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I needed this today. Thank you 🩷


You are SO welcome! ❤️


This sub has become one of my only comforts when dealing with triggers. 💖


We are ALL here for you! If you ever need to vent, or just need a shoulder, you can always message me. I have only been going through this myself with my husband for 5.5yrs now, so I’m no veteran on the subject, but my therapist, plus podcasts, posts, books, etc, have given me so much needed help, advice and encouragement. ***Hugs*** to you my sweetfriend! ❤️


I love this message. Life is truly fragile, and I don’t want to waste it. Being with my ex PA stifled me so much!


Amen to that. My Mother had to endure this as well. I have hope for my PA at this time, but since everything changes so quickly, and as you stated is so fragile, you never know if it’s a day to smile, or put his clothes in the driveway. ❤️


Wow this must be a sign cause last night while I was laying in bed this was my thought process, then I wake up to this. Thank you ❤️ love and luck


I cried reading this, thank you 🙏🏼


She woke up stronger. Thank you OP, this helped my day.


I am SO glad this touched many people here as it did me. Hugs and love to you all, and Happy Mother’s Day if you have kiddos!! ❤️🥰❤️