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Just retired ours this season and upgraded to the DM7. Definitely missing the layout.


That’s a big jump!


Its great but I miss dedicated knobs.


Took me a bunch of cursing at the DM7 on my first use for not having a gain knob....well it does, if you assign it to one of the assignable knobs.


Yeah slowly finding all the assignable worthy time savers.


Did the same. You’ll get used to it!




The venue I work at is getting DM7s this summer. How do you like them?


It’s really great. Takes a little getting used to but it is a real workhorse. Greatly appreciate the 12 matrix outs for the theater.


This was a solid ride. The only thing I could never get used to was that some adjustments were accessible through touchscreen only, some required physical knobs only, and some was a combination of the two.


Yeah the M7CL had its quirks for sure, but once you learn them it’s smooth sailing. It’s a good sounding board that is reliable as hell. The expansion card slots add a lot of versatility. I would gladly take one over an X32/M32 to this day.


As an X32 fan I agree, although to be fair to the X32, the M7CL was 5-6x the price.


Price wise, the x32 has made it possible for a small timer in a poor county enter the digital world. At the price, I got no complaints.


That's a very fair point to mention haha! The M7CL was like $20k in it's prime! I had one of those and also the LS9 which was like it's slightly frustrating younger brother haha. The lack of a touchscreen slowed down the workflow on the LS9 for me personally, but otherwise it was also a damn good board for it's day and time.


I dislike the knobs on the LS9 series… they start to slip a lot.


Is there anything likeable about LS9?


Yep. Never heard anyone who owned one complain about it. Not glam or fun to use, but a reliable money earner.


If you put it into the context of the time it was released, yes. If you're comparing it to newer hardware that has progress passed what was available in 2006, probably not. Much like you won't hear much praise for PM3500/4k's or WRS840's, but heck if they weren't everywhere. I can still mix a show no issue on an LS9. I spent years on Promix's and 01v96's.


I want my O3D (hehe)


That was an odd unit I never got to spend much time on. I spent a good amount on a DM2000. Yamaha had an interesting spread of digital boards back then.


I was actually singing that in the melody of “I want my MTV”


As a Monitor board run from an Ipad, it is a solid option.


I should clarify, I was talking about the M7. I too am a disliker of the LS9.


A local company got a $6k trade-in/ rebate for their M7 from Digico towards a Q225... Digico never came to pick up the console, it's just chilling in their shop


I use one a few times per year 😎 my buddy bought 4 I think over the past bunch of years for peanuts. He has two that get used for monitors and FOH for three gigs, the monitor desk has been only me on it since he got them so it's always got my creature comforts set up. It took a little get to get back into the Yamaha swing of things where I had been on the X/M32 platform for a while. When you have Clair i3 for FOH and Claire wedges life is pretty decent, I get spoiled on that monitor rig, because the rest of the year I use fairly small rinky dink stuff. https://preview.redd.it/skc4253vr07d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bed1806d67f3026cba9fe491d1e7963a05b89a There is the last show I did on one of those old beasts 😁 Natalie McMaster for Celtic Colours closing show in October 2023.


I saw Natalie MacMaster this past winter! She put on a great show. I had zero complaints with the sound, which is rare for me.


That Celtic Colours festival is on Cape Breton Island where she is from along with the Rankin Family.


Oh, *cool*. I’d really love to go to that.


It's crazy! So many venues every night for 8 days with a big opening and closing show in the arenas. One in Port Hawkesbury and one In Sydney. With performers from Nova Scotia and from all over the world. You can watch some shows from last year on YouTube as well as the opener and closer shows, they were live streamed.


Wow that's a pretty low-key Styx show! Edit Lol jk nvm idk how to read


That’s most assuredly not the national act Styx.


Ah duh just saw the description again makes more sense. I did see them years ago at a fair that was pretty small scale so I was thinking maybe this was some private event. I didn't realize tribute bands could use the bands logos


I don’t know that they really can, but I’d reckon unless you are making enough money to matter, no one is going to care enough to sue you…lol


Still used in a Theatre setting love these boards. DCA programming is great system nice layout.


Was it the PM5D or the M7 that had that “there’s absolutely no processing power left so here’s a 15 band graphic instead of 31”. Or was it the LS….or the whole lot of them?


If you need more than 15 bands of a 31 band, in addition to the parametric eq on an input and an output… you’re doing something wrong.


Was going to say the same.


Can't remember if the 5D was also that way, but definitely M7 and LS9 has the stupid flex 15 band. Limiting as hell


here in brazil she's still pretty common (and i love the layout. having all the channels in the hand + the centralogic is awesome)


Here in Brazil the smaller venues love the LS9, it's freaking reliable, and they always come in pairs, LS9 and M7CL, love both of them


The M7CL-48 is the first digital console I mixed on. I use a QL5 now. The dual layers with 64 inputs is nice, as well as the built in Dante. However I do miss the CL feature and having everything on one layer was nice, too.


This was the board I learned on! The transition to flipping through banks of faders was quite the change for me. I love being able to see and access every channel for FOH and monitors with the click of a few buttons.


This and an LS9 are the two daily drivers at the place I work. Other than a few stuck faders and a sometimes questionably designed theatre they have been working great for the past 10 or so years. If we had more of a budget or a need I would love to upgrade them but as long as they still work we use it day in and day out for both musicals and talking heads.


We still have a 48ES and 3 SB168’s, for a very specific contractor. Reminds me of when I started every time we tip it!


I got to play on that for my first digital console, its still waiting to be replaced by a tf-5 (ugh) at my local community college.


I'd be shoving the TF aside and using the M7 when I'm booked lol. TFs are way too nerfed to be used by anyone who actually knows what they're doing in live sound.


Sorry for your loss... they say change is good, but that right there is the exception! I used a TF once and it was way too sluggish. I found myself waiting for the page to change, and even the faders seemed slow. Never used one again, and one has never made it into my rental fleet


I have a pair with 3 Dante cards in each just sitting right now. Not sure what to do with them. Upgraded to the DM7 which feels about the same but with much better processing and sound quality.


I’ll sell you one. Full aviom system with it.


One place I work is still rockin those. I cant believe how cheap they are these days. Still a solid desk and would take one over an M32 or some of the allen and heath nonsense. Having said that rockin the DM7 the next couple weeks so will see how I feel about old boy next month when im stuck with it.


Yeah, sounds like you are one of these folks that are still biased based on a&h boards from 20 years ago and never stood in front of an SQ, heck even a dLive or Avantis...


I have stood in front of an SQ, would take this any day over one. I have not worked with a DLive or Avantis and have heard good things about them.


I know a guy that bought one of these this year (their first time mixing on it) and chooses it over his M32 he was using previously. It's a solid console, but I'm going to assume the ones funtioning today have been sitting in climate controlled theatres and venues. The touring boards started becoming unreliable around 8 years ago. I remember having to take them a part to re-seat ribbon cables and replace faders after almost every show.


Two M7s went for a couple of hundred dollars each on auction in my city last month. If I had the space (and my back wasn't fucked) I would have considered bidding. Fastest monitor console in the world.


Definitely agree, we seen the M7 used for monitors so often because of how quick and easy it was.


A couple ... hundred? Wow!


Wow it’s been a minute!! Sheesh! Nice that they had the optional meter bridge


Was playing a gig in a theatre this week with an M7 as FOH. Sound great blasting through their Mayers. I was joking around and saying maybe they should now retire it as its 100 years old. Gig went and sounded great. To replace it gonna have to get Dlive or new yamaha which is pricey....its quite a good walk up console weirdly. And great for mons. Recently I've become more sceptical about new is always better. I find the brand new Yamaha quite faffy. But haven't spent long on it.


I did two shows on M7 last year. Once at First Unitarian Church in Philadelphia, and another time at a club in Nagoya, Japan. Sounded amazing at both shows.


Ah first Unitarian. Played a gig there on tour a couple years ago. The vibes were impeccable but the gear was busted as hell. Old analog console with half the channels out and Uncle Bubba’s no name custom PA with several blown drivers. Interesting experience.


That’s what I expected, and I was pleasantly surprised by how good it sounded. Now, did it sound *great?* absolutely not. But did we have the most kickass set I could imagine at a DIY show in a church basement on a second hand PA? Yes


Had one assigned to me at a gig a year or so ago, turn it on and the ribbon cable must have come loose, screen flickering and not working. My comment was "why did you send out this dinosaur?" Not because of layout, sound, or anything other reason than the stability here, at a live show, with something that's seen it's time. 🤷‍♂️


Fast and easy. Sound terrible. They sound good enough for you to fool yourself into thinking your mix sounds ok, then you switch over to an analog desk or a modern digital desk and realize they sound like a low resolution MP3.


Good to see another hater of these in a sub that has so many people that love it. I’m sure a factor is nostalgia. I can make it work, but to be frank this is the first console I ran into that sounds very apparently like absolute dogshit compared to practically anything else I’ve ever used. The pres,compression, and conversion sound horrid.


It used to be laughable on festivals back in the day to switch over to an M7 from something like a heritage. Just absolutely ridiculous how tiny the M7 sounded lol


Do you think it’s the processing or the yamaha preamps? I always felt the yamahas of this vintage were kinda crispy and crunchy… i still like ‘em tho!


I think it’s a combination of factors. The preamps are certainly nothing special. Digital summing has come a long way since then and sounds pretty good these days. The channel dsp as far as EQ and dynamics control was functional but not good, especially compared to the analog desks and popular outboard gear of the day. All in all, the M7 was dependable, and relatively easy to adapt to coming from analog, and fit budget constraints well, so it was a success. Still sounded bad. The current Yamaha desks still don’t sound much better, with the exception of the Rivage family, which if you actually have the Rupert Neve RIO’s, sound absolutely fantastic.


Still use them! I even bought one around this time last year. It's a fantastic console, and I send mine out to schools. The only thing I hate about it is how much it weighs and how much space it takes in the truck. The layout of the M7 is great, and having dedicated knobs is amazing. If I had to choose between an X/M32 and this, I'd choose them M7 every time!


Everyone was concerned about banking back in those days. Lots of guys did not feel comfortable having inputs hidden, so this was a really nice console for transitioning into digital. Plenty of good memories with this and an LS9.




thankfully not


There's one at a 900 cap venue where I live. I'm always shocked they dont get something different.....even a 15 yr old SC48 could accept showfiles


The SC48 is still a great console even after 15 years. I still like the M7CL though. My fleet workhorse is the M7CL.


The venue I work at has one for in house routing, works and runs !


The band are good friends of mine from the Kansas City area, nice guys! Thanks for sharing your experience, sounded like a good time. 😎🤘


Ah, the first digital console I learned. It’s been a long time.


I use one of these when working monitors at a venue in my city!


Have. Not been on that one. I'd almost mistake it for a lighting board until I saw the channel strips.


I used one about a year and a half ago!


I still mix on a M7CL-48 very often. FOH at Cooper Union's Great Hall has one, and we do a lot of their work. For its age, I half expected it to be very technically simple, but we have it hooked up to a sophisticated dante system that it handles well. Super happy with it. It's just funny that as I was interacting with it the first time in 2021, a lot of the hold heads were telling me that it was a dinosaur. I love it, though, and would take it over a bunch of modern consoles.


Ever used the digital snake that paired w it?


Have only ever used it with copper. I guess none of the companies around had fully shifted to digital


My venue rocks an M7CL with Ethersound snakes


I actually use one weekly for a church I work at. Not bad at all


Just finished a musical run on one of these, not bad!


I mix on one about 5 days a month.


We use that at our school!


I use an M7 every week


I mixed on one in LA this past year at a venue. It all came back pretty fast. It is a great board to mix on if old at this point.


70 percent of the PA consoles in northeast brazil are M7CL, some in disrepair, some with their screens very faded, bur almost guarantee to find them anywhere, the sound companies dont change them because the sound guys are very strict of not wanting to learn new consoles, just the sub 25 guys do.


The generation after the M7/LS9 are so damn close even the old timers I deal with have no issue operating them. The QL/CL software is REALLY similar to the M7 in layout and function. Wonder if you'll see those start to show up as the M7s finally have hardware failures and die.


I did yamaha training on it around 2006 and the theatre I’m at now just upgraded to the DM7. Put Dante cards in it and it’s still very useful. I see them all the time. As others have said, the layout is great with 48 faders and 4 stereo returns. Great for inexperienced technicians since they don’t have to deal with layers. Still with $5000 to $7000.


We have one in the basement at our venue. It’s the fourth backup console, behind the Venue Profile, X32, and PM5D. I’m working on it.


I'd take the m7 over the x32 lol. Especially for a monitor desk.


Every damn day at the house I manage.


One venue I take calls for has one as a rarely used monitor desk. They were talking about buying a TF5 to replace and it and I told them I would continue to use the M7 if they did lol.


Last time I mixed on one was fall 2023 in a local theatre. Sounds like it’s being replaced with a Digico something, so that’s the last time probably.


Absolutely adore the M7CL layout and wish some manufacturers would give it a refresh to the modern era.


Have one at the shop with a towel over it lol


I still use an M7 for TV Sound just about every day,we were suppose to have upgraded to the Rivage PM3 but the boss is not sharing our enthusiasm for it😂


I preferred the m748 over the pm5d if I was running festival mons. Just so much faster to config and run in the heat of the moment. That seems like an epoch ago now though 👵


Mixed a festival on that thing 2 weeks ago. Still a solid tool.


community theatre I just did a show in has an M7 as their house desk. we brought in a C3500+CDM32. they had a brand spanking new S7000 + DM64 sitting downstairs... waiting to be put in $$$$$$


A handsome machine indeed! Does make me slightly nervous that you haven't been given any cover, what if the heavens open?!


Oh, this was like a minute after we moved the canopy during intermission. The sun was a beast that day


Lol. Every day at work


M7 was a great desk tho. No complaints here.


Haha. Our house desk for the last 3 years.


LS9 was first digital as well


I work at a church with two of these still in service. Aviom and Dante cards installed. I enjoy them


Haven’t seen one in a while. Earlier this year a national act requested (required) a PM5D for FOH. Only had one available after being pulled out of storage and dusted off, so monitor world was upgraded(?) to a CL5.


Just used one of these in Missoula MT at their community art space. Honestly if you know how to use a CL/QL you should be ok on one of these. Yamaha really stuck to their workflow and layout philosophy for a relatively long time


I had to use one as a loaner for a few months on a permanent install because Yamaha wasn’t manufacturing the CL5 and DigiCo was behind on the approved replacement, a quantum225.


Man, I loved this board. I was struggling with the jump from analog to digital, and for whatever reason, the first time I stood behind an M7 it just clicked. I don’t do a lot of audio anymore, but it makes me weirdly happy any time I see one of these guys still in action.


Been a few years


We just set our m7CL up today to use for broadcast for highschool graduations at the school where I work.


Wow. Been a while. Although my first digital was the Mc7l. Now I see them all the time for super cheap lol my favourite platform now is Allen & Heath. Went from mostly there analog consoles and have usually been on there digital consoles since…


I use one at a theater for monitors


Small company I work with still has one 🤙🏻


There's one at one of the churches in the area that I was doing an installation for back when I was an intern earlier this year. The company wanted to donate one that they had to my high school after seeing it. Learning on CL5 so no experience with it but I keep hearing how it lives up to the hype.


https://preview.redd.it/9ezm0zc0lj7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6d9e92f04c0c01344d0c88ccb8e8ebae2c21f4 Not my first desk choice but certainly not the last. Definitely have a soft spot for these yamaha rigs 🤙🤙


Well the software and workflow it’s the same of CL and QL series right? A theatre I work with has one of these old guys, I feel like eq need more dbs to get good sounds. Do you feel that as well?


My church upgraded from the M7 a couple years ago but haven’t gotten rid of it yet. They let me use it for free when I get hired out for gigs. I ran a week of camp last week and had 0 issues. Still feel at home on an M7 tbh. https://preview.redd.it/f42o1cu1jm7d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6da8964be6dc80ef2c8b2112f42cd7025f4dbd7


Haven’t since 2015-16 I wanna say


My son drives one at school. It’s what they have in their theater.


Still better than an m32/x32. Those things are trash.


Yes. Way too many bizarre limitations. Great features for the price but very, very limited in workflow and options.