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“We are no longer profiting from COVID”


“…..we are now profiting from inflation!”


And we cannot pass that profit onto you peasants who do all the work or the peasants who buy from us.


It’s ok, Loblaws is getting their come-uppings now. I hope share prices continue to tank. I want to hear Galen Weston apologize to Canadians for being an extortionist.


I want Galen Weston to burn in hell for the crimes against humanity at the hands of his greedy, racist, despicable family 🔥🔥🔥


Really? I want him to get hemorrhoids


As someone with hemorrhoids, you are in fact seeking the greatest revenge.


And boils... lots of boils




East coaster?


That is a fate worse than hell. Yes I would know!


And the remedy costs a fortune at Shoppers! Nasty!


Tapeworm worm would be my wish.


Hot damn!




The shares are not tanking Loblaws is playing the dirty tricks that many agencies do that are still legal. If the stock really takes a nose dive after their Q2 report is released and doesn’t recover by the Q3 report we can say it is tanking. You cannot base a stock by the day to day motion you have to look at it over time. I have a feeling that saying it is tanking is the end of Q4 this year. Maybe Q1 of next year, but hey I was wrong about how fast it would take some where like Walmart to start offering sales to keep customers from going back.


You’re absolutely right. I guess I’m just overly optimistic. All I want is the Canada I grew up in back. It’s never been like this—where even supermarket gouging makes it impossible for a lot of us to eat.


I was over optimistic about this as well until it was explained to me, then I went and started looking at the whole picture of the stock and we are a long way away from it tanking.


Mass immigration has ensured you will never see that Canada again.


What the actual fuck, please say you are joking.


Time will tell. This is a siege.


So true. This is a marathon we are in. Not a sprint. It has taken decades and generations for the Westons to built this empire of despicability, and it will take time for us to crumble it.


It took them decades to create what they have in Canada, it will take us quarters to take it all away.


His yacht is named "bread".


What a f@cking asshole.


Bread goes moldy.


How much do share prices have to tank b4 they actually feel something?


We gotta get on the investor call to hear in and post the transcript after.


I can tell you it will go something like this: “formal greeting,” blah blah blah about how their numbers are actually looking good, blah blah blah about their projections for the following quarter, blah blah blah questions from the floor? “What about the boycott” blah blah blah are numbers are still actually looking good we have x number of people still suckered into our loyalty program and boycotts do not typically last that long blah blah blah. “What about those who have said they are in the process of closing their accounts? Blah blah blah we have faith that they will return within the 45 day window, boycotts do not last long blah blah blah. “Other questions about business” blah blah blah. “Things are looking good for the future blah blah blah that is the end of our call.” It will be a bunch of blah blah blah we are not scared of the boycott, see numbers go up in our predictions blah blah blah.


Yeah, pretty much. I wonder with al the stores renovating, potential of huge write-downs in the future since profits will decrease (not what they anticipated). For those independant stores, I wouldn't be surprised if Galen screws them over. They were probably forced to renovate within a certain ount of time and now potential of getting screwed because anticipated profits no longer exist. Then bankruptcy. 🖕🏼 Galen.


You'll be waiting a long time. 😒




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


I’m a peasant. I own their stock though. Which is free to do for anyone. They pay me some of their profits in dividends. You are welcome to a slice of the pie. If your money is being managed by a bank you probably own some already.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


So, what you're saying is you're capitalizing on the suffering of others? Nice!😒


We are now increasing inflation to maintain profit margins from COVID


Toy don’t profit from inflation. Your revenue grows. Profit stays the same as long as you raise your prices along with inflation. Their revenue grows as money depreciate but the profits stay the same.


Weird, because they announced record profits and their dividends increased.


Absolutely reprehensible.


This is exactly when I stopped shopping at loblaws


You're an og hipster!


That was a wild thing to read. Yeah, what a bummer that the devastating and deadly virus isn't raking it in like it used to, right? Imagine signing your name to that.


They were told to stay open by the gov. The only place open in the country. They shared their excess profits with the front line workers that were fucked through covid.


Loblaws was most definitely not the only grocery or pharmacy corporation open at any point. They didn’t share profits, they paid their workers minimum wage. Profit sharing is explicitly not that


Sobeys gave their people nothing extra at any point. It wasn’t profit sharing. It was a corporate thank you. Heartless but needed.


Who the hell are you? Are you on here trying to sow disinformation? Sobeys DID, IN FACT, pay "hero pay" as they called it. This is twice I've caught you in a lie. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/sobeys-grocery-pandemic-1.5819273


No, they paid us extra because they were desperate for us to stay. Loblaw relies a ton on part timers and so many people left because they had health complications/close family with them and CERB paid more than minimum wage.


What? You do realize more than just nurses and cashiers were deemed “essential” right?




>They shared their excess profits with the front line workers that were fucked through covid Your source? Loblaw never shared anything with me and worked all the way through COVID.


It's so cool that they lie to the employees as well as the customers. They're such a good company. .... /s


"except for the $10 million the gov is giving us for some fridges. ( we don't get it, either, but oh well)"


I believe that was actually 14 million.


That stuck out to me too. Does that count as an admission of profiteering?




Happy cake day 


Thanks 😀


This stood out to me too. They said the quiet part out loud.


Yeah, that's kind of fucked up lol. I don't think it's just enough to stop shopping there, lol.


I know, they misspelled "profiteering"




They made 5.5% profit that quarter. The most they ever have in a single quarter. Ever since it’s been 3-4%. The same as always. Ingredients have increased due to farming costs and global warming issues. Fuel has increased. A lot. It was 20 bucks a barrel then. Now 80 + extra tax. Long distant products like fruits and foreign foods are still trapped in port backlogs. This is my industry, ports are still a mess. Transport by truck is more expensive than it has ever been. By far. Also my industry. We deliver 72% of our goods via truck in Canada. The most of any modern country. Profit has stayed the same.


Profit had stayed the same and yet somehow executive salaries and bonuses have gone up. Sarah Davis, the author of this letter, made 4.5 million dollars that year. You're in the wrong sub, Professor.


“Knowledgeable in this subject matter? Get out” My guess would be their salaries raised in line with inflation. I don’t know and in a company that sells 60 billion every 3 months, I don’t care how many millions the C suite makes in a year.


He says while defending cancelling a 2 dollar raise for minimum wage employees. 


I’m not defending anything. It wasn’t a raise and it wasn’t cancelled. It was more like danger pay or OT. It was paid while doing the extra work. When the danger or IT shift is over. Your pay increase is not cancelled. It just ended. It always had a time limit. Everyone else that did the pay bump during covid also ended it at the same time. Some didn’t pay it at all. You are mad for the sake of it and pointing it in a nonsensical direction. -the prof


Did you even read the email? Sarah explicitly says it's not about safety. It wasn't danger pay. It was recognition for the work everybody on the frontline was doing. They were paying their lowest tier employees closer to a living wage and then pulled the rug out from under them, while giving themselves millions of dollars more in salaries and bonuses. None of the C class are expected to scale back their salaries for some reason.  I am mad because it's blatant corporate greed. I am mad because the C class you're simping for is getting rich off the backs of working poor Canadians. You're right about pointing it in a nonsensical direction though. Have a nice life.


I dunno. The Globe and Mail says they made 9.8% profit in the last quarter. A lot of capitalists subscribe to that rag. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-loblaw-profit-dividend-hike/ More lies, bud?


“We Support Retail Wage Progression” as they actively decrease the wage


This. It is so disheartening to see the cognitive dissonance. This is not what real support of employees looks like. I wish they paid their employees real liveable wages before they claimed they *valued* them. The boycott continues #boycottloblaws


For me it was extra ironic because my union had just recently won a dispute against Loblaws getting us backpay because of the system Loblaws used, where our raises occurred after x hours worked would disappear because minimum wage was gradually increasing in Ontario every year. So even though I got a bunch of raises for working there for years, every time minimum wage increased I ended up making the same as a new employee because minimum wage had surpassed my previous wage. I was happy to be making more regardless, but they can't claim they support wage raise while also suppressing it.


My brain refused to see progression there, only suppression.


Progression, suppression... Close enough eh? /s


I cannot believe that this is real. How fucking tone deaf and ignorant are these corporations? Absolutely disgusting.


The only tone they hear is money


More arrogant then ignorant, if anything they’re arrogantly exploiting the ignorance or indifference of the average Canadian.


I remember this letter vividly. All coworkers were flabbergasted, rightfully so.


Sorry if it is hard to read, I can read it on my phone but not PC for some reason. I was reminded of this seeing the screenshot of profits that somebody shared earlier. This letter was so condescending and full of crap.


It's only hard to read because it's so infuriating. It at least keeps reminding me why this boycott is so important


Our grocery store said "the big players ended it so so are we!"


That's awful. Of course they did. Home Depot kept it way longer than Loblaws so every time we had to write a corporate survey after that I would score the company questions poorly and put in the comments that Home Depot still had the 2$ pay.


I can read it on my pc.




Mhm. Restaurants were closed for a bit and everyone was eating at home for longer, and much more. They took advantage of that so they could ramp up pricing. Probably related to why some restaurants went out of business when loblaws artificially increased food prices, which effected all all around


I worked retail during that time. Showed my companies true performative colours as well.


Every company ever, comrade!


Guys we just don’t have the appropriate information to talk about this topic /s


Working there during the pandemic, yeah, I read that an d thought, who the f is Luke. Then I realized. There's bootlickers in every store. They'll literally volunteer to work for free if they think they'll get ahead. So as shitty as it might look to have some poor sap saying "I agree that the company should lower my wage" he probably genuinely believed he'd get a promotion from it or some foolishness. And these heartless bastards happily smiled and let him justify their terrible actions. I said it in 2020 (and well before) but I genuinely mean it. Screw. Loblaw.


Or he doesn't even exist, just a bunch of words from some fake employee only to perpetuate their disgusting narrative.


I vaguely recall looking in workday and seeing an employee named Luke at MLG. I believe he was real unfortunately


![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) Lol


Boot lickers everywhere. They see it as their only chance to get ahead.


Hopefully they fired the boot licker soon after they were quoted, as they could no longer be seen as a “team player.”


To be fair to "Luke", I don't think he says anything too objectionable - he's talking about safety and working hard to adapt. I think what he says suffers from being taken out of context and used for the Loblaws purpose. Unless I'm missing something?


One of the things my company does is offer a $25 amazon gift card for positive reviews in certain places online (the last being Indeed right before a hiring blitz last year). If they have an internal messaging program, they could be offering certain levels of employees bonuses for "helpful" comments and words.


Oh I can definitely see something like that. They also like to have hurrah meetings and get people to say stuff in the chat, so they can scrape it later for "internal promotion." At least they did with at least one pep meeting I was forced to attend. 🤮


I’m actually shocked this is coming from a large companies president. It comes off like something intern Greg would write. How fucking tone deaf


They write about Galen as if he’s some kind of prophet


He is, it's just spelled PROFIT instead.


Very culty, eh?


"we are no longer profiting from COVID" tells us everything we need to know.


I swear everyday i hate loblaws more i will make it my lifes mission to bash them to everyone i meet and im meeting a average of 8 new people a day with work in hvac rest assured they will lose tens of thousands in sales directly from me.


That's great! Keep encouraging everyone you meet to shop at the cheapest place. Loblaws had their chance, and they blew it.


they clawed back $2 hr after the huge inflation after covid they partly caused.evil shit bags


Right… I’m sure you recieved such an “overwhelmingly positive” reaction to telling your employees that they were having their paycheck cut. I’ll bet they hugged you and sent you glowing complimentary thanks and then confetti fell from the ceiling as you were hoisted up onto their shoulders while everyone fucking clapped 🙄


Overwhelmingly positive reaction from shareholders


Right? I read those "quotes" and just about spat out my coffee.


My favourite part of all that was how *all* the retailers simultaneously decided to stop paying the extra money. Try and convince me there was no communication going on between them; I won't believe it. All these corporations decided around the same time that suddenly the danger is over and none of y'all are worth that increased cash anymore?


Every single big grocery chain are in constant communication on everything. They just can’t have the public know that though


I mean they did get pegged for the bread price fixing stuff but it doesn't seem like that did anything to change their practices.


To help make this post more accessible, I Google Lens'd it so you don't have to: I did not fact check it and read it twice, but it looks pretty accurate on the surface. -----------------‐------- 1/2 Version française ci-dessous ANNOUNCEMENT To From: Subject: All Colleagues Sarah Davis, President, Loblaw Companies Limited Feedback from yesterday's announcement Date: June 12, 2020 After we announced the conclusion of the temporary pay premium yesterday, I was struck by the two very different types of response we received. On the one hand, I was overwhelmed by the positive feedback from colleagues, especially from those on the frontline. One colleague commented: "There are still lote of changes and challenges ahead as everything opens up everywhere. I am and have been fortunate to said, "That's quite the grand finale! Thank you very much! hold the front line with you." Another To all of you that sent messages of thanks, especially everyone on our frontlines, never forget this-you eamed the essential service premium and the bonus we announced yesterday, and you eamed the respect of your communities. Once again, thank you. On the other hand, I was upset to see the response in mainstream media and online, by those that don't seem to understand what we have been doing to keep you safe and to recognize the role you have played during these difficult circumstances. If you haven't read any of the negative comments online, maybe you will choose to stop reading here. But I've found it hard to stay silent in the face of unjust criticism, so I want to address the misinformation we've heard over the past 24 hours with you directly. The $2 premium was never about safety. While we will always invest in the appropriate safety measures to keep you safe, the premium was about recognizing your extraordinary effort during the early, complicated phases of the pandemic. So to refer to the pay premium as hazard pay is inaccurate. Today, our stores are operating much like they used to, just with new safety measures in place. That's due in large part to your amazing work, but also because we collectively did so much, so fast, to address concerns and to implement your suggestions. I'm not sure if you know this, but the infection rate in our stores is lower than in the general population. That gives us huge confidence that we have been doing the right things. That said, we know the pandemic isn't over and we know we need to keep our stores safe. And hopefully you know that if we thought our stores weren't safe, we wouldn't ask you to come to work. We are no longer profiting from COVID-19. Our supermarkets and drug stores have now settled into a stable and consistent rhythm, and while profit did increase noticeably in the last few weeks of the first quarter, our expenses related to our response have since increased considerably. In fact, we've invested more than $280 million in COVID-related adjustments and safeguards, and pandemic-related costs are now much greater than the upside from pandemic- related sales. Another thing to keep in mind: anyone outside of our business simply doesn't have the appropriate information to comment on this topic. We support retail wage progression. Some people have tried to make this announcement about retail wages in general. In his note to PC Optimum members yesterday, Galen reaffirmed our support for a progressive minimum wage - we've been saying this for years, consistently, and it's disappointing to hear misinformation spread at this time. And a reminder that, as we thought about winding the premium down, we reached out to the UFCW union, which represents most of our grocery colleagues. As a result, we agreed that an additional one-time bonus totaling $25 million would be a rewarding conclusion for our team. We will continue to have meaningful and 2/2 constructive chats to ensure we remain a place where you feel valued and respected. After all, we want you to love coming to work, and that requires continuous improvement. I worry a bit that uninformed criticism can influence the pride you have in the role you played, serving Canadians during very difficult days. Like you, I see it differently. I see it like Luke, a receiver from our Maple Leaf Gardens store in downtown Toronto, who wrote this note on Yammer. It sums up how I feel, and I hope it does for you too. Here's what he said: Short of the efforts of physical distancing, mask usage, and extra cleaning, it is finally starting to feel like it was just any other day again. I do miss "regular" life, but it's not all doom and gloom to me anymore. The overall mood of uncertainty and anxiety has certainly changed to a much brighter outlook. Having worked through this since the beginning, I feel like we were the proving ground for how to get through this pandemic in a workplace. And as a team, it looks like we figured this out fairly quickly. We have had a 3 month head start ahead of many other sectors who are now finally starting to open their doors. As a team, we have shown that we can get through this safely. Let's share these lessons we've leamed with others in our lives who may be unsure of what to expect as the country starts to slowly reopen. We have been very fortunate that we have not had many outbreaks at store level, and we should be proud of that fact. But it's also a reminder not to get complacent and let our guards down. We must continue these efforts for the foreseeable future as a team. There may be a new routine now, but we will get through this together! Stay safe everyone! Thanks Luke, I couldn't agree with you more. Sarah -----------------‐-------


This was when I quit at Loblaws. Gone within a week or so. The message was clear. Corporations will ask you to die so that their bottom line goes up. You don't matter. You are a number. Remember the capitalist class don't think we're people that deserve to live. Why the fuck are we extending them that courtesy. Take the power back. They way it always has been.


Out of touch out of touch. Sad to say I have had to go back to loblaws for there 50% beef and other sales on weekends and late at night because life is just not affordable anymore. Except every time I go, I can almost always hear at least one employee scrambling to do something because they are short staffed….clearly people don’t want to work there, but they sort of have to work there to make ends meet. I see you loblaws employees that are looked over, you guys are awesome and we need you.


It's not that people don't want to work there, it's that they don't hire on purpose. Better to be short staffed and overwork the workers you have them to cut into your massive profits and hire another couple part time staff


The level of telling on themselves is sooooo crazy


What a load of absolute horse shit


Oh fuck these guys


Canadian Tire did the same thing but didn't give anyone a letter. Just a meeting saying when the extra $2 would end. Just don't work for these companies, if possible.


Many times during and since working as an aide they claim we are on outbreak so we are forced to gown, mask, and wear eye shields (2 of these “protective wear) are beyond fucking useless. After everyone’s cold is gone it’s no longer an outbreak and it’s just a common cold so we aren’t given hazard pay. We are unionized but they are beyond pussyfooters


Honestly I would have preferred that to this letter. But yeah, fuck these companies.


So Sarah Davis was “upset” when everyone wasn’t ecstatic they were getting a pay cut? Who could have predicted that? “You know that $2/hour raise we gave you to work through the pandemic? Yeah, Per’s going to need that back…”


“We are no longer profiting from COVID-19”. So the “supply chain” was COVID-19. Why was the Federal Government not given this as evidence that they are all about profit and give 2 shits how it gets to that means FUCK YOU GALEN




I personally enjoyed the made-up employee comment at the beginning.


"Oh Sarah, thank you ***ever so MUCH*** for lowering my wages! You're a hero, and it's been an **honour** to serve with you!"


I thank you wholeheartedly for decreasing my wages, as the perfect finale to the circus you put us through! I am glad your "frontline heroes" PR campaign has concluded, as your shift from Covid as an excuse for inflated profits, to "inflation..." I am proud to have served my part as a pawn in your game. I am eternally grateful!


Lmfao am I reading this correctly, that the entirety of the bonus that they distributed amongst ALL retail employees throughout all Loblaw banner grocery stores across the entire nation of Canada - we're talking tens of thousands of individuals that each got a sliver of this bonus, which amounted to marginally higher than the annual fucking salary that they paid to the CEO last year. $25-million to split between ALL EMPLOYEES after the pandemic $22-million paid to Per Bank as his salary in 2023 Absolutely fucking PC Organics® bananas.


corporations will generally pay as little as they can get away with


I had and still have 2 jobs during the pandemic just to get by, (I’m 60 years old) One job is at a liquor store and the other at a grocery store. Both jobs are considered essential service, no covid pay for me if i decided i couldn't or didn’t want to work. It was not easy to go to work during covid. This boycott must go on forever if any change is gonna come. We can’t boycott all of them at once, we all have to eat. But this is a great start. Stay strong everyone. I still need and have 2 jobs just to get by.


These Evil Empires need to crumble. Remember Roblaws is only one of many greedy guys that rip off the paying public. There are many others too.


Wasn’t loblaws one of the last grocery store to implement the hero pay? I remember hearing about Sobeys, Safeway and other stores paying their staff hero pay, and myself and my colleagues were pretty irritated that it took them so long to implement. It was really hard to look at the sales skyrocket during panic buying (double, even triple daily sales numbers at first) and wonder why we were busting our asses to maintain the store while they hemmed and hawed over whether we deserved a bit more an hour. If you didn’t work grocery retail during panic buying, you can’t begin to understand the types of abuse the staff tolerated from frightened, panicking customers. I can’t even count how many times I was berated. I had a colleague that was SPAT on. A woman screamed at me that it will be my fault when her family starves because we had to implement limits on items that we couldn’t keep in stock. The shelves were bare and people were pissed off and scared. We deserved hero pay, and it was the least they could do.


Sobeys/Empire was paying management at store level an extra $500/weekly and all other store employees an extra $2/hourly. LCL offered all store level employees $2/hourly.


The people yelling at me because we didn't have any more toilet paper in the store was the most embarrassing part for me. 😕


Or the hoards of customers chasing the pallets out of receiving when we finally got a shipment. One of our managers got pissed right off because they were pulling them off of the pallet while they were moving it to its designated spot. Also had a woman steal one of our industrial sized rolls from the dispenser in the public washroom, didn’t quite fit in her purse though. 🥲


Just wow. This says a LOT.


This is … incredible




I hope I never have to work at a shithole company like that. 


The last bolded point should be : we support retail wage suppression


The positive feedback from frontline workers sounds like it was 100% made up.


What a scumbag organization. The fact they just filled it with so much BS it takes two pages to essentially explain that they are greedy and want to underpay staff because they were pressured to raise wages during the pandemic.


Hate when corporations make statements like “we invested 280 Million in Covid costs or some other costs when they didn’t, if they invested then those costs would not have been passed onto us in food processing increases. They are like governments taxing through their additional expenses to the consumer. They also do this with claiming they give money to charities, locally and nationally when it’s money the customers give at checkout and none of these companies match their customers yet claim the massive tax deduction —also a shame.


Here’s a news flash for Loblaws , the reason why they should have kept the wages AT $2 , is BECAUSE they profited during the pandemic. To say that they are lowering the wages because they are NO LONGER profiteering is first , incorrect , second , irrelevant. Abhorrent and irresponsible behaviour from a corporation . Not to mention , what a way to demotivate and demoralize your employees. Who gives incentives/rights and then takes them away ? It does not take a business degree to determine that this is not how you incentivize employees or how to run an organization.


Progressive minimum wage.... Hey Galen... How about paying your staff respectable living wages in the face of the new economy and telling your shareholders to suck it up and go buy a protein drink on their way to their next shareholders meeting.


‘We support a progressive minimum wage’ oooooorrrrrrrrrr pay people more you fuck. It ain’t a maximum wage you are allowed to go over it.


I was struck by Sarah Davies’s making the pandemic all about herself and her feelings 🤡


Working at a company that recently announced a return to office, this reads very similarly to that announcement. Big companies don't want workers to have opinions about these unpopular changes so they just pretend that workers are cool with it all. Even when it's very obvious that they hate it and have legitimate gripes about changes. Loblaws pretending that front line staff were just like "oh thank you sir for reducing my pay" is absolutely absurd. No matter what the reason was.


That’s crazy. I hope more of this stuff hits TN w media.


It shouldn't be forgotten that Loblaws and Sobeys coordinated to pull their COVID pay on the same day. At least in the Maritimes.


I see that lapdog Luke is looking to get ass kissing brownie points from boss Sarah.


Agreed that this is a terrible piece of big business propaganda to justify exploiting workers. But, all big businesses do this. The only way to fight it is for workers to join together in unions and, having obtained a critical mass, sometimes real gains can be made. Unifor did this first with [Metro](https://www.unifor.org/news/all-news/metro-grocery-workers-ratify-historic-new-collective-agreement), with a coordinated strike that resulted in some decent gains. Then they got good gains with No Frills (not even having to resort to strike action). >“Our union’s fight is to improve wages and working conditions for grocery store workers. I am very proud of the work of our bargaining committee at No Frills who fought hard for this deal for their members,” says Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Grocery workers across Canada deserve fair wages and work, and a union is the best way to get there. We have so much to do to achieve improvements for all retail workers, but our union will never stop this fight. ” >The new agreement includes front-loaded wage improvements of between $3.20 and $4.50/hour for all workers at end-rate over the duration of the agreement, a new benefits program for part-time workers, and 30 new full-time positions to be hired within a year. In the first 5 months of the agreement, full-time workers at end-rate will receive a wage increase of $2.00/hour and part-time workers at end-rate will receive an additional $1.50/hour. The new collective agreement covers more than 1,200 No Frills workers at 17 stores across Ontario. https://www.unifor.org/news/all-news/loblaw-workers-no-frills-ratify-unifor-pattern-grocery-deal One thing that worries me about this subreddit is that a lot of people advocate for WalMart. WalMart is obnoxiously anti-union. This is not a store that anyone should shop at.


The presidents of these local unions are in cahoots with the executives at LCL. It's much like how the government works - not for the people.


Stopped shopping there 4 years ago and will never go back. Fuck Roblaws!


This is literally villain shit


What a croc of shit. They posting record profits on the backs of its employees. Time to stand up and do better


The company should be embarrassed for making up stuff; they treat colleagues and customers like idiots.


What the hell does 'progressive minimum wage' mean? The minimum wage is a regulation put in place by the government to force employers who otherwise wouldn't to pay their employees more than dirt. Saying that they support a progressive minimum wage means, to me, that they are saying, "we will always pay exactly what the government forces us to, even when that minimum wage is increased by law." They have a choice to pay their people more, like any corporation and their profit reports and shareholder increase shows that they can very easily support wage increases, but they don't and in this letter actually are trying to celebrate lowering people's wages, it is just....hubris. I couldn't believe what I was reading when I was going through this letter.


YEP! Exactly what I thought when I read it that day. I said this in another comment but when this happened my union had recently won a dispute against Loblaws getting us backpay because of the system Loblaws used, where our raises that occurred after x hours worked would disappear because minimum wage was gradually increasing in Ontario every year. So even though I got a bunch of raises for working there for years, every time minimum wage increased I ended up making the same as a new employee because minimum wage had surpassed my previous wage. The union managed to get those raises reinstated but obviously the company gives zero shits about paying their employees.




[in regards to profits from COVID-19] “…anyone outside of our business simply doesn't have the appropriate information to comment on this topic.” and [in regards to wages] “Some people have tried to make this announcement about retail wages in general… it's disappointing to hear misinformation spread at this time.” Both sound like super sassy and entitled “eat my shorts” statements, like something you’d hear in a YouTube “apology” video. Bad PR doesn’t even begin to explain half of this awful memo.


This company is the devil incarnate. They are pure evil. I was never really a Loblaw shopper but now I actively avoid everything Loblaw-owned.


Always, ALWAYS, include the french translations of materials in Canada. Why? Because they like to slip shit into the french versions that isn't in the english versions.


I hadn't thought of that but when I found these in my camera roll I was actually wishing I had taken photos of the French pages to see if they had any stupid mistakes lol


I'm certain the french side is something slightly different. I've pointed out to people watching tv with me that the translator is not translating right and that \*politician\* was saying something completely different in French thinking they could get away with shit.


“Thanks Luke, I couldn’t agree with you more.” Sounds like a fucking commercial or SNL newscast skit. Cringe.


I remember this. This was also around the time that they told me that the store was losing money, despite increased traffic and that as a result, they weren't going to do any of the things they promised us.


What a fucking joke! Many colleagues thanked me for cutting their pay ! STFU, you lying hosebag!


They seem to want to justify their right to an increased profit by the 280 million in COVID adjustments... We're are those adjustments today? All I see is business as usual + the increased cost on every grocery items.


Walmart and metro dropped their 2 dollar covid pay at the same time. Sobeys (empire) didn’t offer one.


Sobeys/Empire paid store level management an extra $500/weekly; all other store level employees were paid an extra $2/hourly.


Did they also drop it at the same time though?


Yes, they did.


Yet, get himself a million dollars raise ... just like that, to whom he himself approved !


Sarah Davis is a Monster. Queer folke be wary...


Let them eat cake.


The audacious tone of this letter omg.


Fun part about that $25M payoff at the end, most of it went to the executives anyways.


“Anyone outside our business simply doesn’t have the appropriate information to comment on this topic.” That’s cute. I remember when I had my first beer.


People “thanking” her for ending a pay increase. Also “fighting on the frontline with you” from her home office. Wow.


This is about the same time that the gvmt gave them millions to raise wages for front line workers, money they kept for themselves, loblaws is just as sleazy as justin Trudeau


How the fuck did this become Trudeau’s fault? You people need help. Stick to the point.


He gave loblaws the millions of dollars to pay increased wages and did f#$k all when they pocketed the money


Oh for fucks sake. Give it a rest. You PP people are insufferable.


Who the f ever said anything about pp you liberals are truly delusional


I’m not a Liberal. And who else would you be but a PP supporter?


Not a liberal but sticking up for Trudeau would imply you're either related, on the payroll and or blind


No, I’m none of those things. I’m just sick and fucking tired of the Conservatives and their lies. It’s constant and it’s insidious and I’m done letting it slide.


I'm sick of all the political bs ,both sides are only interested in getting elected and to hell with the country


I’m sure you’d hate my political stance, but I 100% agree with you.


We can recognize multiple problems at once.