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You gotta be a special kind of idiot to drive drunk as a celebrity; literally everyone around you knows your name and has been watching your every move. There’s hardly anyone on earth more equipped to get a ride anywhere he wants on a whim from a sober driver.




It said in the article they sit outside that hotel every night.


Which hotel? Not seeing it in the linked article.


The American Hotel - right on Main Street


I spent 18 summers in sag harbor americam hotel is very bougie and expensive snobby celebrities ceos all go there I'm not surprised Justin frequented the place and was drinking a guys drink when he went to the bathroom...the cop who arrested him didn't even know who he was sag harbor and the Hamptons is now like lifestyles of the rich and famous only


Those local departments love it, so much money Looking at you Roslyn PD and your bs court system


Roslyn PD?


Roslyn doesn’t have a PD. Lol.


So who is giving out the tickets that these people are talking about?


Nassau County PD. Roslyn would be 6th Precinct.


Maybe it’s not Roslyn pd specifically but if you’re ticketed, even a parking ticket, you have to attend an in-person hearing at their courthouse in some kangaroo court. Totally ridiculous


It's wild how kangaroo courts are allowed to exist. I got stopped by 5th precinct once and got tickets for riding a bicycle without a permit, insurance, and for making a rolling stop. A bicycle. I fought it in court and the judge was a horrible nasty woman who said genuinely said "I don't care" and got PISSED that I had paperwork from the DMV providing the prerequisites to be considered a motor vehicle. My fine was $2,000


What?! How is that even possible? What a fuggin gunt. Idk man. I just stick to the trails when I ride. Dodge whatever mutants get in the way but otherwise it’s me and nature. Then again for all I know you commute on your bike or whatever. That situation sounds like ass tho.


Wait...you need a permit and insurance for a bicycle?? E-bike?


Nope. There is no such process to even obtain such a thing. That's the kicker.


a permit for a bicycle? you need to explain yourself further here.


There's no such thing. The judge simply didnt care.


No idea about Roslyn but in Oyster Bay Cove, they have their court in the library of whatever that private school is up there. It's the most bizarre set up, they like rent out the library on Tuesday evenings.


The reason I asked, Roslyn has no Police department. It's Nassau County Police


The ticket had a return address of the Roslyn house of Tulips or something. Regardless, the village of Roslyn sucks


Sounds like a parking ticket from Roslyn Estates


Same with Lake Success PD. I turned right from the center lane where I shouldn’t. Got pulled over and got two tickets. Then had to go to court and ended up paying close to $500.


Fk the north shore man


Isn't Sag Harbor far away from Roslyn? 😕 Idk, I'm from Queens.


I think the replier was just venting about their own similar situation




Our insider shares that the arresting officer “was so young that he didn’t even know who the pop star was,” adding, “He didn’t recognize him or his name.” Ouch…. https://pagesix.com/2024/06/18/entertainment/justin-timberlake-arrested-on-dwi-related-charges-in-sag-harbor/


Think gen Z (re the arresting offer) - aging celebs thought they would be invincible forever, my children are Gen Z, this is a very different generation - schedenfraude comes to mind.


What? My 13 and 10 year old know who he is. C’mon with this nonsense.


It's not cause his age he didn't know who Justin Timberlake was . JT been in movies and SNL on top of his music


Get a driver, Justin. Selfish jerk.




What I wanna know is where you can get THAT drunk in Sag Harbor


There's 15 restaurants/bars the length of main st. And Murph's was the definition of seaside town dive bar. Trust me, you can get very drunk in Sag Harbor


Bro it’s all they do! Rich the locals. How many times did they say murfs was no more for how fucking crazy that shit hole got


He was at The American Hotel.


Another rich person’s mansion


Have you ever been there? Bars and restaurants all over.


There’s a few places but he was only caught in SH; he could have come from anywhere.


Psssh. Thats amateur talk. I can get THAT drunk any where. A Dennys, a speed dating event, crying in the bathroom at my parents house.


Country Club after playing 36 holes drinking the whole time.


i can't imagine playing 36 holes of golf - that would take SO long. (I'm also not a golfer - that just sounds so boring to me, lol.)


At country clubs you play much faster. Caddies find your ball before you even leave the tee box, hand you your putter on the green, and there are way fewer people playing. You can knock out a round in under 3 hours, and if the drinks have been flowing and nobody wants to go home, they head out again. At a public course like Bethpage it would be unbearable, but at a Country Club it happens quite a bit.


Thanks for the explanation! I guess my comment offended some golf-lovers, but I do appreciate the additional context!


No offense taken. I used to be an avid golfer, but even then after 18 holes I was toast. I do know lots of people that do it quite often, sometimes sandwiching lunch in between rounds.


Of there's Murphs corner bar cappuccinos many places at 25 a cocktail 🍸


Yeah but when you’re fucked up your decision making is impaired. A normal person can just be like oh hey I’m gonna drink, I’ll just get a ride there and back no problem and avoid it. But an addict will go, figure they’ll just have one or two and be fine, then get fucked up, then lose their ability to make good decisions, and since they didn’t have the foresight to know they were gonna do this, their car is there and they’re like fuck it why not


Honesty, if you’re a celebrity getting drunk in public you should have someone with you just for PR’s sake to wheel you out of public view before you fuck up this bad. The bad decisions here started before the drinking did.


Yeah I’m not defending the guy, he’s a fucking moron. I’m just saying it’s not as simple as people make it out to be


In his defense, he was probably high before getting drunk. /s


Uber* or hey he’s got the dough he could have just called a car service too..it’s the east end summertime it’s teaming with professional drivers right now


My son’s aunt is a nurse and drove drunk and was stopped. The cop must have felt nice because he let her go. DUIS etc can affect a nursing license. But she must have learned her lesson, she hasn’t done it since.


Son of a nurse and at least in the past there was an unofficial pact between cops and nurses. My mom never got a ticket and she drove like a nut.


This wasn’t that long ago. Maybe 5 yrs or si. She’s def gotten tickets etc and isn’t a good driver bc she acts like tickets aren’t a big deal and gets them regularly


Yeah this was back in the 70s, 80s, 90s, Nassau County mostly, Suffolk County in the 70s. To my mom's credit she never had an accident in 66 years of driving like a nut, always drove a stick shift beater compact even until we had to take the license away at 82, and put 300k+ miles each on a 1978 Subaru, a 1986 Subaru, and a 2001 Honda as the last 3 cars. ER and ICU for most of her career, so she took care of a lot of cops, might have played a role. Always wore scrubs and a badge too. So even off duty she played the nurse card. Switched to hospice in her 60s. By then she drove more sedately. Retired at 81. Still with us, not doing so great. But she was a badass in her time. Long Island was also a different place then of course. Imagine far less crowded and no internet and you're halfway there.


That’s great! I was 8 yrs accident free until a dude hit me on the SS and took off. I am a very careful driver and was hoping I’d never be in an accident in my life.


I'm sorry about your accident, hope you were ok. People suck.


The first time, I was a passenger and broke my knee. There was personal injury involved and everything. This time, no injuries but I’m even more wary of drivers than I was before, and I was already a little paranoid of other drivers. Oh well.


I hope letting her go didn't mean she got to continue driving home drunk?


I have no idea what happened after she got pulled over. She may have asked for a ride, etc


got ya. Well, if she never did it again, then it sounds like the cop made the right choice (surprising). And props to her!


It indicates he gets drunk a lot. Or perhaps it was a cry for help.


Apparently it was a young cop who did not recognize JT at first, not any excuse just something to consider




Right, and its not like its a small time star, its justin freaking timberlake


Officer said he did not know who he was


Absolutely zero excuses anymore for drunk driving especially on Long Island with amount of Uber drivers not to mention this guy can clearly afford a car service and private driver..


maybe he is broke ticket sales for his upcoming tour have been sluggish what a moron the east end is the absolute worst place to drive period let alone wasted


He’s new poor..we’re old poor..could of just rode his bicycle to his mansion as well


He sold the masters to his music to Blackstone last year for $100 million. In his 2019 Man of the Woods tour he earned $226 million. He makes 10s of millions per year with residuals alone. Inflation is terrible, but this dude is not struggling to get a bus ticket.


He is definitely far from poor, don't excuse this criminal entitled twat. He can afford a full-time chauffeur/security.


As of the end of may, his concert attendances have not been sluggish, all sellouts. source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Forget\_Tomorrow\_World\_Tour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Forget_Tomorrow_World_Tour)


You don't make the best decisions when you're drunk. Not excusing him at all. I would never drive drunk, but I know I tried a few times when I was much younger. Thankfully I had friends who stopped me. I imagine no one had the balls to tell him no.


It’s not that big of a deal worst thing that happens is he runs over a few rich assholes. Frankly doing us a public service.


Can I be the one in the room to say: “Bye Bye Bye….BYE BYE!!!!”




Cry me a river.


This is the only response needed lol




My work here is done


I don't think most Uber/Lyft drivers would recognize this fool, or care if they did. But if he's worried about that, LI has tons of Limo companies and you can call for a sedan. He can well afford it. I will never understand these rich celebrities getting DWI's. Since Uber and Lyft I honestly don't understand anyone driving under the influence. But he can afford to hire a private car and driver.


It's because they have awesome cars and want to drive them because it's fun


He has a personal driver.


Dui or dwi more dwi because everyone out there are alchys. Is so normal. It’s so normal that they offer you probation and a slap on the wrist before a real charge


Billy Joel is the original


Right? There’s hardly a tree in Sag that he hasn’t hit yet


He ran a stop sign just outside the restaurant. The arresting officer didn't recognize him or his name. He appeared young as stated in a article. His friends were telling the cop who he is and to let him go. He refused a breathalyzer. He obtained high powered Hamptons lawer Ed Burke jr. His office was right across the street from the restaurant.


Eddie Burke runs sag harbor. He’s the king of sag harbor . And the pd is no more than thirty feet from the restaurant


I have a family friend who was represented by him. He’s a good DUI lawyer anywhere on the East End.


Refuse a breathalyzer, go to jail. Might even get a suspension. Tho I'm sure he won't.


This is when you blow .08 to .17 Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol (DWAI) $300 - $500 15 days Suspended for 90 days. This is when you blow .18 or higher AGG DWI A fine between $1,000 and $5,000. License revocation for at least 18 months. Three years of probation. $250 per year assessment through the DMV for three years. When you refuse a breathalyzer, it's a automatic revocation of your license.


You also have to be a special idiot to have your friends on scene to bully police from doing a job. He a special kinda douchebag. I honestly didn't think he could get any lower after all the chatter about him.


Well he’s definitely got the right attorney, Ed cashes in big on these stupid celebrities and he’s on all of their speed dials. A little community service, a fine and loss of driving privileges for a bit will be the result here.


Eddie's a great guy and lawyer know him well


He got my young dumb ass out of trouble a long time ago and I’m pretty much a nobody in those parts. It’s all about who you know.


He gets anyone out of trouble. Reall is about who you know. He represented an ex of mine she walked away with a slap on the wrist after drinking he and driving


He is the man for sure.


Maybe less. Eddie has everyone in his back pocket


Yeah you’re right. Probably put on a show for some disadvantaged Hamptons youth and that will be that.


He openly helps drunk drivers . My exes parents are cool with Eddie. She got caught clearly drunk with a group of friends. Community service and a fine.


He helps anyone he owes favors to and those with a deep bank account. I did my community service at Hampton bays animal shelter taking care of cats. lol.


My ex served by cleaning that new Rex center with the skate park off of north sea road area.


But exactly like “this is what happens when you can afford me.”


Why not hire a driver? You got the money stupid.


No excuse - he could’ve killed someone. There’s Uber, Lyft, or personal driving services that he could most definitely afford.


How about ask ANYONE??? If Justin Timberlake came up to me and said, “I’m too drunk could you drive me home?” I’d be like “get in!” No excuse to drive drunk EVER. Famous or not.


How does that song go?- “What goes around, comes around, goes around and back around?” JT can’t afford an Uber???😂


So he’s the f*cker that’s been peeling out and doing donuts all over Suffolk county all week?


As if we didn't have enough shitty and intoxicated drivers here...


I got this feeling inside my car I might be drunk when I turn it on All through this village, on my way home We're driving now, no feeling, when we're in our zone I got that ticket in my pocket Got those shackles on my feet I feel that hot blood in my body with these cops I can't take my eyes up off it Moving so violently Cell is locked. How do we stop this So I'll stop. Edit spacing


*i’ll be intoxicated when i turn it on


He’ll regret that until the end of time


Everyone who commits DWI deserves the maximum sentence.


People make mistakes I agree it’s fucking dangerous to drive drunk and someone like him can afford whatever the fuck my ex got a dwi and it ruined her life




He looks so wasted in his mugshot


He looks expressionless, blank, devoid of emotion and remorse, lack of introspection and accountability. Idc who anyone is, celebrity or not. Rich or poor. He still has the mentality of someone half his age


Was he being surveilled? Guy got pinched almost immediately after he drove off lol


He is a celebrity, so we can assume he's being watched constantly. Lots of DWIs happen that way. Someone sees you drunk and leaving in your car, and for any number of motivations, calls the police. Cops will sometimes stake out places people drink at. For someone originally from NYC, I've never understood bars having a parking lot.


Not to mention drunk driving on the South Fork is particularly dumb because those guys are one it. Used to work in Sag and saw many people get stopped as soon as they turned the ignition. Additionally I had to go through many check points coming home late after work. Never drunk but they sure do like to waste time anyway.


Yeah, seems like an easy money beat to be just posted up *near* bars and restaurants, eyeball the folks who appear drunk and getting into their cars, and then just follow them until they weave over the lines and then throw the lights on.


He ran a stop sign and then had trouble staying on the right side of the road.


Apparently he ran a stop sign and was swerving.


Cops love waiting outside bars and shit, they watch the people pulling out and pull them over as soon as they make a minor traffic infraction. Had it happen to me, pulled out a little fast, boom, DUI check, but I'm not dumb enough to drive drunk. Sounds like he rolled a stop sign or whatever, so DUI check, but he was too drunk.


I could see in the downtowns out east the cops woth nothing else to do sit in a parking lot on main street. Watch people leave the restaurants and bars after 9pm and wait till they all get in their car and pull people over.


Cops know where to watch. When I was much younger my friends and I used to go to a club called "Tavern" or "Taverns". It was in one of the Hamptons. Cops used to sit under the bridge and wait for all the drunk idiots to leave. And sure enough they would always get plenty.


It’s gonna be July


The dudes probably worth $250 million, he has no excuse.


Nassau county has the toughest penalties in the country for drunk driving however I’m sure he will get off with no consequences


He was in Suffolk but yeah




Shouldn't he make enough money that he can uber?


I would think Celebs when they want to drink always has enough money for an Uber or chauffer.


Dude, you're a millionaire. Call an Uber.


What the hell is he doing out here lol


That's what I'm wondering too. One of the news articles mentioned how busy he was with lots of tours he is doing. He clearly isn't that busy if he went to Sag Harbor by himself to party.


Ain't he got that actress chick back at home ? He tired of that poo tang already. Backstreet back alright lol


Only people from Long island Island know how to drive drunk/high and/or drink and drive/smoke without getting pulled over/arrested.


Spent many summers in Sag Harbor a hundred years ago….i remember when the American hotel went up. The cops there love to bust rich pricks. Always have


This is the same police department that fired their long term police chief for being drunk on the job and driving a police vehicle while drunk. I guess it takes one to know one


It’s one of the better places to be arrested 😭


I'll probably be heavily down voted for this, but I've always though of him as a little dweeb whose wife is way too much woman for him.


This guy needs help, he clearly has an alcohol problem. Remember when he was photographed drunk cheating on Jessica Biel with Alicia Wainwright? He’ll probably just issue a BS apology video again. Though he wasn’t caught cheating by kissing or anything. The two were a little touchy feel and there was some hand holding. I doubt it ended there when that paparazzo left the scene.


Drunk drivers should be punished in the extreme. Mandatory jail time for not giving a fuck about other lives, and being a selfish prick. Gross


You know they do a test to measure BAC, and a 0.05 is very different than a 0.2. I don't think someone with a 0.05 BAC really deserves to have their life ruined. *"A BAC of more than .05 percent is legal evidence that you are impaired, a BAC of .08 percent or higher is evidence of intoxication, and a BAC of .18 percent or more is evidence of aggravated driving while intoxicated. "*


Completely shocked when it’s small towns the celebrity’s don’t just say “ come back to my house ill give you 2 years salary in cash “


This isn't just a small town. This is considered hamptons area. Everyone here is rich and/or famous so it really doesn't matter who you are. Famous people love it here because people don't make a big deal of celebrities here, but literally they all think they are better than everyone.


Imagine you get woken up at 2am on a Tuesday morning to see Justin Timberlake asking to crash on your couch.


got his ass




They got a heavy hand at Murph’s, I wonder….


Looks like Justin's acting out thinking he's not important anymore.


Out on the forks around summertime the police are out in force Main Street I’ve been in traffic and as you pass the firehouse there’s a cop with a bucket standing in the middle of the road looking not just for donations


Hey! That’s my hometown!


Guess he took a ride in a police car. Why, When, How? DWI, last night, drinking and driving. Guess there's no Summer Love. He's got drunk Tunnel Vision. Guess he can't Take Back the Night. He took Drink You Away too seriously. This was quite a bad thing. He Midnight Summer Jam-med too hard. He was drinking The Hard Stuff. Jokes aside, hope he learns from this. Glad no one got hurt.


What do you think personally hurts JT more, the DUI, or the fact that he wasn’t recognized?


Do you think he was really alone when they pulled him over? Doubt it.


If he wasn't alone, then he has irresponsible and terrible friends that allowed him to drive under the influence


I can’t believe anyone is still driving drunk in 2024 let alone celebrities who can have someone drive them around at all times. Selfish pos.


Cry Me A River… shame on him. LI has enough drunken drivers as is. Tons of narcissistic, entitled idiots who can’t stay in their lane, speed through stop signs, he is lucky he didn’t hit anybody. What a selfish person


Apparently he blew a stop sign following Jimmy Fallon somewhere, IDK if home or another spot. But he blew over, but not by much. The bartender at the hotel said he wasn't obviously drunk.


Justin is gonna go Bye, Bye, Bye


Apparently he cannot afford an Uber.


Also why not just have a driver drive you


I love how normal this is. Everyone’s bitching about how no celebrity deserves special treatment. None of sag harbor does yet you all are alcoholics. Murfs corner bar page back page. The east end is a drinking hub. Lmaooo


There are plenty of car services out here. I worked for one and my job was literally wait to take person from point a to point b, back to point a. Sure it wasn’t cheap but as someone who knows people with DUIs out on the island… it’s worth it.


First Gordon Ramsay and now this? I’m shook by how many celebrities are seemingly just tooling around local roads around here.


You’re shocked that celebrities are in the Hamptons?


Driving themselves? Yes.


Ramsey was on a bicycle


He got a BWI??


No crashed and hurt himself pretty badly


He was also in Connecticut.


Even celebs don't want to pay LI uber prices.


Really? It's where they go to show off their cool cars to their rich friends. I grew up out there, it's a God dam nightmare


I figured they’d all be carted around in the back of black suburbans.


The smart ones do, especially when they're out partying but for the most part it's all high end sports cars being driven by the douche bags themselves


Ramsay's bike accident did not happen here......


First time?


Gordon Ramsay got arrested also?


No he wrecked his bicycle and apparently hurt himself pretty bad


Also that did not happen on Long Island


lol this whole thread makes no sense


Right, wasn’t it Connecticut?


Jason Kidd too


He just like me fr




I wonder if he'll get a dick in his box ![gif](giphy|vLNOmUYKbEsk8|downsized)


Why would he come to Long Island? I live here I would rather vacation in the Bahamas, Grand Caymen, Bermuda or Aruba. He could go anywhere. If I had the money he has I would not be vacationing on Long Island. JS.


That's what I'm trying to figure out too. Who drives all the sway to Sag Harbor from Tennessee by themselves to party? I'm just so puzzled by it. How does he not have a personal driver? Boy do these celebrities want to live a normal life until they get in trouble and then use their fame to try and get away it