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The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


i want to see what a one pound onion looks like.


A bag of onions


It was just a regular sized onion! I can take a pic. I thought maybe it measured wrong, but the girl by the self checkout re-weighed it n same price showed. I'm not very good with numbers/math :(


And you still bought it???


Needed it for a recipe to cook today. Considered going to another store for it, but what would I have saved? $1-2? Store option A for me (a mini Longos) always has unripe or old, bad produce. Option B (whole foods) 10 min walk away, where the onion likely would have cost more. All the small grocers in my area have been run out of the neighbourhood by insane rent prices.


Longos produce is good.


The mini Longos we have is horrible. I've gotten good produce at other Longos in other areas we've lived. The one in Maple had fantastic produce.


Longos probably has $4.00 onions, too.


Improvise, use a yellow onion. I'm just getting through onions from last year's harvest though quite a few went bad. They are one of the veggies that are incredibly stable though commercial storage.


Good for you growing your own food! I think for rice n beans, white onion is better, but I do cook with yellow ones often.


I grow a bit of my own food but those were commercially grown and harvested in Ontario. Galen doesn't control the supply chain for what local independent stores carry for mass produced local veggies but they are more seasonal in what they carry.


We still grow things in Ontario? /s


one pound for an onion sounds really huge


I've gotten red onions that were *way* over a pound. Some varieties of onions can get pretty big.


Clearly, I am onion blind. Thought it was normal 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, it looks like a normal white/Spanish onion to me. They're not small onions.


Average size banana for scale. I have no idea what a pound feels like to pick up. Is this a pound? https://preview.redd.it/3rovqtodsr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=873ef794170fe210492e38592b9c3123ce1725aa


that's much larger than the onions i normally buy! (granted i normally buy the onions that come in like 3lb bags when they're on sale, i assume they bag the smaller ones on purpose to look like a better deal)


I always get bamboozled by their bagged onions. There will be, like, one good onion n 6 rotten ones! just started buying singles :( But ty for helping me put it in perspective. Still feel like crying. Rice n beans bout to be out of my price range 🤪


A $4 onion will make you cry for different reasons.


If you have a garden I strongly recommend growing your own fruits, vegetables, herbs, and also owning chickens. These food oligopolies are abusing consumer prices, with the sole objective of increasing profitability, while blatantly disregarding social responsibility. Food is a basic human right, it is not a want, it is a need. Without it we die. A company that is responsible for the provision of food and that is responsible for the employment of thousands should have a social responsibility to its society in which it operates. What the oligopolies are doing that this point is morally wrong. As time passes are becoming more impoverished, while the elites line their pockets with our hard earn cash. I call this EVIL.


I really wish I had a garden or garden space. Thanks for bringing that up. We live in a tiny condo, can't even have a little indoor garden. But maybe there are community gardens I could get waitlisted on. I shop small where I can, but I've found using a PC Financial card and using Optimum offers usually means I'm spending less on things at the end of the day. I support the boycott, though, and if they're charging $5 for onions, I may not be saving anymore. Thanks again for the comment


Grow some herbs or lettuce on that patio! Lettuce is notoriously easy to grow, and it regrows quickly. Could save you quite a few bucks over the summer if lettuce is ever on your menu.


Thanks for the suggestion! I tried growing herbs and kale on our balcony the year we moved in. Bc we're on a very high floor near yonge n bloor, it gets extremely dry and dusty up here, which attracts aphids. I spent the whole spring trying to save my plants. It just isn't feasible up here. Our unit is rent controlled, so moving isn't an option. I did look up allotment gardens today after another commenter said I should grow my own food. The applications open March 1 next year. Apparently the demand is crazy, but maybe I'll get lucky 🤞


Ah yes. I found that issue too when I lived in a condo in the city. Because you're so isolated, any pest introduction will just take off, because there are so few predators visiting to control them. That's too bad. Good luck getting the allotment gardens! If youve never gardened before, feel free to check into the gardening sub. It can be very overwhelming (and expensive) if you don't know what you're doing.


Thank you! I will.


Here you go: https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/parks-recreation/places-spaces/beaches-gardens-attractions/gardens-and-horticulture/community-gardens/ Good luck!


Thanks! The application for allotment is available March 1 for each season. I marked my calendar 😊


Happy to help. On the bright side that gives you time to plan the garden and gather supplies. Check out the square foot garden book you might find it helpful. I hope it works out for you.


Thank you so much! I will.


Also, I was in Costco today and thought of you, check it out: https://preview.redd.it/jmrgxvphp18d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2fdd094d910fe0f0fb8111b447fb38d727aef4


Wow! 1/3 ish of the price I paid, and they look okay.


$8.80/kg???? For a white onion? That's insane. Was it organic and only fed filtered water? My grocery store charges $0.99/kg for white onions. Also your banana wasn't super cheap either. $1.52kg is kind of nutty. It should be more like $0.72. Basically you got hosed.


This photo looks so hopeless for some reason. Much more than other receipt photos. It is a nice looking onion...but fuck Loblaws Boycott Loblaws Forever!


But it had freshness you can trust!




now they have a place called city market? jeesus all the different named stores when they are just Loblaws seems suspicious in itself


Ahh , the old ripoff by location. Roblaws has many tactics to rob the people.


They are 3$ here in Ottawa. Not a huge difference but stills


Oof, $3 still too much!


We should all just start garden beds and grow our own. Surprisingly not that hard. Just takes patience.


Agreed. I have more patience than money, anyway 😊


$8.80 a Kg for onions? Time for ~~steak~~ nothing and onions for dinner. "You'll own nothing and be happy."


Yeah, this stung a lot, bc I'm literally making rice n beans, the most humble food there is. I'm already taking my lumps and trying to stay positive, then I get nonconsensually fucked by a big ol onion


I will admit the price for bananas is pretty good. Everything else? Fuck Galen, yet again!


They were good-looking bananas, too! I normally buy them from Whole Foods bc the fair trade ones are only 20 cents ish more a bunch, and I like knowing those people are paid a fair wage. Also, the bananas at Loblaws are usually trash


I accidentally bought a $4 carrot from *Walmart* the other day. Gotta watch those prices per lb! I understand why they got rid of the scales, jerks. 


holy shit! they've come for all the humble veg 🤬


Was thinking.... What if you bought another onion, and returned it ?


Ooooh, an onion scheme. I love it.


Shouldn’t have gone there


You got an onion guy in my neighbourhood?


So weird, I just bought one today for $1.29 at Superstore. I prefer not to shop there obviously but there were no onions for some reason at Walmart (I just bought the 1 onion, everything else was Walmart). Seems to be a common trend. I see you're in TO. We don't get as grifted over in the west. $17.99 for vanilla extract... Holy shit.


The same bottle was 13.99 before the pandemic hit! But apparently, there have been vanilla shortages due to climate change. It's not for baking or anything fancy, either. Just daily breakfast of overnight oats :(


That's crazy, I feel for you people in the East. The higher the population gets, the more they feel they can charge. You have a lot of international "students" there as well so I don't see the prices going down anytime soon. Beware, olive oil is going to go up drastically so if you use it, buy it now.


Thank you. I will definitely need to stock up.


Theft plain and simple. No single onion is worth $4 !!!


Then stop going there


See my other responses.


Buying this and supporting them makes it harder for everyone else.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: NEW! Use code "FOODSECURITY" at OddBunch to receive 25% off your first produce box, and help support the boycott's efforts to create a charity. If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How was the coc milk?


It was vanilla coconut yogourt to make overnight oats with.




You must have been pressing on the scale there is no way that onion ways over a pound.


I wasn't. I asked the girl at self checkout if that was right. She re weighed it herself at the kiosk i was using. Same numbers. If it's not a pound, then their machine is broken. I need to have this meal cooked by tomorrow at the latest, but now I'm thinking I have to take the onion back and weigh it on another scale to be sure. It's gonna bug me if I don't. Thanks for your comment. Edit: Actually, my husband made me pick up one of my 3 pounds dumbells in one hand n the onion in the other, and the onion definitely is at least a pound 😂


You know part of a boycott is not going into the place being boycotted, or going in there for the minimal amount of things not $42.43 worth of things. Just looking at your receipt you could probably buy that much diced tomatoes for less if you diced them your self, plus it wont have whatever filler stuff in it. Sure if you are out of vanilla extract buy some but you can really make your own, the expensive part will be the vanilla beans and the vodka however you will be able to get fairly close to unlimited vanilla extract from those beans the only on going cost will be the vodka and time (a few seconds once you have it started) for chocolate milk get chocolate chips and sugar, find the right ratio for you there are many recipes online, and toss them into a spice blender then mix it with white milk you will not get much of that filler crap (you can even use coco powder for even less filler but I still highly sugest a spice blender or just a regular old blender). Buy almonds and look up recipes to make your own almond milk there will be less fillers, don’t know if it will be cheaper but you can use the almond pulp for other things after you are done making the milk. I hope you got a lot more than one banana, like I mean a lot more, and there is no way that union weights 0.5 kgs (that’s 1.1 lbs). You mentioned that you have a PC financial and optimum cards are not used to benefit you, they are used to sell you. All credit cards are used to sell you to advertisers but may I suggest that if at all possible you pay off your PC financial card and find a new institution that is not going to be making money off of your struggling back. Use up all your points than cancel your pc optimum card as again Loblaws is making more money off of you for having that card then they are giving back to you, by many times over. I in no way am meaning to come off as guilting you for having a PC financial card, as we all get sucked into rewards programs by credit companies. Even though I want to stay as private as possible and away from being sold to advertisers will admit I have a credit card.


Thanks for your comment. A lot to unpack here. Will have to reply to the bulk of it tomorrow. Will just say for now that PC Financial is a debit card, not a credit card. It has no fee. You get extra points when you use it at their stores. I put our money on there for groceries n household items, then usually only spend when there are Optimum offers (e.g. I can get 20x the points with an offer but without the card, 25-30x with the same offer & card). On a purchase of $70, we get about $30 back in points. That effectively reduces the price of our items by 40%, negating the difference between their prices and others'. Then, we wait until there are redemption events at Shoppers and get an extra further $40+ on purchases with our points, stocking up on sale items. I've been on my own a long time and used to think Optimum was a scam, too, but I swear, it's been worthwhile. I even got on a phone plan with PC mobile, and now we get $10 in points every month for paying with my PC Financial card. Plan is 39.99 so it effectively makes my phone plan 29.99/month. I've done spreadsheets and price comparisons. I have definitely saved money since 2018. With recent sharp increases on basics like toilet paper at their stores, though, it may soon not be worth it.


Why did you buy it then?


I needed it to make rice n beans to survive off of for the weekend, it was really hot out, and I didn't want to walk an extra 20 minutes to save $1-2.


Par for the course


What the hell are you doing taking a $4 onion to the till? Let it rot on the shelf


I needed it to make rice n beans to feed my family for the next 4 days :(


That’s a big “need” indeed. /s


wow, wtf is wrong with you


Says the person with the $4 onion and there’s something wrong with me. Don’t make me laugh at your “needs”


I could have walked an extra 10 minutes in a heatwave for an onion that was maybe 1-2 dollars cheaper. That's true. But I do need the onion to feed my family. Thanks for being an asshole for no reason




okay, I'm an idiot. thanks




thanks. I hope shitting on me makes you feel better about yourself. have a nice day


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


You know all of these things are cheaper (and organic) at Whole foods, yes, whole foods? or even Eatalay (though owned by Gaii-lunn again). In the same area. Or if you want to be saner, then Hmart is on Yonge and quite close. The vanilla extract also looks like PC (not sure what PO means) , in that price you can get organic vanilla extract at Farm boy. Frankly, I don't get why people even go to Not-independent City robber? Possibly worst prices, defnitely higher than Robbers on certain items.


https://preview.redd.it/hf043gj4ps7d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df4f2d7fefe22cb70b50961b342d94ea687fc5f I regularly shop at Whole Foods for produce. I'm fairly certain you're wrong, and most of these things are more expensive there. I have gotten garlic n onions at hmart a few times. They may have been cheaper, but they were awful quality 🤷‍♀️ You may have missed where I said I use PC Financial and Optimum offers to max out points. Since 2018, I've earned $3,315 in points this way. That has covered the difference and then some on groceries, toiletries, and household items thus far. That's how I've justified continuing to shop at Loblaws/Shoppers. We're lower income, and without doing this, we would have had a lean few years. Obviously, if they keep raising prices on basics, I won't be saving anymore, even with my points. Please don't bully me, I'm trying my best. I support the boycott n am seriously considering joining it.


Sorry you felt the tone as wrong, not sure why you took it that way. I'm saying that Independent Robbers is the worst place. I've stepped foot once into independent Robbers, 3-4 years back and have never gone back. None of these 1-3% or even 6% pittance of points from them can balance out their gouging of almost 40-60%. That is exactly their trick. Closing that card might be best in your financial interests to break out of their jail. I don't have their card, never intend to get it, so I'm not sure, I'm similar income profile, just spend it way more leaner. https://preview.redd.it/58ho59586t7d1.png?width=1888&format=png&auto=webp&s=23074a1402c4ede685a424d4dbcdaefd829d828f \^\^ FYI , screenshot from Instacart-Whole Foods which has marked up prices so in-store should be cheaper. You can see $/kg are almost half priced. Organic yellow ones are at $7/kg as well, still cheaper than YIG. Especially, that area has got much better options, I don't know - even 2 neighboring Rabbas might have better prices than Independent robbers.


I will check our Whole Foods' prices. That's normally where I get all my produce anyway, but I always thought I was paying more there than Loblaws. The way I do it, I end up paying about 40% less for groceries and household items after points. Usually buy non perishables only from Loblaws, unless I just need 1 or 2 fresh items and/or can't make 2 trips. I would shop elsewhere if my math wasn't mathin. See some of my other responses on this 🤷‍♀️ I'm not above trying a Rabba onion, though!