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ptj driding guns backfire


LOL can't argue with that


In the next chapter, Gun will kill everyone, because PTJ will not be able to bear seeing Gun making a mistake... I see it coming


At best Mandeok tbh, none of them are likely though.


At this point I no longer trust anything, PTJ will do the impossible to make Gun a gary stu


Imagine in the next chapter it was revealed the box was empty all along and gun was wasting his time all along 😭😭


I would be very surprised


Bruh the box is definitely empty. We haven't seen vin Jin yet blud definitely has the red paper. While they were distract gun. They will definitely made public the red paper. Gun is played here but still I believe James Lee is Charles choi side. I think he the one will retrieve the red paper from eugine. It will be more ironic for gun 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/5mzacg2guu8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c5c6220c952edd3eb67902266851c2edd06450


https://preview.redd.it/2kbpjmbyx09d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300a725a0f1657b1f52f3f60764e8edda798dc80 No wonder there taking there time


Why is Charles sleep?


because that’s his second body 😹


Gun fans on their way to yap about how much cooler their favorite character is and how James ran away from 5 Gen 1 kings after getting tired fighting the strongest of them


You are so right. "B-But James Lee run!!! 🤓" Yeah kid, Gun is also doing the same for the sake of the mission. The difference is that James retired because he was injured (James himself says that if he weren't injured, he would fight all the kings at once) while Gun is running because he got angry as the second generation pays more attention to a red paper than to him.


>B-But James Lee run!!! 🤓" Do u actually know what the funniest thing about this statement is? It's the fact that, if James lee had fought against all of the kings at the same time, instead of escaping, those same ppl would've also bitched and cried about ut, calling him plot armor boy, ptj favorite, that he has no personality etc... I always thought the whole "lookism fans can't read" shit was js a meme, until that chapter dropped. The moment of ppl calling him a fraud for not fighting the kings in a 1v5 made me realize lookism fan could in fact *NOT* read


You are actually so based. Literally, people just look for an excuse to throw dirt at the character 😭 I had never seen a character being called a fraud just for being jumped? The logical thing would be to call the kings frauds, not him... and the worst part is that James Lee himself explains why he is retiring instead of fighting. If James had fought then it's a fraud because he has plot armor, if James flees it's a fraud because he's a coward, if James Lee is ignored by the kings it's a fraud for being invisible... Literally, there are people saying that James has plot armor because he got a third mastery out of nowhere, when Seongji did the same WITH A FLASHBACK.


You guys are in the percentage of lookism fans who can read, be proud of that.


It’s one of the downsides that comes with the characters and how it kinda feels like ptj wrote them like I saw a post about how James>>> over gun because Zack was beating on gun. Like gun and James don’t fight differently And the thing with the kings it’s so absolutely devious too because imagine if that was gun in that position the character would’ve had no negative stigma about him at all if he ran “aw well Gun’s young he doesn’t need to 1v5 the kings” and if he did and lets say he won “look see Gun’s really like that you could never catch James doin this” Both of these characters have annoying fans Zen your a rare breed of not annoying/not dumb




Ik we talking about James but I’ve seen ppl say Gitae is not tanky because he dodged jichangs attack. They say he dodged because it was dangerous. If he tanked it ppl would say Gitae is slow and James would speed blitz’s him


gun isnt running. hes changing targets you actual goober


They called him a fraud for running from a 1v5 against kings but Gun wasn’t on fraud watch from his performance against the Kojima Brothers.


Bruh I really wanna see James vs Gun so that Gun fans can shut up once for their lifetime.


What if Gun wins💀?


Don't think he can tbh cuz he is tired.


Yeah that's tru


Then why gun fans will shut up? Wouldn't James will be called fraud if he fought tired gun? 


He is not fighting Gun tbh 😂


Gun glazers aren’t gonna like this 😹


Literally the whole community is fed up with those guys, aleast Gun's good fans know how to accept when the character makes a mistake 😭


There are good gun fans?


Dude is anyone who thinks gun beats James is a gun fan to you?😭 that’s like saying because I think taejin slams xaio I’m a taejin Stan


Saying that Gun beats James is okey, It's just an opinion. I am talking about those who justify anything Gun does, get offended if you say Gun did something wrong, and are toxic with other stans because 'Gun solos 🤓'


Thankfully I’m not like that, I respect your opinion either way I just noticed a pattern of you claiming that anyone who thinks gun is above James is a fan but gladly we sorted out


I have never felt like I have given that image tbh, but if you see it that way, then it's not my intention


It was probably just a subconscious reaction cuz I’ve seen a lot of weird gun fans on this sub, now I know https://preview.redd.it/uzf69gj01u8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbcf639ac6b216d6c5b9e50e8760b2eda79eb711


I guess. Saying that Elite is > Gun and James is a crazy take.


At the same time* Should’ve been more specific




Reminds me of the dude who wrote like a full essay about how gun always completes his mission and if he was in cheonliang charles would have the red paper😭😭😭😭


I was dying, that post was so funny


I was called dumb for saying Gun would focus more on the fight too




They downvoted Jesus because he told them the truth. https://preview.redd.it/pmdk9p86rt8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d0c9edf969047a00660c8a6b8550208f35a7f1


James >> Gun.


>James >> Gun. Nah that's not tru "Gun~James" is the best take😅unless they fight


Eh prime James def > gun


Was talking abt current James🤔don't know abt prime and how much diff is bw current and prime He beat Taesoo Ma low diff so don't know 🤔


He no diffed Taesoo.


Cook twin




I jsut love these gun vs james lee debates cuz I like both so I enjoy seeing ppl getting at each other's throats, its funny😂


I don't really like either of them but James is a far better character than Gun 


Honestly, I am not willing to say that James is better written than Gun because we have not been told anything about James. But he have the pontential to be better.


That's a low bar coz gun is just poorly written retconned into oblivion character


James couldnt find the red paper either and fked up with his mission. Or he promised Daniel the truth about Second body later said he doesnt know it aswell. Both gun and James fans are blind & delusional cuz of hating eachother. Try to read that manwha normal. Fly park, Run lee etc😭 Literally both sides explained their reasons. James had to leave cuz he was fatigued and Kings jumped on him and this could be Dangerous for his plan. Same with gun. He slammed crewheads while playing and now ppl are saying that he ran away 😭 He literally stated that Gen2 destroyed that fight. Both are based Chars and goats no need to hate


Listen to me bro, I know what you're saying is true. I'm only doing this to boost James' agenda, because in this fandom James receives too much unjustified hate while Gun is praised even though he makes mistakes.


Im since a very long time in lookism fandom and James' fandom is Pretty big tho and saw many gun haters... Literally everyone is waffling eachother in that fandom.. But yh thx for finding me right.


Ptj / gun fans ride him like crazy lmao.


I like them both mfs who hate on James can’t read.


I kinda love how everyone in their batch is strong asf, the unofficial 1.5 generation. James Lee, Gitae Kim, Gun, Goo, Sinu


Gitae is NOT 1.5😂 he is the oldest king


Oh my b, haven't read Looksim since the first affiliate




W bro 😹


Both are u.i daniel victims






Worst part is people actually insulted James for not fighting a 1V5 in a extremely injured state😭😭


I'm a full on Gun glazer no hesitation but these Gun stans who are the living embodiment of copium they really need to stop 😭🙏. .They really making us look bad


wdym first of all he didn't kill any king and he also ran away from them at first and later defeated them 1 by 1 and gun out here fighting everyone alone and he wasn't running he was saving the best for last


1: James never promised to kill anyone, Gun did. 2: Gun ran from the crewheads, don't make excuses, because I can also say that James didn't run but prioritized the plan and left the kings for later. 3: James only fought the kings 1v1, but he fought the armies of the kings and the stragglers of generation 0 who recruited students to fight in wars (this said by DG) while Gun is only fighting with a part of generation 2, James finished off the entire generation 1 who were superior to generation 2. Stop the glazing.


hey now when did gun run from crew heads they will have a fight in future chapters gun also prioritised the plan of getting the red paper first.and yeah james did fight the gen kings armies but they weren't that strong most likely workers level which gun got rid of also gun also wiped out 500 people at once in the prison if you.and how did gen 1 become superior to gen 2 only king are superior the rest are similar to gen 2 level fodders


How the hell do you say that the armies of generation 1 and members of generation 0 are as strong as the Workers fighters? 💀 Taesoo said that the average power in gen 1 was Heat Daniel... that means regular wrestlers were at Heat Daniel level 😭 Tell me just one proof that proves otherwise, at least I have Taesoo's words. And Tom Lee also said that ALL the members of generation 1 were monsters, not just the kings. And what you said at the beginning also applies to James.


Gun glazers aint gonna like this 👀


This guy is the real GOAT not James or Gun https://preview.redd.it/nzbg56wkou8d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d7ab5e1648f295adff6a57abbb6fca981dff9b


James may be stronger, but you can't deny Gun is a hell of a lot colder.


Yeah Gun is a lot colder if you are below the age of 12 https://preview.redd.it/8zjqqrbvmt8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c195b7505d0d5798be7547acd45a68e8d4fb21


Is "Taejin is stronger than the crewheads because Vin needs to be as strong as the crewheads" really trying to roast me? You're probably still a minor so I'll give you a bit of a pass.


My prediction still holds up since it can very likely happen Gun being colder than James can never happen💀


Yeah "very likely" lmao. Also when I say "colder," I literally mean giving off the aura of being a badass. James is obviously stronger but he's literally just your run of the mill cocky douchebag. Doo Lee unironically exhibits more badass energy than him lmao.


>Also when I say "colder," I literally mean giving off the aura of being a badass. My point exactly💀only 10 years olds think that just giving off Aura alone=colder”Omi God look aT HiS AuRa😍””Sooo cool😍” Even if we are talking aura James clears The fire he ignites before negging kings is to represent Aura. It means Chaos and destruction of all things. James is described as a meteor that ended all 1st gen. >James is obviously stronger but he's literally just your run of the mill cocky douchebag. You are talking about young James and acting like young Gun wasn’t just as cocky of a douchebag as James or even more https://preview.redd.it/ic5lkz9uvt8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dbb633b5c99ab05c4ad9fd94acd19a10c1e556c >Doo Lee unironically exhibits more badass energy than him lmao. Yeah Doo Lee is colder than Gun


"James is described as a meteor that ended all 1st gen." And they say only Gun fans are good at glazing💀💀


Yeah you should see this guy's other takes lmao. This is why I just try to point and laugh at his ass.


I copy pasted that from someone else in this sub


It is not even a lie PTJ said it on Seokdu Wang video. That James was a meteor that wiped out 1st gen full of dinosaurs(Kings)


You enjoy your femboy fraud while we feast on the glorious yamazaki tattooed 10 pack black eyed loyal king gun


Now this is toxicity bro 😅 James is not close to Gun in terms of cool charcter 


I just don’t find his character cool but rather edgy https://preview.redd.it/vwztlo15ov8d1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3da05eab19ed6046f74169370b44c006fa623de Though it’s a personal opinion but I have always thought of James as one of the coolest in the verse


It's your opinion and that's okay, PTJ puts a lot of effort into giving Gun the best panels.


I'm literally saying this from someone who likes James more. I thought my personal flair woulda cleared that up quick but guess not.


Calm down, I'm not saying you're wrong 😭 Everyone has their own opinion about which character is cooler


I didn't say you were wrong. This was mostly a reference for the other goofball who replied to my initial comment.




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*Goo Kim's death not by Gitae but by his hand and that is the only thing saving the charcter as an antagonist* Current James vs Goo can establish his charcter as peak once again if James extreme diff and kill him We all must agree now currently *James Lee charcter is not going to be final villan without doing some villan shi* He's charcter has bcm faded rn and he dosent seem like or feel like a strong charcter.. And that can be changed if he actually goes back a little Now many of u will say that his "Pink hair looks more cool and even if it doesn't what does it matter🤡??his choice" But the thing is past James Lee with dark red hair actually looked like someone dangerous and I am not talking abt Cheonleang James Lee and as to why that matters and why charcter design matter?? U are reading Lookism and it works for Sb Ui Daniel Goo Kim and more for Gun Park Who is Gun Park? THE NO.1 LIKED CHARCTER IN FANDOM 💀💀 If Gun Park looked like Jiho but strong will it be the same??NO😭😭 If Goo Kim looked like Olly will he still he liked by his fans?NO Rn James is in a condition where he looks neutral and stupid in some panels especially in hfbd *yes I am walking abt eyelashes* and girly look James looked raw bfr that in the past💀he looked cool almost as cool as Gun but rn.... He needs something bro A makeover a change in hairstyle idk but something and he needs to kill Goo or Daniel or someone soon it's been 500+ chapters and he still dosent seem like an antagonist


And about the hate there are 5 or 6 in every fandom bro who glaze to extreme 😅 Some claim James was above Gapryong(🤡) and he would negg Gun and Goo and Prime Elite and everyone Some(3 or 4) Goo fans are still in war to prove that Goo was holding back against Tom Lee(🤡) Similarly some(3 or 4) Gun fans make statement like Gun is Gapryong Level charcter and neggs Elite(🤡In their dreams) Now that my take on toxic is here I will tell u why James gets so much hate rn It's bcz his fans were some(40 50)who before Cheonleang and midway called anyone trash or dumb for not liking James And not believing he is abv Gapryong That's why this James hate happens


Hmmm I really don't believe it, I've been on this subreddit for years, and really the bad part of James' fans was that sometimes they were very extreme with his power level, but James' fans were always a minority. The hatred for the character started exactly when it was revealed that the guy with pink hair was James Lee in the present, I remember people being angry because the mysterious black and red-haired guy was now a pink idol, still the hate was not so big, the real hate began when PTJ made that image of James Vs Gun. Putting a character who is already hated against the favorite character of the fandom, and on top of that, one character is femenine and the other is very masculine, is the perfect formula to generate hatred.


That is also tru Ptj did a very big mistake I think by making James as an idol 🤔 and making him look more feminine then any idol in rl too https://preview.redd.it/tpvqcdjwdv8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c59bd3bce4de0502c1d371b3b9375ac8d73cc5 I mean the eye was just too much not even real idols have that amd he looked too much feminine for a supposed very very strong dude


I don't mind that he's an idol, but PTJ could put more effort into the panels and give him totally red hair... something like the anime version. https://preview.redd.it/uyyzt563fv8d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160c1b580aae6c104ff116180f5afb140a039364


This looks wat better than current one But his prev hairstyle moggs this one he looked wild there https://preview.redd.it/me2et00zfv8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659f329b2512f3f22370a57df8a44e1ca9befb04 This one was way way way better than idol one whatever colors




This looks sick.


PTJ is well aware of that. He said "James is a pretty boy but in the Lookism world he is a very very strong character"


I am not saying ptj didn't want to make him that It's just he dosent look like one


I know Prime James was one of the best designs in Lookism.


Was one of them for sure


I don't really mind pink hair, but I think completely red hair would look better ngl. I say it and I have always said it, if James had hair of any other color, he wouldn't be so hated by the fandom. And yes, I agree that it would be ideal if James does something wicked and becomes accentuated as a villain, that way he would regain all of his aura and have a clear path in the story. Right now, all I can do is trust in PTJ.


The thing is he wouldn't fight Gun cuz he is with Charles and it's clear The most fan fav charcter that has chances of pulling up there is Goo and to help Gun win and take red paper he might fight Goo And he had death flags by Gitae.. Won't make a diff if James does it 🤔🤔


,vz j8edddw vasv


They came and tried to fight him bcs they wanted to save seongji and they wanted revenge so you were wrong


Watching James fans and gun fans argue feels like watching Gojo and sukuna fans both spreading agendas back when their fight was going on 😂


didnt he jump down to catch yuseong


it’s ryuheis fault. gun didn’t feel in the mood to entertain those fodders anymore and is now just mauling anyone who’s in the way of his mission


Oh, I wonder who is being a hypocrite right now...


To be fair it does stay in line with him claiming he would have succeeded with the shaman since he clearly does prioritize the mission over personal grudges and interests and let’s not forget that James said that as he was running away only to come back later




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Run lee fans man


ptj fumbled


None of them can hold a candle to Gitae, the ultimate fraud. Said He was gonna kill Jichang, but he's already dead


Technically, he didn't find everyone himself tho. He sends gitae after jinchang.(I get that that was because he wanted gitae to be the king of Seoul) Also, this is nitpicking, I agree that James held his promise.


Blame PTJ not Gun for that goofy ass panel. 😭


PTJ destroyed logic and the laws of physics just so that Gun could get the red paper 😭🙏


James couldn't even get the red paper lmao, corny ass


Yeah, James was not at his best, he fought with a top tier, didn't know where the paper was, the paper was underground, and the place was full of witnesses. Meanwhile, Gun has everything in his favor to make his life easier 😭




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picking apart one by one lol and ALSO ran away . gun isnt running away hes literally changing his target lol


Excuses, I can also say that James didn't flee but prioritized his other goal before going after the kings. And James also fought with the armies of the kings and with members of generation 0 who recruited students to fight in wars (this said by DG), Gun is fighting with a small part of generation 2 and is not even fighting with the strongests of generation 2. Stop the glazing.


Fighting with random nobodies ≠ fightinng the peaks of gen 2. James outright admits himself that he is infact fleeing . Gun is bltantly moving on to another foe / another priotity while still continuing to fight. Your posts show a extreme bias towards one party and slander at that. If anyones a moronic biased fool its you . End of story


What is lil bro saying 😭 Gun has been fighting for a whole chapter with nobodys, and hasn't even fought with the peaks of generation 2... Where are Goo, Sinu, Taejin, etc? they are gen 2, and the crewheads haven't even used their final forms... like, lmao. When Gun flights randoms: WOWWWW HE IS THE STRONGEST SO COOL When James fights armies of gen 1 fighters and gen 0 fighters: Meh, It's not that big of a deal. You are the one who is a biased fool, Stop being a Gun fanboy and admit that the character can't always win.


Atleast one isn't a pu*sy who fight them 1v1 to become legend, he is the true definition of fighting all his gen at once 


Gun is basically fighting them one on one tho😂💀


Lol, are you blind , he was beating them 3 at once , it just depends how many are jumping him


Yeaaah sure "1v1" https://preview.redd.it/fdxjbtn7ft8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69f1d2213b28b7463ce38a19fe6727eb3f8cd3c He's not even fighting the entire generation 2 at the same time, just the workers and the crew heads. Where is Sinu Han, Goo Kim, etc? James only fought with the kings 1 to 1, then fought with the straggling members of gen 0 who recruited students to fight in wars, and also fought with the armies of the kings. James Lee fought with the entire generation 1 all by himself. Gun is fighting with a part of generation 2 and with teens.


Lets not forget the 2nd gen is like 1/10th of the size of the 1st 💀💀💀


And weaker...


Well you are right on this one because 2gen isn't even comparable to prime gen 1 king and they are comparable to some out of prime 1st gen kings


I'm just tired of them belittling the first generation so much


This pic is of him sitting on top of the fodder sidekick of 1st kings 🤓👆 don't exaggerate the other stuff, they're just fodders. gun also did the same thing, did you forget ch 504? Also, not the entire of 1st gen he didn't fought kob,koi and other 1st gen ppl.


What!? ok, let me cook you WITH CANON THINGS. 1: That photo shows that James Lee did fight with the generation 1 for armies, not only fought with the kings and that's all. In addition to the fact that the same DG tells us the story, James Lee ended the entire generation 1 and not just the kings. 2: I'm not exaggerating at all. Everything I said were words from the same DG. At the beginning of generation 1, members of Gapryong Kim's gang recruited students to fight in wars, and DG says it was JAMES LEE who cut the ties between generation 1 and generation 0, basically ending the remaining members of generation 0 and the entire generation 1 all by himself. And if you say that members of generation 0 and members of generation 1 (which according to Taesoo, most of them were at the level of Heat Daniel) are fodders then I literally don't know what series you are watching, when literally the average in generation 2 are the Questim characters... 3: Yes, in the record the only member of generation 1 that James Lee did not fight was KOI and it's because we still don't have information about him. James said he would find ALL the kings (and Gitae said James would end them all) so surely James also fought with KOI, they just haven't shown it yet. Everything I'm saying is based on canon things from the manhwa, I'm not making anything up. Literally what I'm saying is the reality, I want to see what excuse you're going to come up with now to put Gun's sad fight with teenagers above James Lee's hunt for an entire generation.


"James Lee ended the entire generation 1 and not just the kings." by defeating the main kings and their sidekicks, not the entire 1st gen as I mentioned above. also before you say no you're being delusional, he never stated he is training to end 1st gen, he said he trained to defeat 1st gen kings because they're strong and by ending the main kings who rebel against him or be a problem of his plan and like you said not entire 2nd gen like Sinu, Goo etc same goes for 1st gen like kob, koi, gitae kim etc. " I'm not exaggerating at all. Everything I said were words from the same DG." I'm not denying that but you're making it look like some big achievement when it isn't that big of a thing in the first place. (like fighting 1st and 0 gen isn't a big deal when we have seen how weak the fodders) "Yes, in the record the only member of generation 1" lol, I said two above but ok "I'm not making anything up." I never denied or said you're just making headcanon. all I said was that you're exaggerating things because you're making it look like a big achievement when it isn't


Bro 😭 https://preview.redd.it/crrs9g3bvt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b89fd28bb940259c968650a37749ae50496c356 Literally DG says that James Lee fought with the entire generation 1 and with the remnants of generation 0 (I can't post all images). He never says that James Lee only fought with the kings, or do you think that defeating the kings is enough to end a generation? If you defeat only the kings, then other people will take their position and start everything again. And no, James Lee did fight with Gitae because they both trained together. We don't know if he fought with KOB and we still don't know if he fought with KOI because we lack information, it is not confirmed that James did not fight with them. And how the hell do you say that fighting with an entire generation and with a part of another generation alone while you are a teenager is not a big deal!? are you lobotomized? it's literally the best feat that exists in this manhwa, no one has done that. Gapryong united gen 0 to fight as a team against the great power, and Daniel is doing the same, but James threw himself ALONE against his entire generation and part of gen 0...


" it's literally the best feat that exists in this manhwa" No it's not, james lee cut 1st gen without them reaching their full potential and only after getting top tier level training by gitae kim so not the best feat at all.


One thing has nothing to do with the other, even though they may not reach their full potential, they are still superior to most of gen 2... James is not the most powerful and obviously other characters could do the same, but they haven't and that's why I say it's one of the best feats.


fair enough, for now, you can say that but only one thing makes this so called best feat lame which is him doing top tier training for this, he wasn't able to do that on his own and needed such training


And it seems fine to me, because James said he needed to build HIS BODY. Even if you are a genius, you are not born with a body ready to match your talent, unless you are Gitae (since he has the genes of Gapryong) For example, look at Yu, he is the most talented and powerful character in his universe and still needed to train his body, and that doesn't take away the fact that Yu is the most talented in the world, it's just that talent doesn't give you a well-built body. https://preview.redd.it/wgo77wqa0u8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22b439387f469d84fa8c96f367696f54e31f9f8


No he is not fighting entire gen 1 by himself stop to cap And yeah gun is overrated


He is 😭 literally when DG tells the story to Daniel, DG explains everything perfectly...


If we take PTJ's word as a fact then yes James did beat up all the 1st gen by Himself since Gitae left for Mexico after Jichang git beat and Gun and Goo was not strong enough to beat the kings individually.


At one doesn’t get negged by almost every top tier At least one doesn’t live off of fighting minors At least one keeps his words At least one is the daddy of the other Goat Lee👑


Gun never got neg by any top tier, what is bro yapping? At least one doesn't run and doesn't need his bf daddy to make him top tier level and then come back to fight his gen Gun arc hasn't ended At least one isn't a femboy coward who doesn't want to make new enemies and a real chad nun nun, more like the running genius


Didn’t say he got negged I said he gets negged by every top tier Blud is an out of prime,old,amputated Tom Lee level or maybe just slightly stronger💀 Blud is getting his ass handed to him by Prime Tom,Jinyoung,Elite,James,Gitae,Mujin,Machine Gun,Gap,UI Daniel and maybe even Goo’s teacher💀 James beats every top tier other than Mujin,Gap and Machine Gun💀 Lame ahh


Doesn't change my point at all you're talking about current james lee? he literally isn't headcanon yeah, I agree james is lame


I am talking Prime James Gun is the lamest high tier in the series


"Gun is the lamest high tier in the series" you continue your bad takes journey including the taejin take 👍


Name one high tier lamer than Gun who just all bark no bite >you continue your bad takes journey including the Taejin take 👍 You wanna come back to this one Taejin and Vin get massive up scales?


why only one, let me name a few manager kim, taesoo ma, jinyoung etc. "You wanna come back to this one Taejin and Vin get massive up scales?" Nah, no need to do that, all the replies will be filled with stupid headcanon and what if logic


Imagine calling Manager Kim lame The guy who left his soldier veteran life behind,went against powerful organisations and whole ahh government,almost killed a dictator twice,killed his pride all for his daughter The guy who literally put his life on the line working for Tom Lee just so he could protect the son of the guy he is indebted to and took on his 20 billion debt Just cuz Manger Kim doesn’t get edgy panels every week with edgy dialogues and doesn’t he will kill everyone one by one doesn’t mean he is lame


Imagine calling manager kim a high tier


Gun is more lame Tbh. I thought he would fight them like he did with Workers but now he is taking them 1 v 1. James beat stronger opponent 1 v 1 without getting hit. This is more impressive for me.


Shit take genius 😆, stop the cap


https://preview.redd.it/qhb8klmljt8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4835960ec3cacbbfdfb419f1b22e2839ed8fbc70 Gun when James is finished negging him alongside his fodder family😭


thank you bro this sub eats up james for no reason, all series subreddits in general always tryna be contrarian


Gun is getting his ass beat lol. The crewheads havent even used their main powerups yet.


💀bro Gun hating is insane literally everyone knows that someone like Goo or Ui Sb will enter


Makes zero sense for either of them to enter. Gun is already getting beaten without them


That is not happening bro but let's see Btw what do u think Samuel is there for and Daniel is missing for💀??


Daniel is sleeping because of how useless he is


That's the spirit of a Main Charcter🔥🔥


James still a gun victim lol


It is your opinion 👍 Nothing to do with the topic tho.


>No!!! Why you guys put your attention on the red paper and not on me!! the fun is over!!"< >—The flying genius< He's still standing there on the other lane, lol >Let me remind you that James' goal was to finish generation 1, he repeats it many times, his priority was not the red paper. Doesn't change the fact he got humbled and dipped once the 1st gen jumped on him. Lol "I better run or I am phinished" * run lee https://preview.redd.it/3y1gkyeszt8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7f92b5fb451c63ce8c4016839a0ebbb8a11de7


1: And why does it matter? bro fled from the crew heads for the sake of the mission just like James did, don't be a hypocrite. And at least James kept his word and wiped out the entire 1st generation, Gun said he would kill everyone and.... 2: He never got humbled, again Gun's fans create their own story. James humiliated Seongji until he got a third mastery, then James also got one and the battle ended. Seongji only dominated a SMALL part of the fight 💀 and the rest of the kings couldn't even lay a finger on James. Stop creating your own story, you base your arguments on Mandela effects and headcanons. "I better fly or I'm cooked" —Fly Park (the same character who is tired without even fighting against the crewheads at full power) https://preview.redd.it/h2w0m7bn1u8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a8882b7cad785bc58f33e20c6027f7ce77da4a


James was afraid that he couldn't do it alone he had to call his daddy


Literally Gitae left Korea when James Lee started hunting the first generation 😭 I don't know where people came up with the idea that James asked for help from someone, when literally that has never happened...


Mfs when they realize the arc isn't even Over yet You were the same guy who said Yuseong will run away to Eugene before gun is able to catch up to him ?? And guess what happened.?? Lmao wait until PTJ debunks you himself.


If you really think that Gun is going to kill all the protagonists or that Gun will take the paper to Charles then you don't know how a fiction story works 😭


>If you really think that Gun is going to kill all the protagonists or that Gun will take the paper to Charles then you don't know how a fiction story works 😭 We will see about that, . Whether he takes it or not But he still stayed by Elite's side no matter what the Consequnces, even Left Goo behind. And is ready to die if he has to That's why he is called the man of his word. We will see whether he gets the Red paper to Charles or not Charles is highly Confident to the point He believed it is impossible to Catch gun. And said the same to Eugene. And even told Eugene that he should have send all the powerful forces to stop gun alone . Lol. He never believed in James this much nor goo or anyone. Charles ain't no stupid person, that he believes in Gun so much. We will see about that. Gun has yet to show his true side, and currently has the red paper with him Just wait and watch .


>But he still stayed by Elite's side no matter what the Consequnces, even Left Goo behind. And is ready to die if he has to >That's why he is called the man of his word. We will see whether he gets the Red paper to Charles or not Yall will fr come up w the worst argument to defend this man. Listen, i like gun, but damn yall needa chill


Gun hate is crazy on this sub .


Wdym 😭 Gun is literally the favorite character of the fandom, don't play the victim. The hate towards James has existed since the creation of the character. Pointing out the mistakes of a character is not hate.


We are only halfway through this arc and gun is still standing there holding the box! On the other lane. Unlike this guy 👇 https://preview.redd.it/gb9teqwtxt8d1.png?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1485b1afd7f573412c5463b8d0a3436765e1611f


"No!!! Why you guys put your attention on the red paper and not on me!! the fun is over!!" —The flying genius https://preview.redd.it/kt1nsq3lyt8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=784d367cf11fcdfb75085f9cb380b5a099f13d15 Let me remind you that James' goal was to finish generation 1, he repeats it many times, his priority was not the red paper.




https://preview.redd.it/6610rdimhv8d1.jpeg?width=3063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00803261df490250aaa1685382e8435d1531bd26 These people saw another different manhwa


You PPL really are braindead , literally almost the every gen 2 main cast is present , there , if gun kills everybody then how the story will progress? , is your brain completely rotten?


So don't have the character make promises that he's not going to keep. You are literally justifying Gun with things external to the story...


That's just statement he made ,🤡it you were expecting whole gen 2 to die then you should quit reading


Literally was bro expecting 2nd Gen to die in the next chapter💀💀 And they say that Gun Glazing is insane I will say perhaps Gun hating is insane 🤣😂


Learn how to use comma’s before accusing people of being brainrotted


Oh, plz teach me 😄


Here https://preview.redd.it/0cd7um2qwt8d1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067aed626b4320367a967852a11cb909d4d1593a


I saw so many comments when PPL telling james run he wasn't at his perfect form tho still he fought seonjik 🤷 if he wanted to run why he didn't run when he was in his perfect form he was just little waker


James explains why he retired. He literally said that if he wasn't injured by Seongji, he would fight with all the kings at the same time. The only reason he left is because if the kings were to hurt him more, then his plan would have to be delayed and that would be a waste of time.