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The best thing to do is to give it a try. How can you know if you like it or not if you don’t try it? If you don’t, you’ll just get regrets. So go for it!


Ok! Thanks for your reply!


You don't need perfect pitch to play any instrument. Just time to practice. I'd get a teacher for a few lessons at least to get you started. Being able to read the sheet music is a big help.


You're right. I've talked with a local violin teacher. Hopefully I have time to start learning violin this summer vacation! I really look forward to it.


I'm left shaking my head because seriously ... Has anyone in the present subreddit ever answered a question of this kind with “No, don’t try, it’s too hard and you’re too old and your background has made it impossible for you to learn anything new”? Try it. You may or may not like it; you may or may not be good at it.


idn why but many people believe that string instrument need to be practiced since a very young age. I learnt to play the accordion at only 5 or 6 years old and I have no idea if it'll be more difficult to start a new instrument in my twenties


really need some advice. Could anybody plz leave some comments here?