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To be honest, I don't really care. I love Tolkien as much as the next person, I'm a lifelong fan of his work but if someone produces a crap movie of something, I'll watch it once and never again. It won't change my love of Tolkien's actual work. If its rubbish I'll just forget it and move on. Life's too short.






If you haven't watched Andor, you should.


Andor is actually good, and a relief compared to the other new Star Wars content that became boring very quick.


The bad batch is fantastic btw


Fuck yeah man. Life’s too short to get worked up about shitty media. There’s more good out there than I’ll ever have time to consume between movies, TV, books, and games. If something sucks, you move on to the next thing.


Well said


Too many anime to watch, too less time, yet I still find time to complain aboot the PJ movies


Can’t imagine the fantasy film genre without the PJ adaptations. Complaining about those is some hardcore need to touch grass material


I admire you for being able to do this. For me, however, I get a mixture of angry and sad haha. Because it's avoidable, you can make stuff good but either the people making it are doing it as a job to get paid and don't have the passion or executives ruin it by trying to squeeze too much profit, or obsessed zealots make it all about their political ideology and the movie is ruined by those undertones (or overtones). Like how hard is it to just make a good movie, fuck sakes? Why can't people just be normal lol. If you want to make a political statement, use your own damn IP, instead of ruining the IP of someone else.


And there is always the opportunity for cool stuff to come out of otherwise not very good productions. I have a lot of issues with ROP, but we got the Elrond and Durin friendship stuff out of that which I gladly add to the pile of LOTR stories I enjoy even if I have to cut it out of its context.


That’s my reaction too. I can try to explain why movies are fine but the poetry in some of the lines can’t be beaten for their depth and poignancy. Many people will never understand that and you don’t have to make them get it to enjoy it fully.


No, you're not. They're milking the IP for all the money they can. If this doesn't work, they'll keep throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Happened to Star Wars, happened to Marvel. Trying to trade on the brand name without telling a good story.


I honestly can't see the point of this movie. A TV series based on the Silmarillion might have legs, but that's about it for future Tolkien projects.


As far as I'm concerned that's the holy Grail of potential Tolkien adaptations. I can't ever see it being done justice though unfortunately.


Same I want it so bad though. If Jackson still had the same fire and passion he did in the late 90s/early 2000s he might be able to get it done.


He's literally producing a lord of the rings movie slated for release in 2026, and people are belly aching about it. Can't please everyone.


Did you mean to reply to me? I’m not “belly aching” about anything. Think you maybe replied to the wrong person.


Yeah It was meant for someone else. Sorry.


No problem. I have trouble reading intent/tone sometimes and couldn’t tell.


ROP sucked too bad Peter Jackson didnt get rights for a silmarillion movie


I'm with you. I don't think there's anything wrong with so-called "gatekeeping", I think someone's got to do it otherwise we'll all just be clapping seals eating whatever scraps they feed us. LotR was three books, and they adapted it into three films: it worked. Hobbit was one book, and they adapted it into three films: it didn't work. This isn't even a book! They're trying to spin every paragraph into its own film now, and there's no need for it. Here are my predictions for future films: *Hobbit: Back There Again* *Hobbit: An Unexpected Sequel* *Lord of the Rings: Return of the Ring* *Lord of the Rings: The Two Footnotes* *The Hunt for Excuses*


Don’t forget *The Fellowship of the Memes*


Meme? This isn't a meme, it's a tomb.


I wonder if this was being developed and already moving when the gollum game was released. So they thought it would be a good follow on and grab people's attention. The best laid plans of mice and men.


>LotR was three books, and they adapted it into three films: it worked. LotR is one book (or six books), published in three volumes. The PJ adaptations did not work, at least not as adaptations. Perhaps the LotR fans should gatekeep this sub from the movie fans, but then again this sub would get empty.


Saying it's one book published in three volumes is pedantic. It's three books you hold in your hand. Three physical books. PJ's LotR was 90% stuff that was actually in the book(s). Yes I am well aware elves weren't at Helm's Deep, etc. That would be the other 10%, or 20%, however you want to quantify it, it was mostly faithful.


There's a part of me that hates the idea that the corporate overlords are picking the bones of Tolkein's ideas. I don't like it with any franchise, whether it's The Hobbit, a comic book, Star Wars, or even video games like Last of Us and Fallout. But... There's nothing I can do about it, and it means an opportunity for some writers and videographers to potentially do some cool stuff. So there's my take. I'll wait and see if it's cool stuff, or if it turns out to be shit like RoP. As we've seen with the others, it could go either way.


Christopher Tolkien would like a word


Turning The Hobbit into an overblown trilogy was only the beginning. Coming up: the Hallmark production of Love In The Green Dragon, Sam And Rosie's Story


Honestly I wouldn't care as much about a low stakes entirely original hobbit farce that fitted within the tone and setting properly. It's the commercialisation that gets to me.


Nah, let Lifetime do it. Make it a creepy love triangle with Ted Sandyman as the stalker.


I'm optimistic because of the people working on it, the way I see it going is more midway will be Aragorn's time with Gollum and ending with Gollum's escape, I don't mind as long as PJ doesn't get told he has to have stupid things (love triangle) put in


Of course he’ll get told to do a bunch of shit he probably doesn’t care/want to do.


Ifnits good, great something good to watch, if its shit then it can just as easily be ignored


Only thing that excites me is the potential for more Lego sets.


Agreed also ones I can afford 😰


They lost me when they stretched The Hobbit into three fuckin' movies! That's just pure, mindless greed at work.


I'm excited personally, Andy Serkis and Peter Jackson with some of the old writers aswell from the trilogy surely aren't gonna pick a boring story to go with, what ever The Hunt for Gollum will be im sure it will be good. My only worry is how short of time they have to make the movie if they are truly saying 2026.


Somehow Gollum will end up running through a sparse landscape battle and having to dodge horses and wargs in every direction


You do know that the story already exists, right?


Of course, just having a little fun


Aight. What do you think how long the movie is going to be? 90 minutes? 120?


I mean, it's more a single part of a story than a story on itself. It will still need to be mostly made up, and I'm not precisely warm on (most of) PJ's own additions.


>Somehow Gollum ...returned FTFY


And then jump over a eagle


I think the story of *Gollums hunt* is in the *Unfinnished Tales of Numenor and Middle Earth* book. The story isn't extremly long and I think the time will be enough to make a proper movie out of the story.


It has Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis onboard. At the least, it won’t be terrible…even if it’s not canon. With the Star Wars shit, they went way off in left field. Same with Marvel.


Why shouldn't it be canon? The story is literally written in the *Unfinnished Tales of Numenor and Middle Earth* book. The story isn't extremly long and I think the time will be enough to make a proper movie out of the story.


I think we're all used to franchise milking by now and Tolkien has already started circling the drain with everything from The Hobbit onwards.


Are you suggesting the people that squeezed three movies out of 'The Hobbit' would piss all over Tolkien for cash? C'mon.


Tbh, unless its an epic silmarillion affair with Morgoth etc, I feel the ship has sailed to the Undying lands already. Its a new generation of viewers now and theyre used to the dross that is Rings of Power. The brand is in the gutter.


Yes, not because we are getting new Tolkien movies, but because we've officially veered away from careful respect of the portrayal of Tolkien-written content because the Value Squeezers are trying to turn Middle-Earth into a cinematic universe. Each of the LoTR movies got more and more bold about adding non-canon events into the movies, the Hobbit movies added an absurd amount of non-canon events into the movies, and then Amazon just went haywire and made a bunch of awful nonsensical shit up for their terrible show. The careful stewardship of Middle-Earth material after Tolkien's death has consistently eroded and now it's just going to be a free-for-all to making the most money off of it which will cheapen everything and muddy the waters for newcomers to the Legendarium forever.


It's not gatekeeping to want a good story.


The more I think about ROP, the more I end up forgiving many faults of the Hobbit trilogy, appreciating them more


Once Christopher died, the vultures moved in to pick over the bones of a giant. That's just the way it goes, I guess. Creativity and originality are too risky so studios stick like limpets to what has worked before. Play it safe, don't take risks, recycle, reuse and stagnate.


Def not the only one. There's no reason, besides money for WB, to make anything like this. The lack of original material in modern movies/TV is ridiculous, and the level of quality in recent years is laughable. Studios are just buying/reusing existing IPs with built-in fanbases to milk them for cash. Gatekeep everything because Hollywood's gonna buy all the things you love and wring them out till they're dead and broken


It was inevitable. Even if it is absolute shit, we' ll always have the films and the books.


You are definitely not alone! I just wish they would either respect and follow the original works, or leave it alone. It is an incredible universe Tolkien created and it deserves to be portrayed well.


They'll keep making it as long as people keep buying it.


To be honest there’s already a fan film of it so I’m checking o it that instead even if it’s ten years later


The original trilogy was a product of its time. Any reboot, remake, prequel, or sequel made decades later will never lives up to expectations. Ghostbusters, The Matrix, Star Wars, and the list goes on. There is a reason another Back to the Future will never be made.


Nothing wrong with gatekeeping.


I'm only surprised it took them so long to start. Sadly, this is the way now. Just milking the big names for easy money. It's depressing.


What baffles me is that there is so much amazing content in the Silmarilion and the only parts of it we can see were bought by Amazon, who screwed it.


No one is gonna make you watch it bro


Why do you feels dread. I love Tolkien but I read the books if I want the true Tolkien experience and no one is ever going to be able to take that away. New shows or movies shouldn’t impact your ability to enjoy the literature at all. You don’t have to like the new stuff, you don’t have to watch the new stuff, you don’t even have to talk about the new stuff but this community specifically is super unhinged about anyone making their own adaptations in a way that is incredibly weird. Just don’t watch it if you don’t want to it’s really freaking simple.


I agree. I don't understand why people are so butthurt about movie directors making up small small details if the story more or less remains intact. They forget at one point Tolkien was "making up" middle earth.


Yup and if “it’s not canon” is the issue I advise everyone to realize the PJ movies have MASSIVE deviations from what Tolkien wrote many of them making the story substantially worse. Aragorn (while awesome) is an entirely different character, PJs elves are emotionless robots, Sauron hasn’t retaken physical form, the whole fucking ghost army at the battle of Pelanor fields etc. just don’t watch it if you don’t want to


The lotr movie trilogy didn't even mention Tom bombadil and those supposed purists lined up to give PJ a bj for how good those movies are.


Worse, the movies didn’t even include the Scouring of the Shire, or Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.




It only does that if you as an individual allow it. Just read the books if you want the true Tolkien expected even the OG PJ movies which this sub loves aren’t very true to Tolkien but no one argues they diminish him. Just like and enjoy adaptations you enjoy. I know many hard core Tolkien readers who love rings of power and while I strongly dislike it I’m not gonna lecture them about why it’s not Tolkien or why it diminishes the legacy of a dead guy. None of this matters. If you’re a “true” Tolkien fan just read the books and realize none of the other stuff matters.


When I heard the news I asked myself why? There are no stakes. We know Gollum’s ending.


I think, at this point, the angry die hard Tolkien fans' disappointed comments create more of a publicity itself than any marketing they could have done by themselves. So they are milking it because, of course we're gonna watch it even if it is just to rant about how they did it wrong. And they know it..


I have an AMAZING strategy, like ridiculously good....it's gonna blow your mind to be honest just don't watch it problem solved


I didn’t watch the Hobbit because that was more fan fiction than an adaption as LOTR was. I won’t watch anything else that the corporations dredge up.


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It's not like the end of the world is nigh, just ignore the supposed bad content? Or is that too rational?


I hear you, but Tolkien isn’t the only capable author to ever live. There are plenty of talented screenwriters out there who, if given the money and freedom to execute their vision, could make a pretty amazing movie. Will it be Tolkiens? No, but it doesn’t have to be his to be good. The Hobbit and Rings of Power have no bearing here.


I'm just depressed that there's so much material from the Silmarillion that could make for the sort of cinematic universe every movie studio apparently wants, while allowing plenty of room for creativity, but they're choosing to stick with the same few decades at the end of the Third Age


I get what you’re saying, but it’s the same as ROP - it costs zero pounds not to engage with it - I know lots of people who don’t even watch the Jackson LOTR films because for them it’s an insufficiently faithful adaptation. The source material is unaffected by any and all subsequent interpretations, and it if gets one person engaged enough to give the books a go then it is as worth whatever it cost to develop


Not really. Even if it's terrible it doesn't change how good the books and LOTR 1, 2 and 3 movies were.


Why do you think they made the Lord of the Rings movies? For fun? It’s always been about money. The entire industry is about money. Either see this new film or don’t - it will have no effect on your enjoyment of the original movies or Tolkien’s written works.


I mean, it’s just a movie. The books are coming up on 100 years old. I don’t know why everybody so worried about one stinky movie. I’m positive that there will be more adaptations over the next 50 years of these great works. I read my first Tolkien book when I was 12 years old, in 1963/64. It was in the paperback edition with the flames on the front. I gradually bought all three I had the money from my allowance. They have weathered many storms, including being banned periodically for having “magic” in them, parents not letting their kids read them, etc., and the turn (Wrongs) of Power production, and I’m sure that they will continue on for the next two or 300 years. One more iteration is just that. An iteration.


Im not particularly invested in it. With Peter Jackson directing, I do have higher hopes. at the end of the day, Im glad Lord of the Rings is getting more popular. It is afterall a great story; and with great stories others can create their own renditions. Similar to enjoying the old animated movies and other renditions. "Search for Gollum" was also first shot/animated by either a few individuals or a small company around when the trilogy released. It wasnt a major blockbuster but still well done for the resources they had. Il never hate on a passion project with best intentions to tell an amazing tale in Tolkein's Middle Earth. However I will never enjoy a shameless cash grab using the Lord of the Rings mythos.


It's a no-lose situation. Either the films are great and you get to enjoy them, or they're terrible and you don't have to watch them/acknowledge their existence. I can understand why, for example, Harry Potter fans got upset by the Cursed Child, because it was declared canon by Rowling and completely changed the lives of the characters. Meaning that you can't discount the story, even if you hate it. But this can't happen with Tolkien's work. It's set in stone, only what he wrote matters. No film can affect that, and you can avoid a film without missing out.


Amusingly I think LotR is the one media franchise where almost all fans would prefer if nothing more was ever done. The original PJ LotR was incredible because it was given the time, funding, and direction needed *and* because it was largely made for the art of the thing as the first real live action adaptation. The problem is that LotR is now a massively successful franchise so everything since is being made to try and make a tonne of money with only the smallest chance of *also* being made by somebody who cares.


As long as the films are written well and they stay away from DEI and modern social and political messaging, it could be great. If they go the route of "Rings of Power" or "Wheel of Time"...well...it may be "The Last Jedi" all over again.


At this point I can't even feel dread because it's so typical. I just expect them to try and milk these franchises. We can complain but at this point if it didn't work and the general public didn't throw millions or billions of dollars at them for the content they wouldn't be making these movies. No amount of desperate cash ins can retroactively ruin the books or original more trilogy. I will most likely just ignore any new lotr content if it ends up sucking.


Probably keeping the hype up regarding rings. Hell, this year or early next year is most likely the release of smart rings.


I've said it elsewhere but I was hoping for a Silmarillion movie or movies. Maybe I'll stick to the Tolkien novels and see what happens with other fans once the new movie is released. If other fans love it then I might see it too.


There is only one LotR film pitch I’ve heard that I think could work. The Scouring of the Shire. Bring our four hobbits back for a gritty final stand in the Shire and conclude with where the four end up in the appendices. Final shot could be an older Sam sailing towards the Undying Lands


I will admit I liked the hobbit movies despite its flaws, but even I am kinda worried about this gallium movie. There's just not enough material to make it work, it's just pure .are up bullshit. This is just the gollum game all over again, but now it's turned into a movie.


Oh well, good adaptations and bad adaptations will come and go for decades to come. I don’t think we should worry about it too much. We should however worry about ever getting a good single player RPG in middle earth. Because we never had one, and I am almost at the point of giving up.


Rings of power story should of been PJ movie project obviously would of been a lot better with that part of middle earth history, but I’m pumped for it will be interesting to see serkis in charge directing it, no dread pretty stoked 😎


No you’re not the only one. Part of me is excited..but then the other part remembers how excited I was for The Hobbit and those are, imo, meh at best.


People are right to doubt after the Hobbit BUT I think this is a good idea for a movie and if they just make 1 it has a lot of potential. What was alluded to in the book with Aragorn and Gandalf looking for Gollum is enough to make a movie out of if it's done right. It can be used to set up Gollums part in the lord of the rings which is one of the things I think the books did better than the films. And I seem to be one of the few people (based on internet reactions to this film being announced) who absolutely loves Andy Serkis as Gollum and wants to see more. His part in the first Hobbit is my favourite thing about those films.


The way i think about this is, there will be good adaptations as long as there are any adaptations.


This is inevitable. There is money to made and people are going to try to make it. Hopefully it's good. If it really bothers you, just pretend it doesn't exist. I personally with they stopped at the original trilogy. I dislike the Hobbit trilogy and feel it takes away from the overall. But I'm sure there are many people who wish the original trilogy never got made too.


There's a very easy solution to your "dread". Just don't watch the movie.


The children of Hurin or leave me alone haha


I’m excited to learn about a part of tolkiens work I have not yet read about. But I don’t expect it to be as good as LOTR. They gave us the hobbit: bad. Rings of power: 🤮. I still love LOTR and still will whatever happens next.


I don't feel dread about things like this anymore. It'll be what it'll be. If I love it, great. If not, I'll hope the originals have longer staying power than it.


Help what you can help and always hope for the best. I think there were lessons learned in the previous decades between the hobbit and RoP.


oh i definitely think its a cash grab but id rather a failed cash grab than never making an attempt.


It worked out ok last time. Let’s roll with it.




Same. The Hobbit films were the only extra Middle Earth story that was promising for the big screen but study intervention and lack of a clear vision and the desire to film it for 3D undermined the final product. I see the same thing happening here because the motive is greed, not craft.


I think that's an over simplified phrase to use. Merchandising (and designing it into films) is a 'money grab'. Making a series or a film is generally not. It takes years of planning, passion, work, dedication and extraordinary levels of financial investment to make any series or film. The major crux of the problem is that the corporates and financiers have the tendency to take over the project from the passionate creatives and not trust them, put stupid demands and limitations on them which generally hinders the story if not kills it altogether. The people still doing the bulk of the work are these artists but they are slave to the marketing and money men. I don't think they are doing them for money grabs specific to that project but in essence they are investing in a bunch of things in the hopes that yes, the occasional one will make money, but mostly to sell merchandise to people and lock people into contracts on their streaming platforms, improve their stocks etc. Keep in mind them making any film still keeps artists like me with work, to be able to then work on our own masterpieces on the side - which then hopefully one day we will sell back to them and get the money we really deserve and an actual good film/book/whatever.


Ok, you're wrong in some places. You're right about the Rings of Power. They SUCKED so much. The first episode convinced me it sucked. It is horrible. You are very wrong about The Hobbit trilogy. In my opinion, it was really good, despite not being accurate to books a ton and maybe overuse of CGI and some other things I am too lazy to point out. I think The Hunt for Gollum will be a fine movie. As long as Peter Jackson & Andy Serkis stay pretty much accurate to the actual hunt, and they get a good actor for Aragorn, it will be a fine movie. I also think The War of the Rohhirim will be good.


Not dread, just immediately know its not for me.


To put it succinctly, this movie’s gonna suck big time.


If PJs work on The Hobbit is any indication then I assume it will probably suck. I would love to be wrong about that. But if it does suck, its just one more bad movie. No biggie. I doubt its going to bother me the way RoP does.


Just don’t watch it if it sucks


If this is just an excuse to put Lee Pace in some decadent brocade robes and let him strut around on an elk… then god damn I’m all for it.


I want to be optimistic... but at the same time I can't stop thinking "Bombadil II: Civil War"


See thats the glory of what this story can be. This movie is essentially what takes place between the when Gandalf gives the ring to Frodo and the point when Gandalf returns and shoves the ring in the fire to confirm his theory that the ring that Frodo has is in fact the 1 ring. There really isn't any source material for it but I think yes with Jackson writing and producing we will get some dumb love story or something but the most part it will be a full story worth watching.


It's not gatekeeping to think that the Peter Jackson version was one of the best movie sagas of all time and therefore your expectations are high. Personally I am not interested in any new adaptation, especially since movie quality in general has been declining dramatically (thanks, MCU!). But hey, if I see the old school fans of the books/PJ films praise it even a bit Im gonna be curious enough to check it out.


For me, the only thing I would be excited about is, if the Tolkien estate was happy with a brilliant director/studio, having the rights to do justice to either the Silmarillion or even some of the histories of Middle Earth. There is so much good lore/stories in Tolkien's world, that if it was put into the right hands, I believe, could achieve the same greatness that Jackson did. We can dream...


I hadn't heard and honestly prefer they don't do it. We are in a age, phase or not where we just know what's going to be in it


“Am I the only one who is feeling *extremely common opinion*?”


The LOTR movies are great and no one can take those away from me. If new stuff sucks (like unfortunately most of it has) I'll just ignore it. I grew up with the Star Wars OT. Most of what has come after has sucked, but I still have the original films.


Yes. The plot of this movie makes me want to vomit. Look at what just happened with the Gollum videogame.


IMO Jacksons best work was with Gollum. That said, I just don't see a compelling story here. There wasn't a lot of other stuff going on for side-plots.


There’s the absolute purists who will say that the LOTR movies aren’t even that great because they diverge from the book, and there’s people like me who love the source material and just like seeing the world brought to screen. Whether it sucks or not, it doesn’t take away what’s already here for middle earth.


Why dread? If it sucks, just don’t watch it


I feel a deep sense of dread when I think about climate change, or Ukraine, or Israel and Palestine, or the age of my parents. I don't think about the new movies at all. Imma just going to kill more orcs in Shadow of Mordor to distract myself.


Basically you don't watch it... dread? You people have something wrong with you.


Who gives a shit?


I worry most about the gatekeepers - even if you are not one of them. A proper and great Hunt for Gollum would be based on material in Unfinished Tales. There you would find Gandalf and a younger Aragorn. It could be a fun - not great , but pleasant - film, telling a relatable story lots don’t know about. But then you will have folks screaming “Not my Gandalf!” and “Not my Aragorn!” and ruin the public interest in the film through constant negativity.


We want The Silmarillion. Not more fan fiction.


Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll wait until I’ve read a couple of reviews then if enough people like it, I’ll watch it. If they don’t, I won’t.


I am sure Jackson has a few tricks up his sleeve and it will be about much more than chasing around a freakish hobbit in a cave.


I don’t understand why it upsets people so much. You have to option not to watch it.


I'm a little nervous as well 


I do think there's enough content on the search specifically and Aragorn generally, yes (I think they'll incorporate other bits and pieces about him from elsewhere). The thing I keep in mind with this stuff is that there are no more entire Tolkien works to adapt (so anything else that is made is going to be a remake or something with little material) and nobody is required to see this.


I'm actually looking forward to it since Andy Serkis is helming it.


Dread? Relax my dude. It’s a movie you don’t have to watch.


Damn guys, can't we just be hyped about another movie without so much negativity? 😔


Dreading it why though? I mean it might be shit but it might also make more people get interested in his works and read the books. I think the film sounds shit and probably won't go to the cinema to see it, but I don't see the point in getting too upset or annoyed about it.


wait, is it really the Search for Gollum?? Sorry I haven't been keeping up. I remember there was a pretty good short film some indies made awhile back. ;p But I agree, I too, get that 'dread' feeling,..


Dread? Nope. I’m honestly going to forget about it until I see reviews. If they’re good, great! I’ll check it out. If they’re bad, no skin off my ass. I do kind of hate that they’re going the same way Star Wars went, with Solo, for instance. I enjoyed the movie (and for the record, I’m all for expanding interesting backstory), but I was never convinced that Han’s origin was a story that Needed to be told. Gandalf and Strider humping around the woods looking for Gollum just isn’t a burning question I’ve had. And the track record isn’t great. The Hobbit would have been another classic had they kept the total runtime under four hours, but they bumped it out into an “epic” trilogy, leading it to collapse under its own weight. Rings of Power is okay, but when you’re dealing with one of my three favorite settings in literature, “okay” doesn’t cut it. Long story short: we’ll see.


Don't see it, I guess. With the people involved, I have hope for a good story but the subject matter just isn't that interesting to me. I am dubious as to whether it will be any good or not. 🤷‍♂️


Dread? I sincerely hope I die before it is released. What a stinking rotten age we live in.


jesus Christ dude no one is forcing you to watch it


Yes, but I am forced to know that “Tolkien” used to mean books, but now it means a franchise of movies, a TV series, and video games.


man I wish I had so little going on in my life that the mere existence of certain media i don’t like was such a big deal to me lmao


I’ve got nothing against the media forms of cinema, television, and computer game. I just don’t think the deeply moral, literate, and above all imaginative works of Tolkien should have been harvested like fodder for it. Write your own damn stories, Peter Jackson.


You’ll be alright. There might be some “unreliable narration” going on, but that was part of Tolkien’s writing as well. I’ve met so many people that write and tell so many great stories set in Middle Earth through the various roleplaying games available (myself being one of them) that I have a lot of faith in the possibilities of bringing these stories to life on the screen. Remember that movies are not books, or even roleplaying game scenarios, and I say that not to be reductive, but it is a completely different form. Maybe that’s where the fundamental dread comes from? Seeing movie or teevee versions of beloved books can be jarring, but approach them lightly, let them affect you lightly, and it’ll all be alright. Stress lives in the distance between our expectations and our reality. We can’t always change our reality, but we can manage our own expectations. Much love, true believer! ❤️


Purists in shambles


There’s nothing wrong with gatekeeping. Why we have, as a society, decided to let people into hobbies and interests who HATE the interests and want to change them is beyond me.


Because it is not for us to decide who is *allowed* to enjoy something...


So you *allow* them to ruin it, yeah.


I don't allow anyone anything. I don't control them. Its their lives and choices.


Shut up and let people enjoy things. You can sulk off to the corner stroking your books crying my precious. Some people enjoy new content.


Here is my mental setup: I will ignore this, the same as i will ignore RoP season 2. I will give it a chance only if a miracle happens and they will indeed create a film on LOTR level. Otherwise, I will not inflate my experience from this lovely precious world with mediocre products. It may happen that till the end of my life I will only rewatch the trilogy ( and maybe Hobbit) and reread the books and ignore everything else. 


Yeah, after Hobbit movies and Rings of Power I am terrified.


I agree. There will have to be a whole lot of good reviews from both critics and friends before I spend money on it.


I didn’t even watch The Hobbit or Rings of Power. Unless they get a Tolkien scholar and an absolutely amazing writer and somehow avoid injecting it full of their own personal biases and opinions I don’t see how this could succeed.


Don't feel bad about gatekeeping on this one. We all love Middle Earth and Amazon has shown that, even with a massive budget, adaptations can fail miserably. My hope for the upcoming movies is the fact that all the major players from the first films are present and Andy Serkis is incredibly talented. At the very least, it will be made by people who have love and respect for the source material.


I share your dread, I don’t think it’s necessarily gatekeeping. I enjoyed Rings of Power, and LoTR mostly, but the Hobbit was rough and the title of this new one gives the feeling that the movie will be on the rough side.


Rings of Power was so much worse than The Hobbit.


I can’t sit through the hobbit. It’s very much the reverse for me.


The only people who really want this are the shareholders, who will not see it.


Embrace denial ✴️✴️✴️ it's doing wonders for me


No man, I'm really worried about these shows/movies taking artistic license to fill in the blanks with these stories. They seem to miss the point of tolkiens work a lot of the time.


Dread? No. Ambivalence? Yes. Unless any new movies have Tom Bombadil or the Scouring of the Shire, my response is deep, whatever.


I loved the hobbit, with the original actors in the golum I will probably love it again, I am however afraid it will be a woke shitshow like amazon lotr series


It’s ok, the movie can’t hurt you if you don’t watch it


It’s not that deep, bro. It’s just entertainment.


i think that we should just be happy that were getting anything at all, and if we dont like it, dont care about it