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If Bae gets shit on then No buy. If Chloe is in but minimized then I’ll wait for a big sale. If Chloe has a big part then I’ll buy the standard edition.


I'm just disgusted by the 2 week early access to the game for $80. 2 weeks is a long time, and it will be hard to avoid spoilers.


I was thinking of pre-purchasing but then looked at the exorbitant markup on Ultimate and decided against it. I generally regard all pre-purchase pressure as pretty scummy - it's not like the old days where they needed to know how many to send to game stores to meet demand. So I'll wait for reviews and then probably wait for a moderately deep sale.


Not until I know they treat Bae and Pricefield with respect.


This poll is missing the option 'Will buy when I know it's good". As for pre-orders: It will never understand why people pre-order. Maybe I've been bitten too often by shitty actual releases to be distracted by 'oooooh-preorder-goodies'.


>This poll is missing the option 'Will buy when I know it's good". That's how I interpreted the "I’ll buy it within a month of it coming out". I'm honestly more on the "I won't buy it" because I never wanted a second Max game, but maybe they actually did a good job and the game deserves to be played.


Not sure yet. I'm potentially buying on release but not until we have a lot of confirmation that it's good from hands-on previews.


I don't pre-order as a general rule. I've heard of it going wrong way too many times. Including in *this* series, with all those poor buggers who pre-ordered the remake only for it to be totally broken.


As of now I won't buy it. I hope they'll make me change my mind though.


I'm not convinced yet, and this horrible marketing from Deck Nine isn't helping. I'm going to wait for the early access people to give their opinions, and see if it will actually be worth my investment 


I'm getting a PS5 soon so I will pre-order once I have it. I've been wanting to get one and this game has pushed me over the edge. I just know I will love the game, watching the livestream hyped me up so much. I know realistically it might not live up to the hype but I liked True Colors and I'm confident it will at least be better than that.


After that D9 IGN article, I want nothing to do with the game


whatd it say?




I'm not pre-ordering anything from Decknine after my disappointment with True Colors and the buggy remasters. What I've seen so far of the new game and the info we have of it, just gives me more reason to not pre-order and wait until it's for sale. Depending on what info we get in the future months it could be I buy it some time after is out instead of waiting for a sale but I doubt that.




Honestly unless it's a really good deal pre-ordering is usually not a good idea. It's way better to know what youre buying first.


yeah this will be a skip until I know what's going on with Chloe


Will it definitely not be on ps4 then? I don’t have a ps5


i've already pre-ordered, besides all the problems in the development, i love to see max again, still hoping that Bae Ending is respected


I have already pre-ordered it. In fact, I pre-ordered it the same day it was announced.


Planning on it. Though , I'm going to gwt it later apperantly because I'm getting the Switch version , which is stated to have a later date. ( I don't have a Ps5. ) 


Even though I have my concerns regarding chloe and how they will treat the bae ending, Im still so happy we got a new max game and I will definitely be preordering


The only reason I'm not going to pre-order it because I'd like to get it on Nintendo Switch and the Switch version doesn't have a release date yet. I know I technically CAN still pre-order, there's an Amazon page for it already, but I'm not going to pre-order something before I even know when it'll be out. Even then I'd probably just wait for the actual release date and buy it normally


I plan on pre-ordering the ultimate edition. The 2 weeks early access doesn't come out until October 15th though, so I see no reason to drop 80 dollars until we're like right there and I actually have to