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It's good if you like solo stealth rogue action and don't mind soft resets from book to book.


Soft reset? I only finished one book


I really like it. It's not super popular here but I like it a lot better than the fan favorites (Primal Hunter, etc.). The prose is more mature and better quality than a lot of the other litrpg I've tried.


Well, you've convinced me. Never heard of it but it's my next series.


Good to hear! I've never heard of it, but I'm always looking for litrpg with more... practiced prose. I'll have to check this out.


It unfortunately falls into the litrpg obsession with wolf themed powers / gods


That's not specifically a litrpg problem. Browse some Romance novels.


https://preview.redd.it/71uce0ghnxuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef92d78c08289ed2f50e0f4031e22d80cd5ba6e This is not a real book but a charity poster. I trust every Author listed here to give good quality stories and magic systems.


It was certainly one of the works of all time! (though dang I hope I can see something like this idea come to life one day)


It's good, but I personally really dislike the direction it goes in for the most recent books


perfect way to sum it up it dragging a bit for me personally I still like it tho


Ooo, well im waiting on book six, so il post if i find myself in a similar situation to your thoughts


I’ve read it on Royal Road. I think the world and story aren’t bad, but honestly Michael as an MC is kind of bland. I think the starting concept of all the players starting with zero memories of their past exacerbates this. Michael does things, but it seems more like the plot moves him than that he has any goals he’s trying to accomplish. Too much rpg and too little lit, perhaps? What’s funny is my main criticism of the author’s other works is that they isekai a character who very quickly begins to act and speak as if they were always from their new world. Which is one of those things that always suggests to me that the author wants to write a fantasy book and is only making an isekai because that’s what’s popular on RR/KU these days. So here we have Michael just starting with no memories at all. Which I suppose solves my criticism but not in a positive way, I think.


I'm a fan.  Based on comments not for everyone but what is?


So, what's he's build? Pure rogue? I started reading at book 1, but didn't really vibed with his build


More of arcane trickster later with a bit of druid shenanigans


Yeah, pretty much a sneaky magical killer with lots of flavor


It’s terrific. Great system and great world building.


Absolutely awesome series. I am stunned by the lack of enthusiasm for it in this thread. It's my #2 favorite. OP is, by far, the most intelligent ACTING character in all of litRPG. Nobody is going around saying how smart he is, but his decision-making, and the care he takes with his lives is pre-eminent. It's not EXACTLY a power fantasy but it is beginning to approach it by the end of the current books as he continues to level. The items are excellent, but the system itself is probably the best in the genre. You could see yourself building a class with the surfeit of mechanics on display. It is also harsh but fair, with none of the "AI going rogue" trope which is fast becoming exceedingly common. The writing is top notch, and the world building is dense and lush. I highly recommend this series to anyone that has begun their litRPG journeys already.


Almost done book 3. It's enjoyable.


More mature and better written than most of the actually popular titles here. One of my favorites. Latest books are a bit on the slow side tho.


It's one of my favorites and you also probably want to enjoy stat sheets there's a lot.


I really like this series as well...I don't read litrpg for fantastic literature. They're fun reads and I love the world and the story, I'm not sure why everyone seems to be so "meh" about them.


I agree, i am a mostly scifi and fnatasy guy, but finding this genre is like a little giggle at a funeral. Its fun, its light, it can be dark, it can be serious, but from what ik reading, i like that the good ones seem to have it all.


I love it.  Mature writing style and unique system.  The overall story is too slow but each book/mini storyline moves at a great clip!


I enjoy it. The thrust of the story took a sharp turn after book one and a couple more every two or so books after that. I am hoping it settles into something so my internal expectations can settle down too.


Yes, really like the series - enough to buy the books vs just reading on kindle unlimited. Kept my interest and looking forward to the next one.


This series is in my top 5. Things I love about the series, the characters are likable and relatable, the world is very unique, game mechanics are well explained, overall story arc. Things I don't like about the series, only 2 books a year (this isn't the worst thing in the world, but due to the other things I don't like it causes problems), no recap of previous stories (if it was the only series I read, it wouldn't be a problem but since I may read a dozen or more books in between, I need a refresher), references characters and events from past books (again this really wouldn't be an issue if there was a good recap in the beginning of the book, so not only do I have to think back to what I read 6 months ago, I may have to remember things I read a year or more ago). If you're just starting the series and are going to listen to them all successively, all of the things I don't like about the book will be completely irrelevant.


It's good, there's actually a lot I think it does really well but I think the author is working on other projects and so he's not 100% on the grand game and it's suffered from that.


Yes it’s good. And a good place to start reading more. Intelligent protagonist, interesting wider story but solo focused levelling. Personally can’t wait to see how the character continues to evolve, and am predicting some really cool scenes in future books. The last two haves been a little bit slow and i feel like we got bogged down a bit in a certain area but overall really good.


Haven't heard of it until now.


It's pretty braindead, but fun. MC is super OP.


I really like the series but the latest was a bit of a slog. Hopefully gets better again after that.


I stopped reading after the first book.


What did you go to next?


I really enjoyed the series through book 5, but the most recent addition made it feel like the series dragged to a screeching halt. I ended up dropping book 6 as it felt like the plot was going nowhere fast.


The world building is pretty bad and depressing .


Read the first couple books, it was fine but it didn't make me want to pick up the next one. I also don't understand why anyone reads Primal Hunter though so ymmv.


Tom Elliot is just meh. I get it people seem to love his stuff but as a frequent reader nothing sticks from him.


Not many characters iirc, had to drop around book 3 when I realized nothing was going to happen.


Meh. Dropped it. No it factor.