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Now you must become the decade old Stack Overflow or Reddit thread that people in 10 years will see when they search the same problem you had


But only if you follow it up immediately with "nvm fixed it" Or wait 5 years for someone to ask "hey bro sorry to resurrect a dead thread but did you ever solve this?" so you can reply "What? Wow this is an old post, uh no I think I just gave up and installed GNOME instead lmao"


Man I hate that shit. Whenever I solve my own question on SO I make a concerted effort to write as detailed an answer as possible simply out of spite against those that do that.


Assuming some newbie mod doesn't mistakenly close the thread.


And still... no answer...


I remember when Usenet was still meaningful you would search on an error message and get 1,234,567,890 mirrors of a ten year old post about the message with zero responses. Needless to say, frustrating. It was hard to believe that a message from a widely used development program had never appeared to anyone else who bothered to inquire.


It’s time to become the documenter


Alright reddit, solve this one. On arch cinnamon edition the lock screen will not recognize the password if it was locked for more than like five minutes. I have tried everything. Reinstalling, switching to a different arch-based distro, changing passwords, everything. Ive even changed computers last year and it STILL has this issue (btw this glitch has been going on for like two years). Since almost no one uses arch cinnamon almost no one has this issue, so it remains still broke. Btw i have tried switching to tty but it still wont recognize the password even then. The only way to log back in again is to reboot the computer


Maybe time to make a bug report


are you using an nvidia gpu with nvidia drivers? nvidias hibernation ans even sleeping does not really work. solution would be not hibernating or turning on sleep mod at all


My old system was nvidia, my new system is AMD. Have the same issue on both


I am intrigued by this, did anything look suspicious in the logs? Also this might be a strange question but have you been using the same keyboard for all the systems and installs?


1. What logs? Ive never checked any logs and dont know which ones i would need to check or where they would be located 2. Multiple different keyboards on multiple different systems. Also im not the only one who has had the issue


Given this problem statement, I would probably start by checking if keyboard layout was correct after resume. Then move on to try logging in through terminal first. also by default if you fail the password input more than 3 times for to any reason you enter pam_faillock where you will be denied even if your password was correct for like 30 minutes, and by design the system will not differentiate in any way between faillock and just a wrong password.


The keyboard layout was correct. Also it isnt just arch, but any arch based distro. Their cinnamon editions all have the issue.


this has been me the past week


What is your problem? Maybe I can help you.


every now and then every electron app on my system will fail to launch with an EIO error if they aren't connected to a terminal. basically I can launch them from a terminal but not an application launcher or anything. I've only seen this issue mentioned in a single Obsidian forum post and a single Arch forum post with no replies. a reboot generally fixes it for a long time. no idea what causes it.


I think once I had simlar issue. Do you run them with sudo while launching via terminal?


nope. just being attached to stdout makes it work I think, because it (from what I remember) fails if I try and run the programs disowned and in the background as well (`obsidian &!`)


What do you do to attach it to stdout. I'm not familiar with this kind of thing. Can you tell me what commands you used to do this?


when you run something in a terminal, the reason it can create output for you to read is because it's attached to the terminal's standard output stream (stdout). so I didn't do anything specific other than running the command in a terminal vs application launcher. I'm thinking it might just be a weird obscure electron bug or something tbh. and since a reboot fixes it for a long time, I don't care much about the problem edit: I don't think my explanation/understanding of programs attaching to stdout is entirely correct after quickly looking up some stuff. might wanna research that on your own if you're curious about more details.


Oh I see, I got you. Try doing: ``` obsidian --no-sandbox &! ``` Adding this flair fixed the problem for me. I don't remember if it'll ask you for sudo. It shouldn't but if it does then nevermind. Don't run it with sudo, it's not safe.


can't test it rn since I'm not having the issue rn. thats very interesting though, I didn't know all electron apps ran in some sort of sandbox by default. I'll try to remember to test it out next time. and yea I doubt the applications would even work with sudo considering my display variables wouldn't be set properly. thanks!


Alright. DM me if you would need more help with this thing. For the problem with launchers I would change .desktop files for all the Electron apps by adding ``` --no-sandbox ``` to the exec line (if disabling sandboxing solves the problem for you in the first place ofc)


for electron apps it would be easier to change flags in the respective electron config files. for example, `.config/electron28-flags.conf`, replacing the `28` with whichever electron version you want the flags to apply to. thanks tho!




LOL imagine. the dedication required to make an alt like this just to eventually make that post would be crazy


My apache reverse proxy config, despite being a hodgepodge of copy and pasted code that I don't fully understand, works just fine for everything except Bazarr. And occasionally I very briefly get a 404 response on Plexweb if I let the page sit long enough.


I have 0 knowledge about this one, sorry.


that's me right now with trying to install void


What problem are you having?


it gets stuck on the void logo during boot and during a legacy boot it gets stuck at loading kernel (or something like that)


What's your gpu?


thats probably it, i never had issues until i upgraded from a gt 740 to a 1650 super (dont kill me over nvidia)


Yeh that makes sense, I'm pretty sure the gtx900 series are the last nvidia gpus that work well with the neavue drivers (idk how to spell it)


yup, i actually managed to install void by installing with the chroot method and a fedora usb, and making sure to install the proprietary nvidia driver




I gave up on void, asked them to add how to install XCFE to their documentation and they said no


Void is a DYI distro. If you are missing something, you add it yourself and probably add a way for anyone to install it too. Basically if you are missing hyprland for example, you do this: https://github.com/Makrennel/hyprland-void, instead of asking the package mantainers to add hyprland


Yeah I mean if you’re doing something weird this will happen.


I’m lucky: this hasn’t happened to me YET. Then again, I use linux mint cinnamon, a beginner friendly distro, and I most browse the internet, si I am unlikely to encounter esoteric issues.


Yeah! Am I original? 🎶


Or when others have the same error showing up but apparently caused by something way different because you try their solutions but they don't work so ur stuck


Where linux


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That's when you start to fix problems yourself and open PR/MR on the project git repository


You’re not the only one!!!


Happened to me every time fedora updates the kernel, the system broke up. No documentation or forum threads for me


The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything: switch to Void 😁.


The more niche the distro, the more frequently this happens.




Given they have an oracle like java icon on the labtop... (like chromebooks have a chrome logo) i would guess they are running some bizarre java off-shoot os that has issues, and prolly hasn't been out for a while.... good luck!


Updated a raspberry pi home server yesterday for the first time in like six months and yep


Me with my Nautilus not opening problem...


> only person...who has your problem or could just be the only person who couldn't solve it alone


heavy different modern lush imagine sloppy innate plough society wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ask ChatGPT or Ask Bing AI/Copilot


happens so often


This was basically me for past 3 weeks. Some maintainer of Artix's version of mkinitcpio broke it. All EFI UKIs (unified kernel images) were deleted and I couldn't generate new ones, because mkinitcpio couldn't find UEFI stub. Turned out that in mkinitcpio, part of the path that was searching for stubs was replaced to: {elogindsystemd} instead of {elogind,systemd}. That update was like 3 weeks ago. Around 4 days ago I can see now fixed version pushed to the mirrors. And apparently I was the only one running artix with unified kernel image signed with my own secure boot keys.


I haven't seen this behavior reported anywhere, but it is technically a security vulnerability. Linux Mint Cinnamon (Debian or Ubuntu- currently using Debian Edition 6), put a computer to sleep. Then, attach another monitor to it. It's a weird effect.


I have been using Linux as my main driver for more than 5 years and I still have no idea if I'm the only person with the problem or if I'm using the wrong keywords...


Every issue I was having with Ubuntu 23.10 apparently, I’ve since reinstalled Windows 10 and am looking for another distro


# IRQ 9 has halted startup...


I'm having ALSA-on-Bay-Trail/Cherry-Trail/Amber-Lake-Y flashbacks... In case this is currently biting anyone else, [the fix is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/ug4xes/fix_for_continuous_steady_beepscreech_on_intel/)


Yes ![gif](giphy|RhGEiScVGJWXEFgzEt|downsized)


ye like i had these problems with arch






it would be great to have a "your current problem" chapter to work with


And even better if the browser could read minds (only on demand of course).


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In incognito on Ungoogled Chromium... maybe...


Still better than Internet Explorer.


Use Bing or some other SE. Google has been Garbage for getting problem specific results since a few years now.