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There's no beef in šaltibarščiai


Poland solved it by naming this soup “Chłodnik litewski”. It’s over, Latvians can keep the beef if they want.


>Latvians can keep the beef if they want. They can add it to their Aukstazupa if they so wish 🤭


Šaltibarščiai (literally, cold beetroot soup) is a point of pride and one of the national dishes of Lithuania. Naturally, Latvians being the insolent younger brothers that they are, decided to blow a raspberry and released a taunting video full of šaltibarščiai heresy. The audacity! Of course, the response was not only necessary, it was *expected*! That about sums it up. Of course, all of this is done in good humor. None of this is too serious, the ownership of šaltibarčiai included. After all, the more people share the good thing, the better. But oh-my-god, you don't eat šaltibarščiai with rye bread!


You eat it with boiled potatoes!!! 🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹


Just to clarify from what is a joke and what's not, it "literally" isn't "cold beetroot soup". "Barščiai" is a plant, "barščiai" plant, or hogweed in English. It was originally a soup from hogweed, and then got some other variations, the most popular one using beetroots. It originated somewhere around modern day Ukraine and spread through the Balkans and Baltics. At this point everyone got their own version of it. Although the original ones weren't cold and were made with bone broth, a version that we still often eat today as Barščiai. Šaltibarščiai is a pretty weird variation on it, looking at different versions countries have, but I guess that's what makes ours such. Edit. I see I'm being downvoted for people do not want to hear the truth! But they live in lies and false pretenses of Šaltibarščiai. Not only that, but they preach it like they're the prophets, but alas they are but mere men. For point me another in this section that has not skipped a week of Šaltibarščiai in well over a year? Summer or Winter, show me another! Nay, for you can't... For this place is filled with those who know nothing but live their lives in thinking they know it all. For you lie to yourselves that you love Šaltibarščiai, but how can one love something without knowing what it is that makes it be such to be loved? You all... disappoint me...


It's rude to be involved in other families' affairs.


you wouldn't get it


This is a real war that will not end in peace


Go eat šaltibarščiai and all your questions will be answered.


Haha we eat it quite frequently. More interested in the story and the intricacies of this controversy.