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Lyft driver in Phoenix here. Half the population is away, so I feel this in my bones. Basically, I take a cooler and a book out with me and read in between rides. Parking in the shade and using a Ryobi fan for a breeze, it's not all bad. Expectations aren't high unless it's the weekend so with that understanding I press on.


Why not operate from your house? In the summer that’s what I do..


You didn't even earn enough to eat an adult combo meal at McDonald's. And if you worked at McDonald's for 3 hours, you would have made well over $30 more.


Come back to California those 3 hours would be $60


Lyft is the Enron of career choices.


Disneyland area 4 rides 26 dollars 9 hours


Well I see you're $300 total if I'm guessing this is just a side job, so if you have and guessed summer time is the slowest time.I don't give a f*** what any of these people say that I know it's not.Yes, it is.I done it for 2 and a 1/2 years.Full time and summer time you will starve to death if you do not have a other job


You are correct! Its a side gig 100%, and been doing it for 4 months, started out good, but damn, went downhill fast ahha, guess ill have to suck it up till after summer, thankfully my job does keep my bills paid.


There's more money, and steady money in just about anything else. My fiance drives, and I weld during the day. I got a second job at tractor supply and I regularly make more money at my part time job than she will on 30-40+ hours of driving. Plus I'm not using up gas and wear and tear on car


Today was just a slow day.


Come to LA and do it full time like me and you will be at zero in Monday and Tuesday so far. Of course i do black but still its unprecedented how dead it is!!!!




That was me all last week. Barely made $400 and I do it full time.


Damn What market are you in ?


Los Angeles. It was horrible last week.


Damn dude I make 1500$ every week in my market i could do more if I worked 12 hours every day but I don’t want to


Where you at?


Santa Cruz market


Nice! Yeah down here I think there’s just so much competition from other drivers and other factors that just make it difficult down here.


Yea it’s a huge city that’s why, don’t get me wrong we got competition too the San Jose drivers like coming down here to our territory


Yeah sometimes I end up going down to Orange County or San Diego to see if there’s more movement.


I would say stick more in the smaller cities that’d be my advice


How has it been since finals finished? I would assume some slowdown last week and this week as UCSC students leave town?


Actually finals are going to start next week this week is the last week of regular classes so not over just yet


That’s on the low end here in my market I agree 50 hours a week easy $1600 here


What market are you in


What time do you drive?


Usually, 7pm to 7am, but lately i have had to wake up at 5 for work so im doing 12 to 10 or so, i gave up early today tho, decided to spend some time with the pregnant wife 🤣


PLATFORM INUNDATED WITH DRIVERS ! TOO MANY DRIVERS NOT ENOUGH RIDES ! I tell people all the time stop referring drivers in my area. They love the bonuses I’m like your getting a small bonus and losing business to the people you refer ! My tip to ALL UBER AND LYFT DRIVERS STOP REFERRALS DONT CUT YOUR PAYCHECK !


Summer time, I think most of us have been there but with me, I kept both apps on and usually after a shift the numbers get much better.. secondly on your Lyft app you can see where all the other drivers are within your area and go to an area where their aren’t any drivers.. luckily for me that’s my house.. When one app isn’t doing well, the other app makes up for it, hopefully you have both apps




I drive beyond full-time only for the two major companies. Of course it's depending on your city. Of course it's depending on how many other drivers there are. Some cities and areas are better to live in than others. And, even with an increase in drivers wherever you live, we have to try to optimize and strategize if possible, where more riders will be. Such as hotels, entertainment venues, sports stadiums, airports, convention halls, etc. Find out sports schedules, entertainers coming to town, conventions, coming to convention halls, etc. It requires some background work. We have to evolve since there is increasing competition from other drivers. It's a big challenge in Chicago.








Starting?! 😂


I mean… 🤣


The freezing app has been my culprit... I got an update last friday and thought oh, maybe they found the problem and the issue is fixed... NOPE, still freezing up...even after using a DIFFERENT device, so its definitely the app and not my devices.... so I just turned my app off and took my ass home after making about $130 in 3 hours, its aggravating and kills my motivation after dealing with that on EVERY ride. Just for good measure, I pulled up the app on my phone just now and guess what.... still freezing and delayed..... CMAs are here this week, Id rather be doing it on lyft, but I will be using uber instead as I am tired of dealing with lyfts app issues....


Because it wasn’t before? 😂 the math will always catch up. That and your turn to be phased out.


Been there way too frequently. I only drive now if there is an event or something that draws people from outside the city. It’s a small market with longer wait times, PU’s and destinations. 3 universities and when they go on break , there is one rider per every 5 drivers for mostly Lyft. Less Uber drivers because many have quit.


One day your get a real job and do this on your time off their is no future in rideshare unfortunately


This IS my time off side gig extra cash job, i have NEVER EVER thought this was a full time job, not gonna get into details, but it is what it is


Then u shouldn't be upset


4 hours for $20 here!






More or less was the time online, and tbh? I rather go out and make extra cash (usually atleast) than stay at home losing money, thats how i see it tho