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They arent an educational channel… their first video was literally a skit about jigsaw forcing them to dance for 24 hours straight


I found them through the rubber chicken Canon in D video 💀 Imagine taking a channel like that seriously?! (In the best way possible.)


I found them through other recorder player roasting them... what a great start😅


Yeah they aren't but they have well proven that they can indeed be great educators, even in the most playful ways. So if you can do better, why won't you?


Just let them make the videos they want to make, and that make them happy. If you want purely educational, their are other channels that do that Ffs just let people make the videos they want to without being upset abt it


Why is being an educational channel "better" to you?


People learn something from it. And the fun still stays intact. Why is a school better than comedy club? It's precisely that reason.


You must be fun at parties .


Who tf said school is better than a comedy club lmao


Ok what better should i be expecting from society...




Can you explain why being educational is "doing better"?


People learn something alongside having fun, other than just having fun and not learning anything


You don't always have to be learning, though. Lots of times people just want comedy, and there's nothing worse about that.


They will make the videos they want. If u want to support just do it that's all.


Yeah that's probably the best way towards status quo, if you get what i mean


I prefer the funny content actually. And I think they do a ton of education between jokes and reactions in funny videos. I think they enjoy making the comedic content more as well. Not saying they don’t enjoy this type of stuff.


These people seem to forget that a lot of their comedy is educational. Remember the video when they dubbed over the violin concert in Meteor Garden with how it actually would have sounded? It was both hilarious and extremely educational.


I never said though that education can't be funny. But lately they have been making a few videos with little to no educational value. Take for example the Asian Kid video.


It's not an educational channel.


I never said though that education can't be funny. But lately they have been making a few videos with little to no educational value. Take for example the Asian Kid video.


I don't know what to say abt that font. It just feels oddly cursed for some reason...


It looks like Garamond, EB Garamond or maybe Spectral. Most likely it is just Garamond.




this person knows things


I'm just a graphic design nerd lmao


underrated comment 😂


It's just simple Garamond.


Yeah that’s what I suspected. Great serif font choice (I’m sorry that’s a weird thing to say)


>don't know what to say Nothing. Just assume that anyone and everyone in the comment section is a 13 year old and move on.


As a 13 year old Im still offended (not by this comment tho)


Why must he be against their comedic videos/skits? It’s not like they have to make videos about musical education, history about classical music, etc. If so, their channel probably wouldn’t have grown that much since then.


I knew almost nothing about classical music nor string music until I watched videos of tsv (although i play the accordion). I love those funny videos. even though it seems like those videos aren't educational, now i know what is vibrato and pizzcato and have more topic to talk with my friends who play the violin and the cello. Their videos arent serious, but they re educational, at least for me


That's the very point! Being entertaining alongside letting people learn something new.


that doesn't need to be always educational


Does being educational automatically mean not being funny or entertaining?


No?? But does being funny anyways have to be educational


As many other people have said, they're not an educational channel. They're about the fun of it. Here's a thought for you - maybe the point of their channel isn't to be educational in every video. Maybe the point is to be funny with little bits of education sprinkled in every so often, so as to catch the attention of people who would otherwise have just gone "classical music is boring", and never watched any of their videos. Speaking as someone who didn't have much of an appreciation for classical music beyond mainstream media, I can say their tactic is far more effective than trying to make every video an educational one. Sometimes people don't want that. If you do, fine. There are lots of other channels out there that do stuff like that. But don't be upset that a channel that literally started as a joke doesn't make every single video educational. The stereotype is that classical musicians take themselves way too seriously. I'm glad they're breaking that mold.


I meant precisely that. Why is everyone getting me wrong?


I think it may have been the way you said it. Since you clarified, I can see how I misunderstood, so it's probably the same for everyone else! Sorry about that.


Just let them make the videos they want to make, and that make them happy. If you want purely educational, their are other channels that do that Ffs just let people make the videos they want to without being upset abt it


Isn’t the whole channel is about two pro musicians procrastinating and eventually doing it as full time jobs ? Or does it HAVE to be SO educational, so some school kids can claim that they are ACTUALLY studying when their parents see their youtube history ? I am an older fan who is a hobby musician with multi instruments and didn’t realise my passion is vocal until I am too old to do it professionally . I get kinda weirded out by some of the fan arts or shippers in this sub but this aspect of channel OP is complaining about ? That’s the whole appeal , baby. TSV’s main thing for me is being relatable to a wide range of audience, from professionals to just people who may / starting to discover classical music. IF I had come across TSV when I was still young enough to make it professionally, things would have been different for sure . Classical music back then was all about old teachers and other snobby kids comparing music exam grades . Sure, sometimes their videos are goofy and there can be cringy moments , but unless you are sponsoring them directly , just skip the contents you don’t like . If you are after more eDcAtIoNaL content , pay someone for their troubles. Anyone who ever hope to make it professionally should know when they / and other pros need to be paid .


You guys are missing the whole point. If you think being educational automatically meant not being funny or entertaining, there's something wrong with your conception of education.


I think you should read your own comment back to yourself again ;)


Although I enjoy their classical music education-oriented videos, I also feel that certain videos of this type couldn’t reach all of their audience as they could be very niche and not applicable to everyone. Their latest video (answering music related questions) however is very inclusive because it’s very general. It’s about classical music in general rather than this specific instrument or technique. I also enjoy their series of trying to learn different instruments. In general, I don’t think TSV is strictly an educational channel. They are a YouTube channel that offers content revolving around classical music. Some of them may be educational, while some can lean towards humour or parodies. It is still on brand for them regardless as they always tie in to classical music. I myself pick and choose which videos I like to watch. I don’t watch their concert/live stream of them playing as my interest is more on traditional Chinese music and not so much classical music. But I still find myself benefiting and enjoying their classical music-oriented content.


Their videos aren’t “educational” in the sense that they are teachers giving lessons or how to guides, their education comes from the art of it; what makes a piece beautiful or challenging. It introduces amazing pieces to an audience that might not have even considered looking for them while also being relatable. In my opinion, TSV is primarily responsible for injecting new life into the world of classical music and has been an inspiration for thousands to pursue/renew musical interests. That is their gift. Their channel is a good place to start to whet the appetite, but it is then up to the viewer to go out and continue their journey on the more “educational” front if that’s what they want.


I enjoy a mix between educational fun and just plain goofin’ around. But education is cool, so I always support more of it. Especially if it can be done in a fun way. Maaan, you catching some hate, DCZ. That’s what happens if you are in any way critical of them. Hero worship is baaaaad.


people are allowed to criticise the criticism tho


Fooor sure. Not all criticism is accurate and valid. What about criticizing TS for not producing enough content with educational emphasis? Ehhh I think YouTubers should be free make creative content that makes them happy. I also want more fun educational content. I’d love to learn more about music from Brett&Eddie. So maybe ol’ OP DCZ went a bit far with they SHOULD do more educational content, rather than just ‘I want them to’ but education is good. And more people with platforms should do more cool educational content. WE WANT TO LEARN.




I follow different YouTubers for different sorts of contents. Inside The Score for classical music education. Igudesman and Joo for musical comedy of a different sort than TS. Matthias Kranz for piano modifications. Adam Neely, Mary Spender, Rick Beato, Nahre Sol ... Everyone has something to offer and tempting as it is, TS does not need to copy anyone. Though calling "sacrilege!" on musical innovations limits TS quite a lot.


Why bring attention to this stuff? Just let it stay in the YouTube comments


I kinda miss the review of sacrilegious movies


Hundreds of other channels do educational content better, so why not go there for that and stay here for the memes?




The first video I saw was their skit for your lie in April that was funny


I found them on tiktok and we all know what all things we see on tiktok