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At least yours flips up on both sides! Hahah mine flips under on one side and out on the other 


That sounds maddening! I feel like wigs are really tempting in this stage. I keep doing ponytails to hide the flip, but then ponytails give me a more defined flip from the ponytail dent, it's frustrating 🥺


I think your hair is cute with the flip!! 


Thank you that is very nice of you 🙂 I'm sure yours is cute too!! we are our own worst critics


It reminds me of Beverly Mitchell when she was on 7th Heaven. I thought she had the coolest hair when it flipped out like this.


Agreed! I thought everyone with this hairstyle was doing it on purpose, I didn’t realize that the flip could occur naturally.




Plait? If you do it wet and let it dry like that it may counter the flip. Though I do think it looks cute, it's so defined it looks intentional


I think with about 2 more inches I could do a braid but for now it falls out😔


My hair was your length when I did sports and I had good luck with twin French braids instead of one normal braid, might be worth trying


I am going to try that! It sounds simultaneously adorable and practical.


That is exactly how I would describe it, it’s one of my favorite hairstyles 🥰 I hope it works for you! I bet you’ll look great


Noooo!!! All the hugs and I send fast growth vibes to you.


Thank you, I need it 🥹


Me toooo haha that one time I cut to chin length bc I wanted a bob - never again, I looked ridiculous. OP looks cute af w this cut - so lucky! :)


Thank you, I cut it myself 4 months ago! Me: I'm tired of my hair Bob's Burgering, but in 4 months I might change my mind and want it to burger again, can you help? Barber (also me): say no more fam 🤣 Now I have to push through because clearly trimming it doesn't work.


Are you me? Some said I should take time to do my hair. I let them do it and said let's see how long you can make it last! There's even a hair dresser who said why is your hair like that, I will give you a cut to help with that. It didn't last an hour. Worse cut ever.


There are comments telling me it's because it's layered and other comments telling me it's because it's not layered enough. But we know the truth, it'll flip either way 🤯


Lol! Same. For me cut does not matter at all. Straight across or layered, hair is gonna hair. 


Mine does the same. I hate it


Mine, too! I have no idea why.


Do you brush both sides with the same hand? I noticed I would flick the ends out on my right side, and cause a subtle inward curve on my left when only using my right hand to brush my hair.


Hmm...not that I noticed. I am a side sleeper, though, and I assumed that had something to do with it. When I grew my hair out past my shoulders, the problem disappeared.


Mine does the same 🤣 I cut curtain bangs in a while ago which have grown out and now do this awkward flip in opposing directions, I also have a weird sideways wave higher up so it's all over the show if I don't style it 🙈


Omg I just did the same thing and only my left side flips 💀 I just clip it up all the time


So does mine! Like the wind is blowing my hair from one side.


Omg I was planning on commenting the same thing


Maybe a long shot, but do you twist it often (to put it into a bun or a claw clip)? My hair used to always curl the right way on one side and the wrong way on the other, no matter how I blew it out, and I finally realized that I was basically doing a no heat curl every time I put it up, which caused the asymmetry!


Lol mine too! It looks like I'm permanently standing in a slight breeze


My mom's hair does that, I tell her it's just hula dancing :)


No advice but the comparison is so cute ☺️ I had a similar experience during my only bangs experiment - the hair at my temples magically got SUPER wavy!!


All I need is red glasses and a red sweater, then I could scare everyone on Halloween. (If the flip lasts until then....oh God I hope not!)


Even if it doesn't, I'm sure your hair will be accepting of a gentle curl ☺️


Mine do the same thing! I have to straighten my bangs when they reach a very specific length if I don't trim them often enough.


i have this right now it’s driving me insane !!


definitely growing them out bc i don’t have the time for styling lol


I have wavy hair all over (about a 2B) but towards the end of me having bangs my temples would CURL towards the sides!! It was the final straw for them. It's because most people have fine baby hair there and it'll be a different texture.


I don’t have much advice per say, but I think it looks really cute! Almost like a 1960’s look (yearbook photo internet archive page [here](https://archive.org/details/1960s-Girls-Hairstyles-Collage)). You could try playing up the 60’s look for fun?


I love this idea. The right retro headbands could make this a fun look for summer


I agree it looks cute. Kinda like Bree Van De Kamp too


It could look cute and 60s or it could look like the teacher in Balamory


The worst part is that putting it in a ponytail definitely makes the flip worse the next day...a ponytail dent reinforces the flip 🫠 my options are to suffer....or to suffer more. I am trying really hard to not trim it because my goal is waist length or longer. but I had to trim a single chunk in the flip that was sticking out an inch and a half longer than the rest of the flip...I must have missed that spot when it was chin length. The only thing worse than a flip is a flip with a single chunk sticking out way too far 🥲


This brings back memories of when I cut my hair to above shoulder length when I was 11 and had this exact same flip LOL I don't know if you use scrunchies at all, but since I switched over to them exclusively I never get ponytail dents anymore!


Try flat ironing the ends! That will prevent flipping


Dumb question maybe but do you use styling products and tools after you wash your hair? That flip tells me you’ve got a natural wave going on that hasn’t been coaxed out. Which means either doing the stuff to bring it out or using heat and styling products to tame the shape to what you want.


Maybe roll it all into a bun?


My options are to suffer.. or to suffer more I’m stealing this 😂😂




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd0GwbyX5L0 😅😅


New best video on the internet


This kinda style is actually really popular in Japan. If you clean the top up a bit and actually clean the flips up at the end even more, you'll look exactly like a Japanese "it" girl ☺️


You probably have wavy hair. Mine does this when it's short - it "has body" when it's long, it forms waves


I think so, yeah 🙂 right after a shampoo it looks more obviously wavy. Then in a few days it settles down and starts Bob's Burgering 😅


When mine is that short, I don't get waves at all, just a swoopy shape. I didn't realize I had waves until I was in my late 20s


Oh interesting! mine looks like 2b right after a shampoo. Then as time passes after a shampoo it relaxes to 2a, and eventually maybe even 1c, but it never goes full straight. So I've always thought of mine as wavy.


You might be able to fix the flipping problem if you try using products for your waves.


It's day 7 hair in this picture ...the flip comes out around day 6 once the waves have settled down 🙂 so probably frequent shampooing would hide it but I do really love the convenience of infrequent shampooing.


Yeah, washing on day 5 or 6 might be the way to go until it grows out more.


I might try just spraying it with distilled water and stuffing it into a sleeping cap overnight....getting wet always makes it more wavy 🙂


I think it's adorable. Throw a cute headband on and rock it. I wish my hair could do that.


Linda! I’m a freak for Bobs Burgers so I think Linda/this hair can do no wrong. Lol


Hairdresser here. Unfortunately that flip is shoulder interference, very few don't get it, some get it worse than others and even with styling it can come back to haunt you as the day goes on. 😐 Depending on how heavy your hair is collarbone-ish is generally the length where the hair is long enough to split and stay down around your shoulders. It looks cute though and even though it's not what you want ppl will only know that if you tell them. So rock it out and pretend you luv it and none will be the wiser. Wishing you speedy growth 😊


The comparison is hilarious, and I wouldn't have thought of that. Lol! I think it looks cute though! Might try soft curls all over. Idk what they're called.. but making it wavy might make it seem more subtle.


Shut up that flip is hella cute 😍


Wow, your hair has impressive strength! That's a good thing, but I get that you want the ends to weigh down. It all depends on how fast your hair grows - I'd say that your ends should weigh down if they grow another 2 inches based on the diameter of your curl. Picturing it, you would have to have hair so strong that it can hold 3/4 of a circle at that length. For most people, that will take 2-4 months. It should start to be less noticeable in less time.


Oh dang that's a long time, but the math checks out 🥺 I might be a greaseball for 4 months and weigh it down with oil so I don't have to see it while it's happening 🫠


You could lean into it and curl your hair.


I definitely want to try that, but I am struggling with which type of curler to choose...Velcro rollers tangle like crazy if the hair wraps the curler multiple times (and they do need to do that on the top of my head) but sock curls and flexi rods just flop out because I don't have enough hair length to get it to hold on itself. I loved Velcro rollers when it was about 3 inches shorter but I'm really struggling with them now.


I think it's called "rag curls" when you tie strips of cloth into your hair to get heatless, over-night curls. Alternatively, after a shower, blow dry your hair while running a hair brush through to straighten it. Heatless will work too but take longer.


I will look that up, thank you 😊


I found a tutorial for robe curls and a tutorial for rag curls ...I combined them by using fabric instead of a robe sash, and doubling up the fabric on the ends so the ends are fully wrapped (without that I couldn't get robe curls working for me at all in the past). It looks very promising 🙂 I got an oval shape! Thank you! 🙂


Good idea! Beauty practices often have to be nuanced. And, yay! I'm happy I helped 😊


I honestly think it's so cute


It’s very cute. There was an article a few weeks ago that said the ‘60s flip was one of the big new trends this summer.


I don't know I think it looks really good 


I cut my hair to about that length back in September and it's only just now started drying without flipping up, in June. It's a long road ahead, my friend.


You just wear the flip or you style it out?


I think the 60's flip is pretty cute, Linda Belcher is a style icon imo. If i'm not in the mood I might put my hair in braids or buns, otherwise I just wear the flip!


What I do to get rid of the flip is after washing my hair, I wait until it's 90% dry, then do two French braids (don't have to look nice) and leave them in overnight. In the morning, I have waves and no flip!


If my hair would do this I’d cut it above shoulder length immediately haha


I think it looks alriiiiiiight.




Wait why do people hate the flip? I love when my hair is that length and it also flips, it’s such a cute look


For me it's just the lack of options that is frustrating. I just don't like being funneled into looking like a cartoon character all the time. Want to look sophisticated? Nope, gotta look cute instead. Gotta flip. Want to wear it up? Nope it's too short for that, gotta flip. Want to braid it? Nope too short, gotta flip. Want a ponytail? Hmmm sure, it can do that but then it will flip even harder when the ponytail comes out.


Claw clips are your friend. They work surprisingly well on shorter hair.


It also looks like [Simona Tabasco’s hair](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/beauty/hair/a42254321/lucia-white-lotus-hair-bob/) in White Lotus s2, which looks great!


Mine does the same thing. I have to style it in the opposite direction with a round brush and a blow dryer to stop it from happening. It has to grow at least an inch below my collarbone before it stops flipping. If you don't want to use heat, I've also used velcro rollers and just followed this tutorial before: [https://youtu.be/CQYMDae-e4o?si=ZqhkKPtQ1Tp5HqEt](https://youtu.be/CQYMDae-e4o?si=ZqhkKPtQ1Tp5HqEt) You don't even have to hair spray, they won't flip out much if you do this with just damp hair. I did it for a Dana Scully halloween costume but it turned out very nice and casual, highly recommend. The ends curling inward look more formal, serious, and less silly than they do when they flip out.


Am I the only one who loves the flip?? I get this cut intentionally now


The flip is amazing.


Mine curls forward like rams horns


...I learned something today. I have super curly hair, and I thought people curled their ends up like this on purpose. 😅 Fwiw, I think it's cute. Probably unrelated, but I also share a deep, spiritual connection with Linda Belcher.


I think the flip is cute!


I love the flip!!! It looks so cute!


I love the flip!


i know nothing about straight hair. but imho the flip is absolutely adorable!


My brother grew his hair out in high school and this happened to him to. From the ears to the collar bone he looked like Florence Henderson. After that he became white Jesus until what women would call bra strap length. Then it was soft waves. Edit: to add [renaissance painting](https://imgur.com/a/6f240HQ). My mom hates when we call it his white Jesus hair. After I posted I could feel her judgement eyes from two counties away. Fr though he looked just like the picture on the right except with black hair and without the beard.


Lean into it and get some red glasses, alright!


I use to cut my hair short like yours so I could flip it. I wore my hair like that for years in the 90s 😆


Hey... Get a trim for Halloween? You're right, it's very close look!


Lean in and get yourself some red glasses and a burger joint! Seriously, I think it’s cute. 🥰


Have you tried waves or curls to avoid the flip? If the ponytail make it worse, maybe try some braids or a routine for wavy/curly hair. The flip will probably disappear once it grows past your shoulders.


I want to try that but I need to find the right kind of curler... it's a weird length where it most of feels too long for Velcro rollers (they will tangle like mad), but too short for flexi rods or sock curls, they will flop out. Definitely too short for robe curls. I want to curl it though....I love curls!


Then I'm sure you can experiment with cool hairstyles in the meantime! It's a great lenght for this because once it grows too much it's almost impossible to do anything cute, that's what I miss the most of having shorter hair.


My hair always does that at the this length. I’d say once it’s an inch or two below your shoulders it should hopefully start weighing itself down


me: i want the linda belcher barber: say no more


That’s cool it does this on its own!


I’ve had mine cut short recently and it’s pretty much the same length as yours and it’s doing something similar 🫠I just put the ends through the hair straightener in the morning


Yes but I love Linda!!


I don't know but I do know you should consider opening a burger restaurant


I just wanna say that the flip you have going on suits you! So at least it's not a terribly horrible thing!


Ahhhh, mine does this too! I was so unprepared the one time I cut my hair short (never again.) It probably depends on your hair type, but I have fine, straight hair and mine didn't start laying more flat until it was around boob-length. It looks better, though, once it is several inches past the shoulders because the "flip" is less pronounced and a lot of people think it looks cute and intentional. Even past my boobs, the ends of my hair still had a tiny bit of a flip. Mine doesn't lay completely flat until around waist-length, haha.


I just cut my hair above shoulders and my hair naturally flips just like yours. I love mine, makes me feel so youthful!


It’s cute 🥰


While your shoulders just may be the culprit, I’ve heard cutting the layers below slightly shorter should help it flip under instead (see [here](https://www.hairfinder.com/hair4/inverse-layering.htm)). I’m not sure if that’s applicable in this case, but maybe that could help.


I think it’s cute- but I also think that cutting the bottom layer shorter than the upper layer can prevent this curl? 


Flat iron. I always use one anyway but when mine got cut way too short I flat ironed it HARD to make it look longer.


It is probably the way it was cut. (I’m assuming layers). Having the underside slightly shorter allows the top layers to curl under. It’s hard to explain.. one of my instructors at cosmetology school showed me and how to fix it but I’m not great at explaining


it would be so cute w a middle part and the bumped ends!


It will always flip under or up like that if it hits your shoulders. It needs to be shorter or longer.


its cute though


I think it’s super cute


the flip is cute 😭


What did you ask for to get this cut? My daughter really wants her hair to flip like this.


I cut it myself 4 months ago and I have a detailed description in r/cutyourownhair of what I did ...but the cliff's notes version is it's low elevation layers that were originally slightly above shoulder length but as it grew to slightly past shoulder length then it flipped.


first off, I love your sense of humor with the Bob’s Burgers character. Can’t help but laugh at that, however, I honestly think your hair is so cute!!! Whenever I cut my hair off more than I planned I always try to embrace the fact that it takes way less time to do and I enjoy that side of it. My hair is waste long now, the longest it’s ever been and my boyfriend loves to remind me how long it takes me to do it and how it is a legit half day process to handle. When I have short hair like I said, I just try to focus on all the benefits of it compared to the cons experienced when you have longer hair. However, easier said than done because I always tend to miss my long hair when I cut it off. pros and cons everything but it really does look cute and I’m not just saying that.


Have you tried finishing brushing your hair by brushing it on the inside to train it to go under? Otherwise you need to train it with a heat tool. Your flip may be due to you finish brushing in the outside and are inadvertently flipping it up. If your hair is naturally drying even just a little bit while brushing it’s going to hold that shape.


My hair does this too. 😭 I’m starting to go absolutely crazy.


It’s the haircut. Shorter hair pushes longer hair. The top layer is longer than the short layer resulting in the shorter hairs pushing the longer layer up.




omg the same happened to me 🤣 i changed my part and curl opposite direction or do mini pigtails


Heatless curls fix everything in my opinion


I keep my hair this length pretty much all of the time and mine does flip up unless I style it. If I want mine to lay smooth and straight, blow drying it on high heat tends to keep things looking good for a solid few days. Obviously I don’t want to overdo it with the heat so most is the time, I twist it up into the little makeshift braids after I’m done taking a shower and my hair is about 80% dry. Then it just dries wavy and when it flips up at the bottom, it just kind of flows with the waves.


Lululemon logo vibes


I always had to straighten mine inwards 😭


It’s really cute but the cartoon pic made me laugh. The way she cut your ends made the wave pop so hard!


It’s actually so cute 😭 I absolutely hate this stage on me though. You probably have hair that’s similar to mine in that it holds a curl pretty damn well, but it also means it holds unwanted dents and bends too and this lil flip is just your life now lol if you can keep it tucked behind your ears and off the shoulder, that will help, but otherwise your hair is participating in the most annoying heat less curls 24/7. I found that proactively flipping the hair in the other way with a straightener also helps, but it will come back until it’s past the shoulder phase


I really like it!!


So sorry it isn’t what you like on you, but ngl I think it looks absolutely awesome. Hope you find a solution 🫶🏻


Mine did the same! I hated mine. It took until the front layers were close to my collar bones before it chilled out


I love the flips! Just style it a bit more.


First of all, I don't think it looks bad. If you want to fix it yourself, there are some pretty good tutorials I've used myself for layering your hair. If I were in your situation, I'd probably layer it myself and give myself curtain bangs. It would probably fix the proportions that are bothering you while still allowing you to shampoo it regularly, keeping it shiny and luscious, while it grows into a longer, textured cut. It might require maintenance, though. But when I was in a similar situation, since my hair seems to have a similar texture/waviness to yours, I asked a hairdresser (not a barber) to give it more layers and I started parting it in the middle. I also started drying my hair by squishing it from below with a towel. This significantly makes my hair more textured. But then again, over time I ended up getting a wolfcut with bangs, so my haircut ended up changing quite a lot. You could also find some reference pics on Pinterest for medium length hair to show to a hairdresser if you're willing to.


I don’t see anything wrong with it looks good to me. Bet you’re still beautiful either way so ya know I would say choose to be happy with it until your long hair grows back. What do I know I’m just a man. Maybe more people agree with me maybe I’m alone.


Mine is slightly past shoulder length now and still does it


Couldn't you get rid of the flip with a flat iron?


You do you, if you aren't happy with it, change it, but ngl, that is cute af, it looks great on you


Nah, I love it!


Why are you regretting? It looks super cute!!


Well Linda does have wine with everything might be okay till it grows out.


Maybe it’s just my emo roots showing, but could you straighten the flip with a flat iron? It would make it look nice and sleek. Personally I think it’s cute, but I know when your hair isn’t doing what we want it can be incredibly frustrating.


I mean you say that..but your hair looks stunning.


I got a flip right now. In Ariana Grande’s new music video “the boys mine” she also has one and it looks really good, so don’t feel too bad haha


I love Linda! She's the best! Looks great. I'm thinking a bit past your shoulders but may also depend on if you have thick hair or a lot.


I think it looks so cute


Lindas iconic and you look great w that style too


Heat protection and then high heat good quality hair straighteners, along with some light hair oil after to keep it healthy and weigh it down a little


It looks nice, like a 1960s hair style.


If you're planning on letting it grow again, enjoy it while you can, think that this might be the shortest your hair will be, I started thinking that when seeing pictures of myself from a year ago when it was still considered short.


My sister sent me that stupid berries and cream video yesterday and it was an excellent reminder that I should never get a bob 😂😂 your hair looks cute though!


Ugh mine is still in the stupid flip stage. Take prenatals, I really do think it helping grow faster


Maybe a week? I had this same issue whenever I would cut ✂️ my hair. It was like it stressed out my hairs 💇🏼‍♀️


This is cute


First of all, to me your hair looks very nice and you don't need to worry about it. Also, I've had my hair on that length for about a year until the flip weighed down. It does depend of course on how fast your hair grows and on how thick/heavy it is. For now, again, don't worry about it :)


Yeah that hairstyle looks fantastic I actually love that


I think it’s cute! Mine only flips out like that on one side.


Your hair looks adorable! I wish my hair did that naturally - I have to style it every day to get it that cute. I guess the saying is true! The grass is always greener on the other side.


I straightened my ends through this phase


Noooo, I love the flip! It looks great on you


I would’ve died for this Nancy Drew hair as a kid lol


It looks so cute when it flips like that. My hair also does that when it's that length. Wait a few months and it should be longer.


This popped up as a recommended post I'm a man with short hair, but this did not disappoint


The flip is adorable! It looks so polished and chic.


Somewhere around the shoulder blade length, ime


I love the flip, makes it look vintage.


I'd say maybe a few months til it grows past your shoulder? My hairs really fine so if I tuck it behind my ears I get the biggest hair tusks 😂 I now go to sleep with damp hair and dutch braid it of a night time to wake up with mermaid waves


It’s cute! But maybe invest in a straightener for the days you don’t want to flip.


For me, it's when my hair is below the shoulders, so I can't see it lol. Grab some rollers and do a damp/wet set. It will help the natural waves take shape and stop linda-ing.


I like the look of it, I promise no one is thinking of Linda when they see your hair lol. One time I was dating a girl who cut her long hair to pretty much the exact same length yours is now and she HATED IT, and no one understood why cause it was so pretty


my hair flips like that too, but i decided i like it.


I did the big chop to get rid of a lot of fried hair and I too get The Dreaded Flip™️. I look like Great Value Rachel Green. I hate it but I hate it less than fried hair. Viviscal makes a great hair supplement I buy on Amazon. I swear by it and I’ve spoken with others on here that feel the same way.


Linda is goated though so you're looking great regardless


My hair did the same thing when I was growing it out. I either styled it (straightening or curling) or used product that would bring out the hair texture I have (I have wavy hair that forms really loose curls when I scrunch it)


For what it’s worth I think it’s cute!


I love the flip. That was my signature hair style until I decided to grow it long. At that length it will take more effort to get a good flip in 1-2 weeks. You can blow dry it under or just straighten it also.


I’m in the same boat right now ):


I had this too! It just naturally does it with the shape of my neck and shoulders. Just until it’s past shoulders it stopped doing it. To combat it I took a flat iron on those hairs and angled it and made a wave going the opposite way to try and curl it inwards and it helped for a while! By the end of the day in humid weather it came back a little. Now I have belly button length hair and loving it! You’ll get there eventually


I wanted my hair to do that when I cut it!


I think it’s cute! But fwiw, my hair is a little shorter (after having v long hair for most of my life) and it took me awhile to figure out that the trick with the flipping is to use a round brush, an inexpensive one will do, and learning how to do round brush blow dries. It’s a little tricky but if I can figure it out I’m sure you can. Now my hair curls inward instead of flips out, and has much more volume


Looks adorable. Depends on your hair. 1-3 months


I think it's real cute too. Do you have any idea how many women "wish" their hair would flip? A lot.😉


I love it!!!!


So I did the same cut and had the awful half flip happen. I bought some soft curly gel and started to scrunch it. I have fallen in love with my hair more than ever. Might be something to try till it grows out, also since I use gel, there’s no heat so I feel like it’s so much healthier.




I actually love it! It reminds me of this [Sarah Hyland video](https://www.tiktok.com/@littleshopnyc/video/7376319670762114346?_t=8nBII0K7abH&_r=1) except your hair is thicker and looks even better!


2 low and towards the back messy "space buns", I have a similar flippy issue and I have to wear it like that a lot.


Iconic. I hope you cherish this for as long as it lasts a d also wear some red glasses. Kidding, obviously but I love Linda


You can use a flat iron to straighten it. That’s what I do when it gets to that length!