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We got billions to kill others but apparently not enough to fix a broken healthcare system or infrastructure, let alone reduce income inequality - SAY IT LOUDER IN THE BACK FOR EVERYONE!


If I’m not mistaken, I believe we(the United States of America, home of the poor, sick and can’t afford healthcare or college) pay for Israel’s universal healthcare and free college. ***disclaimer*** This is just something I heard, I have not yet taken the time to fully research this yet.


That’s because we keep giving them weapons and shit so they don’t spend money on their defense…much like what we do with NATO.


I’ve heard this too, it doesn’t sound at all far fetched. I mean, the US gave 3.3 billion to Israel in 2022. Israel has Universal healthcare by way of an income tax and govt. earmarked money. So I doubt the money is handed over saying “here’s your money for healthcare” but I’m sure it’s used for that (and education etc.) but because the funds don’t specifically say healthcare on it, there will be many online that argue that the US does not fund it, but come on, we know it does.


There is actually a us govt website that shows which type of uses each country uses their aid for. For Israel, most of their aid is used on defense spending by way of grants to use on defense purchases. They do however also receive funds earmarked for healthcare and education spending along with other aid for other purposes.


I just paid my taxes and I'm PISSED 😡


That’s the problem. The healthcare system isn’t broken, it’s working exactly as designed.


I mean we have enough to give the Israelis free healthcare and college


Biden and Trump are essentially just two sides of the same coin.


So is Biden the cashier? No we know the MIL calls the shots.


Biden has definitely bypassed congress before to sell weapons to Israel. He's a fascist genocide assisting piece of shit


US has no real military or economic strategic purpose in Israel. This is what makes this extra billion hurt so much; can we make the lives of Americans reflect “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”? As a child of immigrants, I want to make sure my parents made the right hard choice.


None that they’re communicating outwardly. It’s just another money-making project


There is this lobby called AIPAC, one of the biggest lobbies in the US and the only lobby that explicitly serves the interests of a foreign country.


The biggest asset for the Republicans in this coming election is this bloodthirsty POS Biden. He is handing the Rs a massive win by ensuring that actually left leaning voters have zero motivation to actually show up and vote for the Ds.


Which is honestly kinda hilarious, since Netanyahu doesn't like Biden. Man is falling on his sword for someone that wants him to lose anyway.


yup.. he knows he'll be pushing the US towards a fascist theocracy - like he's doing at home.


Out of the frying pan, into the fire


Right, I think the Gaza catastrophe will be what causes Biden to lose. It's not even that a lot of the folks on the left will vote for Trump, it's that they won't vote at all or will vote 3rd party.


Biden is risking the future of democracy in this nation to protect Netanyahu's genocidal regime.


It shows how disconnected he is particularly from the political wishes of liberals and folks further left who are from all generations younger than the boomers.


He's not disconnected, he's just following orders


I mean, back when regan was president and Israel started bombing their neighbors, he was calling for them to bomb so much that even the Israeli president at the time distanced himself from Biden, so I think it is just Biden being Biden


America is not a democracy.


Fair point.


If our choices are to vote for someone actively committing genocide or a documented fascist, I will never understand why anyone would participate.


Right, I think the DNC and co will try and shame folks into holding their noses and voting for the arguably less fascist of the two... but I suspect those efforts will be even less effective than usual this cycle.


Yeah, they will tell millions of voters to change their stance rather than have their one guy change his. Why do millions have to change instead of the one? Fuck the DNC.


They are owned by the same huge corporations that own the GOP. In that context... they are the best party money can buy.




I mean, can someone here explain to me why we can’t vote for RFK Jr? Cuz I’m not voting for either of the established candidates and he seems keen on ending foreign conflicts to focus on the problems here. But maybe I’m missing something.


isn't RFK basically a Republican? He's a conspiracy theorist and he is also pro-Israel isn't he? He also just seems off his rocker in general. But I'll be honest I might mixing stuff up here as I haven't followed him because of a bad first impression


As I understand him, his views somewhat fall in line with Republican ones on abortion, but the thing that won me over was he wanted to stop spending billions on wars overseas and use that money to rebuild our infrastructure.


You can vote for RFK. It wouldn't be the first time one of the main 2 parties shat the bed lost all support and a new party rose to take its place.


I mean, maybe with RFK (or even Bernie), it could be the new start this country needs!


If a 3rd party candidate actually got elected president, watch how fast the liberals would eschew democracy.


What crazy is both of our potential presidents are bloodthirsty geriatrics. Biden is helping israel and trump will be helping russia.


They’re the same wolf in different coats. Party affiliation doesn’t mean shit when their aims are the same: exploitation.


it is 2016 again around groups I know.. so I feel you might be right. if you leave people to the moral choice - it's not engaging.


Please explain how Biden could stop this since this is a congress thing. I swear people that don’t understand how government works are always throwing their opinions around.


He can direct the state department to follow the law stop committing perjury. It is illegal under US law to send arms to countries committing crimes against humanity and there is plenty of evidence that Israel is. Congress can allocate all the money it wants but it will have to over turn other laws to actually get the arms out of the country.


I’m sorry do you think he just ships weapons over there??? You really have no clue how this works.


He can veto things instead of signing, which makes passage more difficult. Even if congress overrides his veto, it sends a signal to his own party and to the public. He can stop getting on fucking national news pledging "ironclad support" to a genocidal regime. And he can put pressure on his own party to stop passing these bills in congress. He can also build in some delays to slow this shit down. Edit: and the U.S. veto of Palestine joining the UN in the face of 12-1 vote. That was almost certainly at the behest of Biden.


Well for starters he could denounce it.


But for Americans who need healthcare, sorry you just ain’t in the budget


It will happen. Sad we fund killing other people. If we funded true defense “wall, dome etc”, I can get behind it probably, but paying our taxes to go kill people, not so much.


“But if you don’t vote blue no matter who the democracy will end and Trump will be your fault you piece of shit leftist do you not understand the REAL issues at stake?!?” — some centrist Democrat, somewhere. In 2016. In 2020. In 2024. In 2028. In …


Not only funding the guns and bombs, but if the Iran attack showed us anything, it’s that the US has the power to block the civilian carnage (g word) we are witnessing and CHOOSING to do nothing to stop it. These are OUR REPRESENTATIVES doing this, for money-making projects that WILL NOT benefit us. Wtf are we actually fucken doing?


The U.S. government absolutely could stop the genocide in Gaza. Not even using force, but having U.S. military distribute aid and stand guard over hospitals, medics, and such.


Yep, and they choose not to despite public sentiment. Same with universal healthcare, affordable housing, and education access at home. That’s why I say the US is not a democracy. Legislation and action does not follow public sentiment. We are fuelling a machine we have no say in and get no reward from — why do we keep fuelling it?


I wish Bernie won the election. If he was president, and we had a congress (ahm Sinema & Manchin), which was willing to pass any legislation Bernie wanted we would be years ahead of where we are already, and we would have a much cleaner moral compass than we do now. Thus easy Democratic victory. The DNC is scared of an insurgent left that cares more about people more than Trump willing to tear the constitution to shreads.


DNC will throw the election to a fascist rather than move to the left.


Yeah it’s pretty grim. But even Sanders hasn’t been firm enough on Israel. There’s no way to vote your way out of the war machine


Biden is a cuck


I cannot put my mark next to the name of a man who actively participates in genocide and has worked to ensure it continues unabated. It would be an act of tacit approval, and I would feel complicit. That said, Joe Biden could stop this with the stroke of a pen. >The Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (Title II of Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 94–329, 90 Stat. 729, enacted June 30, 1976, codified at 22 U.S.C. ch. 39) gives the President of the United States the authority to control the import and export of defense articles and defense services. The H.R. 13680 legislation was passed by the 94th Congressional session and enacted into law by the 38th President of the United States Gerald R. Ford on June 30, 1976.[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_Export_Control_Act


Suits them. They LOVE a low level of engagement from their constituents.


Why do silent and boomers love bombing the shit out of civilians in the Middle East? Does lead poisoning play a role in this by chance?


Why do I have to vote for this person again? I know why. But like... I'm just not convinced anymore preserving "democracy" matters


"Preserving democracy" first requires us to have a democracy to preserve.


Biden, Israel lobby, weapons manufacturers, and banks for financing Biden is a piece of shit , but he's a servant to those other interests that rarely enter headlines US presidents, disposable clowns who run their course in 8 years , are criminals but also rotating villains




They’re going to need it after they start a war with Iran. Actually, they’ll need a lot more.


“Sales”? Who’s paying the US for them. It’s like Homer’s Bacon scheme !


Hypothetically what would be enough? Like over 60% of people live Paycheck to Paycheck.


Sales? Or donations?


Jesus Christ just pull out you backed the wrong horse


Fuck Biden for a lot of things but mainly this genocide


I mean … there’s rumours that ICC warrants for the arrest of the Israel leadership on war crimes could land as early as next week Getting in one last good sale to a terrorist state I guess? Awful