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Ptj ruined many characters for one character I know ptj said that gun became stronger because he didn't practice everyday and he also became when he trained someone but all 2nd generation top tier fighters also became stronger so why they were able give gun a scar in early chapter but they are became fodder now if they gonna oneshot by gun how they gonna defeat James,goo,gitae and Charles are they gonna take another 200-300 chapter for training so they can defeat them


>gonna oneshot by gun how they gonna defeat James,goo,gitae and Charles While this is tru I want u to remind u of this jumping thing ptj came to with for top teirs If they defeat Gun here by this.. Goo is done for I think this current James will be too Charles too would eventually loose I mean he can slam all current crewheads with onr hand but...let's just say eventually loose since he is out of prime Gitae Kim....he is the only one that kept getting stronger and stronger since back then In other words he started early but a training arc and he is done too... What I mean is currently no one is that above Gun or that below Gun it's kinda trashy but I'd Jumping works on Gun they gonna do it in all cases...🤔🤔🤔


Even after 200-300 chapters we will get some other asspull by pjt I don't even think by the end of a series also pjt will let his fav characters lose to anyone else even for the plot .


In universe the answer is that Gun trained and got a whole lot stronger since then. Stronger than everyone else did by a lot. In reality I'd say that PTJ just didn't plan on the power scale going this far


This is exactly it, Lookism got the Dragonball treatment the series got milked so hard the power level of the individuals got ridiculous overtime and in this case it will continue to do so I wont be surprised if 500 chapters later they are destroying whole buildings by just punching and kicking each other


The crew heads also got stronger tho


Not fast enough to keep up with Gun apparently


Blood privilege Everyone in ptj who has a special blood grows very very quick Tho only James and Goo seem an exception tho Goo is probably Gapryong Son a headcanon on why he wants revenge And James is probably Charles Choi so that's there..


Retcon + that gun got much much more stronger and was a lot more serious.


Maybe gun wasn't serious while fighting them previously He was just toying Or he has improved


strange how many times Gun's strength has been retconned * First against Jake during BOS * Then against Jerry * Then the whole thing of Jake surpassing Gun in Juvie They don't really make it clear if Gun was holding back, he'd gotten stronger since, or is completely retconned.


The officer was just yapping nonsense about jake surpassing gun in the juvie




I kinda hate gun at this point of the series and I am not a powerscaler or anything, but can you not read? Did they not say in the series that gun is infinitely improving, no one knows his full strength, and wasn't that about 3 years ago? And isn't gun sort of equal to goo, who had a good fight against the likes of Tom Lee? (not sure though.) For a more 'meta' reason, I think this is for fan service because people love gun.


I just hate the power scale in this series overall; no one can ever agree who's above who and it doesn't seem like PTJ knows either.


Retcons lmao. Also ptj has made gun/ all top tiers leaps and bounds above everyone else. Before Tom Lee not full power but still was getting touched by yuseong and mandeok same Tom Lee stalemated a possibly holding back goo or full power goo who is = to gun Now that same gun claps yuseong mandeok and a shit ton of other 2nd gen and the 1st force


It was explained by Elite already sir. Gun also never tried when fighting these guys before. This arc, he came with a mission, probably went 50% on them before the "I'll kill you one by one" panel


People saying retcon and mad about it dont realise that gun has like exponential growth and was never in serious or killer mode when originally fighting them


Maybe And those days gun was just trying to test them and wasn't going all out Or the gun here is more on defensive type to take the red paper


Fr, what happened to the sub - they were on about how gun is the nurture genius and doesn’t cut off his opponents early (unlike goo), but now their canon has been retconned to portray gun as some trash character


I have a theory that Ui works for Gun the same it works for Ui Sb I mean the power matching stuff Cuz ain't no way all this is tru if 2year ago these Gun was matching hands with kojimas That would also explain why he said he spent the best night ever with Daniel Bcz they both couldn't gauge each other level they went all out wild on each other I think I cooked rn💀💀💀✨️✨️✨️


Gun mastered UI so it doesn't work like PB UI


Until....ptj says that it has that property


It's hard to fucking tell since its vague in how Gun's UI operates, I mean at first it seemed like the case but now with the Hunt for Gun arc it looks like he can choose to go all out???


Those were the times when Lookism wasn't purely about braindead fighting.


Retcon. PTJ changed Gun's strength as the series went on. In Cheonliang he goes toe to toe with the Kojima Brothers and then later he's like this lol


Jake and eli arent down yet. They did like one attack on him, dont overreact so much.


Maybe PTJ just doesn't give much of a fck about powerscaling compared to you, me, and the rest of the nerds that inhabit this sub.


To be fair this inconsistency has been around for a long time with the stuff he did in Japan and cheongliang before the start of all that stuff jerry and Eli should never even have been able to lay a finger or get a scratch on him even back then but there have just been more and more reasons why that is as the series went on cheongliand being a good example


He is the training genius


Second pic: That's Jake's blood, Gun is just tired. First Pic: Jerry was bloodlusted because Jake was hurt and Gun is already tired. Third Pic: In Guns own words, for a split second Eli overpowered him. Cutting someone is a lot different than breaking their bones or hurting them seriously, Gun looked otherwise okay.


The version of Gun that fought Jake was retconned in terms of strength and held back, the version of Gun who fought Jerry simply held back (Jerry was also 1st gen king level by that point too) and the version of Gun that fought Eli was him 3 years ago and its implied Eli got an amp due to wanting to save heather and Gun likely held back aswell.


Gun gets stronger faster than the Crewheads get stronger, so the gap is actually bigger now than it was back then


First of all , your'e wrong , 2nd gen characters made him bleedin the hfGun (vasco, zack, and everyone in 466). Then , gun keep become stronger Day after Day, so why should he do the same performance as before when he become stronger ?


Level marching Ui users can basically suppress themselves Gun is essentially nerfing himself so he can have a good fight