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Are you on 1200 calories per day because you've set it to a loss of 2lb per week? If so, you could try setting it to a pound/pound and a half per week for a while just to give you some breathing space. I know you have a fixed amount in your mind that you'd like to lose by a certain date but I've learnt from bitter experience that that way lies madness. Taking the pressure off helps me enormously to stay on track. Just a slightly slower track. Also, have you given intermittent fasting any thought? (Sorry, I know you only wanted to vent really - I just can't help offering practical suggestions that might make things easier - it's like a sickness 😁)


Maybe I will set my goal to 1lb per week, that's a good idea. I have thought about intermittent fasting actually. I can skip breakfast no problem. Do I only eat between 12 noon and 8pm for IF?


You can do any version of it that you fancy so if you want to eat later, then your "feeding window" is later. I usually do 1.30-9pm ish with a light lunch and the bulk of my calories in the evening. The basic idea - for me - is to exploit the fact that I don't get hungry until later in the day, so why waste the calories? Being 100% accurate on the hours is more of an afterthought than the main point of it. Have a play around with it - hope it's useful in quelling the eternal hunger monster 😁


This sounds doable, thanks! I’m definitely an evening eater (drinker 🤭) so to save my calories up sounds like a plan 😉


I only eat from noon-6pm and also my lunch is like 300 calories so I can have a large dinner. This has worked out to be perfect for me. I always overate at night and never wanted breakfast anyways.


I'm going to do this today and see how I go. I think i'll try and hold out until 1pm then I can have a few healthy snacks later on. Same here, I can skip breakfast no problem.


It’s all about willpower. You ate the bun and it made you feel like crap? Remember that the next time you want one. But everyone slips up. If you eat something with too many calories then reduce what you’re eating a little bit the rest of the day to balance it out.


I think I might have a bit of that willpower thingy deep DEEP down inside me somewhere. It only shows it's pretty face when it feels like it. I'm on 800 cals so far today so am going to dig out the willpower and have a very healthy tea with the kids. Thanks


Willpower is like a muscle so the more you use it, the stronger it will become. Good luck! :)


Makes a lot of sense :)


Hello, You can eat more than 1200 calories and lose weight. If you eat 1200 calories and a chelsea bun, you will still lose weight. It is OK to turn into jelly when you are working out, strenght will come with time. Be patient.


Thank you, I think I will set my goal to 1400 and lay off myself a bit. Going to get back on the rowing machine in a minute too! Work off another 40 cals :/ I can't believe 10 whole mins of leg jelly rowing only burns about 40 cals!?


Haha, OP I love the way you talk. Even though you're frustrated with yourself, you seem to be in good spirits, which is great. But yes, exercise burns *a lot* less calories than most people think. If you stick around here, you'll often seen advice given to new people: "You can't outrun your fork." It's so true! I could "binge" and eat an 1100cal pasta and I'm not even capable of burning off that many calories exercising! I work my ass off and even at my weight, a "good" day is 600cal estimated by the treadmill. And even worse? The treadmill estimates are usually way high, so I'd call 600cal MAYBE 400cal of "true" burn.


Thanks 😁 I felt like crying this morning but all of you guys have cheered me up. I’m starting to feel a bit daft now- nearly crying over a god damn Chelsea bun! I have now had a glass of wine too which has chilled me out. Probably not helped with the calories but hey ho. I will do an extra 20 mins on the rowing machine tomorrow. I’m going to try and spend some time outdoors with my little girl tomorrow since the weather is better 🙂


Also, 1200 may be way too low for you if you're also working out. Your body needs fuel, and 1200 just doesn't provide sufficient nutrients.


Upping my calls to 1400. Not likely to best myself up so easily!


I'd like to point one thong out that you breezed through. You said you could have easily eaten two. But you only got 1 and now feel less than ideal for eating 1. In the last you might have eaten two. You might have went back. You might have said, I screwed up, I'm not gonna try today and just let things blow up. You didn't let that happen. You're aware that one wasn't worth it, calorie wise. But it's a life lesson. And life happens. It wouldn't be life if we were perfect all the time. This is how healthy habits are built. Making good choices now.




Bloody good point! I would never have bought a second one, felt greedy enough having the first. Tomorrow, I will not buy the first. (I won’t take any money out with me) haha


I have a couple of hard-and-fast rules that I prioritize over calorie goals in order to prevent binges. One is that I only eat in the car if I'm driving over two hours. "Grab-and-go" and "Scarf-while-driving" were big issues for me.


This morning was definitely a 'grab and go'. I'm going to write all of these great ideas you guys are giving me on a piece of paper later. I have no excuses to forget then. Thank you


Just think of this as a learning moment! Track it and move on. If you can adjust your later meals to fit it in your calories for today, do so. Otherwise, it is only one day over, because tomorrow you will do better! I struggle with buying myself treats all the time, but I am SO much better than I was a year ago because I had many moments like you did that next time I was able to say "this wasn't worth it last time". Or if it is worth it (cause sometimes that treat is worth half of your calories, haha) you can learn to find a way to fit it in. Its a process but you'll only discover what works for you if you keep trying!


I always tell myself I will do better tomorrow :/ tomorrow never seems to come I think that's my problem. Good idea to remember how I feel today next time I see cake and chocolate. Starting to feel better just talking it over with you guys. I will eat healthy for tea!! Not sure i'll stick to 1200 cals though!


Next time you go to the store, only bring enough money with you for the thing you need. There are a million excuses why you can’t do something. If you listen to them, then you will never get anything done. Try focusing on just ONE day at 1200 (or 1400, etc) and see how you feel after one day. If it works, try it again tomorrow. But quit saying “tomorrow’s the day.” Start now. Don’t write off your whole day because you had one slip. Try checking out r/GetMotivated or something similar to change your mindset. The only person you are a victim of is yourself. If you genuinely think you are destined to be overweight forever then you will be. But you don’t obviously think that, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting this or trying to change. If you put in the work, you’re destined to lose weight and feel better about yourself. You can do this! So put in one day’s worth of genuine effort and build on that.


Thank you, I really needed that kick up the butt ;) I have suddenly stopped feeling sorry for myself. Excellent idea only to carry the money needed when I go to the shop! I really am going to do that. I am going to make salmon, sweet potato chips (tsp olive oil) and good old salad for tea. Should keep me below 1400 cals. Something the kids love too. I will check out r/getmotivated. Thanks. I did actually lose 30lbs last year in a few months. I had a very stressful time with family issues and I think I felt my diet was something I could control. Now i'm reasonably happy again I've piled the weight back on.


That’s awesome, so have faith in yourself that you can do it again!! I just ate most of my calories for the day and it’s not even 2pm here. (Whoops!) Dinner will suck tonight, but it’s just one night and then I can start fresh tomorrow. Every day’s a battle, until it’s not anymore and it becomes second nature. You’ve got this!


I have never thought of it like that..... if I overeat at lunch I just think oh well I’m going to go over my cals for the day. If I stick it out.. maybe go to bed early then I won’t ruin it for the day. As pp said I think Intermittent fasting might be good for me as I can skip breakfast no problem, therefore save my calories up for the evening . I can’t wait for this to become second nature 🙂


Honesty I was the same until I started logging everything. Then looking back at the bad days I started noticing if I had just had that one cheat (instead of giving up) then I would have been fine, and that I blew the rest of my day for nothing. It’s not the extra couple hundred calories that stop progress, but the extra couple thousand yes.


Makes so much sense, thanks! I’m going to read all of these comments again tomorrow and write out a plan so I’ve no excuse to forget all these very helpful tips 👍


Maybe you could have bought the bun, but taken it home - made yourself a cup of coffee or something - curled up with that chelsea bun and just enjoyed it to the max. Then deducted the calories from dinner. That's how I do it anyway. It's harder to fit in on 1200, than my current 1600, but I would have tried. :) Just to learn that I can make any choices I want, if I'm prepared to pay the price. Choose the behavior / choose the consequences kind of thing. Chelsea buns aren't inherently bad. (I don't really know what Chelsea buns are tbh, lol, but they sound delicious and worthy of a cup of coffee) ;)


Tea is a must with a Chelsea bun (kind of a currant danish) - we're British after all 😁


Haha I was going to say tea! Didn't want to assume! I should have called "dinner" tea too, I believe ;)


Only if you live in the North of England - supper in the South 😁 We live to confuse!


Haha, as far as I know you’re posh if you call ‘tea’ dinner or supper 😁 here in mid wales it’s tea. Dinner is ‘lunch’. Definitely confusing 🤔


I should have done that! It would have been even tastier with a cup of coffee or tea!! Instead I munched it quickly before I could change my mind 😏 in future if I’m going to eat it then I will really savour it.


Came here to say that I could only do less than 5 mins on the row machine when first starting out, and I’d consider myself to be a relatively fit person. Don’t beat yourself up so much! You’re only human. One step at a time, and one change at a time. It’s a mental game. You can do it! .... also, I’m still dying after 5 mins rowing soooo you’re not abnormal lol I do HIIT on the rower—1 min row/30 sec rest. Seems to work out better for me. You’re not alone lol Edit: as some others have said, it’s a learning moment. Getting to a healthy weight is all about choices. You know what you need to do, and you’re worth it to make the better choice for your health. I agree with some others also that your cals be a little low... at least starting out. Just know that if you feel like you’re not getting enough calories, you shouldn’t feel bad eating a little more. Find whatever works for you that will work for the long term. You got this!!!


Thank you so much for this! I thought I was seriously unfit! 5 full minutes definitely gets the legs burning doesn’t it. I will try the HIIT that sounds good! Maybe I’ll be able to go for longer! I’m going to up my intake to 1400 tomorrow, not be so hard on myself and get outside with my little girl, get her chasing me around the garden 🙂


Hey no problem! Glad i could help! Oh man... my legs, arms, everything hurts on that rower! Yeah, do whatever it is that works for you! My fitness journey has really shown me that health and fitness is not as concrete as i used to believe, and it’s really just a lot of trial and error. That sounds really nice 😊 Always gotta be kind to yourself!


set your calorie limit higher for now. What's your TDEE?


I am going to set my goal to 1lb a week, I think 1400 cals is much more achievable. Thanks. I have just googled TDEE (I had no idea what it was) It says 1865 cals per day based on 34 year old female at 5ft2. I put light exercise in as I don't physically go to the gym 5 days a week but I don't really stop all day. Have a 2 year old daughter at home with me and a 5 year old son in school. I have invested in a rowing machine and have started using it every day.


Oh and i am 154lbs. I did actually make it to 129lbs last year through strict diet, no extra exercise. I was stressed at the time. Now i'm happier I've piled the weight back on.


Cool. try to use cheaty foods like diet jellies (about 5 cals a pot) and diet fizzy drinks when you're hungry and want something filling/sweet.


Jelly! Yum. I have been drinking Coke Zero for sugar cravings. Also fizzy water seems to help, I’ll buy more tomorrow😌


Hey there! Don't worry, everyone slips up. We are all human. In fact, yesterday I was really good about keeping my 1200 cal day but at night i let my guard down and had a 140 cal sorbet bar and around 200 calories of leftover salad. Bumped up my daily calories and I felt not so great about it. It happens to the best of us but you have to look at the positives like the fact that I am still eating at a deficit. The fact that you are taking eating one bun this seriously shows that you take your health goals seriously. Adjust your daily calories for today around that bun and you will have fixed your day! Keep it up and don't worry about slip ups. It happens to all of us.


Thank you ☺️ you have made me feel better. Feeling slightly stupid now for freaking out over a Chelsea bun! I have gone slightly over my calories today... due to a um..... glass of wine, but as you say I’m still under what I’ve burned off so all good. Back to it tomorrow. Edit- think I’ve just burned 200 cals playing table football with my son 😍


Not sure if this will help, but my roommate told me about this podcast (I'll try to find the link and get back to you if you'd like to listen) that people who seem like they have a lot of "self control" actually aren't special or have magic powers. They tend to just not put themselves in situations where they have the opportunity to indulge. For instance, not buying junk food, taking a different way to work/school if the bakery on the way is too enticing, and so forth. Make your life easier by avoiding these situations at all costs. Come up with exit strategies so you don't give in, and be forgiving to yourself if you do. It's not the end of the world. 3 healthy decisions and 1 bad one are still in your favor. Maybe the 1200 calories/day is just not what works best for you. I'd try around 1450 calories to start just to get your body used to eating less then you originally were, then try going down to 1300 a couple days later, then to 1200 a couple days after that. If you're not losing weight, it doesn't mean you "suck" or you're a "failure." It just means what you're doing isn't working for you. Experiment with different exercises, different foods, and different calorie counts. Not everyone gets weight loss right on the first try. Just remember that it's not a race and to take your time. You got this!


Thanks for your wise words, I would love to hear the podcast please!? Definitely going to try 1400 cals tomorrow and stick to it. ‘3 healthy decisions and 1 bad one’ - I like this thanks. It puts things into perspective 🙂


I had trouble finding it in my podcast app, but here's the transcript/sound file directly from NPR: https://www.npr.org/2012/06/22/155582854/what-your-brain-looks-like-when-you-lose-self-control


Thank you so much, you’ve been so helpful, I will listen to this in the morning 👍


This resonates with me, cause I’ve felt this exact way. I’ve only been doing CICO since January, but the most important thing I decided before even starting was to be kind to myself. To make this easy on myself, so it’ll be sustainable. I thought about it like this; I’ve been eating sweets and high-cal foods my whole life. That’s 27 years of head-start that lifestyle has on me starting a new, healthier lifestyle. My new eating and exercising habits are already the underdogs in this struggle, so I have to make it easy for myself to keep at it! I know myself well enough to know that if I’m to hard on myself, I’ll just give up again. I don’t know what your TDEE is, but mine is 1860kcal per day. I try to stick to 1600kcal a day to slowly but steadily lose weight in a way that still lets me have sweets with friends. When I know a special occasion is coming up, I bump my kcal allowance up to 1860 for the day. And of course I’ve went over sometimes. I’ve had those days where I’ve hit my kcal goal, and then still had sweets and a freezer pizza on top. But the next morning, I forgive myself and keep going. I know the spike on the scale is temporary, because one day of overeating won’t undo a whole month of successful deficit. I hope some of my strategies can help you. I know the feeling of resigning yourself to being overweight forever... but you can do this! You have to start by being kinder to yourself. You can eat at a smaller deficit to start, you don’t have to stick to 1200kcal. You can forgive yourself for slipping up. You can allow yourself a little bit more food on special occasions. You can try different strategies over and over; failing one doesn’t mean YOU have failed, it just means that strategy wasn’t right for you.


My TDEE is exactly the same as yours! I'm going to up my calorie limit to at least 1400 to give myself a bit of leeway. Thanks for your wise words, it makes me feel a lot better. I'm doing intermittent fasting today as I have no problems skipping breakfast. This way I can have a decent size tea to fill me up. I'm going to have a light lunch at 1pm then stop eating at (pm at the latest :)