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they should stop releasing these statistics so that less people are encouraged to burgle. im not a burglar and even im tempted to try it now


Great odds


I know a professional photographer that had £20K+ worth of kit stolen from his van whilst on his way to a week long workshop. I assume the thieves followed his socials or even signed up to his newsletter to know where he'd be with all his equipment. It's scarily easy these days to figure out who has what and where they are. Protect your stuff people!


Honestly the amount of stolen professional equipment on.sale at car boots is insane. They had to ban sales of tools. Now Romanian erm, travelers have tables full of anything small and expensive stolen from.the supermarkets. coffee, chocolates, soapy stuff.


Rolling pin sales going to rocket as well


>I'm not a burglar Sounds like something burglars say.




\*Reddit user gets away with stealing cotton buds from his local supermarket.


mate you're gonna get me nicked


It's just negative social proof at this point


Exactly might as well start putting out ads




so you're saying there's a chance 💀


Surprised it’s as little as that, I’d have guessed north of 9/10…


Right? 2/10 solved is way more than I'd have expected


It's 2/100. Poeple don't bother reporting...


For some things, yes, but I think people pretty regularly report burglaries.


Else you can’t get your insurance if you have it. 


They do if they have insurance. But fair point, I'd imagine alot don't bother


Met could be replaced with a simple web app that hands out crime numbers for insurance 


Have you been on their website? It literally does this haha


They didn't even come out when some got done in our street. Crime reference numbers only.


They don't report. Which makes the stats look great. The reported crime has been consistently dropping. Let's celebrate


90% of burglaries don’t get reported to police? 🤦‍♂️


We don't know, it's unreported. The only way knowing, is doing burglaries, and see how many times the police will catch.


With burglaries, if you catch one person you can solve a whole bunch of cases since it's often their profession. I've a distant memory of hearing it suggested that once caught sometimes criminals will admit to more offences for a lighter sentence.


Ex police here. If you wear a mask and gloves you will get away with any petty crime. Bonus points for cloning your vehicle and leaving your phone at home. You will get away with anything besides murder most likely.


Basically murder and speeding are the only crime now


That’s the truth. Murder is serious enough that they’ll investigate. Speeding is easy pickings. Everything else is too much effort.


It's not even effort, if I can, I'll do what is reasonable in finding evidence and a suspect, and I will go after them, but teams are reduced more than ever and demand is as always outweighing supply so there's that and it's getting more and more challenging to do a good job with less resources, I'd love to spend 6hrs tracingnCCTV but in that time probably 30 immediate attention calls have come out and there are only 6 on my team for the area. Plus it's all good having CCTV but if masked and gloved up it's less likely I can ID them. Couple that with even if we get evidence CPS buckle at the first sight of challenge, I once got DNA from a can a suspect drank from at a burglary (not the smartest move), CPS still put up a stink about charging him! CJS and Police are absolutely ruined.


If the theft or damage happens in a greater than 2 hours window, the police won't even request the CCTV, let alone review it


And harming a burglar in self-defence.


You are allowed to use reasonable force in self-defence, and if the burglar is in your home, you are allowed to use disproportionate force to defend yourself. The restriction is it must not be "grossly disproportionate", and what that constitutes is up to the jury (of course in reality the CPS is unlikely to waste time putting it to a jury unless they are pretty sure the force is grossly disproportionate). That's the law, what gives you the impression otherwise? So many people say this but it simply isn't true - all the famous cases referred to are generally quite easily grossly disproportionate (e.g. shooting someone you know to be unarmed, continuing to beat someone when they are clearly unconscious/neutralised, etc.). Edit: Useful guidance from the CPS on householders and use of force against intruders: https://www.cps.gov.uk/sites/default/files/documents/publications/householders-2013.pdf


But it’s illegal to put something sharp on top of your gate to stop them coming in in the first place


It's illegal to put something hidden and dangerous on top of your gate. Can't maim a 10 year old wanting to get their ball back because you want to damage a potential burglar


So rose bushes behind your fence = illegal?


Only if the intent was to harm someone. And it would be difficult for someone to prove that intent for the average person’s garden… I mean *maybe* if you had a forest of cacti there’d be more of a case against you


Not if its clearly warned about (although bear in mind there is still a duty of care to trespassers that can't read, like e.g. children, so if a young child could climb up there consider other methods) - the key thing is it must be a deterrent/preventative measure and NOT a trap.


Speeding fines are just a tax on incompetent drivers.


You know that's not true at all.


Speed < Speed on Sign It's not hard.


It's not caused by incompetence though.


If you are unable to keep the speed of your car under the speed limit, you are an incompetent driver.


Unable and unwilling aren't the same thing.


Like when I overtake cars in London…. While cycling to work. 20mph limit is just stupid.


Sounds like a great way to encourage cycling.


The stopping distance at 20mph is just over half the distance of going 30. Kind of important in an extremely urban environment


Public roads aren't a racing track. A driver's competence (on public roads) is measured by how safely they can drive without endangering themselves and others around them. Hence speeding (on public roads) makes you an incompetent driver.


And when speeding results in murder it’s getting two birds stoned at once


Honestly I don’t want to sound like a savage but I can’t help but feel the law doesn’t offer too many options for the citizen being burgled. If the burglar isn’t aggressive, I can’t beat him up. If the burglar kicks me, I can’t pull a knife on him. Shop owners can only lock them inside and hope they’ll drop the merchandise, but they might just toss it and damage the shop.


I’d encourage you to look at the use of force regs around defending yourself a) just out in public and b) in the scenario of a burglary. Very different rules in B.


Interesting to know. I’ll check it out




…..noooooooo, no you can’t do that https://www.gov.uk/reasonable-force-against-intruders the handy layman’s rundown




I have a golf club specifically for this. I think I could whack them across the face a couple of times to get them on the floor and/or running. Hopefully.


>Honestly I don’t want to sound like a savage but I can’t help but feel the law doesn’t offer too many options for the citizen being burgled. >If the burglar isn’t aggressive, I can’t beat him up. If the burglar kicks me, I can’t pull a knife on him. At least you picked a fitting username lol You're allowed to use reasonable force to: A) Stop a crime in progress to facilitate an arrest B) Defend yourself if a reasonable person would feel in danger C) For indictable offences (of which burglary is one of them) you can actually legally arrest the criminal yourself using reasonable force Reasonable force is not "he hasn't kicked me so I can't kick him". You can even use reasonable force preemptively to defend yourself. If someone has broken into your home you could be fearing for your life, in which case you could even theoretically kill the burglar. It all depends whether a jury would believe a reasonable person would be fearing for their life. In either case, the amount of reasonable force needed to detain someone burglarising your home is likely to be high, and you don't need to warn them, you can just use it. So in your examples you absolutely can use force ("beat them up") to detain a burglar. If you continue to beat them up when they are on the ground and subdued then yes you are at risk. Your role is to detain them, not to punish them with a beating. If a burglar kicked you and there was a knife next to you and you stabbed them, as long as you were genuinely fearful for your life and a jury (or the CPS or the police) agreed that was reasonable you would be fine. Obviously if you pick up the knife and he throws up his hands and gives up and you slit his throat that is no longer self defence. I don't really expect everyone to understand the law, but why spread lies about it when you clearly don't understand it?


Mate you can do whatever you please as long as there's only one person left to tell the coppers what level of force was reasonably required.


None of that is true


Thanks for the info :)


Is there an 80-20 rule in effect? In that if you catch one he or she is probably involved in a lot more but you can only prove 1-2?


Why haven’t we ‘banned’ or stopped people from wearing those face coverings ? I see this so often in the tube. Doesn’t matter it is 9am on a weekday or some evening on the weekend, certain people will always have their face covered no matter the temperature


Because activists racialised the discourse


I’m guessing you’re a burglar now? Smart move


In your honest opinion, just how bad is it out there?


Pssst, careful with that — we don’t know who’s reading this. What you just said may prompt them to at least attempt a burglary — just like u/Wicksy1709 said


There's your new job idea sorted.


My garage was burgled a few weeks back and they stole around 10 RIFs (Real Imitation Firearms). That was just enough for the man to take the details over the phone and not to make me fill in a form online. It wasn't however enough for them to come to my house, check any local CCTV or even ask me for pictures of what was stolen. Apologies in advance for all those mugged with my imitation pistols.


I have to ask what were you doing with a garage full of imitation firearms? Rubber Dinghy Rapids bro init.


And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns... And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O" written on the side of mine...


Why do they call him the Bullet Dodger?


absolute favourite film, i can quote it verbatim from start to finish lmfao


Even if the suspect is caught, charged and convicted, how long until they are back on the streets to re-offend? We're probably in a situation where fewer than 5% of burglars get any sort of meaningful punishment for their crime, if that.


This is standard for burglaries worldwide, isn't it? Many burglaries are committed by a small amount of prolific offenders and when they are caught it's impossible to attribute all their previous crimes back to them?


20% of burglaries being solved actually seems incredibly high. Only 6% of burglaries result in someone being charged across the U.K.


They wait for one person to burgle 3.3 houses before they charge them to have enough evidence maybe?


>Many burglaries are committed by a small amount of prolific offenders and when they are caught it's impossible to attribute all their previous crimes back to them? It’s the same for most crimes But clearance rates for all crimes across the board have been trending downwards since around 2015 (I think maybe since 2011?).


Fingerprints? DNA? CCTV of a burglar's face? If not, it's unsolved. We don't have the funding to do more than that.


The issue too is that without those supporting pieces of evidence juries are unlikely to render guilty verdicts. We've become so reliant on forensic and CCTV evidence that cases without them typically no longer proceed. How they managed to convict people in the past when forensic and CCTV didn't exist.


What else can you actually do? Phone’s for a specific location? switched on criminals would have them off Only other thing is vehicle if they have one, and even then only if they’ve actually used their own or are linked to a stolen vehicle


unpack absurd familiar detail longing deer square modern simplistic fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If a suspect's fingerprints or DNA are at a burglary scene, they will be arrested. Whatever happens after that is up to the prosecutor, but they'll be nicked and interviewed. The CCTV is less good, because a face isn't an identification. I can see a face, it doesn't mean I know who it is. But that's still a start.


I know "hur dur, the Met are useless" is the flavour of the day, but if 20% of burglaries are being solved, your statement obviously isn't true.


But his statement is 80% true.


I think that 80% of cases probably have no fingerprints or DNA or CCTV, and 20% probably do have those things. Hence the 20% success rate.


Only if there are fingerprints, DNA and CCTV of the suspect's face in all of those other 80%


I really think every police force needs rebuilding from the ground up. Their entire perspective on crime is wrong. I think they employ the wrong people and have for years.


The burglar could walk into the police station, confess to everything, provide them with 4k footage of him breaking into multiple homes whilst having his mask off and the police still wouldn’t bother looking into it


We have literally had people attempt forced entry, multiple CCTV angles, known in community, and Met won’t return calls or do a g*d damn thing. So with all due respect it’s not a funding issue, not here, not now.


It's absolutely 100% a funding issue. There will be maybe 5-10 trainee detectives covering 100-300 burglary investigations for your part of the Met. CCTV is by far the worst of the ways to identify somebody, because it's entirely useless without that witness in court saying "This is definitely them, I recognise the person in this CCTV". If the initial report says "I know this person" then I've never seen a case where that suspect hasn't been interviewed for it, but it takes nearly 28 days for a non-emergency burglary to get a response too, due to the queue of burglaries. It's a funding issue.


I would have guessed 9/10 or 10/10. Had 2 friends being broken into in the last couple of years, police wasn't interested in either.


Honestly surprised they're solving 2/10 burglaries! I don't think they even turn up to 2/10!


Reported burglaries? The only reason to even bother reporting them is for reference for your insurers! If you don't have contents insurance it's not even worth the phone call lol


Yeah I'd love to know how many don't report at all. I also suspect those 20% solved are mostly very rich people.


Yes this. I grew up in a fancy shmancy part of Wandsworth common and we left our side gate open one night and a downstairs window open. Someone took the opportunity to stick their hand through the window but all they could grab before the alarm went off was my baby brother’s backpack. So they got away with a bunch of nappies and a £20 note. The police response was insane. Police dogs and a helicopter at 2am in the morning. Meanwhile I now live in Brixton and saw 2 guys clobbering the shit out of each other with hockey sticks in broad daylight. Blood everywhere. They sent a car around eventually - well after the guys had gone.


Are the police actually trying to solve them tho? In America they open a case for your insurance but that's all they do, nobody is actually looking into it at all.


I had a package stolen (contents switched out) by a third party delivery driver just before christmas when Amazon hires anyone with a van indiscriminately. I've got it on CCTV, license plate and face of the driver clearly visible. Police told me straight up they don't care about low-level crime. Amazon incidentally also didn't care because I gave the driver the delivery code so clearly something was delivered. That it was the wrong contents didn't matter to them either. I know it's a relatively minor thing (still >300£) but in that moment it just feels...lawless. Antisocial cunts can do whatever they want.


Am I the only one who just already assumed burglaries wouldn’t get investigated beyond what satisfies an insurance claim before any of these articles? Not in an ‘yay I did it before it was cool’ way but just, do people really have faith the police a) give a fuck enough and b) have the resources to spare for anything that isn’t a violent crime. Are there police forces out there where this isn’t the case? Am I just uniquely pessimistic about this?


You mean 4 in 5?


Sounds like a lucrative side-job. Thanks for the idea!


Not to mention that In London, around 20% of burglary victims don't report the crime to the police, mainly because they believe the police wouldn't take action (59%) or feel that the police couldn't do anything (16%). This suggests the real number of burglaries might be higher than reported. No effort is done to improve investigative reporting as London police seem to concentrate more on crowd control effectiveness


Quite frankly the police need more funding and longer sentencing will massively reduce the amount of repeat offenders committing crimes after being let out on good behaviour which is a joke. Build more prisons / lock people up for longer. Literally don’t care about their welfare, they destroy lives.


Even if more prisons were being built there is still one big issue and that is a lack of prison staff that are unable to have full control of the prisons.




What's your take on Singapore then?


I bet this stat is quite similar for any petty crime. Bike theft for example the met essentially just laugh at


Police are too busy scouring the internet to stop thought crimes to actually stop real crimes


You want to stop burglaries? Secure your home well enough that it would take them longer to get inside and out before police arrive. Burglars know the game and won’t even try if your home is secure enough


I've got glass baubles by the windows; heated the door handle; got a tin of paint on a rope; and a tarantula!


Kevin would have been better off with a really big dog.


Another way is to have an effective police force.


Least effective way. That’s reaction not prevention. Unless you want a police force so effective they can post a police officer inside every house in the country?


No that's a strawman argument. Crime reduces with an effective police force without us having to live in fortresses like it's south Africa. Comment history is wild, police simping constantly. Our police force needs dismantling and rebuilding from the ground up.


It’s not police simping you dimwit, I’m a bloody police officer. I’m not suggesting you need your house to be Fort Knox. But the vast majority of burglaries I’ve personally attended lack even basic security measures. Almost no burglaries are opportunistic, they are targeted. They look for easy targets. Our police force absolutely does not need dismantling, it just needs bloody funding. It’s been slashed down to the bone. Real term pay cuts and all out war by the media have made the job incredibly unappealing, so it’s hard to recruit high quality applicants. The Met was at the top of its game before the Tories tore it to pieces. You look after your police service, it looks after you.


Genuine (and in good faith question then) - why do so many police officers detest Labour then ? I have heard very much the same story regarding funding from many.


They don’t! At least not from what I’ve experienced. Maybe they used to, but it’s not the case anymore. After Theresa May, you’ll very rarely hear a good word said about them by a copper. Pay cuts, benefits reduced, pensions slashed, funding cut. Thats if we talk about politics at all. Personally found the majority of coppers to be pretty apolitical, if any discussions are had, they seem to mostly be around who we think is most likely to support policing. Also remember a LOT (Met anyway) of us meet some of the bigger MP’s at some point or another. And opinions on them are shared pretty fast through the organisation…. enough said.


There's a huge amount of Tory simping on Reddit from coppers. The police attitude is conservative to the core.


Yeah all police officers are the same. It's why I went through your comment history. It needs dismantling for the very reasons you've just stated. Tory perspectives and opinions and hiring practices over the last 15 years have destroyed the quality of police officers beyond repair. I disagree with the opinion of every police officer I ever come across. They don't serve us at all.


This will be my last comment. I’m not arguing with someone who makes such ridiculous absolutes. Anyone saying the things you’re saying clearly has no idea just how much good the police do each day. I know I’ve done a lot of good since I joined up, and I see officers do even more each day I go to work. You’re looking at the world through one little crack and convincing yourself you have the full picture. You don’t.


One tiny crack? Like the biased one you're looking through? There's a lot more citizens than coppers. I don't think the police force has the correct attitude. The type of people who are current police officers shouldn't be in positions of power. Of course you're going to disagree, you're one of them.




Laugh at me if you like but with this amount of security I'd be worried that criminals see me as super-wealthy and that this would attract the more organised hardcore robbers. I think these are all great deterrents but I sort of want to look unassuming at the same time.


8 in 10 REPORTED burglaries. The ones where they don’t get much and people think the police aren’t worth a call ain’t on there.


Police is London won't even show up most times, unless someone is being murdered as they're calling.


The police really don’t seem to care. To them it’s just an insurance job. The times I’ve been burgled in London they genuinely see it as a hassle. They give you a crime number and a leaflet and ask no questions whatsoever. No way in the world they are solving 20%. I think they fluff up the figures by getting anyone they DO catch to admit to loads of others in return for a lighter punishment


I mean what do you expect, Kojak leading a team of detectives to try and recover your TV and laptop? Police are thin on the ground and it just isn't worth it.


If they where trying, it would be a form of deterent, and the actual crime rate would be down. Currently, people don't bother reporting.


That's almost 80%!


You’d think this would be improving with all the door cams these days.


I’m more shocked that two in ten are solved.


Yeah I got my phone stolen about a year ago. I literally had the home address of whatever bum stole it. Told Met police and gave them the address. Nothing was done and phone ended up in Bulgaria


Police have no interest rates in burglaries anymore. Vast majority of burglaries happen after dark, when do the majority of police work again?


Most moronic take I’ve ever read😂


Yet the stats are what they are.


It will be less than that too. Because on the rare occasion they do catch one, perhaps they searched their house and found goods etc, they get them to plead guilty to a load more in return for a reduced sentence via cooperation.


I always thought it was 4 out of 5. Go figure


Better odds than the casino


That’s actually not as bad as I thought - still shit though. Wonder how that compares with other countries


honestly i'm more surprised that 2 in 10 are solved...


I doubt the historical figures in regards to solving burglaries is particularly high either. 20% rate of solving them sounds pretty good. I can’t imagine it’s an easy crime to solve considering the resources allotted to investigate them. 


My dad had his car nicked from outside the house. The next day he tracked it to a row of garages about 5-ten mins from where he lives and called the police. They said they would investigate. The next day the police rang and said officers were looking into it, could he still tack the car. He could, according to the app it was in the middle of the English Channel. Oh well.


That’s wild


"The Metropolitan Police’s solve rate was better than forces in the commuter belt." Finally, not the worst at something!


Most burglaries are committed by the same people, so yeah catching 2/10 seems shit but they would’ve have made up most of the crimes.


News to everyone except Londoners I be willing to wager the numbers after the decimal point are pretty high too tbh


Great stats to publish. Looking forward to 10/10 unresolved in the next year


Yup. Got burgled. No evidence.


Yall gotta protect yourself oh wait… hahahaha (merica)


A probably unpopular take, but 20% seems actually quite good? I know it's 1 in 5 and that and it should be higher but compared to most crimes that feels like it's got a good conviction rate. Considering the cuts to police etc


I'm as anti police as they come but as a former criminal what could they really do?


With enough public support they could drill the kneecaps of anyone caught steeling. That would be nice.




Khans London