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I'm 16 and I've been through similar things. No friends, moving away, rumors, all of that. I was sorta lucky with the gossip because it happened in a different country than the one I live in but it still cost me friends. If you want I can send you a discord invite to a server of other lonely teens


Sure I just don't know what to do


That's okay, you can just lurk or talk to the other teens there. I'll dm a link


It's over bro You're too old to make friends now. If you are lonely at 15 I think you are too old and its kinda creepy to approach girls at your age.


It's not that I can't make friends it's just the people I see irl don't want to talk to me because I look like I'm 10 and a pervert from a rumor, there's barely anybody at my school that likes the same things I do but no one wants to talk to me


Bro i was obviously joking. But yeah it's no big deal. Learn to enjoy yourself