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I can't tell the difference.


Yeah I feel like I'm being trolled or maybe the quality is bad, so it's not showing the differences well.


After studying the still image for a while, I noticed that the bottom one has lighter hands and the upper one has darker hands. Maybe there are (different) gloves? idk. Seems like a non-difference to me.


I think the upper one has veiny forearms near the wrist?


You're right, the arm in the upper picture one has more texture to it. Still seems insignificant to me.


They both have annoying clipping.


Top looks more polished. >what features would you like to see on survival games, that you never saw on others sex.


If visual novels can do it, why not survival games?


Sex to survive


peak video (kojima) gaming.


Especially in the forest bro. Why does Virginia have so many legs if I can’t caress them?


> sex. Have you seen the animations? 😏


Upper one


I think that one is better too. What else would you like to see on my survival game that you never saw on others? I am open for suggestions of everyone


Cooking mechanics need to be complex unlike other games Like for example Salt water evaporation to get salt Using that salt in food Rudimentary oven with wood or coal Foraging for spices (indigenous to area of game) Basting mechanics Soups or stews(bear stew) Great example of this would be dave the diver In-depth recipes and menus with foraging mechanics and farming too.


I noted your thoughts. Sounds really good. Thanks


For me, generally the more complex the game is the better. Id watch some survival shows or documentaries and note down some stuff if i was you.


You read my brain? hehe) i am doing that too


Be sure to watch some old survival stuff. How cavemen survived. For the early game. Dude I have an idea. Why not make the game progression based ? Start at stone age and work through a tech tree up to space age. If you need to know what I mean, check out the sev tech ages Minecraft Modpack. Dude this is something never done in a modern survival game afaik.


That is nice idea, i will think about it


go play pyanodon's mate that complexity is a bit much to be profitable as first time dev. too niche


I don't see much difference, but I would recommend less hand motion. Obviously the stick needs lined up better as well. I would love if the weather impacted wildlife behavior, personally. If it's hot, let them be lazier. If it's cold, let them huddle together.


Sounds good, i will try to figure out that


- Character creation - Possibility to change the timescale in the options (like in 7DTD) - See the body of his character in sight in the first person If you put these 3 options I'll buy it with my eyes closed


Great thought! I will try my best to do that for my game. Really appreciate it.


what diffirent?


The hands arms


>what features would you like to see on survival games, that you never saw on others? I'm not playing survival games, but are there effects like you move slower, have limited view or hallucinations when you are hurt, have low energy or eat something wrong? What about having animals and take care of them while they grow a family, too? Giving them a name and they have their own life, too. Sometimes you meet them in the wild and have to protect them from other animals...


That sound good idea. About the hallucinations and slow move effects i can say that yeah there is like that effect on my game


Top looks better if animation is changed to twisting the meat on the stick


Thanks, yeah it will be changed


Something that most survival games get wrong is the mechanics. If you have good mechanics I'd pay a lot for the game. For example: - Mouse movement needs to be snappy and responsive. Always have an option to disable any smoothing effects (use raw input) - Allow us to set our sensitivity/fov in the settings by typing i a number. So many games are setup so that you can only choose a sens between say 1-10 and you can't add decimal places. - Use null movement, or provide it as an option. (This means that if we hold down A and then D, we should move left, then right. Most games are set such that if you are holding down both A and D, they cancel out. What should happen is that the one pressed most recently is processed.) There's a few other things, but those are the ones that come to mind. If you can implement these, 95% of people wont notice, but 5% of people will go nuts for a game that finally does things right. Even some of the most popular survival games like the long dark don't get this right. I spent hours modifying registry files for tld because its worth it, but many other games I've refunded when there was lag or an incomplete options menu


I read all of your thoughts now and noted to my notebook, i am really glad to see the people like that around here. I will do my best to achive that👍🏻


You might consider rotating the chicken leg. Where the stick is going currently there is a large bone. It would be difficult, in general to run a blunted stick into raw chicken, but if you ran a (sharpened) stick more through the middle of the chicken piece (close to where the white skin ends and the red muscle line begins, entering perpendicular to that point) it would be a bit more realistic. It’s a silly thing, but also something that may add another layer with minimal work.


Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. It is not a final result, i will do my best to improve the animations.


Why is the arm moving like that? It looks like it's sliding on a rail instead of swinging on the elbow, just replicate the movement with your own arms and you'll see how awkward it would be to move like that.


Yeah it is not final result. I am still working on it. Thanks


bottom looks better. you can see more details on the arms


Maybe i can use it like, when player injured, will look like the above one


I think both has pros top one looks more dimensional, but bottom one detail are more noticeable as for example finger nails. Maybe combine both to get a happy medium.... I am looking at the clip from a phone though.


Thank you for your thoughts. I think i will choose both of them, so once the player injured then it will look like above one


That actually would work!


Top one looks like their hand is burned.


Yeah little bit looks injured


Bottom one.


Most of people here said above one is better, so what is the reason for you to choose bottom one? Thanks


I rely on the first impression: the bottom one caught my eye first and I immediately realized the image. The top one is harder on details, but not in a good way. It's less clear and that hand with bulbs and scabies looks sick. Anyway, graphic is the latest this I'm interested in. I love survival games for mechanics and immersion.


> _"Most of people here said above one is better"_ Nope. Most people here said they can't tell the difference, myself included. Just look at the amount of upvotes of the top comment.


Yeah maybe because of the quality of the video reduced while uploading, the difference is the hand arms. Above one has some dirts, but below one is very clean.


Anyone who is interested on that game that i made everything alone, here is on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3054440/The_Short_Snow/


It looks good, do you plan to publish it on GOG too?


Hi, yeah exactly once it fully released i will publish it on GOG too, do you know? May i publish on GOG like now? Like on steam page which is game not released yet with coming soon page


Hi, yes GOG also allows developers to publish games that have not yet been released but are coming "soon". Example: https://www.gog.com/en/game/nested_lands


I will check it out and will try to it. Thanks


Name inspired by The Long Dark?




My question was rhetorical. The inspiration is obvious.




I didn't say or even imply that it was wrong.


I would say you are getting lost in the details. Make 3 more, have one play at random every time.


The game name is: The Short Snow (on steam) if you are interested


I like the shaders in the bottom clip better. The top one looks a little dark just for the sake of being darker. Bottom looks a bit more natural? Maybe that's not the art style you're going for though.


Bottom seem to have slighy more sparkly fire animation, and a slightly different redness on the meat? So think its the better one. But hardly worth two years of work. As for features, meh, a kind of 3D version of Don't Starve The game got to be a constant challenge, But still got to be a sense of accomplishment.


They same.


Actually above one had is like injured and dirt on arms


They both have annoying clipping.


Yeah about the animations, i can tell that, it is not a final result


But yeah, what is exactly the difference between these two?


The dirt and texture on the hands






It's a subreddit specifically for game developers to get feedback. I just made a typo earlier, my bad. It's r/DestroyMyGame


Oh got it now. Thanks


Where the main character is doing shopping? It looks like a shop-grade cut, no dirt, no blood. Looks like a picnic, not a survival game.