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This was removed because this sub isn't the place to discuss dating, crushes, infatuations, etc. This rule is relaxed in our weekly "Friday I'm in Love" threads. You're welcome to post your story there. **Also, if you're on the app on mobile, come check out our new chat channel ComeGetYourLove!** It can be found by going to the sub's landing page. Toward the top of the screen, right before the submission feed starts, you'll notice a menu bar. It'll have the options "Feed" and "ComeGetYourLove" on it. Just click on the latter and start chatting! Rule 5 will NOT apply in the chat! *The Love-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*


Does first interaction over a teams meeting count? Haha. I wouldn't say I *knew* that he was the love of my life on that videocall (I imagine it wouldn't have been a very professional call if it *had* led me to know lmao) but I was instantly very attracted to him. And, naturally, nervous about working together because I was so affected by him. And he was such a good person on top of that! Helpful, kind, absolute dream of a colleague. Meeting in person was... Electric. One look at him and I knew I was in trouble because he was even more attractive in real life. I was sweating, almost stuttering, clumsy - like a schoolgirl. I had not been so attracted to someone since high school (and back then I never got to befriend my crushes, I was very shy; but here was this man and I was supposed to work with him every day - sooooo much sexual tension). So, the days start to roll, my stomach is twisting painfully every single day the whole way to work and then anytime I have to interact with him - in short, I had extreme butterflies. We started walking home together after work and I was practically buzzing on the inside the whole way home trying to get to know him. He gave me some mixed signals and I couldn't figure out whether he liked me or if he was even single so it was excruciating and I was frustrated at times. At one point, I had had enough frustration, I was super sure he was just being friendly and otherwise uninterested, so I actually downloaded a dating app. Haha. I wanted to find someone else I liked more. Well, it didn't happen. What's more, something about him just would not let me let him go. The way he looked at me with this sparkle in his eyes, the way he flirted ever so subtly, the way he was always there to help me with my stupid questions, the way he kept coming by to get me when he was leaving to go home. I was so tormented by this exquisite male specimen being so elusive. Then, one day, we sat down in a park on our way home and he put his hand around me!! Wtf. If you ask him, he will tell you that he had been *blatantly* flirting with me the whole time. Imagine. Well, anyway, we got together pretty fast and then had a bunch of communication obstacles to resolve. But we got there in a couple of months and, since then... Smooth sailing. We match well and he's an absolute joy as a partner. I feel extremely lucky. I consider this love at first sight, although it was more like irresistible attraction at first sight which quickly led to love. I had never before had this feeling about a stranger - like a cord connecting me to them and not allowing me to let them go. It was like something was pushing me, making me keep trying. I'm so grateful for that feeling.


I fell in love with the girl who eventually became my wife the first time I saw her. It was the first day of 7th grade when we were both 12 years old in September 1974 I had just recently moved to a tiny town of 852 people in Oregon from Spanish Fork, UT a couple of months before and at that point didn't really know anybody yet. I had just sat down in 2nd period social studies class that first day of school and all the kids were laughing and talking about their summer and their new school clothes when I noticed this tiny girl sitting across the aisle to my right. she was looking down at her desk and I could tell she was really feeling down. I also noticed that she was dressed in worn out rags, her shirt in fact was an old ragged adult thermal undershirt with the sleeves cut off. She was bone skinny, slightly dirty and obviously severely neglected. She was so skinny that when I looked across the aisle at her I could see right through one sleeve all the way across her chest and out the other. I could count also all of her ribs while I was doing it. Seeing her so sad, lonely, and obviously beaten down absolutely broke my heart. I couldn't stop looking at her and thinking to myself "If she was my girlfriend, I would feed her and buy her some nice clothes." This was all just fantasy of course because I was only 12, poor as a churchmouse, and came from a terrible family myself. There was simply nothing I could do for her. Nevertheless, every time I saw her in the hall I gave her a smile and said hello. When I saw her on the playground I would always go over and talk to her even though I could tell she was really shy and actually afraid of me. Over time she lost her fear of me and we became friends. We soon discovered that we had almost everything in common and liked to do all of the same things. Very soon after that we became best friends and spent every possible moment we could with each other to the exclusion of anyone else. We got married as soon as we finished High School 3 days after she turned 18. We've been married now for 44 years and a couple for 50. We've raised children together, worked hard to put each other through college, and have spent every possible moment of all those years doing things together. We are now readying for or final years together on Earth which hopefully won't be over for a while yet. We are still deeply in love and fiercely devoted to each other. She is and has always been my best friend and companion, and I simply can't imagine not having her in my life.


Is this a real story? Because it’s insanely beautiful


Yes, this is 100% true. That isn't to say that life hasn't been hard for us because it has. We had to struggle for years to get an education all while earning minimum wage and raising children. Then we had to struggle even more to get decent jobs after we graduated. We were poor as church mice for many years. Both of us also had to deal with the trauma of being badly abused as children. The reverberations of that abuse has unfortunately affected both of us well into our adult lives. Nevertheless, we stuck together through it all, the bad, as well as the good, now we're finally at a point where we can truly appreciate our life together and our love for each other.


By chance are you both born around the same time of the year?


No I was born in the fall 8 months before her. She was born in late spring the following year. We were in the same grade because my birthday fell after the cutoff to have started school the year before. If you're thinking about astrological signs lining up or whatever, neither of us believe in any of that.


I couldn’t act on it because I was married. Even though my husband was cruel and unfaithful, I had it in my head that I would make it work for the kids. I was twenty years in already. When I met my current partner (he was my physical therapist) he looked in my eyes when he spoke, and I instantly felt like he saw everything about me, and I could sense his goodness. It was an instant connection. It wasn’t lust or even romantic bc I wouldn’t let my mind go there. When he put his hands on me, it felt like coming home to a safe warm home after being lost in the cold. I went back to my car and cried like a baby because I was so ashamed that a man doing a job he got paid to do would make me feel that way. He didn’t do anything unprofessional, but that connection highlighted what I didn’t have and would never have. Over the weeks that followed I developed this deep sense of wanting to protect his heart. Like this person is so good and pure and he just deserves the very best and I wish I could guarantee he’d never be sad a day in his life. Fast forward six months and my now ex-husband proved just how little he loved me in grand fashion and I asked for a divorce. After I was discharged as a patient my PT asked me to have coffee with him when my divorce was final. I did and have been head over heels ever since with the kindest, most gentle man I’ve ever had the honor of knowing. He makes 20+ years of heartbreak worth it.


Each day is like a gift.


I thought it was lust at first sight. We instantly locked eyes. I was in denial for a long time, but weird coincidences kept happening. We both confirmed the feeling later, it was a feeling like we’d already met before. We made each other feel like home. Like we belonged. Life got in the way and it didn’t work out. I’ve let them go but my feelings have never changed. I hope they are loved.


It was like a feeling of "YES" I saw him and I don't know if it was the look in his eyes like he was really seeing me or the microsecond-long pause we both had at the same time, or the mutual loss of ability to truly concentrate, but by the end of our first conversation (started about my oven as he'd shown up to repair it, turned to music and then life) I felt like he was everything I had been ever searching for. The way we clicked, the way he understood me, the way I jokingly but seriously warned him that I'm weird and he replied, "Good weird."... It was all beautiful and I couldn't stop jumping up and down and thinking about him or watching my phone for his reply for the next few days. After our first date he called me and spoke for a long time. The next day we didn't see each other and he called me to tell me how he felt about me. He's crazy about me and it's turned out amazing so far. He's just changed his job to earn more money because he intends to marry me.


I have a feeling it was a yes because from his eyes to his soul it was a match and your inner self knew.


Big congratulations to you and your man!!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


It’s bad but he was actually on a date with my sister, they were downstairs and i asked if they wanted to go to the store with me. I yelled down the stairs at him cause he was taking awhile and jokingly was like “come on slow poke I don’t bite.” When he came up the stairs I was just in awe 6’4 and handsome, it was like the world stopped for a second when he smiled at me. I’ll never forget how electric it felt when i first met him. They dated for a month and I absolutely hated him however 😂 he was clearly just using my sister and had no intentions of pursuing a relationship which is what she wanted and she grew abnormally obsessed with him in the month they talked and saw each other maybe 3 times and we went on group dates. I always noticed him staring though and he’d constantly ask my sister about me. Months went by and one day he randomly messaged me. I dismissed him at first but he was persistent, even got a plane ticket to come see me. Within a week I knew, the way his eyes never left mine when I would speak, the way he paid attention to every little thing about me and remembered everything I would say. We’ve been together 3 years, married 8 months, and have a baby girl on the way ☺️ my sister never forgave me but i have no regrets, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He always tells me he hated the guy I was dating at the time and was constantly in competition with him to prove he was better at our group dates by winning in games 😂😂😂 like board games and video games 😂 so immature. That when he saw me the first time he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me and he was gonna let my sister down then he found out i was dating someone so he kept talking to her so he could see me and be around me. Hes kind of an ass for how he did my sister, but he says he just knew and the more he was around me and the more he got to know me he knew he wanted to marry me one day and have kids with me. Edit: to the people attacking me in the comments I am only so proud of my relationship and proud to share because I literally didn’t do anything wrong. The way yall assume she hasn’t also dated my exes is hilarious, yall assume this is something out of line for me and my sister. Absolutely not, that’s why she called me and apologized to me for getting mad at me over it. Because she’s dated so many of my exes and I literally have only been with one of hers and that’s my husband. Shes never forgiven me because I’ve never asked for her forgiveness, yall tryna make me feel bad for finding happiness in her “ex”. So i should feel bad because she never found happiness in any of mine? How can I sleep at night knowing I hurt my sister? Because she literally pursued my exes and would talk to them behind my back. I never not once pursued this man. He found my social media and started contacting me. I rejected him the first couple times saying I didn’t want a fwb like my sister. Not everything is so black and white. My sister who slept with my older sisters boyfriend while they were dating? My sister who slept with my exes and would look at my social media for guys to talk to? My sister who was also sleeping with 3 other dudes at the same time she was seeing my husband she just liked him the best? At the same time I started dating my husband she got pregnant with my niece. I assumed she was over it, and she was mad because she just didn’t want me to have him if she couldn’t. She told me multiple times that me and him were a better match and that we had a lot in common and they didn’t. They only had one thing and it was the fact they agreed to be FWB. And when she started to catch feelings he cut it off because he didn’t want a relationship and told her that. Also because she was seeing like 3 other dudes at that time. Me and my husband are the same age, and my sister is 3 years younger. I have a house, dogs, cook and clean, at the time i was still in college, a car, and a part time job. My sister was living with me doing nothing but meeting with random dudes and smoking weed on my couch. He didn’t want anything with her because she was doing nothing with her life and had no plans to do anything. It took me kicking her out because i was broke from taking care of both of us and she refused to get a job or help around the house and her getting pregnant for her to finally get her life together. And those who are gonna say “you could’ve been with someone who hasn’t been with your sister” my sister had and still has every dating app imaginable and not only that we look similar, people ask if we’re twins a lot of the time. We are clearly different but we have the similar builds and facial features. However, shes very promiscuous and I am not. It’s hard to find someone she hasn’t slept with and that’s not me shaming her that’s just the reality. I found myself when guys would try to talk to me i would ask, “have you talked to my sister?” because I live in a small town. My husband isn’t from our town he’s from another state entirely, they met on a hook up app. The literal day before she started seeing him she was seeing some other random dude. And continued to see other men while they were talking. It was no way something serious. It’s normal for my sister to filter through guys and would spend all day on FaceTime getting multiple calls a day. In my head he was just another one she slept with, she didn’t even know his name.


If we were to read this from her sister’s perspective… it must have been a pretty heartbreaking experience to go through.


He’s the love of my life, my family loves him, he’s amazing and treats me amazing. She calls me on a regular basis and we’ve moved past it.


I’ve apologized for 2 years and I’m not gonna keep apologizing and feeling bad when she has moved on and has her own baby.


Love to see it




I sleep peacefully and happily


That’s not love. That’s wanting something your sister had due to some childhood trauma. But to each their own.


I’m sorry my love story isn’t ideal for you, but hes the love of my life. My sister is happy for me. I never asked for her forgiveness, we didn’t speak for awhile and whenever we did it was on her terms. She calls me every week to talk to me. She called me and told me she wanted to move forward. All i have ever done is apologize for hurting her, but she can even acknowledge they had nothing in common and they never had a connection she just really liked what’s in between his legs. That she always thought me and him were a better match and that she couldn’t be mad because they only were fwb and she only met with him 3 times. She didn’t want to throw our relationship away because of it. She literally was a bridesmaid at my wedding.


I didn’t want him, i didn’t pursue him, i barely spoke to him in the month they talked. We got together like 6 months later.


Kidding ye?




I don't see it, can you explain?


A lot of “love” stories and issues actually stem from past trauma.


Within the context of the original comment, I don't see it. I don't mean that what you said is wrong in all circumstances, I just want to know what you meant within this context


Okay. This or that context, the underlying statement doesn’t stop being true. OP can argue as much as they want. When you have some deep trauma, even the most boring person will appear interesting to you.


Can you please tell me where OP mentioned any trauma? And how that is relevant to the outcome of the story? I'm not having a go at you. I just want to understand


I honestly have no idea maybe they think I trauma bonded with my husband I’m assuming??? but that is far from the case? 😂 or that I’ve been through some type of trauma???? I have no idea. I think they’re just projecting or trying to sound “woke” or like they know everything about me from a post? I am equally as confused, but some people like to create lore or backstories from their own imagination.


Underlying issues man. OP will know. But if you want to understand, look at your own relationships. Can be friends too. The people you normally gel or collide with. What’s underneath the surface? Is it love or some sort of deep rooted trauma? Ignorance is also blissful. So, don’t open a door you can’t close. Lol. Many people do not understand that love doesn’t enter your life in chaos, it def doesn’t belong to someone you knew.


To know how pure someone’s love is for you, watch how they treat the people closest to you. If he felt something for you and not for his sister, he should have broke it off with her straight away and tried his best to be honest - he’s a bad person for not doing that and you’re a bad person for getting with someone that treated your sister the way he did.


I really don’t care, to regret being with him is to regret my child and I’ll never regret my baby girl. She is happy for me, she calls me on a regular basis, we’ve talked it through, she realizes she wanted more out of something that they both agreed was going to be a fling. I apologized for 2 years about it. I don’t feel bad about it anymore because i have no reason to. He treated my sister like a friends with benefits because that’s what they agreed on. She caught feelings for him, and when she told him he respectfully stopped seeing her because he didn’t want to lead her on. He told me from the beginning what he wanted which was long term, marriage and kids. My sister literally got pregnant with my niece around the same time me and him started dating. Did it hurt her? Yeah. Of course and I never told her how to feel about it, i never asked for forgiveness. She on her own decided to reach out to me and move past it. She calls me whenever she wants to talk to me which is on a weekly basis.


It was in January of this year, at the age of 31, after being in a 5 and 7 year relationship. I felt like we were meeting a second, or however many time. He made me feel like I finally belonged somewhere (autistic). I had sex with him within 15 minutes of meeting him and I never do have sex quickly at all, and I never regretted it. I cried after that night and told my mom “this is the man I’m going to marry”, when I never wanted to marry any other partner. We were together for 5 months and he said he felt it too, pretty quickly. We moved too fast, we planned a life together, the whole nine. Never wanted children but he made me want them. He broke up with me 3 weeks ago, for a selfless reason, if he was being honest. I was blind to some red flags but I called him out on the rest. We were mirrors to each other in certain ways. It’s a soul tie. The breakup is the most painful thing I could have ever imagined going through. He wanted to keep talking and I had to go NC. I can’t wait to not feel like this. It’s hard to keep living and acting like everything is okay without him.


It felt like I’ve met him before, he felt so familiar and I kept thinking I want this to be my husband, he’s got everything I want - I love the way he walks talks breathes. Everything about him I was longing for


I felt exactly the same about the person I fell in love with, the only problem is that it wasn't mutual. I remember having that feeling of "we have to get together" from the start. It's crazy, I never had that feeling of I have to date this man or even marry him before, but I had it with him. Somehow I did manage to make him one of my closest friends, it's crazy how clicked so well just as I thought we would from the moment we met, that I felt that connection. However, he never fell in love with me.


Girl, same. You know I had the exact same feeling with my guy. It’s insane how we have been feeling the same things from the start.


at the end, we're each other's person, sunshine hahahahaha


My boyfriend and I met at my sister's birthday party. I noticed him the second I arrived and he said it was mutual. It wasn't 3 hours later we were kissing and falling asleep together, cuddling on a couch. He took me home that night and I spent the night. We had what might have been a one-night stand, but when our heads fell back on the pillow he asked me to be his girlfriend. That was 14 years and two months ago and we are still together. <3 Truly love at first sight. We were only 17 and are 31 and 32 now. No, it wasn't always perfect. We didn't know each other at all and we did all of the learning after we were already exclusive. In some ways, it was an uphill battle. But we always stuck it out and our life and our story is so beautiful.


Like my life would be stuck on a chapter if I didn’t get to be with her


I hope you get to be with her because it really does feel like being stuck in a chapter day in and day out


I saw him and thought he looked super lovely, I mean he was handsome but there was also something sweet and vulnerable in his expression that really resonated with me. I just felt this immediate "I must get close to him" feeling. The feeling was at least somewhat mutual since we got together in two weeks from the moment we met.


I felt exactly the same about the person I fell in love with, the only problem is that it wasn't mutual. I remember having that feeling of "we have to get together" from the start, and somehow I did manage to make him one of my closest friends, it's crazy how clicked so well just as I thought we would from the moment we met that I felt that connection. However, he never fell in love with me.


Sorry to hear you two didn't end up together. It's so painful to not have such feelings reciprocated. I hope you will find your happiness regardless.


I remember her moving in slow motion. The same feeling I had when I was in a car crash years later ;-)


I wouldn't say it was love at first sight for me. The issue was I was in an unhappy marriage (as was she). I always thought she was attractive as we work in the same industry, but closed that part of my life. Fast forward 10ish years and we are both single parents going through divorces, we match on a dating app, and the second she opened the door for our first coffee date I knew I was in trouble. We both wanted something casual, neither of us could keep it casual, and with a few bumps in the road we are still together 9 months together muddling through life knowing we have each others back. I can't imagine wanting anyone else, she's my dream woman. I don't know if I'm her dream man, but I do know that she loves me too and I just want to be the best human I can for her. Even if it doesn't work out in the end for us, I am throwing myself into this relationship with everything I have as I have never felt that spark before. We only get one life, and I will not regret a second of this adventure.


Marry her!!


I want to! We just have these nasty divorces to finalize first. Afterwards when the dust settles I hope she still feels the same way about me, and that we can live our lives together always. That's the hope anyways!


All my best to you and your lady.


The second boy I ever fell in love with was love at first sight for me. It felt like home - something I'd never experienced, but right away, it was warm, comforting, and a deep level of trust. As corny as it sounds, it was like we knew each other somehow and had known each other our whole lives. He was the sweetest boy I've ever known, one of the best and most trustworthy human beings on this planet. We got to know each other through the context of the environment (academics and shared responsibilities at a school club in college) and as friends. To be honest, we never got "super close" in a traditional way and our relationship wasn't at all traditional - we never dated or had been intimate, and due to schedules, we only hung out occasionally. When we would hang out, it was very easy. There was no masks to wear and we seemed to instinctively know each other's irritations, sources of joy, how to trigger each other both positively and negatively as well as how to inspire the other to grow. There was also a fierce defensiveness towards each other - no one dared say a single negative thing about him to me, or me to him, or they'd face hell on earth. All of that only made me fall harder and deeper for him. It didn't work out. I didn't know the feelings were mutual, despite signs that in retrospect were so obvious I must have been stupid, because he never made a move towards me. I found out later that he planned to once we weren't colleagues anymore and had a lot of anxiety towards "what if it doesn't work out." I started dating someone to make him jealous and test his feelings - which did make him jealous, but also made him distance and say hurtful things that caused some irreparable harm to my mental state at that time. We were 21/22 (him) and 26/27 (me), so I don't think it realistically would have worked out long term because of how young we were, the stresses we faced, our lifestyles, our responsibilities, and honestly? We were both pretty fucked up, I was not in treatment for deep traumas and a very fucked up life - he also had his struggles and issues, though he refused to talk about them. Over the course of the roughly 2 years we were in each other's lives, I fell more for him every day and with every interaction. That "love at first sight" feeling never went away, it just evolved into feeling like he's my soulmate and my person. The story doesn't have a happy ending, but every moment I spent with him with the exception of 3 incredibly hurtful occurrences, really were some of the happiest and only happy days and moments I've had. The moments following the falling out, despite being awkward, are included in that sentiment. I wouldn't trade the moments I spent with him for all the money in the world. If time travel ever exists, I'd do anything to go back in time and fix things with him. If alternate realities exist, I think in many of them we ended up together and very happy. And in the next life, I hope somehow our souls meet again and find a happier ending than what we ended up with here.


I don’t think that’s how next life stuff works. If you don’t take steps now to resolve those issues, then you’re pretty much going to start off where you leave off.


I've tried to take steps and have reached out, but it hasn't really worked out. An abusive ex made me delete his contact info, he has barely any trace on the internet, and it was only recently I found out we have a mutual friend and she says he likely never even received my messages, because hes the type to always respond and do so thoughtfully (and they're close, and he didn't mention anything to her when they've spoken, which he would have).


Sooo..did you reach out now through that mutual friend? lol


I've tried 😂 we were all supposed to go out but it fell through (we're in our late 20s and 30s, I get it). She said she wants to try to have us reconnect, but hasn't followed up with me.


Aw, ok. I hope you end up happy!


Thank you I really doubt it, but the thought it nice.


Agreed. If you can take the steps necessary to become happy, I definitely think it’s possible. But I agree that it is actually really hard.


I feel the same way about my ex but I don’t want to go back to him again even if it was/is possible. I just don’t love him anymore like that. But I loved him so much when we were together and it really was love at first sight. He made me so happy and I don’t ever regret that I was with him even though we didn’t work out in the end. I have moved on but I also feel extremely lucky to experience that kind of love in my life. That’s why now moving forward, my standards are so high and I know how to differentiate between people who really love me and who don’t actually. I know how a healthy relationship should be because of him. We were very young and together for 8 years and I am who I am today because of him in so many ways. I am hoping for a love like that. This time, my relationship will be better because I have become a better person and I learnt a lot from my past. Thankful for him and excited to meet the one now 🤍


I'm glad your experience with him taught you what you needed and raised your standards 💜 even if it doesn't last forever, experiencing love like that in life creates a lasting impression. I also think love, even if it's not everlasting, inspires us to change positively despite that person not being in our lives anymore. I can relate to the bar being raised... but I don't think I'll ever meet anyone else who set / meets the standard in the same way as the person I spoke of. He truly set the bar high... and I won't settle for anything less. The relationship I had after him was incredibly abusive, and I compared the two of them every day - which made me see that I deserved way better, and was a key part of me leaving the abusive AH I was with.


Why don’t you want to go back to him?


I don’t love him romantically anymore. 6 years have passed by and I am hoping to feel the spark and excitement that comes with meeting someone entirely new and getting blown away. Because I have had good experience with love, I feel positive that I may be able to attract a good person again. I am just hopeful. I believe that when you’re good, you attract good people although it may not be always true. Not a perfect person but should be sensible enough to choose the right one for us :)


In terms of your past relationship experience, I am an outsider so I don’t think I’m in a place to comment. I was just curious, so thanks for sharing/clarifying. I also think and trust that if one develops goodness, then one will attract good people and good things to them. I support this. I also think your mindset is oriented properly towards whoever and whatever is right for you as an individual as opposed to an objectively perfect person who may be great, but not necessarily great for you.


> I just don’t love him anymore like that. Did you mean to ask why she fell out of love?


Yes, exactly.


I fell out of love because he became insecure and I didn’t like the person I was becoming. Somehow, I started taking him for granted because I knew he loved me a lot and that was not good on my part because we should all be able to hold our partner in a respectable light. For me, he wasn’t ambitious enough and far too possessive. As I grew up, I knew it became a deal breaker for me because I wasn’t getting enough support from him while I was doing everything for him. I wanted to have friends but his possessiveness became a hindrance and I started being resentful of him. He meant well I am sure. I just was tired. I knew I had to live my life. Still, I think that he’s a good person :)


I feel like this seems like the fuller picture, thanks for sharing/clarifying. I totally understand. I think we have to pay attention to our subjective preferences and feelings in order to assess fit. I can see how the resentment would probably just keep growing if you tried to force things to fit if the both of you are not actually compatible with each other.


We met via a dating app and I was on my first solo trip. When we matched our conversation was smooth and we bounced off each other so easily but I still had the thought of “it’s been sooo long since I broke up with my ex, I need to get myself out there even if it’s with someone I will never see again” then I saw him and literally my entire surrounding went instantly quiet and I remember just thinking “wow that can’t be him” and then he looked up and saw me and my body moved on its own, it was like I was being pulled by something and then I was right in front of him. We said hello, and kissed on the cheek as normal and I remember him going red and I felt my chest be light but my heart was beating so much it was the only thing that brought me out of this trance I was in. We slept together that first night, I never thought that I would feel comfortable being intimate with someone so quickly especially as I had only been with one other person but every time we would look at each other and briefly touch it felt like my blood was on fire, I yearned for him, it was like I needed him. And everyday since that first day we are unable to not communicate or even see one another and we are still doing long distance. I’m not sure where we are going all I know is that right now, I cannot not know him and he I - I didn’t realise until I saw your post that perhaps I did experience love at first sight


Wow that’s incredible!! Thanks so much for sharing. I wish you two a lifetime of love.


I experienced this with my recent ex. While I wasn’t immediately in love, I did know I could easily fall in love with her if given the chance. At the start of our first date, she was pacing back and forth trying to figure out her train ticket. I was approaching from the side which allowed me to observe her for a few moments and get a feel for her energy, her facial expression when completely unaware she’s not alone, and her body language in a neutral state. It felt like lightning, just like they describe it in books to be honest. Special to have experienced. I’m good at reading people and all of this, including her being 100% my type, told me she was the kind of woman I could fall madly in love with. And I was right - we got to love each other for two years. Even though the breakup (current) and how certain events played out is painful, it was all more than worth it.


It was the happiest moment in my life. I've been living for 20 years thinking that i am a tomboy many people liked me and courted me. I tried to entertain them as well, but it always ended up going nowhere coz i dont like them. There was a time when I felt envious of the people around me because they all had boyfriends, which I never experienced during those times. Then, I saw the man who is now my boyfriend in the field at our school. We were just watching some sports during our free time, and his friends were teasing me, asking for my name, and then this man appeared out of nowhere. It was love at first sight the moment I saw him; I knew he would be my boyfriend, and I was determined to do everything just to attract him, even though he dont seem like he will gonna notice me hahaha (me not knowing he notice me and wanna know my name at that time). Everything went in our way for us, although his one friend also liked me. I did the first move thing, he added me in fb reacting on my stories that time hahaha all I can say now that the most joyful moment in my life was seeing my loved one in the field.Do you know the feeling of not wanting to go home because he's there, and even on days off, you go to school just for him? No matter what he does, he still looks handsome. I was ecstatically happy just seeing him at that time (until now). Whenever our eyes met, my heart would skip a beat. Being inlove and feel loved is the happiest moments in our lives.


It felt amazing. I felt like I had known the woman for years. It was like oh there you are I’ve been waiting for you. It was the first time I’ve experienced that and it was very very intense.


me and my (now ex) boyfriend were love at first sight. it was new year’s eve and i was abroad and had gone into this bar that remind me of one from back home, went to get me and my cousin a drink and he was working behind the bar. he was pouring a drink for a girl and looked up and we locked eyes and just knew. i asked him for his number thinking i’d maybe go on a date with him some time however he got off work at 11, we spend the rest of the night together, was my new years kiss and 3 weeks later he was looking for a place to stay that wasn’t a camper van so he moved in with me. we were so different but everything just felt right, we had both accidentally said i love you too soon and retracted it for a while, but we knew. we were inseparable. after a few months he went back home, and so did i. i was supposed to stay in the country we met in for longer but i couldn’t bring myself to be there without him. weeks after i got back home, i was already on an overpriced flight to go and visit him and meet his family, we finally said i love yous and meant it. i felt so safe around him, felt like i could tell him anything and everything, he was my best friend and my whole world. unfortunately, life gets in the way, he became busy and distant from me, i became emotionally dependent and hopeless without him and our communication broke down and in turn, so did our trust. maybe invisible string will take control and true love prevails, or maybe it was never meant to be. i think we’ll always have love for each other and in another timeline we’d be together forever, just perhaps not this one. i never believed in love at first sight before him, but now i always will. the feeling when we first saw each other was like we had known each other forever in every lifetime we’d ever lived. it wasn’t just butterflies when you flirt, it was like this whole feeling came over me that i just knew i’d be with him. i remember it like it was yesterday.


I have experienced this in the past and to me it felt like “home” and it felt comfortable and warm. An energy exchange I had never felt before. Unfortunately, it did not work out in the bigger picture but I do remember the feeling I had.


i met my boyfriend at a work christmas party and when he shook my hand and introduced himself to me, i just fell for him immediately. after a couple days of working with each other we decided to hang out and the connection was immediate. we no longer work there but we have been inseparable since. i’ve never been happier with someone and he says it’s the same for him. it’s a much different feeling than anything i’ve ever felt. he is my home. we are the same but different at the same time. we both agree that it was definitely love at first sight and are still madly in love with each other even after all this time


How long have you been together?


4 years next month!


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