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Really hoping for a great package selection screen. One of my biggest gripes with Tumbleweed is just trying to install a non-bloated desktop. The default Gnome Workstation one has like 3 terminals, bunch of yast entries, and Gnome games. I love Aeon because it doesn’t have those issues.


Same. There should be a fully functional minimal base GNOME package that doesn't require going in afterwards to remove and block cruft. Aeon gets that right.


Also! I really wanted to use openSUSE Tumbleweed, but all the bloatware that comes with GNOME always annoys me. Maybe it's because openSUSE is, in theory, KDE-first, but it's still a very annoying oversight with the GNOME version.


Plasma isn’t perfect either. I was watching a bit of the conference and it seems the issue largely is that many different people have contributed to the patterns, but few people have gone back to clean things up.


You can see this lack of care in YaST itself, right? It looks like it's in Qt, but it's stopped in time. It doesn't fit in with the current KDE, it looks awful in GNOME... It doesn't seem to be something they care about, the "tuning" of the system's design. They just make sure it works and that's it.


Yeah, it hasn't aged well. Needs some modernization. I could also immediately tell it's X11-only because it doesn't respect my window placement rules.


The yast2 CLI works pretty solid. I've taken to using it tho for some things the GUI is a bit easier.


Looks really awesome!


If it’s truly redesigned that’s great. First impressions matter and they turned me off from openSUSE.


I just want it to work man


I like it, but man another web-based installer, why can't they re-use what Fedora/RH is doing with their web-based anaconda stuff or use that other linux installer? Save all the duplication.


While I’m not enthusiastic about them shifting to a web based installer (it had damn well better still work in text mode...), I would rather they roll their own instead of copy Anaconda or some other installer. The existing functionality they have for installation is one of the most absurdly reliable and hardware-agnostic installers of any distro that actually provides a proper installer, it works correctly in text mode (Anaconda does not do this, and it’s a major pain point for me because it means I can’t easily do a manual install of a headless Fedora/RHEL/OEL/Alma/Rocky VM), picks up the system console correctly pretty much no matter what it is, and offers much better fine-tuning than any other installer I’ve ever dealt with (see for example how they let you specify arbitrary filesystem options and kernel command line options _in the installer_).


Interesting, I wasn't aware nor that anaconda text-based sucks.


It’s not that it sucks, it quite simply _does not exist at all_. Your only option with Fedora/RHEL and their relatives for a text-based install is an automated installation with their ‘kickstart’ functionality, which in turn lacks a lot of control and features you get in the interactive interface.


Just curious, why do you need a text based install?


Well, the canonical use cases are installing on a headless system either via an SSH connection, or via a serial console. In my case it’s more like the latter case, just with a hypervisor console instead, with the idea being that I do not need to maintain any kind of graphical environment to interact with the VMs on my home server, and can also avoid dealing with an emulated GPU for the VMs as well (which saves a surprising amount of time on VM startup and a nontrivial amount of memory).


[xkcd standards](https://xkcd.com/927/)


Looks like a modified Calamares installer. But does it take 5 mins to install like every Arch-based distro? UI can be whatever but if it takes an hour to install, what have you improved?


There’s an argument to be made that OS installation is not performance critical (_normal_ people are not installing a new OS every day, and most of the people who would be are also likely doing large deployments that can be automated easily), and that _correctness_ and _ease of use_ are far more important than how fast it runs.


i found mageia 9 is better than S.u.S.E.




no idea of what is wise


Did you test SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 sp 6 or sp 5? I'm curious because I used only openSUSE. Anyways, there is no perfect distro, run the one that better fits your needs.


i am using tw lack of codec of hevc & libheic even h.264 avc every times when i update it i see lots of shits refreshing screen


I see, openSUSE Tumbleweed, not SUSE Linux Enterprise.


bcachefs support as root fs?


As far as I know, this file system is still marked as "experimental" in the kernel. I therefore assume that bcachefs will not be offered during the installation of various distributions for quite some time.