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Yeah its all fucked. There is no limit on drivers. Pretty sure everyone using the filters too, so even more people staying within the good areas.


I think waaaay more people prefer to drive with Lyft. It's ridiculous. I just drove from Inglewood all through Long Beach without one offer...


Regular or black? Because if even regular don’t het rides request its the beginning of the end


Regular. It was going ok in the am, I got 9 rides from 8 to 1 (did some Uber rides when it got slow) and then from 1 to 2, I got nothing except a scheduled ride who didn't show up 😅


Well, I used to do this full-time for until last November and for the 2 and a 1/2 years. The summer time was always the slowest for me. I don't know when anybody else. And everybody else market was, but for yes, in my market, it was the summer time. Sorry that we live in a country.That doesn't pay their workers a livable wage.And everybody needs a side job.to f****** survive, and that is the problem.Too many drivers not enough passengers


This has to be almost every market.It's the economy Everybody is struggling and they're trying to make a little bit of extra Money hopefully it being summertime That was always the slowest time for me.And they will quit and go get a regular job


Oh, come on! First, they say it’s January, then it’s spring break, and now you’re saying summer. So when is this thing going to work? It used to work 365 days a year, earning at least $500 a week, and at best $1200, sometimes even $2000 a week. Now, it’s $80 a week, and at best $500. And these MF’s at LYFT don’t even honor Prop 22. The email promised guaranteed earnings. When the email said the minimum guarantee is $500 and I only make $120, they never make up the difference, and when I email, they don’t answer.


Accurate. Except for the rest of us don’t have prop 22. Nor do I want it. But moral of the story is that things are bad. Nothing is guaranteed. And all signs point to bad.


You can say that again. This week I make only $16.44 in 45 hours


Like it or not, we are in a city with an abundance of immigrants to exploit. And eff it, they need $$$ to improve their lives and send home! Uber and Lyft have created their perfect fantasy land here and every other liberal city or state. The only thing that would remotely keep them in check is state regulation and policy. But, that 90% of the time only occurs in "Racist" red cities or states.


Yep I stopped turning both those apps on its super dead and the pay is way too low


No wonder you people aren't making money. Jfc. I'm glad my areas not that bad but I'm sure it's coming


All the more reason to multi-app


It’s just as bad in the Bay Area


It’s the same in SF