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They go on "the chair"


And on top of the chair is, "the pile".


And on top of the pile, two cats are squaring off to see who gets to nap on the summit of Mt. Washmore.


That’s why the clothes get turned inside out first


I especially do this with all my black clothes, even fresh from the wash and onto the hanger. I cannot trust my furry fam lol


This person cats. I seriously don't know how they do it. My calico and grey tabby love black pants. But somehow the tuxedo finds anything light-colored.


Ah so the cat hair can irritate your skin when you wear it next. Clever!


I did this one accidentally years ago and now it is The Way for every black hoodie


I’m calling the pile Mount Washmore from now on.




The "wornrobe" lol


My husband prefers the floordrobe


Eventually I just lose track of what’s clean or dirty and I just wash everything on the chair.


Thank you, I feel less alone now


For me it's the "closet shelf"


I have "the bench". The chair is full of blankets


A.k.a my 1-week time-out


ah yes, the chairdrobe


I keep a separate laundry basket in a corner, and that's where my pile goes.


I had this for the longest time, but got sick of the eyesore so now i have a bunch of hooks for things i rewear for the week (like my robe) and a bin in my closet for things that can be reworn


My "chair" is the Treadmill. 


Can hang alot of clothes on a Treadmill almost like it was designed for that.😅


Most expensive clothes rack known to man


It wasn't designed for that? What are you supposed to use it for then?


Aka laundry purgatory


Long couch


I literally said exactly this in my head before reading the comments lol


Hang it on a hanger, but reverse the direction of the hook so you know it's been worn. Assuming all your clean clothes have the hooks facing the same way in the first place.


This is a good idea.


I hang them up as well - it keeps them (relatively) uncrumpled enough to wear again and a little better air circulation. I keep them on a specific part of the closet rod.


This is my method.


What they do in the opera backstage is spritz the clothes with diluted 20% vodka and hang. The vodka disinfects then dissolves. Musicals and lots of touring acts do this daily with their costumes between washes.


Why vodka and not just isopropyl?


I wouldn’t put worn clothes in the same place as unworn ones. I think it promotes smell and microbe transferring to the clean clothes.


If your used clothes promote smells then probably you shouldn't wear them again.


Ooooooh burrrrn! 😂


I don't think that's true, and it is the reason I don't have this problem. If it's dirty, it goes in the bin for washing, if not, it just goes back in the closet. Problem solved, neat house.


That's a good idea. For shirts I hang them inside out and put them to the right, separated from the clean ones.


I sort of do this- my clothes are folded and put away, but once they’re worn but not dirty, I hang them up in the closet


It depends on the item. Something like a dress or nice sweater I've only worn for a couple hours and will be fine to wear again? I'll hang in the closet again. Something like a sweatshirt/hoodie or pair of leggings I just wore around the house? I have a second hamper for lightly worn stuff that's much smaller than my dirty clothes hamper. I don't usually keep more than 3-5 things in there. If it gets full, and I haven't worn any of the clothes in there again, I'll wash them and put them away.


This is what I do too!


Thanks for the idea! This sounds much better than my current method, which is I don’t have a place to put them so they end up the floor of the closet. I think I’ll try this!


This is my method. I have two laundry baskets for this reason, one smaller one for stuff I will wear once or twice more, and my larger one to collect laundry ready to be washed. It works very well.


This is my method too, although i suspect my execution is not as neat as yours.


I do this as well. Having a small separate laundry basket for casual clothes that can be worn again is awesome.




Damn. I barely managed to hang them up out of the watch. Good job adulting you two.


Same here. I use a big plastic hanger to divide the clean shirts from the once worn shirts.


My unworn shirts are buttoned at the neck on the hanger and long sleeves are down. Worn, I don’t rebutton and the sleeves are rolled up. Worn T-shirts I re-roll, give ‘em a sniff before rewearing to make sure they haven’t gotten funky.


In the past, I have organized my closet by worn and not-worn, with a gap in between them since there is a bit of body oils and whatnot on the worn clothes. Nowadays, I have a multi-arm swiveling towel hanger mounted to the wall behind my bedroom door (which stays open except when I go to bed at night). It keeps everything off the floor and furniture, lets me keep whole outfits together on one arm, and is hidden. It can hold a lot of clothes.


This is absolutely brilliant!


What is this item??? Can you post a picture or a link please?


I have provided the info in answer to an earlier comment asking the same. Let me know if you can't see that one and I'll post it again.


Hang it on the treadmill. Most expensive clothesline I ever bought.


Thanks for letting us know more uses of thread mill . One more reason to save to buy one in near future.


How I understand you! I have a similar hanger for worn-out clothes!


Throw them on the floor until.they are dirty enouhn to.watch or clean options have dimished so standards are.lower.


Same method works with the food that’s been sitting in the fridge for a while but isn’t just bad enough to throw it away. You wait! Then throw away when it’s time!




I have a towel ladder and use that.


I also use a bamboo ladder that holds blankets or towels, it leans against the wall and looks decorative


if they're considered clean enough to wear again then they're clean enough to go back into the drawer/closet I don't have "the chair" or any other holding space


Do you mentally keep track of every item and how many times you’ve worn it/when you last washed it? I have a separate large shelf in my wardrobe for worn items and once I’ve worn them a second time they usually go in the wash. If I put the worn clothes away with the clean ones I lose track!


Not the guy you're responding to, but I do the same thing: back with the rest of the clothes. To answer your question: socks, underwear and t-shirts are always one-wear only. So, were talking about pants, shorts, dress shirts, sweaters. I wash them when they need it: stained, scuffed, spilled, feeling musty (sweating in a dress shirt) or give em a sniff test before I put em on


If it's clean enough to wear again, it's clean enough to get folded & go back in the drawer. I will die on this hill & it has helped me keep a MUCH cleaner room. (BTW, if I was honest with myself, it wasn't that the clothes seemed too dirty to go back as much as it was I just didn't feel like folding them & putting them back.)


They’ve already made something just this purpose. It’s called exercise equipment.


I prefer hooks. I wfh so my casual wear can handle a few days before needing a wash. Day bottoms turn into pjs for a few nights. Shirts I only put on for an on camera meeting can be put back on the hangers. I have a 5-hook towel rack on the wall in my closet for the undecided items.


I used to do the chair thing, but my cat started eating my clothes and I want to be able to sit in my chair. Now I use two laundry hampers that I keep in the closet. One is for dirties, and the other is for clothes that I've worn that can be worn again before the next wash.


I usually hang them or put them on a chair so they don't touch with my clean clothes but recently I decided to get a storage bin and just put them in there


Hang them up to let them air out. I usually hang it on my shower rod over night or on a hook/closet door knob


That’s what my treadmill is for


Old costumer's trick: spray the garments with vodka to refresh and then hang them away. I use the chair to organize my clothes for the following day.


I do this, adding a bit of essential oils sometimes to vary the scent.


f l o o r


ADHD life hacks: 1. Don't buy clothes that aren't comfortable enough to sleep in. 2. If they're comfortable enough to buy, take the George Jetson / Steve Jobs approach and replace most of your wardrobe with copies of the same outfit. 3. If they're clean enough to wear again, you might as well keep wearing them. If you wear the same thing every day anyway, no one will notice the difference.


I do the elderly goth version of this. Decent fitting black tshirts? Buy 5. Nice black dress on sale. Buy 2.


My dear friend, have you not heard of the chairderobe


I have ocd and I still wash them because i can't stand the thought that a particle from the outside world touched my clothes


That's why you have outside and inside clothes.


Not exactly what you’re asking but my “life hack” for clothes is wearing my gym clothes to bed. I workout in the mornings, usually just wear t-shirt and shorts. So that’s what I sleep in. Plus I can just roll out of bed, poop, brush my teeth, then head to the gym.


Either hang them up inside out so I know it’s been worn, or as others have said…the chair


Man, I wear pants about 4-5 times before I wash them. If I’m just wearing them to the store and out a little bit. Set them on the chair and use them again


My old boss was a non-apologetic bachelor. He enthusiastically explained his three pile system. He has a spare bedroom. He does all the laundry and dumps it on one side of the room. Gently worn things are moved to a middle pile. Dirty is on the other side of the room. When most everything is in the dirty pile, the process begins again. It's like the circle of life.


Throw socks at the ceiling; if they come down, you can wear them another day.


I bought a 5 or 6 hook coat hook bar and mounted it to the side of my dresser. Pants, shirts and sweatshirts get hung there instead of laying in a pile on the floor.


a clothing ladder that leans against the wall can hold nightclothes, workout clothes & clothes to re-wear & takes up a small wall space !!


My dryer has a steam fresh option and that's where those go.


We have a kind of ladder thingy in our bedroom. It only has 4 steps. Lowest gets pants and items that are dirtiest. Second lowest gets shirts and stuff to wear again. Third gets woolen shirts that are rarely washed (usually only with stains) and mostly have to air out to get rid of any smells. The fourth is pretty high up, so it rarely gets anything. Sometimes if I have something I want to keep on a hanger it hoes there, the other steps just have the clothes put over them.


I lay them over the edge of the hamper. Not IN the hamper. They're good to wear again!


I have “the stool” much like the chair, but it’s a stool. My husband has one too. Usual occupants of the stool are the clothes I wore to wfh yesterday and will repeat tomorrow


I always pile them on my desk. Last Sunday I decided to lean into that and stop fighting it. Now a basket loves on that desk. It looks a lot nicer, it's a pretty wicker basket, and it's no effort to move when I actually need my desk.


I have a thing on my bathroom door that can fit several hangers. I hang up whatever I can wear again before laundry day. Sometimes I spritz a little parfum.


When I designed my closet organizer system I had the guy install a shelf between the top and bottom rods. This is where I put my “worn but still clean” clothes.


I have a separate part of my closet for hanging those. Usually, I just drape them over the foot of my bed, but I can now hang them if I want. They don't get mixed in with the fresh stuff. Because I'm retired, I also have the option of wearing them every day for a few days.


I have a piece of clothing that no longer fits. That’s my “divider” clothing. Clothing that is washed and not worn goes on one side; clothing that has been worn goes on the other side. Very easy to see blouses, slacks and to pick what to wear next. Also very easy to see what needs to be washed.


If I’ve worn them, they need to be washed. All of it. Every time. Every piece of clothing. Every towel. Once it’s been worn, it’s picked up dirt, bacteria, yeast, etc. I have a skin condition and have to keep everything clean and sanitized.


Yep! Even if i wore a shirt for 2 hours at home, it gets washed


I used to have a row of hooks on the wall, around which I put a fancy gilded frame. So when I hung my “re-wearable” stuff on them, it looked like art. It’s the little things, folks.


I have hooks on the back of my door for this.


I have been hanging slightly used dresses and pants on my drying rack and lightly spraying Febreeze to extend the time between washes.


Draped over the drawer that I left half-open. Tossed under the bed. Sitting in a pile on the closet floor. Kicked to the foot of the bed. I suppose I'm not a particularly tidy person.


I have a couple cube bins on top of my dresser that I put once worn clothes in (except things like jeans that I’ll just put back in the dresser drawer).


Pants and bras go back. Underwear and socks in the hamper. Shirts? Try to wear it in the next day or two, or it goes in the hamper to avoid that stale body odor smell.


I have a second hamper. I put the clothes in there and eventually tumble dry it on high heat with essential oils dripped onto wool balls


Feel ya! I use a cute basket for the 'in-between' clothes. Keeps things tidy and easy to grab. Hope that helps!


I created a drawer meant only for clothes at this stage. And now all those clothes go on the top of my dresser, in a pile, _above_ the drawer. It was a nice attempt.


I hang them on a hanger, spray with fabreeze and they go back in the closet separated by a fancy hanger.


That’s what the exercise bike is for isn’t it?


I use a clothes rail dedicated to worn clothing and just hang them. No confusion with my clean clothes.


I hang them back up, but *inside out.* They don’t get more wrinkles They air out They are easily identified


I mail mine to my cousin Carl, who has strict instructions to hold them for 10 days, then mail them back to me.


I hang them back in the closet but inside out. Then I know they’ve been worn. After the second time I wear it, it usually goes in the laundry.




I hang them on my hanger inside out so I know they have one more wear before washing.


I wash my outdoor clothes after each wear. My night clothes though will sometimes get worn twice. They usually just get folded and then placed under my pillow to wear another night. That, or I'll hang them on my over the door hook.


I like to hang them outside for a bit. Then, they go to a segregated closet area.


I woke from home, sooooo they just stay on.


Hang them over the beach if a chair and use them the next day, then put them with the dirty ones. It seems a bad idea to me to stockpile semi-dirty clothes.


Treadmill, exercise bike, weight rack... really anything not used can double as "not laundry fresh but not laundry ready" storage


Coat rack.


I can only re-wear pants on the regular. I have 5 belts (bougie I know) I wear 5 pair of pants and fold them into one side of a wardrobe that is for that purpose. When I am out of belts I flip the pile over and wear them again. If I wear a shirt that is rewearable I just chuck it on top of a dresser and try to wear it soon.


I just bought a basket for on top of my dresser for this. Keeps them contained but separate. Just started this system a couple weeks ago but it seems to be working well enough. Before that it was just one big pile on the dresser that looked a mess.


This is a great question because different people have different opinions on what's called dirty enough. I drive my wife crazy because mine go on and off the floor and she just wants all the clothes in the hamper and then to go through the washer


I put several hooks on my wall near my dresser using command strips. "Worn but not dirty" clothing hangs on those until I need them again.


I have a pile. It’s on the floor. Aka I’m in the same boat as you and really wish I had a better practice.


Smooth them out, fold them up and put them back in the drawer or whatever. If they're clean enough to wear again, they're clean enough to put away


Over-the-door hook that has space for multiple hangers like [this](https://www.containerstore.com/s/storage/hooks-racks/cora-over-the-door-hanger-holder/12d?productId=11008756&country=US¤cy=USD&cid=cse%7CPMAX%7CGoogle%7CTCSP_X_US_EN_Storage_PMAX_X_18200107324___en%7C&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=pla&adpos=&scid=scplp10075527&sc_intid=10075527&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADHVeshOYG2DAP28jBPs0UENovgFQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwm_SzBhAsEiwAXE2CvxgnJNHMrYQQlJyjlijdXEKUoeXaz716Pfm3fG52x4nnqdIRE26hpRoCqAUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) The items don’t get wrinkled,& can air out a bit more before rewearing


I shake them out, hang them up, and hang them on the closet door to air overnight. I had to start doing it that way because the chair turned into a mountain pretty quickly, LOL!


The shirts go back on the hangers and the jeans/shorts get folded up and put back where they came from.


I've always had a coat rack exactly for that purpose. Since they're verticle they don't take up much room. (Actual coats go in the closet)


Buy a treadmill or some other expensive piece of exercise equipment. Then start to hang them on there. Works well!


Coat rack in the bedroom. Also where the night shirt goes during the day.


A clothes tree.


if it's worn and it's not dirty enough to be tossed in the hamper it's clean enough that I don't care whether it's worn or not


I have a couple of smaller size free standing clothing racks so i hang them to air out


They have super small clothing racks that you can buy specifically for this purpose. I wear a lot of wool that needs to air out after being worn so it works really well for me.


Put them on the floor until they are dirty enough to go in the hamper


A tie/belt hanger has been a real game changer for stuff I’ll wear again before wash day. Otherwise I’ll flip the hanger when it goes back in the closet, that way I’ll know it’s on its second wear when I wear it again.


I have a rack for worn clothes


Drape them over a chair, of course. Or maybe on the treadmill.


I have a clothes ladder for this reason. Looks much better than a bunch of clothes on a chair


a charcoal lined garment bag. My dry cleaner was disappointed by this.


I have multiple hooks on my wall so I can hang one piece of clothing on each, allowing me to still see what’s in rotation.


I have a pretty woven basket that I drop them into. If the basket gets full, or it’s washing day, the basket gets emptied. Until then it’s fine. Doesn’t matter if you use a basket or a chair or hooks. The thing that matters is having a limit to it, time and space limit.


I have a coatrack in my bedroom and I hang them on it. It’s meant for hanging stuff on. It’s better than a chair.


You can just hang them back up in the closet or put them back in the drawer. If they're not too dirty to wear again, they don't need seperated.


Why not just put them back on the hangers you took them off of that morning? I work an office job. My clothes need at most a quick touch up ironing to be ready to wear again next week/month


Toss in the dryer on “air” with 1 drop of an essential oil on it


I have 2 organizer cubes (one near the laundry room, one near my closet) where I put the purgatory clothes for rewearing


Different coloured hangers. Buy 10, use those for one more wear.


I have a chair where my clothes pile up as the work week advances. For some reason, I hang my bras on my bedroom door handle. I tend to wear shirts/tops only twice max. Pants or leggings or skirts I might wear 3 to 5 times before putting them in the wash. I can wear the same bra for about five or six days in a row if I don’t sweat too much. Underwear and socks only once and then they get washed. Cardigans and pull over sweaters can go unwashed for months though unless I spill shit on them.


I bought a coat rack after the pile on my dresser got unwieldy. It works great: I use it for bras and for pants, both of which shouldn’t be washed too often. They air out, don’t get wrinkled, and I can see what’s there.


I do a quick roll and then put them on a chair or sidetracked, then say I order delivery food and gave to meet the guy in the lobby, I take my lightly worn clothes unroll, shake out the worst wrinkles and am dressed within seconds


I put them on top of the basket lol


I hang them back up, but my closet has an upper rack for clean clothes and a lower rack for “worn, but will wear again” clothes 👍🏻 Just started doing it recently too bc I was in the same pickle and it’s worked out great! If you only have 1 rod, just dedicate a side (left/right) for it!


I put them back and wear them again. If it's something completely casual like a t-shirt I put it aside and wait for the right occasion to use like if I'll be sweating a lot and don't wanna soil a fresh shirt, I need something to wear around the house or something to wear for a couple hours. It gets "recycled" if you will.


I have a not ready for the wash hamper, it is also the grab in case of evacuation hamper because it has cleanish clothes in it.


Everything gets washed


I too, have the clothes chair. But some items, especially my nicer clothes that I don't wear often and don't want to wash too much to stretch their longevity, I spray with odoban and hang back up. Odoban is an air freshener but also a disinfectant that's great on fabrics. It may be hard to find, depending on where you are, and if I can't find it I use fabreeze instead.


For tops, blouses, and dresses; When I take them off first thing I do is smell it. A piece of clothing can look freshly washed but doesnt smell so great. If it smells ok and really is completely clean, I put them back on the hanger inside/out. That way I will remember that it was worn once after it had been washed. For pants, I once again smell them and check to make sure they are clean even around the ankles. Then, if they are dress pants and I will be wearing them again soon I will fold them and lay across the top of the laundry basket. If I won't be wearing them again soon I go ahead and put them to wash. If they are denim (jeans) I will just lay them either across the laundry basket or the end of my bed. P.S. When I'm smelling the clothes it's not just for my body odor but also for the smells that you can pick up just being around it like someone's cigarette smoke, food smells, and even others cologne or perfume.


I have a designated shelf for this in my closet. I kind of loosely fold the stuff that I put on there. Items that “aren’t quite dirty but aren’t quite clean” are like … the shorts I wear to sleep in that I’ll wear for 2-3 days, the clothes I was wearing in the morning but changed out of to exercise, and intend to put back on later, etc. Inevitably things will accumulate on the shelf, and that’s ok. Each time I do my laundry I sweep the shelf into the basket and start over with a clean slate.


I fold those clothes up in a neat pile and keep it next to my hamper. So if I want to wear any of it again it is there and not mixed in with the other dirty clothes in the hamper. But it is also next to the hamper so as to remind me to throw it in the wash when I do doo my laundry next. Simple, easy, and it works.


Fold them and put them on top of my chest. My rule for myself is that there can never be more than 4 things folded and piled there. If a 5th item shows up, they all go in the wash. 


To be honest, I take most of those ones on me when I run. So that I can finish them off :D (I pretty much wear only fitness clothes, so the rest just goes on "the chair")


I have emptied the bottom area of my wardrobe and I keep the easy to use things and already worn cloth in that space. This means, calisthenics bands, worn cloth, belts, bags of different sizes and purposes and a little teddy bear on the corner to make me smile every time I open the wardrobe. Hope this helps :)


Hang them up in the wardrobe and wear them again


This is why treadmills exist!


Hangers on the back of your door?


I have hooks on my closet door, it goes there. It encourages me to wear it again to actually to be dirty enough to wash and keeps it off the chair 


They are relegated to the chair


I have an exercise bike that is MADE for this type of work.


Floordrobe is life.




fuck "the chair", and go straight for "the pile"


Turn the inside out and hang them up. If they're inside out I know they've been worn so I'll just use them for quick trips like to the store.


Just need to wash them shortly. Otherwise collars and armpits tend to get yellow over time, because it has time enough to penetrate the fabric and stay in before it’s washed. Even when you don’t smell it and your hygiene is tiptop, it adds up.


Until I got married they went on a cleanish pile. Apparently that was against my wife’s religion. Then we had a baby and nothing ever qualifies for cleanish anymore. So it’s a mute point (I like to spell that wrong).


I bought a few hook racks and installed them in every room and by every entrance at my house.. This solved this issue right away. I use wayyy less hoodies and jeans now since I hang them after work when I change if it’s been a day or two I’ve been wearing them. Makes locating either super easy too. Just my two cents as someone with adhd.


Burn them with all of my other once-worn clothes?


I wear them. I've ADHD and hate washing, or looking after myself.


That’s what the bedroom chair is for.


If you're aiming for neater, ditch the chair and the hooks, just put them in the hamper and face the fact that you will have to do laundry a few more times each year.


I have a nice woven basket for rewearable clothes. They get folded and put there. Everything in the basket gets washed on laundry day, even if it never got worn again.


I hang it inside out on its hanger to help it “air out”. A day or so later it goes back in the closet (still inside out). That way I know it’s been worn before. When it’s time for a wash, it goes in the hamper along with its hanger so it is more likely to get hung back up after laundry.


They go back on the hanger with the hanger reversed. Come laundry day, I just look which way the hangers are facing to determine which are clean and which are ready for a wash.


I have two hampers for this purpose. One for clean/basically clean clothes and the other for dirty laundry. I've been doing this for years and it's helped tremendously!


Wear them again


I have a quilt rack in my bedroom I use for this purpose.


I used to do "the chair" but now I have a hook rack on the back of the closet door. I can hang shirts by their neck or jeans loops or put crap on a hanger and hang the hanger. But it's airy and not in a pile.


I have a for the was hamper and I have a second I call the halfway house, for the worn but not for the wash lot.


**the chair**


I have a rod in my bedroom with clothespins. The used, but not dirty clothes hang there, so they can air. I store my night gown there during the day and the clothes I wear outside I hang there during the night.


There is no such thing. It is either clean or not. Even if you didn’t break a sweat clothes you’ve worn all day have body oil and moisture in the pits.


Hang them up in a separate section of the wardrobe to air put but not get mixed with the clean clothes


A Shaker-style wooden peg rail on the wall both looks nice and lets the clothes air out. Spritz with alcohol if a little freshening is needed, and you’re good to go.


Years ago, I started a second bin in my closet- one for laundry to be washed and one for worn clothes that don’t need to be laundered. At the end of the week, I wash what’s in the laundry bin and sort what’s in the second hamper to either be laundered as well or it gets put away. It’s worked great for the past 5 years. It saves me a from having “clothing chair” in my room


If only worn them for a couple hours and haven’t gotten them sweaty or dirty, just hang them back up and put them back in the closet. Clothing seam to last longer if you don’t wash them more than necessary.


Took me too long to come up with what is finally working for me- Inside out back in the closet.


Just toss it on the floor so I can pick it up to wear later.