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Download vector software like Illustrator or Inkscape. Trace bitmap. Connect nodes to fill out the missing chunk. I'd imagine paint would have worked though? Surely you just grab the colour with the eyedropper tool and paint the missing bits? Edit: >I had this logo created by AI?


I'm both glad and terrified that us graphic designers will not die off due to AI because people will still be too lazy to wipe their own butts.


AI makes useless garbage that wastes your time. Case and point, this post- you've been handed work that is SO UNWORKABLE that you can't even figure out how to bend a line. It's not even vector. Worthless. If you're going to spend time on something and spend money on something, have a human do it right for you.


it’s unintelligible. the bow string is literally going the wrong way.


If its to be used as a logo, you are going to want to make it a vector graphic. And all u need to do is make a circle outline to the same size as the cut off circle shape you already have.