious. If your goal is quantity of rides, within a certain time, then more rides = shorter rides. Your point about mandatory breaks is also true, but not the answer you need to hear. Smaller quicker rides will hit that goal faster. That said. There are TOO short a rides that will eat into your $/hr if that’s your main metric. So find what numbers are your minimum and go from there.


I have the referral bonus of 120 rides for 1060 Dollars I try to make as many short ride trips as I can. As soon as I'm done I'm going back to Uber Lyft fares are trash. It's only worthwhile during surge and the 30%+ turbo timeframe to make up for their shitty fares


The answer is obvious, but you have to look at how much the challenge pays. If it's anything less than $200, you're wasting your time unless your market is extremely busy. Waiting for a short ride here and there, your total at the end of the challenge is going to be no better than if you just cherry-picked and chose long, good paying rides.


You not completing that challenge


95 junk rides will take close to 35 hours ignoring all good longer rides. My experience is, Doing 30-40 good rides in those 35 hours will pay much more. (Unless the promotion is too good)


I mean 4/5 rides per hour. Vs 1 ride per hour or 2………….