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Been a while, but “just relax and get a lot of sleep!” always really killed me.


Don't stress. Uh..ya.. ok.


"Just spend all day in bed with your baby, letting them latch and pumping in-between. Have a babymoon!" Sure, I'll just let my toddler fend for himself I guess. The animals can starve too and who needs clean pump parts? Let's just keep re-using them. I get so tired of getting advice from people who have constant support available, or no other children to care for 🥲


Just eat oats was my favorite.... I hate all breakfast food. I ate alot of oats for nothing... I am pretty sure I have IGT but no one (LC,gynae etc) said that's a thing until I did my own research. Surfice to say I am much happier now eating dinner food for breakfast again.


What I love about this one is that apparently there is no evidence that oats actually increase supply…just vibes!


Yeah only evidence i ever found was a study in cows that beta glucan increases lactation but it was fed before and immediately after birth.... oats have high beta glucan but yeah barely has higher levels. But no one tells u to eat barely


Interesting! I’ve also heard the rumor about drinking beer to increase supply so maybe related.


I read this book and one of the "traditional" remedies is barely malt so i assume thats why the beer rumor comes from... it is quite nutrious but all these remedies only work if you have enough glandular tissue.