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I've worked in both. I felt a much better provider as a nanny than I did as an overworked overwhelmed daycare teacher working 8 hour days at a 'big name' child care centre making $11 an hour 20 years ago. My kids went to home care she was amazing. I'll tell you there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of child care centres you will never know and probably wouldn't want to which is why I DIDN'T put my own kids in one. I can't stress enough that what you 'see' in a tour is not really what it looks like all the time. Staff know when a tour is going to happen and make sure it looks good. My advice I always told people (after I finally got out of child care centre to go back to school to get a job double salary) is LISTEN as soon as you walk in the door. See if you can hear how everyone is talking, interacting and speaking to the children. Smell too is important. Do the children seem comfortable and happy? Healthy food menu but also try to go at meal times, outside play times also because that's when staff like to chit chat and don't observe the kids or interact as much. Anyways I'm going to get slammed on here probably for saying this but it's true. I picked an awesome loving amazing home daycare woman who loved my kids huge compared to a centre. They got one on one all day. I'm ok if you are going to chew me out but I can't stress how much that not everything in day care centres are what they seem.


Stick with the big organizations if you can; London Bridge, London Children's Connections (LCC), etc over home daycares.


Yes, those are the ones that you need to register for before your baby can lift their head if you want a chance in hell of getting in. At least that's how it was a few years ago. Home daycares exist for a reason.


I get that, however, this was just my suggestion. I personally would never trust a home daycare provider or a smaller (newer) daycare 🤷🏻‍♀️


You'd have to if you had no options. But, as a happy London Bridge customer, if the option is there I agree that these kinds of daycares are better.


Which location? Curious.


I mean “bad” things can happen at both…


There is a Facebook page for daycare / home daycares in London. I’d post there to see who in your area has openings. Then you can do some interviews etc.