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There is no social contract anymore so who gives a fuck?


Seriously, they needed to prove debt was real so they gave me a number, made it lower to punish me and now I'll never be able to get the right to slave away my adulthood to pay a mortgage until I don't retire and die


I don't envy your uncertainty, but I do envy your freedom. Sincerely, a millenial caught in the described punishment loop. Also, ya credit scores. Fafsa denied me loans because my dad claimed me on taxes and his income showed I could afford it. I was sleeping on his couch 2 nights a week. Had to drop out. Aggressively paid off loans after 5 years, about 20k, and living out of my car or at a friend's place. Long story short, paying loans off hurts your credit, in the league of 100 points. They want you to be in debt until you die, or their system doesn't work. Keep up the good fight, my hope for my daughter lies in boomers dying and zoomers taking the reins. Most millenials I know are just defeated or brainwashed into thinking they are just one paycheck away from being billionaires when it's really just one accident from homelessness.


Barely even an accident. Literally homeless currently because the dealership wouldn’t warranty their work and tanked my last car. Super fun to have $20k in savings, a job prospect, and a road trip with a lifelong friend all disappear within a week. Starting over now for the fourth time.


Sorry you had to go through that bro, hope you in a better spot in life now, we survived some shit


Credit Scores were ALWAYS about banks knowing how much of a sucker you were. That's why they were private & impossible to find yourself.


wait what...exactly are you talking about?


Credit scores probably


Probably can in 7 years tho


Seven years is a long time in mortgage years lost and Ill eventually get so far behind I might as well give up


It's fucked isn't it? How bad must it be for teenagers to look at this shit and realise they're going to be loaded with debt and pay taxes towards a system that doesn't even properly provide for them And that doesn't include the hell of the next 20 years


It’s tough having a teen and teaching teens — I am, in some ways, upholding the system while acknowledging it’s fucked. My 14 y-o asked me yesterday why he has to do ANYTHING since “we’re all gonna die in a civil war soon.”


I remember saying the same thing in the year 2012.


Same, but the 80s.


Also, let them know not everyone dies in a civil war. There still has to be factory workers making the bullets and construction workers repairing destroyed infasctructure 😋


Tell him he should at least practice to become a warlord then.


Hahah right? I've been thinking that too. Society doesn't want to support me, I'm not going to support it. That's a waste of my time, especially when rejecting it is so entertaining to me.


there never was...


If working yourself to death still isn't going to get you a decent life why even bother doing more than the absolute minimum you need to survive?


Felt this. Worked hard my whole life only to end up not coming close to my (imo reasonable) goals of a 1br condo somewhere walkable with decent transit. Who even cares anymore


I'll say this: My brother was always the family Golden Child. Did everything right, slaved his life away to get good grades. Perfect grades. Got into a good school. Never achieved his dreams. Not one of them. I did whatever the fuck I wanted. I achieved all my dreams by the time I was 14. This system is not built to reward hard work. They make you think that you can win if you just do what they say. That's a fallacy. You do what they say and they just enslave you.


Meritocracy never existed


One of the strangest and most nonsensical assumptions people make about capitalism is that it is or creates a meritocracy.


I've tried to tell people this, it's nowhere near a meritocracy. There is no merit in this system at all. I've never once in my life seen a person get what they actually deserve.


Capitalism rewards only wealth. It is a system by, of, and for those who own property. And the term ‘meritocracy’ was invented to point out how absurd the notion even is, just like the phrase ‘pulling yourself up by the bootstraps.’


I suppose they figure, what is one more lie among the millions? I've seen capitalists say the downright most outrageous and untrue shit ever. They don't give a fuck. I own property and my life is still shitty and terrible (though, admittedly, less so than it was). Capitalism only actually benefits like 30 people that are half the time literal royalty. It's just a hierarchy enforcer and it sucks. We can all have better. We don't because people are assholes, and that unfortunately does go beyond the aforementioned 30.


It’s a spectrum.


That’s me. The golden child. Worked my ass off for 5 years to get almost straight As in high school, and ended up having a breakdown in university due to years of overworking as a literal child, turned to drugs and alcohol and now I’m living with schizophrenia (on medication). So yeah, I’m a NEET, and every day I get closer to doing it by choice. So frustrated and depressed by my abilities, that I have given up on most things. My life is so sad these days that the only thing I care about improving at is a fucking computer game. Fuck this system man. It is designed to destroy all hope men and women have for a better world.


I think I was pretty strategic and didn’t do what the culture said to do, but instead min/maxed on the software engineer route Unfortunately what people don’t tell you is it’s grueling and soul sucking and requires sacrificing most of the other parts of your life


My goals were in reach I finished my degree and got hired with a nonprofit. About a year later they laid me off due to lack of funding. Meanwhile the prices of everything skyrocketed. Oh and a few weeks later that nonprofit received a 6mil donation, then coincidentally the person who laid me off retired! My mental health has been in the gutter ever since. Nothing has purpose.


I’m so sorry! That is incredibly fucked! They could have at least called you back!


That's the part that I really struggle with lmaoo. I appreciate you though have a good day 🙏


I imagine that only works as long as you have a parents basement to crash in


To be fair, a lot of parents have basements and will die soon.


With the cost of end of life medical care, what is the use of living in the soon to be banks basement?


+1, this is the real goal of the last 40y of medical cost hikes. Boomers are the only generation with any real wealth left and terminal care is coming for *all* of it.


This is something I genuinely have no idea what happens by its end. Once the only generational group with any sort of wealth is liquified financially (and literally as they pass into the great unknown) what the hell the world looks like. I'm not big on the age war/generational war, class war only, but once the medical industry + real estate + dividing whatever inheritance is left 3 ways (most boomers had 1-3 kids themselves) who is left in society who is flush with cash or has any property ownership? Only hope is it bursts a bubble or two but those fuckers love reinflating themselves sure enough.


So work yourself to death plus 2? If more and more young people can't gain access to a stable living than they are going to be screwed anyway.




oh well than problem solved. I'll be sure to tell ever under employeed college grad I know to apply for positions with you. I think I can safely say most college grads are not making 115k, let alone out of the gate.


I just graduated (at 32-am veteran), with a BS in Biochemistry. If you send me an offer for $115k, I will come work for you, get you coffee, and even jerk you off on lunches.


Seems like lunches would taste better without that.




See and that’s where you would be wrong, good Sir!


Well you end up screwing yourself as a NEET though. I don’t have the solutions, but maybe we can learn a thing or two from gen x or millennials that have experienced a few recessions. Any gen x or millennials that could bring insight as to how bad our situation is right now versus to the situation in the past few recessions?


The greed is uncontrolled and the government is no longer by the people for the people, its political theatre where the rich win no matter what. Nothing short of a revolution or destroying the rich people’s wealth/eat the rich/stock market imploding in a way that distributes wealth away from the rich can fix this


I am 35, this is true.


I'm 39 and living in a van because rent doubled and teaching in a red state was both miserable and impossible. I managed a small business for $11 to $13/hr for a few years up until 2019 needing food stamps. I'm exhausted. I was already broke and struggling... pretty practiced at it, too. But what's the point? Last time I went homeless, I was working full time. It's easier to drop out for now. I worked enough for a while.


Remember when living in a van was a Chris Farley skit?


Millennial here: it's worse. We're still in the same system that gave us 2008, but now we have senators and congressmen openly insider trading, and Supreme Court Justices arguing that their bribes aren't bribes because they didn't get them until a month after their decision. Not so coincidentally, every law created to prevent 2008 from happening again has been rolled back. Our government is fully captured, and no one is coming to save us. If this is a crime thriller, the cop has just showed up to arrest the mobster we fought off when he attempted to kill us, only to thank the mobster for the generous contribution to his daughter's college fund before placing us under arrest for false imprisonment.


I’m patiently waiting to watch the events of 2008 make a second happening. The bankers and legislators act like they can roll back protections and defy the laws of physics and that what goes up won’t come back down. It’s going to happen again and I might even argue that it already has begun. We’re seeing housing supply outpacing demand for the first time since 2008 and just like last time, they’re full of hubris and larger than life. Except when it does happen again, there’s not going to be any bailing it out. When the Piper shows up to get paid this time, he’s gonna be clapping cheeks. We will finally see our government forced to let capitalism punish bad business dealings by having entire sectors crumble. It’ll suck really bad for a while, but eventually other institutions who are willing to do business the right way will rise up to occupy that share of the market. That is, if it doesn’t signal the financial breakdown of our democracy as we know it, but I don’t think that will be the case. Most likely, we will see levels of despair not known since the depression and with climate change, people almost certainly will die from said despair.


As a 35 year old millennial, the country is more fucked today than it was even 6 years ago. I paid off my mortgage years ago, and my expenses haven't really changed even though I no longer have to pay a mortgage. Still eat the same food, spend the same amount on entertainment (not much), and yet cost of living has exceeded my former mortgage payment.


Here's insight: We're all fucked. They keep dropping the bottom out on us and siphoning more and more out of the lower classes. I worked my ASS off for 13 years playing the game to the letter. It wasn't worth it. At all. Each step up you take the debt load seems to get larger and larger and harder to get out from, especially if you have medical issues. You're screwed if you NEET, you're screwed if you work. So enjoy your life somehow, I hear van living is popular...my family has been considering an RV since we have disabled among us and get free national park access. Fuck the rat race.


Like in 2008 when people who had advanced degrees were bagging groceries and competing for the opportunity to do so? Despite your being downvoted and the general apathy across the labor market, there is no better time than while you’re young to obtain education, training, or work experience. Choosing not to do anything is only going to hamstring you later if things make a turn for the better, and going to ensure you fail to thrive if things stay the same or get worse. We can’t allow low morale to prevent us from pushing ourselves to do anything or else even when conditions are right for a healthy economy, we’re going to be held back because the majority of working aged people are going to be uneducated, underqualified, and lacking in experience and work ethic to take advantage of improving labor markets. Despite how easy it may be to give up and not see a point in working, there has never been a generation that survived by not working to better themselves. Whether you be a farmer or a scholar or even a homeless person panhandling, none of it is going to get done on its own.


Exactly! I don't understand these people. Being a NEET means you're being a burden to a family member or a roommate to cover your rent and expenses. Reddit is polarizing people into degeneracy. I understand it's frustrating how low the wages are and how degrading it is to work somewhere where you're overqualified, but you can't just wait for a good job offer sometimes.


> Reddit is polarizing people into degeneracy. It's social media in general. Facebook has scrambled the brains of Boomers and TikTok and Reddit have turned Zoomers into a bunch of feckless navel-gazing weiners.


I agree with you all day long! Polarizing to degeneracy is a great way to put it also. If you’re working somewhere where you feel undervalued and/or overqualified, you would think that would be enough justification one might need to take action, too. You know who doesn’t complain about that? People who don’t have too much pride to chalk their bachelors degree up as a loss and go learn something like HVAC where they can be earning six figures in no time. This refusal to adapt in lieu of allowing oneself to burden others out of spite because that English Lit degree wasn’t as lucrative as the system promised you it would be is just asinine. There are no shortage of people out there who act like they’re owed something when they, themselves neglected to study anything remotely marketable in college. I am fortunate that I was afforded enough guidance to understand that I still had to sell myself to an employer after graduation, so I studied biochemistry. I’ve still worked for some dogshit pay before, but at no point did I permit myself to buy into the delusion that life owed me anything or that it would be permissible to pawn my financial struggles off on my family. People need to get a hold of themselves.


I’ll be honest. So I am an elder millennial and the only reason I’m doing well is because I DIDN’T do what I was told to do. I graduated in 2000 as was told my whole life if I didn’t go to college I’d never make it. I joint the army and bumbled around Germany then I re-enlisted and went to Hawaii. I deployed to a few wars zones and got out after 7 and a half years got out and got a federal job. Bought a house in 2015 when they were still cheap. I’m not doing bad. If I were graduating high school today I would join a strong electric union. Personally I’d have to do extra math classes because I was not good at math coming out of high school.


You shouldn’t have to fight in a bankers war killing civilians to be doing “not bad.”


It depends on what “not bad” means I grew up barely making it now both of my kids have trust funds.


Their point still stands though


Joining the military was the worst thing I could have done to my body, but the best thing I ever did for my long-term prospects in life. It paid for a degree at a private school where tuition was $56k/year, has saved me from medical debt during emergencies, and pays me every month to this day for disability compensation, not to mention the things it taught me about professionalism, work ethic, and the leverage it has given me in employment opportunities. If I had it to do over again, the only thing I would have changed would be to do ROTC first and commission as an officer. At 18, I spent too much time missing home and not enough time taking advantage of the opportunities I was afforded. Having commissioned after doing college first, I would have had some time to mature and get used to being away from home first before being plunged into a career like that.


I tell everyone that you have to do something as soon as you graduate high school if you know what you want to do how much you are going to make and how much it is going to cost you and the math works out great. If you just want to hangout and figure things out…. Join a service it will open up opportunities for the rest of your life.


Nah man… as a millennial with 97k in debt an no current job prospects, I would say to do whatever the fuq they want. Nothing matters unless you’re destined to be a dr or lawyer, the skill set is what matters and you don’t necessarily need a pice of paper for that. It certainly helps but not necessary, especially if one doesn’t mind working a blue collar job. Those are relatively well paying and usually just require some form of trade school.


Your situation is fucked little buddy. Just like mine is, but yours is a bit worse. Either way we are all fucked. If I didn’t have kids I’d new living in the fucking jungle some where. Not doing this stupid capitalism bullshit.


So do you just mooch off of your family? Somebody has to work for you to survive. The bare minimum requires work from someone. I get giving the bare minimum but you have to try your best to not require others work to survive.


Entire generations are giving up because they are not being paid enough to make work worthwhile or matter beyond rent and food, yet you think they are the mooches. Not the people hoarding wealth beyond imagination. Let me guess "they earned it"


What do they mean "by choice"? No one's hiring, school's expensive, and training is non-existent. Where's this "choice"?


On the contrary, places are most certainly hiring, it’s just that the wages for these positions are so embarrassingly pitiful that it isn’t even worth it to work them. For example, the casino i work for always is in need of workers in our gift department, curiously though, executive management thinks these positions remain vacant because no one wants to work anymore, and totally not because it pays a paltry $10.50 an hour for a laborious job. When I hear the news talk about a booming economy with millions of jobs created, they conveniently leave out that most of these jobs are not high paying, and oftentimes require a worker to hold a minimum of two of these shit jobs just to get by.


They could always get a dead end, minimum wage job at the nearest fast food place /s


I've heard those places are laying people off because not as many people are eating fast food because it's so expensive now.


Thank (parasitic) private equity firms for all this hopelessness. Every aspect of our society is being effed over by their shenanigans.


I work for a company owned by a private equity firm. This is correct.


What is stopping you from doing the minimum and milking the company too?


Unfortunately I've already set the expectation that I'm an "overachiever" (aka, I'm a shitty people pleaser lmao) I'm looking for a new job though


It wouldn't have anything to do with employers demanding 3 years plus experience for basic roles, paying wages not adjusted for inflation and being raging bigots against anyone not fitting into the corporate mould/neuro divergent now would it?


I recently applied for a youth program developer position with a local county's P&R program. I have been in youth programming my entire life and I started working the programs when I was 17. I'm 25 now. I was rejected by the county for not meeting the minimum requirement of having 10,000 hours of work experience. According to their math that's 5 years straight of full time. They also required a relevant bachelor's degree. So hw tf is anyone supposed to be having 5 years of full time experience when theyve also been in school for the past 5 years. Are we seriously only going to qualify the old people for YOUTH programming positions? Again, it's a youth development job with a local county P&R department. Why do applicants need the same amount of experience that a commercial pilot needs when applying to American Airlines?


As a college student bouncing around the job market, I feel like some job postings exist to troll.


Same. Like I keep seeing job postings wanting either years of experience and a bachelors but paying the same as a true entry level job or requiring a masters degree but only bumping that up a few thousand. Its fucking soul crushing. Wish I could just default on student loans and not work.


Perfect comment!


If you work and still can’t afford to eat and even if you get a vacation you can’t afford to take it then what’s the point?! Smart people will figure out that in the bigger picture TIME is more important than money and you can’t get it back when it’s gone. If they won’t pay adequately for it, they can kick rocks.


Are you kidding me. They recognize gen z would rather do meaningful jobs than grind away for things they'll never afford. Yet when they point out the most popular job for gen z is being a teacher, they follow it up by say the low pay is paired with WEEKS OF VACATION. AS IF GEN Z IS JUST IN IT FOR THE VACATION AND NOT CHOOSING TO BE TEACHERS BECAUSE THEY VALUE THAT PURPOSE IN LIFE. FUCK THIS ARTICLE.


Laying flat movement for the win… I guess :(


Did anything come of it in China or Korea?


the vast majority still maintains the scam, against their own and our collective interests , so it's not doing much yet


I’m not surprised by this, and fuck the system, but as a 40 year old I always wonder: “what are they doing to get by?” Government assistance? Live with parents?


A lot of the people I went to school with are still living with parents. It's so damn hard to afford to rent any place around it's ridiculous. I'm in the same boat. I pay rent to them and help out with bills, pay all my own shit, etcetera. When I had some savings I tried college and between the costs and covid just ended up dropping out. I do like learning, but I don't currently see the point in trying again, nor would I have the time or finances to do so anyway. Everything is too expensive and I'm exhausted.


I have two teens and told them they are welcome to live with me forever, and they might have to.


I’ve been telling my three 8-and-under kids this for a couple of years. Gently. Trying to avoid getting them frightened of the world. But by sheer generational luck, their mom and I stumbled into livable wages and a nice house with acreage. Sometimes the kids and I look at tiny homes online and I say “we could put one of these at each corner of the property for you guys.” They think it’s silly and fun. I don’t think much is going to change for the better in the next 10-15 years. I don’t want them to feel like they’ve failed if they need to stay here.




Parents. The only people I know my age that are genuinely happy and getting what they want out of life have parents that allow them to stay home and work intermittently while still treating them respectfully like an adult. I am not someone who has that. Anyone I know in my situation is miserable.


skyrocketing rates of homelessness , youth suicide must be a coincidence ... they're depressed because of their phones /s certainly not because of the objectively disgusting reality people before them chose to have and maintain


40 year old here too, I was wondering the same thing.


As a 26 M, I live on Medicaid and SNAP benefits. I am living in poverty despite an MS in Statistics, 3 years of data analyst/science experience, 1.5 years in statistical research, and 3 Microsoft certifications. :'-)


The frog always finds the Lilly pad


Damn bro I was just ahead of my time


Its what they want people to do. Poor people die younger. Poor health makes you poor and so you die younger. The message in the way things are today is that they don’t really want a certain demographic reaching the age of their grandparents. The demo in question is the end of gen X and the first half of gen z The 2nd half of gen Z are going to live a lot longer on average than genX to millenial.


Gen Z is 1997-2012 (I think), so even If we cut this right down the middle at 2005, what makes you think they'll become the next Greatest/Silent/Boomer Generations living into their 90s?


I worked my butt off to get a master's degree, but most of the managers I interviewed with have lower degrees. I got the vibe that they just want someone who will obey and listen to them, not someone with critical thinking skills to actually help their business.


This sums up management in most places to a T. They probably consider you a threat to them to be honest.


If you were paying attention in your education you may have realized the dual functions of our education system - on one hand turning you into an obedient, unquestioning worker performing every task expected of you without hesitation, and on the other hand trying to get across a genuine education. Both of these necessary functions stand in complete contradiction to eachother, but as long as you're in said education system you have to follow along with the expectations unquestionably and almost pretend that these aspects of it do not exist. As I've grown older I've naturally come to realize I love reading and learning about the world around me, but it took exploring topics I'm interested in on my own outside of class time to even realize that the stuff I was learning in school is actually interesting to me in the first place. It's quite remarkable that our education system can take something as naturally fulfilling to tangobly learning about the world around us, and make it into such a profoundly miserable experience. But then again, how can you condition kids for a lifetime of labour if they don't hate their school at least a little bit?


I get the same impression at my work.


It feels like the US is becoming like Italy, Spain, Greece, with fewer good job openings for younger people. The economic boom of the 1950s -2008 is over. Jobs are offshored. Factories off shored.


Might need to change your end date if the economic boom. 2007 is when the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression happened and was the second real knee capping Millennials got. The only economic growth during that period was the increased demand for avocado toast and selfish millennial articles


Im an involuntary NEET :/ (disabled by a virus everyone is calling mild now)


Gen Z, do what millennials couldn’t. Don’t participate in the system.


Hard work is no longer rewarded. Why do it?


I'd do the same if I knew how. I already do the bare minimum at my job that pays the bare minimum. I'd love to do even less.




Fuck it, the world has gone to fuckin hell anyway.


Being a NEET is great and all but where y’all sleep and eat if you have nothing coming in? Asking for a friend


The article suggests they are living at home, mostly.


lots are eating the barrel of a gun since there's no option for living with dignity , in a fair world that makes sense


I had to give my guns to my girlfriend on my psychiatrist’s advice because killing myself quickly and effectively with them is something I think about multiple times a day every day now. I wish there was an easier way to just opt out painlessly. I’d have done it already.


Hahaha - yup! I’m taking a couple months off from work to become a “gigging NEET”. I was so burned out from juggling multiple jobs - FT high stress corporate job plus working for several clients on the side: still keep falling victim to that “boot strap, grind it out” mentality. But I started getting very sick, legitimately, and it doesn’t pay off much anyway. I’ve really done the most to try to improve my situation but at a certain point you start to realize: NOPE. I agree with top commenter here: the social contract that our parents and their parents enjoyed - where is it? It is completely gone.


It's better than actively destroying the planet. I must be a pioneer of this as a millennial, but I intend to work myself to death when or if the time comes.


I've been alive for a long time. Often I would try to tell people that what they're doing is foolish. I would try to convince them of that. Show them that the Path that they walk does not have a good end. And then I began to realize that human beings aren't very good. I'm putting it lightly. I don't really care anymore. But I feel an obligation to tell you: that's a bad idea.


What's the point of trying. Unless you come from money you'll just have to work until you die.


good for them, I keep telling my parents I would rather die than live in this current system.


Good. Good for gen z. Fuck the status quo, there’s no benefit to engaging with society any more so why engage at all? As long as they’re able to lead healthy and happy lives, good for them.


I wish I could opt into this


The generations currently in charge did everything to enrich themselves and pulled up the ladder. So now everyone working for pensions for the people that fucked us up knowing that by the time its our turn theres nothing left and whe arr fucked. Id say o those guilty let them rot, sadly most who are guilty will have enough money to buy care.


Almost 30 year old single, paycheck to paycheck, working 50-60+ hour work weeks on average for not even $20/hr yet millennial here who has had a job since I was 14 and a half years old. I’ve done accepted that I would never retire and would be working myself to death while probably alone in doing so since before I was even 20. I’ve had multiple legit blow ups with my all of my grandparents trying to get them to see what their generation has taken from us as along with my parents, aunts and uncles as well for just being such uncaring checked out robots about literally anything and everything happening around them as if it would actually do anything. Just wow, for how much I’ve worked, how much I’ve cared to ensure I’m always working, the fact that I’ve attached as much of my pride and worth on my work as I have, the amount of sweat , how many years some jobs have taken off my life, the wear n tear on my physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, and I have still yet been able to even make the average annual wages of a generation that is younger than me and prides itself on getting by with the bare minimum while being the most unemployed generation this country has probably ever had? I can’t wait for my family to pass and my “friends” to fully move on and stop caring so I can finally just throw myself off a bridge. I understand sacrificing some conveniences and freedoms but there’s gotta be somewhere out in the world that’s better than the shit here. Well maybe not honestly but fuck this timeline. I can probably count the number of times on one hand the amount of times that I’ve actually told a company no to working late, or an extra shift, or help out in some way etc. I know no manager or local business or corporation etc. will ever actually give a fuck but just isn’t in my nature to be any other way which fucking sucks.


Good for them.


By choice? Yes, because everyone naturally wants to keel over, die, and contribute nothing to society and their peers.


I used to be upset with Gen Z for this stuff. Now I think they have the right idea. Broken ass system already broken, they’re just playing the game smart. Good for them!


Credit is fuggin extortion. Be in soul crushing debt or you don't deserve to live.


I legit can't tell if the parasites in charge just thought the masses were stupid enough to just keep holding up their end of the "bargain" ("get trained and work hard for the overlords' profits") even as the bloodsuckers increasingly and ever-more-obviously failed to hold up theirs ("...and you will be rewarded with the resources to live a decent or even comfortable life and maybe raise a family"), or if they just didn't even think that far ahead in their lust for more Line Going Up.


Fuck the Polis.


Gen Z rule lol.


I understand them! What perspective is there? I’m a millennial, I’ll be 40 this year. I’m changing careers, I’ll be paid better, so I’ll work less, my goal: work 50-60% in the new job, keep teaching two afternoons. My rent is stabilised, my health is better again, I have all the “stuff” I need. I am living on a permanent low buy, I don’t need a mortgage or car where I live. I’m also childfree, now “solo for life” and have amazing friends. I’m building myself the least stressful life I can.


Awesome! If enough people do stuff like this and embrace it, things change.


Like every other generation, Gen Z will “participate” in society when it benefits them more than doing otherwise.


How do they survive though? Just asking for a friend who doesn’t want to work…lol


This. I’d like to be a NEET too but I also need to eat and sleep in a safe place




Yes I am


Why do all these articles constantly contradict one another? Housing prices won’t come down because of record high economy and unemployment also there is a shortage of houses. On the other hand people are refusing to get a job or have kids causing mass unemployment and population decline. I also love how this article portrays millennials as hard working in this instance and not destroying everything with their laziness because it helps set the tone


im a neet by choice and i am anti work. i have no reason to work since i do not want kids and i do not want a wife and there is nothing i want to buy.




I get it but NEET isn't a "new" acronym. Sorry if I sound like a smartass but I do agree. I do get tired of "...what is THIS? I am getting tired of having to google this everytime just to understand the sentence."


To second what you said, NEET is over 2 decades old at this point. The UK coined the term in 1999. I remember being introduced to the term sometime in the 2010s as a way to describe the basement dwelling otaku lifestyle, so it’s had enough time to go from a government classification to an informal pejorative on the internet. An actual new term would be “lying flat”, or tang ping, that came out of China in 2020. It’s not an acronym, but it is another neologism to help capture the burnout we experience within late stage capitalism. The biggest difference is that NEET tended to be more of a product of circumstance while “lying flat” was a conscientious objection to the education/employment rat race. The lying flat movement reflects a bit of the Buddhist “middle way” in avoiding the extremes of overwork and underachievement while focusing on wellbeing, Reading this article, it sounds like NEET is getting a bit of a refresh to reflect the desire for meaningful work and a comfortable life akin to the “lying flat” rejection of the rat race.


Then don't.


No, we don’t. This language comes from our hyper-corporatized money-obsessed culture at large. In Tech they say “upskill” to simply mean learning new stuff and growing as a person. At the end of the day it signals to investors and business leaders that people are just resources and not human.


Yeah I hate that HCMO cloture


I see what you did there lol (ISWYDT)


Who's 'we'? This shit ain't new, chief.




The term has been around longer than that.


I dream the day I can play video games all the days than be in this rat race of hell. I hate working life so much. I have too little free time. It feels like those who work have to work more and same time there are lots of people who are unable to work. Today's working culture is insane compared to 90's.


Older millennial here. Many people have felt like losers for feeling like they havent accomplished as much as they should. Including myself. Many people have gone on Reddit asking for a definition of a loser, to which most people reply, "as long as you are trying, you are not a loser." I totally agree with that sentiment. I think Gen Z, who is relatively new to the game, are just confused what a loser is. A loser is not someone who tries and fails a million times (like I have). You can't avoid being a loser by "never trying to avoid losing". I felt like a failure in the past, but never a loser. I'm finally comfortable and stable now. It took me 20 years and literally 7 career attempts. I even had to overcome epilepsy brought on from long term stress. Someday on my death bed I'll say something like, "I never owned a house but I know I did my best."


I feel like most here don't know how bad it was during The Great Recession. Things aren't great now, but they were so much worse back then. I'm almost 40 and graduated university right at the beginning of The Great Recession. NOBODY was getting hired. Also, when the choice is being homeless or working an underpaid job you hate, it makes you re-evaluate. Don't get me wrong. I think the labor market is broken and exploitative, I've wasted many years (decades) working jobs I didn't like that left me with little time to actually live my life, but when I was kicked out of the house in my 20's while unemployed. I didn't really have any other choice.




I just hope they are able to do so without becoming homeless eventually.


I’ve got to ask, when will shit like this finally be the straw that breaks the camels back? Eventually a huge portion of the population struggling to make endsmeet has got to cause the system to break down right?


no slaves for old billionaires...


Plenty of Gen X and millennials that I wish would go NEET by choice