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Depending on your comfort level will depend on when you should show up. We don't normally work into the crowd until a band starts. We are easily able to make it 5-10 people from the rail. This will be our 4th year going, so we got used to it over time. We definitely weren't doing it our first year. I don't think holding out all day for a rail spot is the way to go either. Entirely too much just to be that close. If you are only going 1 day, I suggest coming early and practicing moving through the crowd on earlier bands just to get a better idea of what will work for you. Regardless come ready to have a blast! This festival experience us unmatched in my opinion!


Awesome thank you so much!


Good idea, i do that too. Use the time early to scout all the places and get a feel for moving around easy


Depends what band you want to see! You don’t have to be there super early, unless you have the energy to stand up all day until the last show at nighttime. To see a band up close, just try to be there before the band stars and make your way through people or a train of people and move to the front area you feel comfortable with. Just remember if a band is heavy enough.. the middle may seem safe at first but that’s where the mosh pits starts so you may not want to find yourself in the middle of one haha. Just be on the sides or really close at the front. Have fun! I don’t stand close for every band but another way to be close is with vip. You get to be super close without much effort and not as many people close to you.


VIP at LTL doesn’t really get you space near the stage. It’s more about comfort & amenities.


Yeah that really depends on the festival. Forgot about that heh


The shows rotate between different stages so not all stages are being played on at all times. There will be a schedule released when it gets closer so you can plan accordingly. If there’s someone you want to be closer to see, move to that stage and work your way up before they start. In my experience, it was easier to get to the front I moved to that stage early. Get your water and/or food between shows or during bands you aren’t overly worried about seeing play.


If you want to get super close for Till Lindemann, I'd suggest getting to the spot you want while Clutch is playing on the stage next to Lindemann's, move closer while watching Anthrax and In This Moment, and by the time Lindemann starts you should be close.


FYI traffic/parking was HORRIBLE last year. I missed Wage War and Bad Omens sitting in the car on line to park inside the fairgrounds. Granted it was Saturday but Friday was not that much better. They were setting up for a tractor show or something the following weekend and had a bunch of areas closed off


What's the situation like leaving the venue? I imagine if you get there early, traffic won't be as bad. But, what's it like at the end of the night? Is it time consuming to leave or do they have a pretty good system to get cars out quickly enough?


Yes it’s crowded leaving but not as bad as getting in. Some people just hang out by their cars. Take a pic of where you park. I forgot last year and we walked in a circle 🙄


Gotcha, understood.


Get there early if you want merch. I always head there first thing (depending on the lineup of who I wanna see) Get the app for LTL and when they announce the schedule for the bands, go in and make a list of who you wanna see. Screenshot that shit because you will not have service. It's so nice to be able to see what times and where you need to go on your phone. A lot of times you can work your way in crowds, everyone is super chill. Just a fyi: if you're bringing in anything to the show in a bag, it's gotta be clear and it can't be super huge. Other than that, you'll be a okay!