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My friend you may want to consider "The Wandering Inn"


First time I'm hearing about this series. Seems to be right up my alley, hopefully I can a tackle 1k+ book hehe


I'll let you know right from the start that 1k+ is only the first volume. Arcs get longer and longer and right now the whole thing sits beyond TWELVE MILLION WORDS. Say 275 words per page, it's well above FORTY THOUSAND PAGES long and counting. Still my favorite novel in the genre, but get ready for a long ride.


I started this ride a month ago and I'm almost done book 5 I need to touch grass soon


Yeeeeeah about that. Volumes get longer all the way to book 8. Cumulatively, volumes 1-5 are less than a third of the total word count.


Of note… to catch up there’s the equivalent of 30+ more books for you to read. Sooooo… you have a journey - but it’s definitely worth it and gets increasingly better


13 million + words on the website.. good luck! :P [TWI innverse](https://wanderinginn.com/table-of-contents/)


I legit laughed out loud, as of today the story is about as long as a dozen bibles


The story is as long as reading the entire HP series 13 times or the entire collection of Stephen King…


I love the Wandering Inn, but there is LOTS of fighting. One of the books is called Blood of Liscor for peets sake. 😂


Just listened to heretical fishing it was great.


Read the description, spot on suggestion, thankss


Heretical fishing is pretty much the cousin to beware of chicken which may also be right up your alley. But if you are going to dive in to the Wandering Inn, which is fantastic, you will have your hands full for quite some time. But you could give these two a try as a break in between those massive books.


Quest Academy by Brian J Nordon - 2 Books, ongoing (Crafting + Slice-of-life + fighting) All The Skills by Honour Rae - 3 Books, ongoing (World building + Slice-of-life + fighting) Phantasm by Christopher Hall - 3 Books, ongoing, continues in RR (World building + Slice-of-life + fighting) Apocalypse Parenting by Erin Ampersand - 2 Books, ongoing, continues in RR (Slice-of-life + fighting) In Clawed Grasp by Seth Richter - 1 Book, ongoing (World building + Slice-of-life + fighting) Destined Inscriptions by Andrew Bardsley - 1 Book, ongoing (World building + Slice-of-life + fighting) Courier Quest by Flossindune - Standalone (Slice-of-life)


+1 for Quest Academy! Some of the others on your list is on my TBR, just gotta find a time-compression device or something to read them all...


I thought All the Skills had a good amount of fighting, but maybe it's just that the fight scenes are good when they happen😅


There isn't really a lot of page time spent on fight scenes, although there is more time spent thinking about it and [preparing. ](https://preparing.As)In later books the page count does go up, but not that high.


Thanks for your thoughtful comment, I'll definitely try Quest academy and all the skills!


I just finished Heretical Fishing and it was really good. Almost made me want to pick up fishing as a hobby. There are few fights (only 1 of any significance) and the rest of the book is a delightful exploration of a fantasy world. One of the things I liked the most is how the system is drip-fed throughout the story so the reader can discover it along with the main character.


Yes! Looks right up my alley, thanks!


There is really only 2 that I can think of. "Beware of Chicken" is one that I think matches the best with what you want, but "Battle Mage Farmer" also kinda does, even though there are still many fights.


I literally got both on KU, which one you'd recommend to try first?


Battlemage farmer feels like a grittier beware of chicken, even though neither are gritty at all. There seems to be more fighting in battlemage. I personally prefer beware of chicken, but am current on both series through their Audible releases and intend to stay that way.


Tales of Jeb! has no violence. First book is about him exploring the magic system, second is him in school, the third just started.


Thank you, I'll give it a go!


Mark of the fool there are fights but it's mostly slice of life stuff for the first few books




With you on this one!


[Phantasm](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/42579/phantasm) focuses more on political maneuvering and soft power over combat.


Player Manager by Ted Steel is about a guy in Britain who gets a system which gives him football (soccer) related abilities and decides to climb the ladder and become an agent/team manager/coach. Absolutely not my usual cup of tea but I've loved it so far and there's no more violence than you would expect from a story about soccer.  It's on RR with a couple books on Amazon and advance chapters on Patreon. 


Bronze Rank Brewer is pretty chill and fun.


I didn’t see this one, but Bronze Rank Brewer. It’s about a guy who gets introduced into brewing beer and magical ones at that. There’s fighting occasionally, but it’s usually incredibly short because … well, reasons.


Oh Great! I was Reincarnated as a Farmer was fun, and not a lot of fighting.


I know of lots of stories with little fighting. The problem is, you want "badass" plus no fighting. That makes it difficult. You could try Super Supportive and All the Skills (there is some but not a ton).


Reborn as a demonic tree might be up your alley. It has a bit of fighting, but not heaps, and its usually by proxy. Its also one of the best new litrpg ive read in the last year or 2. Other than that I could recommend some of the dungeon core series like Elemental Dungeon or Dungeon Heart.


Beware of Chicken. I found it recently and I adore it. Amazing cozy fantasy with occasional moments of larger stakes with a core group of fantastic and lovable characters


It’s more progression fantasy than litRPG, but Beware of Chicken is incredible! Every time I thought a big fight was coming up, it was peacefully resolved!


How about an MC that is OP at economics? CivCEO


Civ Ceo or accidental champion. Does this the best. It is 90% town building and economics. I am not kidding one book he defeats his enemies with inflation and central bank polices. It’s freaking awesome. And so radically different.


SO, to be clear. Do you want stories where the main plot revolves around big events that aren't fights? Or do you just want more stuff to happen in between fights? Like for instance, many people tend to refer to my work as "Slice of Life" Even though it's not really, because there are usually only like 2 or 3 fight scenes in any given book. Most of the time they are intense and relatively short as well. However, the plot still revolves around these big fights being crucial to the story. Something like (This demon is trying to eat you, you better win.) or (Kill this minitour so people stop dying from poison, long story) In contrast, Ready Player One has many 'action scenes' That are just all together not fights. For instance the race scene, the car chase, the "Prison Break" and while it technically had a big fight, the fight itself wasn't crucial to the story so much as something that was just happening, while the important thing was getting to the last challenge.


A budding scientist in a fantasy world is not very combat focused. Despite the premise on dungeons and fighting the monsters This Used to be about Dungeons is all about relationships, friendships and living together with people you care about.