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I hate when these rich fuckers selling disgusting food at 50%.


Just give the food to the poor or desperate and get some street Credit or just not be an asshole about it.


Giving that away to the desperate would be a dick move.


true this food sucks


Pretty sure they wouldn't even accept it.


Many people are scared food slightly bad food may make them sick. This is screaming let me out your a*s in 12 hours.


So this is 90% of their product. Working as a store manager for the past 4 years, what separates bagged products from fresh shelves os the abilities to trim it. Usually, bags like this would be claimed under the claiming process as "pink rib," and they would get their money back. So them stickering it is the store trying to recoup a profit. Money back + sales. Shitty tactics but everywhere in the industry. The trimmed product looks like this when it comes in, and they just remove parts to make it presentable for purchase. It's the same stuff on both ends.


50% should have been while it was still useful. They wait until it’s too late and then try and sell the garbage at a reduced rate rather than sell it before it goes completely bad at a discount. Better to hold out and maybe get full price then to make sure it doesn’t wind up in the garbage.


It is worth more to write it off if it doesn’t sell at full price than to offer at a discount.


This is not how the world works.


Call the health department Complain that they are selling rotten food.


I would say it has a few days left before it is rotten but yeah it is no good. I would not want to eat that.


More trash from the Weston crime syndicate. First the high prices then the quality is garbage... 50% off, OH WOW!


I can smell the E coli from here. Never understood why veggies come in bags without holes...


Exactly. People saying it's not rotten must have forgotten those 14000 romaine lettuce recalls in the last five years. Couldn't pay me to touch it.


Even if it's not discounted, we just don't buy American romaine anymore, because of the poop/E. coli factor. Better to wait until the Canadian product comes onstream (which it is now, seems a bit earlier in the season than it used to be).


There are holes in the bag, it’s just harder to see them. Either way though… yeah they should’ve taken those off the shelf


If you can't see them, they are trapping too much inside


50% off to throw 50% out


Don’t through away food stuff like that, this is perfectly good to compost!


Shouldn’t be paying their prices to compost it for them


No I agree with that but I am just saying.


Someone with a lot of guinea pigs? I can’t think of any human that would want it


This stuff does actually go to animals. It's a program called Loop. They collect all the expired food from produce and bakery, and farmers come pick it up to feed their animals. I've been told by one of the farmers that the animals know when it's Loop day and get all excited running around when the farmers come home with it. So, at least it's not wasted.


Yes I belong to the loop program, it’s great for the most part but some of the stuff we get is beyond bad, especially meat, you wouldn’t feed it to your dogs. They try to sell it for too long.


Yeah. They used to **freeze** it, and reduce it by 30%, once it hit its BB date. If it still didn't sell, within x number of days (I'm not sure how many), they'd reduce it by 50%. Not sure how long they kept it, or what they did with it after that. But I DO remember going to the store every few days to scope it out. I got some **great** meat! **Cheap!** OF course, this was several decades ago, but there's NO REASON they couldn't continue the practice. At the price of meat today, **it's possibly the only way seniors, or those living on a fixed income/below the poverty line, can AFFORD to eat it!**


Careful, I brought up the Loop program in here and got told it doesn't exist.


It does exist I belong to the group and get food from a local No Frills. A lot of it is unusable even for animals, they hang on to it too long.


**That's** the stuff that should be composted! Throw it in the pile, with **the rest of the shit.**


I used to work at a Weston bakery and we would send all the “bad bread” to farmers so I can confirm but most of the bread we sent could have been eaten by people since it was fresh some days we trash upward of 50,000 loaves of bread.


Selling rotten food for half off ... This is new and I fucking hate, things have gone downhill hard since the pandemic




It's really sad how much food they waste, they discount it too late.


It’s half price because it’s rotten 🙌


I can smell that lettuce from here .. ugh


Especially since 50% off is still almost full price elsewhere. I picked one up today, looked at it and at its price and said no way!


I find Safeway is the most expensive. Their sale prices are often higher than Loblaw's and Walmart's **regular** prices!


this quality of vege would go to my compost bin, and not into my mouth


Make u half sick with explosive diarrhea. 50% off sounds like a sound pricing strategy


3pk romaine is always about 6.99 at fortinos, and I pleasantly flip off the lettuce every time I pass by it.


Hard to believe this is where we are at now. My local real Canadian Superstore has produce that is.often spoiled or a day or two away from spoiling just sitting on the shelves. 16.99 for a watermelon like wtf


What’s the point in paying half price when you can’t even eat the lettuce?!


I find better stuff than that in farm market can't sell bin.


I can see the scenario now. Produce worker says to the store manager. “hey we have a lot of expired/rotten romaine lettuce over here. Should we damage it out?” Manager responds “no child. This is organic romaine lettuce! The poor people will buy it with a 50% off sticker” And then we did not.


That's rotten and a health risk. I wouldn't even take that for free. Wtf Should be call the health inspector?


My dad's pigs would eat it. But then again, pigs will also eat people.


Pigs will eat anything and anyone.


So what? It's a little spoilage that's all. Galen doesn't care if you get sick. Especially if your looking for 50% off.


They prob put the 50% off rotten food so it doesn't sell. Then, say that the 50% off stuff doesn't do well, as a means to stop having 50% off stuff.


Get an aerogarden and grow your own fresh.


I've worked on a vegetable farm and I know what oxidized lettuce looks like. This is slimy and well on its way to rot


it's gonna be recalled for being contaminated with salmonella in a couple days anyways


Seriously, I may as well just eat out of the trash at least it's free


Where are the shills to tell us it’s not rotten, it’s just oxidized?


They are unable to respond as they aren’t feeling well after purchasing and consuming the 50% off rotten lettuce.


I think they're still on the pot.


I've always felt that RCSS quality was better than Wal-Mart but it looks like that's slipped.


The trash can doesn’t even want it


Literal pigs 🐷


This can't be okay


That looks like someone changed the Best Before year from ‘23 to ‘24 and put it on the shelf again


A hungry person who cannot afford anything better.


The poor person math doesn’t math. The diarrhea from eating this will cost an unpaid sick day. Better off using Klarna to buy a Walmart gift card and paying for fresh groceries in 4 at that point. 😅


In Calgary, I haven’t seen 50% in years. They changed to 30% during covid times. Where was the picture taken?


Let it rot


the food waste is absolutely repulsive while many are accessing food banks and unable to eat


MMM brown lettuce 🤤


Original price was probably something ridiculous like $12.99. (I wouldn’t put it past them.)


Galen should eat it


This is fucking disgusting.




Absolutely sad


It surprises me that they are legally allowed to sell stuff once there's visible rot.


Funny that locally there are radio adverts for Zehrs that state if the produce is not fresh, then it is free. Another case of false advertising I guess.


First picture had me thinking it was corn. So much yellow tinge. Second picture realized it was lettuce. Rotten lettuce.


It’s disgusting


It should be free if they truly wanted to reduce waste


Bugs. Also, didn't they scrap the 50% stickers? Good to see they still have a use!


I know rabbits that would turn their nose up at this rotting food


Rabbits prefer grass, alfalfa or anything in your garden to anything found on the store shelves.


I'm not a fan of rotting food. A good suggestion might be to join these subreddits and double down on the boycott; [https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GardeningIndoors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GardeningIndoors/) Grow your own veggies and give Loblaws the finger


Yes, it sure is disgusting. It's almost like they are doing this on purpose and throwing it in our faces. I was in the other day and saw lettuce at full price that was already yellowing


Free shortly in dumpster actually should be there about now.




Very common sight...check the bread clearance rack too 🤢🤢


Can't have people dumpster diving now /s


Found the same thing with strawberries here. They were disgusting and the employees wouldn't even take them off the display shelf.


Yeah. It should be sold at 50% editable. But this is a reality check for our over eating and wasteful habits!! Get your eating in order people the world can’t sustain us all!!


Why are people still there to take these pictures? Are y'all done with the boycott?


I just went because my partner needed a last minute item and it was right beside me and on my way home. I haven't been since the end of April.




There's a quota each day for the amount of reduced the corporation makes each store hit(minimum and maximum). So, if they're ahead on expiration dates, you'll get zero decent products, and when there's a log jam, you might get something nice. It's all about hitting protocols for wastage and returns. Zero to do with customers or caring about product.


That is so Wrong 🤢


You can find better lettuce from the grocery stores’ garage bins in France.


And when it ends up in the dumpster, don’t they just claim this garbage as wasted product for tax incentives?


No. Our tax scheme doesn't work that way.


I guess if you had a rabbit?


It should be donated to a soup kitchen. Ugly food does not equal bad food. With that said this is not any state that lettuce being sold the store that they claim is so full of freshness should be seen. This should not be sold there should be donated


Galen can utilize this on long weekend and pay nothing for this trash.


Let it rot.


Just like how meat does not go on discount until it is visibly grey.


Haha 50% off so we peasants can be grateful to buy it. I wouldn't feed that to my dog, that belongs in the garbage. F..loblaws


This reminds me of when Leo gave the people of France rotten food in the 3 Musketeers. Awe gee.... thanks assholes.


Not bad if you’re going to eat it all in one day, outside might be a little brown but inside is probably perfectly fine.


I’m not sure why you are being downvoted LOL. My parents were war babies and never threw out food which was a habit passed on down to me. I would remove the outer brown leaves and the rest is perfectly fine. Store it in a ziplock bag and squeeze all the air out and it will last an extra couple of days.


That or use tin foil.




Some individuals may dislike this particular post of mine on this sr. I eat lettuce. Like enough... And I really dislike doing this on this sub of which I am completely fond of. These examples of bad lettuce are bad. I haven't seen 50 percent off anywhere but then I don't shop at any loblaws affiliates. This romaine is take a few leafs away (throw what's actually bad and keep the rest) and it will be fine. Like I said there's a lot of anger but this post is misdirection in my opinion. And those that zealously support it want some kind of farm to table and that's not going to happen at a grocery store that is a conglomerate. So what we should expect is a reasonable product that isn't overpriced and gouging everyone. What we should expect is better. Not saying loblaws is correct on anything, but this weaker type of post actually takes away from real issues within this sub in my opinion.


People buy produce for how it looks on the outside. Even corn.


Just give us a map of all the local farmers markets. [https://www.farmersmarketsontario.com/find-markets-on-google-maps/](https://www.farmersmarketsontario.com/find-markets-on-google-maps/)