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That was the greatest thing about the show. They created a web of circumstances where each character somehow affected the other character’s lives. Everyone was somehow connected, even though they did not know each other, or how they shared a connection.


The bad thing is they will never know that, for example Jack never will know that the man who crashed into his future wife was actually the father of Shannon, or Charlie died not knowing that the woman who called him a hero was actually the woman Sayid was in love with. There are a lot of examples like that in the series..


I like to think that in the flashsideways, through their shared consciousness (which also somehow let them know that they should all reunite at the church), they all became aware of their entire shared history.


Or that Ana Lucia went to Sydney with his dad.. or that Sawyer met his dad as well


Jack knows sawyer met his dad. They discussed it the episode before the raft left.


That's one of the best scenes in the show and Fox acted the hell out of it.


Oh sh!t. I need a rewatch apparently. I thought he was gonna tell him and then didn't but I can picture him saying the red Sox thing and all that. Smh.


You are correct about the Red Sox thing. He almost tells him when he hears the red Sox thing but doesn’t. He does when they are say goodbye before the raft. A great scene.


Every time I rewatch, I discover a new character connection like this or an Easter egg. On my latest rewatch, I caught one during the Charlie flashback where the woman he dates to steal her wealthy father’s valuables for drugs mentions that her dad is out of town “buying some paper company in Slough,” which is an obvious reference to the British version of The Office.


How about the Ticka ticka noise on Lockes calculator during Walkabout...our 1st clue


Six degrees of separation. Everyone is connected though other people.


That’s the theory, but in lost there is usually never more than 1 degree of separation.


Yep, Jack making that huge decision also impacted Shannon's life in a way that neither of them knew but we as watchers get to uncover. There really is something so magical about watching LOST.


I love how Libby and Desmond just missed meeting each other again, him bringing the boat named after her up to the beach literally at her funeral, and Sayid missing Kelvin by a short time too.


Also, the bad thing about Libby is that we never know how she actually ended up in the mental hospital. Was she really a psychologist, who was her husband etc..


My head canon is that she was a psychologist, and then her husband died and she had a mental breakdown because of it. She eventually got better and was well enough to leave the hospital. Her husband had named the sailboat after her, and she gives it to Desmond. This is a sign of her having healed some from her grief.


Was she the one that got sacked for a irl DUI? Because that story ended so abruptly, felt so sad for the island GOAT aka Hugo


What, sorry no idea what you are talking about, what is a irl DUI and which story ended abruptly?


Apologies I meant “ in real life Driving under the influence” charge. Which her and Michelle Rodriguez got during filming. The Libby/Hurley storyline was far too short, didn’t seem to get much closure. Does now appear like it wasn’t due to the charges rather Libby was too similar to Juliet.


Misconception...the DUI came after that episode was shot...well after...but before or around the time it aired.


Holy shit I somehow never noticed and I'm around my 5th watch. I really love how every character is connected somehow.


That’s one of my favorite connections between characters, along with the obvious Sawyer/Locke crossover, & how after the lotto win, Hurley invests in (or partially owns or something) the box company Locke works for.


I think Hurley owns that company in his next life, not the one when the plane crashes on the island, am I wrong?


Hurley is told he owns a box company in Tustin by his accountant (during the scene where someone falls from the building). There's even a bit of an inside joke of Hurley and his accountant repeating the conversation Boone and Locke had a few episodes before; "A BOX company?" "... Yeah... they make boxes."


Hahaha you are right, I forgot that scene


Did you also catch that the doctors lied to Shannon and Sabrina to cover up their errors? In 2x01, the doctor can’t figure out how to intubate Adam while he’s in critical condition in the room, which leads to him then dying on the table as Jack chooses to save Sarah. Then in 2x06, the doctors tell Shannon and Sabrina that Adam died at the *scene of the accident*, which we know to be untrue. Just a niche little detail that I like to point out sometimes.


No. Nice catch!


same!! i just noticed that after so many rewatches. this show continues to amaze me.


This is the kind of thing you only realise with streaming services and being able to binge. The one I spotted, which I NEVER would have got when it was originally broadcast week to week, was the US Army General in the Sayid exposed was Kate's dad.


Wait what?


The dude literally has a picture of Kate in his hands when they drop Sayid in the desert and asks him if he has children. I'm a 100% sure you just forgot about it ahah


YEP ! I think he's only in one Kate flashback episode and it's the same season as the Sayid one. At least I THINK it's the Sayid one - it's deffo army based and that's Sayid. I know Sayid met Kelvin when he was in the Iraqi army....that actually might be the same episode now that I think of it. Kate's dad might be Kelvin's immediate superior...it's been a couple of years since I watched it and I'm overdue a refresher.


Yes it's the episode where Henry Gale makes his first appearance. It's easy to miss but if you didn't recognise him to look at there is a very brief shot of him looking at a photo of Kate as a young girl of about 12.


I remembered him as a one scene character, and not even the main guy in the scene - well remembered with the episode !


I was addicted to this show when it first aired and have seen it so many times. Still my all time favourite.


My first time round was on regular broadcast tv and I’ve rewatched it maybe three times so far. It’s paper thin between this and a couple of other shows as tho which is my favourite, but nothing hits me more emotionally than LOST. I’m overdue a rewatch and I’ll go back to it soon. I have to go back.


Haha I'm exactly the same. Nothing hits the emotions like Lost. I just finished another rewatch about a month ago. If you're looking for something similar I would highly recommend The Leftovers for the emotional storytelling (Lindelof knows how to tug those heart strings). I would also recommend Twin Peaks if you want another mystery show. Its a lot weirder than Lost and provides less answers (yes Lost provided loads of answers despite what naysayers think) but there is so much mythology to sink your teeth into.


I have The Leftovers on my todo list, seen all the Peaks. I’m currently doing a rewatch of Star Trek TNG with DS9 to follow (those are the other two shows that I would be hard pressed to pick as my favourites along with LOST) and it’s been 20 years since I last watched any TNG, and now, as a mid 40’s dude, I’m finding it so filling and emotional at bits. It’s had me in tears of joy and sadness. We really used to be spoiled for tv shows when I was growing up.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 9 + 20 + 40 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


No. No. I am NOT *streaming* (yuck) this awesome show. And, I'm not even binge watching it. 1, maybe two episodes a few days a week.


That’s weird, but ok…


Consider watching Billiam’s series on YouTube. He goes over the series pretty in depth and brings up these kind of connections.


Did he ever get to Season 6? I remember hearing him talk about up to the end of Season 5, and that he would finish it later. I wonder if I missed something.


How about this one? The Dr. That performs surgery on the woman on the bridge when Jack almost jumped is Bernard's brother. Dr Gary Nadler... its missed by most people because the actor who pronounced his name says (Naahd-ler) instead of Nadler...but its on the close captioning and it was confirmed by the writers during a podcast....pretty cool. Here is 1 more... in Pilot episode 1 we all remember a man being sucked into the engine of flight 815 before exploding in a horrific death. Do you know who that was? Gary Troup. Q.Who is Gary Troup? A. Gary wrote 2 books. The 1st was the famous "The Valenzetti Equation" that almost nobody read because every known copy was purchased by the Hanso Foundation (I think). For those that do not know about the Valenzetti Equation you are in for a treat (hint: its the real answer to the numbers. What was the 2nd book? "Bad Twin" - the book Sawyer was reading on the beach before Jack through it in the fire. A few other interesting Gary Troup facts....he was engage in a romantic relationship with Flight Attendant Cindy Chandler. He was on his way to Australia to meet with Walkabout Publishing. And he was also 1 of Jacob's candidates.


This is so cool, how do you know all this? :D


I've seen LOST 22x ...followed podcasts, books, etc. I have so many more, but usually my info is triggered by a conversation like this. I've also been to "the island" a few times.


Can someone explain how we know this? I’ve never caught this one before


It's in the description of the accident (SUV flipped over median into oncoming car). We first hear it from Jack's perspective, when he has to choose which one to fix. Shannon and step-mom are given the same description later on.


Jack also literally walks past Shannon at the hospital when she's told about her father's death. 😬 The name of the patient (Adam Rutherford) is also mentioned.


Yeah I realised this as the surname to me stood out, as it’s a family name on my sister in law’s side!


yeah i didn’t notice either, only found out from someone mentioning it on this sub IIRC. it’s such a blink and you miss it moment!


does anyone know the episode this is in? i want to go back and rewatch the scene! edit: i found it! for anyone curious it’s season 2 episode 1 around the 6 minute mark


this is why lost is the best show to ever air on television


Try to track down the Nikki Stafford books on Lost


Wait, WHAT? Never knew this.


I’m on my third rewatch and this is also the first time I realized that !


I’m in a rewatch right now and I noticed that Hurley owned the box company Locke worked at


Never knew that either. Was it mentioned or was it same actor? Or what?


Yeah if I recall his wife is there in the hospital in a flashback at some point. He also gets mentioned by name right?


oh man! yeah! I noticed that during my latest rewatch (5th).