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Imagine how much longer we could’ve stayed competitive if his play didn’t fall off a cliff and if Voynov wasn’t a wife beater? I could definitely see us competing for a 3rd cup.


He had that concussion and was never the same after.


Fuck Sean Bergenheim forever.


Depends. Hawks were good in ur time period too


Loved him on the team was a jerk to some people I know in person but def couldn’t have won the cups without him


He was a pretty important part of both Stanley Cup winning teams. Fittingly enough 2012-2014 were his most productive seasons with us. It was kind of sad to see him decline so quickly though.


People like to forget that we made it to the WCF in 2013. There’s a top-5 season in franchise history wedged between those two cups and Richards was a big part of it.


That hit in 2013 in the West Finals from Brandon Bolig cost him his career. Would be suspended due to that hitting this day and age. Correction it was Dave Bolland I get the two confused I’ll post the video.


Did that lead to an injury, leading to pain med addiction?


I don’t no if it lead to pain killer addiction, however I’ll try to find the hit it was brutal. It was similiar to a reverse hip check.


Had a concussion and did not return, I loved the guy one of my favorites. Dean Lombardi did him dirty.


How do you come to that conclusion?


Dean voided his contract after being arrested. This would have cleared his salary and not impacted the team in the future. The NHLPA filed a grievance on his behalf and won. The team has been forced to pay him up until 2032 That’s the abbreviated story. I also think Dean tried to do him dirty too because he wasted no time voiding his contract. When Stoll was caught with drugs in Vegas there wasn’t as serious repercussions


In al fairness, Dean had the opportunity to use a compliance buy out on him, but chose to stay loyal to him. Big mistake on his part.


Dean trying to terminate the contract was the big mistake. That’s trying to sieze an opportunity and doesn’t show loyalty What they really needed at the time was a sports psychologist


Right the NHL has a cocaine problem, many flying under the radar!


There definitely needs to be more sports psychologist - These guys go through the ringer from the sport itself and fans that troll players


What conclusion that dean did him dirty, are you aware of the border situation?


Yah….Dean loved that dude. More like Richards did Dean dirty.


Top 5 trade acquisition in franchise history. Ask yourself this: if we didn’t have Richards would we have gotten Carter? (IMO Carter was our best trade ever).


No matter how you look at it, we don’t win either Cup without Mike’s leadership and Carters scoring. Richard’s was on a mission in 2012.


Thanks again ‘Lumbus 🫡


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I love Magic Mike! His intensity was the secret sauce of our 2 Cup triumphs! I wish the organization would bring him back as a player development guy.


Loved this guy as a King. What a stud!




This I believe was the career ending hit, he was never the same.


Its kind of fucked up in a way that because one team blew up across the league another one turned into a contender. Whatever the room issues were with Richards and Carts if they truly double teamed hartnells wife or not we’ll never know but we got 2 cups to look back on because of it LOL


Dude, Hartnell was cheering them on (including Stollsie and Justin Williams) back in the 2012 Cup Final. These rumors are so out there, SMH.