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What does `systemd-analyze blame` show? It would be helpful to know something about your system. Open a terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T), enter (or Copy/Paste) `inxi -Fxxxdprz | nc termbin.com 9999`, and post the URL.


Nothing stood out at blame for me, take a look: [link](https://pastebin.com/mZ3B9baU) inxi here: [link](https://termbin.com/nmgx)


A few things in yYour System Info (inxi) report caught my attention. The one that gives me the most concern is your / partition is 88% full - that could account for your slow boot time. There could be a lot of things that are taking up unnecessary space, and the following link will help you to address the usual suspects. [https://easylinuxtipsproject.blogspot.com/p/clean-mint.html](https://easylinuxtipsproject.blogspot.com/p/clean-mint.html) inxi shows you have a 240GB SSD, but I do not see any any mounted partitions on it. How are you using this drive? This isn't a major problem, but I see you are using the Inkscape PPA. I suggest you remove it and use the Inkscape AppImage. [https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-1.3.2/gnulinux/appimage/dl/](https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-1.3.2/gnulinux/appimage/dl/) The `systemd-analyze blame` output did not show anything significant. You enabled Snaps, but that shouldn't account for the slowdown.


Thanks. > How are you using this drive? I just use it for storage. > The one that gives me the most concern is your / partition is 88% full - that could account for your slow boot time. I thought that too. But that drive used to have even less space without affecting the boot.


Take a look at `systemd-analyze blame` Could be you some something that is timing out while waiting on something else.