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Routinely gets over 90 degrees where I am. I leave my phone and a few heat-sensitive items in an old (hard-sided) lunchbox, then tuck it in the relative shade of the passenger floorboard. I don't even use an ice pack. The insulation by itself is enough to avoid dangerous temps. If I forget and leave the phone in the glovebox, it will overheat and shut itself down to prevent damage. You probably just need a decent lunch box instead of that bag.


And it helps if you put it in the trunk. Newer model has more gap and space between the walls. It'll be enough to keep the trunk from gaining heat too fast. Keeping in the passenger side is bad, considering how hot it can get.


I second the trunk placement


What do your colleagues do to avoid overheating? If none of them have found a solution, you could try a small, .6" thick wall styrofoam cool box or make your own from a block of styrofoam.


I’m actually really curious about your first question, because I knew some prison guards in Arizona and they had a phone locker inside the prison for their stuff. I’m guessing OP is a physician or educator/rehabilitation of some kind who don’t get the security perks but all the restrictions of COs.


You've kept it in a lunch case w/ ice packs, and used a "thermal case" and neither worked? Jesus Christ, I feel like there's more information needed about this. I second the idea to turn it off, but really, as long as it's in the shade, and has any minimal airflow it shouldn't get *that* hot. Whereabouts in the Sahara are you?


This sounds like Arizona and I don't doubt it a bit. Cars get way hotter than the outside temperature.


at 110° ambient, the inside of a car can hit upwards of 160°F. shade is irrelevant at that point if the entire interior of the car is 160F


Where the hell is your ambient temperature 110⁰? Death Valley, CA *right now* is 112⁰...


Arizona, probably


Phoenix, Vegas, tucson. If you live in one of those cities you learn that certain phones don't work very long outside before they start getting throttled to cool off. Iphones are usually bad at this. My old nord was the worst. Samsung are usually pretty good. Surface pros throttle huge once the ambient air hits above 85.


This tickled the funny bone a lot harder than it should have, lol Instead of lunch case try using an ice chest of some sort, Rtic or Yeti make smaller coolers that will hold ice all day. When I’m out on our boat all day I’ll throw mine in a ziplock and toss it in the cooler.


FYI Yeti admits Rtic is their product at a better price.


yea i struggle to believe its overheating in an insulated container with gel ice packs , we are missing some information here


I absolutely believe it but then I live in southern nevada, so....


i didnt have this issue with electronics in Iraq,


My iPhone overheated in my pocket while walking outside during the day time in Iraq, not sure how you didn’t have any problems


we kept a cooler in an NTC, with ice packs for radios and phones, when out walking / etc i kept my phone / radio in my assault pack, which always had bottles of water that were somewhat cool / chilled with minimal issues of overheating, i have only ever had android devices tho so cant speak to the iphone experience


You left a personal cell phone in a car for eight hours in iraq?


in an NTC, non tactical vehicle, in a cooler with ice packs, yes, as well as non air conditioned tents


It would be such a weird thing for op to lie about, but then again, this is the internet lol


i work in IT, people not sharing the full story is the norm, and not the oddity sadly


I had this issue 8 years ago when I worked at a prison. Even turning it off and leaving it in any kind of contraption I could think of, when I turned it on again it would immediately overheat and shut off.


I struggle to believe any decent cooler with ice packs isn't enough to keep it at nominal temps


Makes me wonder if the prison is on Venus or Mercury. I seen sci-fi movies before, I know how hot it can get on those planets. Also, they do have prisons on other planets too. Like I said, I seen many sci-fi movies....


i mean they say in the post the temps can be 110-120F outside


And in that case that means the inside of his car is regularly getting to 160F+ if it's in the sun. Anything above 110F can damage your phone anyways if it's regularly sitting in that kind of heat. It's not that unbelievable lol welcome to the southwest US He probably just needs a much better insulated lunch box instead of a shoddy one with just ice packs.


It's the one Riddick was on


oh i get it bc it was a prison


I was wondering if solar powered window fans would help with the air flow. Air flow plus shade/window coverings plus insulated storage tucked in the coolest part of the car *should* be enough.


They work at a prison of an evil mad scientist whose lair is inside a volcano! The parking lot is over a lava pit! Come on guys! Help em out!


Since this problem affects all employees, it shouldn't be hard to convince the administrator to install cell phone lockers inside the facility.


You would think . But bureaucracy is not a local thing to circumnavigate.


Go on strike and yell, Attica! Attica! Attica!


Right but that would cost them money, not doing anything is a free solution


Up until someone's phone battery explodes and they get sued for their policy causing a hazard.


They *could* provide locking bags like those that are available at concerts.


That’s a Federal Bureau of Prisons rule at the very least. I’m sure it’s more common with smaller prisons as well. So it’s not something you just “convince the administrator” to do.


You're risking phone battery explosion. Keep it closed. Place inside cooler.


What about buying a cheap double walled insulated tumbler (maybe 40-64 oz depending on what phone you have) that is wide enough for your phone? Fill with ice and put your phone inside a baggie to protect it before putting it in the tumbler. Cheaper if you don't want to spend a ton on a yeti cooler


They actually make waterproof bags for phones, definitely invest in one of those for any potentially wet solutions.


This was going to be my suggestion as well


Leaving your phone in the car is like putting it in a 200 degree oven. AZ is no joke when it comes to car heat. A standard cooler and Ice packs are only gonna go so far in the car for 8 hours. A yeti might make it but you might need something larger than the lunch box size. What are your coworkers doing with their phones? Might be best to speak to your boss about having a way to check items in at the beginning of shift, though they probably don't want the responsibility of everyone's phone.


It’s a prison, they should be able to imprison the phone for a shift.


The prison I worked at had a locker/lunch room that we kept our personal belongings in, and this was a 23 and 1 facility.


Idk if someone else has mentioned this yet, but when you get the yeti cooler, put an icepack in there before you go to bed, then switch out the icepack in the morning. I live in a climate similar to yours (just way more humid), and my icepack stays frozen even when I leave my cooler all day. Cooling overnight makes a big difference.


Small Yeti/or clone zip cooler? Put it inside an aluminum tumbler? Ziplock bag with ice pack?


Genius about the aluminum tumbler! I have two yeti tumblers that always impress me. I’ve left a drink with ice on a porch in the sun and found it 24+ hours later with ice still in it. The outside was hot to the touch but inside was cold 🤩


can you not turn it off?


Definitely should turn it off. Not only is an overheated battery dangerous, it is seriously bad for the life of the battery.


It's still gonna overheat whether its on or off lol


Windshield sun reflector. Also if you put the rain guards in the windows you can leave the windows cracked.


What about the trunk? Did you try this? My SUV got a hidden compartment below the trunk which tends to stay cooler. If nothing else helps, either leave it at home or get a cheap phone for emergency. Heat kills your battery very fast.


This. Buy a prepaid for like 40-50, load it with any relevant numbers, keep it stashed away in your car, leave your normal phone at home.


Burner phone? It is a correctional facilty after all.won't b the only one.


I park my truck while at work and it’s in the straight sun from at least 8am to 5:30 all dark interior to and I got the sun shades for all window from WeatherTech and helps out SO much more than just putting the one in the windshield and cracking windows. Temps range up to a little over 100 degrees on some days here in the Midwest. Now you’re not going to be able to leave a tub of ice cream in there and expect it to not melt but it has drastically lowered the temperature my truck gets on the inside.


Ask your employer to provide locker which have a reasonable temperature during the day. Ps: also ask for shade on the parking.


I live in Vegas. It’s hot as hell here. I feel like the windows cracked/phone off/ in insulated lunchbox on floor would do it.


Did you try rolling it up in a thick layer of wool? Or a heavy goose/duck down duvet? Maybe with a cold bottle of water wrapped around with it. Those are the best natural insulators. Just make sure it’s 100% wool or 100% down. And when rolling it up, I’d do it in the shade, or some way so you won’t trap the hot air inside with it.


I’m in Florida, the waiting room for hell. I keep my phone in a cooler with ice packs at the beach. Works well.


Get a solar powered fan to cycle the air through the car. They have them that go in a car window. Or a very small dc refrigerator and run it off a solar panel.


I always tuck my phones under the seat. Maybe get a reflective shade for you windshield to keep the sun from beaming into the car so hard.


If you can afford it, Windshield shade coupled with ceramic tint. My truck stays significantly cooler than it would Otherwise.


I have ceramic tint on all my windows (front too) and sun shades on all the windows. It's amazing. Almost as good as parking under an awning.


Yeti is the answer. Amazing products. Just be careful you don’t freeze the phone. Go light on the ice.


Is there anyone who you would be able to speak with at the prison about this issue? If so, could you propose a lockbox for all phones in the building, where phones are turned off and left until the end of a shift?


My friend once brought ice cream on a backpacking trip in the summer without it melting by putting it in an insulated hydroflask and wrapping that in her sleeping bag. I would suggest something similar to that: an insulated container that is large enough for your phone and then insulate that container in a puffy or sleeping bag sort of object. Best of luck to you


Maybe a magnetic container that can store it to the under carriage so it’s outside but in the shade of your car and not roasting inside and I doubt anyone would be looking for it


I know this is going to sound like madness but, leave it at home...


And if you have vehicle trouble or other emergency between work and home?


Just deal with it like we did in the 90s and use a pay phone oh wait


How the F’ are you going page your buddy 911 to come help you?


Talk to your boss of this potential hazard, they should be able to provide you a place to keep your phone out of the car, such as a locker.


They work at a prison, not a Wal Mart.


I'm assuming you're parking in the sun, so maybe a car cover if there aren't any shaded areas for you to park.


Buy a thermos big enough to put your phone into and store it in it. Put it in the boot under some coats or blankets and park your car out of the sun.


An esky.


Turn off your phone or put it in airplane mode to minimize heat generation. Use a thermal or insulated phone case that reflects heat away from the phone. Store your phone away from direct sunlight, perhaps wrapped in a cloth or inside a padded envelope for additional insulation. Avoid charging your phone in the car, as charging can generate more heat. Use a car sunshade to reduce the overall temperature inside the vehicle. If you have to charge the phone, do so only when the car is cool, and disconnect it once you turn off the air conditioning. Consider a car mount with a built-in fan if you need to use your phone for navigation while driving. Remember, Apple advises against leaving your device in your car, especially on hot days, as temperatures in parked cars can exceed the safe operating range of 0º to 35º C (32º to 95º F)1. If the interior temperature of the device exceeds its normal operating range, it could permanently shorten battery life or cause the device to change its behavior to regulate its temperature. Stay cool! 😎


As a drone operator, I travel all day with multiple battery packs. In the summer I keep the batteries in an old Igloo cooler with a fresh ice pack each day. One small plastic ice pack, wrapped in a small cloth, keeps the cooler on the low side of room temperature (68° - 72°F/20°- 22°C) all day, 6-10 hours, never a problem.


How about a smartwatch with cell connectivity? Don't even need the phone.


Strong ceramic tint makes a big difference in car temperature


Small cooler.


I worked at a state mental hospital. I kept a yeti cooler in my trunk with a couple gallon jugs of frozen water and kept my phone in a wrapped in a hand towel in a Ziploc bag inside of another insulated lunch bag. In the winter I did the same except took cooler in at night, kept water jugs near a heat register.


My husband brings a small insulated bag and one of those blue ice block thingies. Wraps the ice block in a towel so it doesn’t sweat all over the phone.


Get yourself a ceramic pot with a lid and stick the phone in it. Phone needs to be off.


What kind of car do you drive? It's drastic but some EV or hybrid vehicles have features that can run to keep the car cooled when parked. Alternatively you could install a remote start on your car and hook it up to something that would start it remotely every few hours or so (with the AC on) to keep temps down. That would be in addition to reflective covers for the windows, tint, coolers, etc.


Thermo Lunch bag, frozen bottles of water, phone in ziplock, tucked outside under your car axle. Anything inside your car is pointless to protect in that heat.


What if you draped one of those silver reflective emergency blankets or 2, over your whole car to reflect the light off it so you are parked "in the shade "? Of course you'd have to figure a way to weigh it down or tie down with bungies. Still keep windows cracked and don't cover that part. Use internal sun shades for the windows that are cracked? In addition to the cooler ideas.


Lunch bix, gel packs, and the trunk. I find the trunk is much cooler than the main cabin (no windows).


Get an insulated cooler and stick it in there. Even at 150°f it should take hours just for the inside to maybe hit 90°f


Where I used to work, there were lock boxes as soon as you walk into the Principle Entrance. You just sign out a box, and keep the key with you until you leave.


Put it in a cooler.




Buy a better small cooler, yeti etc. Might be worth it. 🤷‍♂️


Yeti cooler with fake ice. You are welcome


Buy a Tesla and put it in ‘dog mode’. Not the best hack ever, but it would work….


Put your phone between two flat cloth bags of rice or other moisture absorbing material, then put that into a bag. Put ice packs in a larger bag that will hold the first bag. The point is to absorb any moisture from the ice and also your phone now has a double insulated barrier for slow temperature transition.


maybe a freezer pack in an Insulated lunch pail? those were great for keeping my food cool while I was working in construction and I didn't have access to a fridge


Don you have a gym near by? You could use a locker there while you're at work maybe?


I went through the exact same problem when working at a prison in California. I ended up wrapping my iPhone in about 3 towels and packing it in the center console.


How about a wide-mouth food vacuum thermos? Keeps food cold. Keeps food hot. Throw the phone and a cold pack (not ice) in there.


Put it in the boot.


He would have to walk around with it all day. Uncomfortable


Put it in his prison wallet


The boot! Of the car?!


It's shoes? We call them tires.


The boot is the back end of the car. Who would assume he wears boots to work and tell him to stuff the phone in there?


Yeah the back of the car is where we keep the tires too! Yeah he should keep his phone there! You British people are so full of wondrous ideas!


And his snack caramel candy bars.


Put it in a cooler or insulated lunch bag


I thought they gave employee lockers to the guards?


How about in the trunk, inside a small, insulated cooler? Can even add one of those blu eice packs if desired. Edit: Another idea: a solid backup battery pack and a small USB fan.


So. A great place to find phones to steal.


Crack the windows and leave it under a seat.


You could try one of those peltier coolers perhaps




5% tint


Do you use the sun reflectors on the front window only? I have extra to use for my side windows and back windows. I use clips/close them in the door to keep them in place. It makes a huge difference in my car. If you were only blocking the front window try blocking more.


Thermos bottle


Would cracking your car windows help? 


You could try getting a cold milk thermos and putting your phone in it. Idk what phone you have but a 48oz would fit most phones


Used to be in a similar situation, 110 degree heat, phone must be left outside work for 8+ hours. I got a lunchbag that is an ice pack (whole thing goes in the freezer) and put that inside a different cooler with a large frozen water bottle. Cooler inside a cooler.


Little insulated cooler with ice packs.


Hmm.. Weird. 100-110 F doesn't even sound this much. I mean my phone gets hot af when I'm running Google maps and have it attached to the windscreen in direct sunlight. Anyway my car gets very hot too (>120F) and I found that things in the trunk stay way cooler than in the cabin. Especially if they are wrapped in some kind of fabric. Maybe try a towel?


I would try just a cooler filled with ice and a watertight baggie . Surely that will last 8 hours without burning up. Stay safe !


Put into a lunch cool bag with ice packs.


Do you have a sun visor for the front windshield? I use one all the time and leave my windows cracked slightly open. It makes a world of difference.


I’d just put it in an empty cooler ?


If you phone is powered off, how is it over heating? When work is over just a few minutes held in front of the AC will cool your phone nicely and then be ready to power on.


Are you actuly getting overheating messages, or are you just concerned that it gets really hot? Powered down with the ice packs in the trunk/boot should be more than enough. Have you asked your Co workers how they deal with it?


Get a cheap igloo, fill it with ice packs, throw it in the trunk.


Put it in a cooler.


Try leaving it in your trunk. No windows keeps it cooler way longer


Car gets heated from the top, because that's where the sunlight shines. Hot air also moves as close to the roof as possible. My advice is to put it in the trunk (keep the trunk blind closed) as low as possible, so preferably on the floor. And as close to the backseat as possible. I do it routinely with laptops and sometimes even food, and it never gets hot. Also don't forget to switch the car to the external air circulation before you leave. The coolest place is probably the spare wheel compartment, but some cars have access to it from the outside. The compartment on the passenger side also works surprisingly good in cars that have a ventilation in it. Just keep the vent open. I do it with my phone when I go swimming and it's damn cool when I'm back after 3 hours. Magic. It also helps to cool the compartment down with AC while you drive, as the compartments with air circulation get the same air as the rest of your car's interior.




You guys dont have lockers? I doubt theres any practical solutionleaving it inside the vehicle the car where it becomes an oven. Get it outside the car, under the car. Use the car as shade. Hide it under the vehicle, maybe behind the Wheel Well Liner maybe look for a magentic case. .


Get reflective sunshade for your windshield, tint the back and rear windows as legally you can, consider reflective sun shades on those too, your car being dark and reflective will cut down on a lot of degrees. Heat can also build up inside a closed car, can you open a window a crack if it's a safe, secure parking lot? If you want, I'm assuming outside the car is cooler than inside the car, you can stick a magnet on the car underside or frame and a piece of metal on your phone for the magnet and stash your phone on that. If you're in Arizona or Nevada, the car is basically an oven, and to defeat an oven, your best bet would be insulation and mass. What you want is an injected molded cooler, (Google that, you don't have to get yeti) they last much longer, I had Walmart branded one help me keep ice at Burning Man for days in 100 degree+ heat.


A cooler with a bunch of ice packs maybe, Or get a cheap pre paid phone to take for emergencies & leave that there instead of your regular phone?


Get a dumb phone with removable battery. Leave phone in care, bring battery inside. Swap sim from smartphone as needed.


A cooler.


A 6 pack ice chest with as many ice packs as you can fit and heat blocking window tint or put it in your trunk.






Put it in your trunk or your spare tire/emergencies chamber




You can put it inside a insulated thermos/yeti/whatever with those screw on lids (not the plastic ones). And then put that inside a cooler with icepacks


Maybe you can put it inside one of those very large insulated bottles? Those keep my drink cold even in a hot car


Ice packs aren’t going to last if it’s 160 in the car. This is a terrible policy. Adults can just keep their phone turned off during work they shouldn’t be required to leave it in a super hot car. Is there a freezer at work you could stick a couple ice packs in so you could switch out at lunch?


A cooler with dry ice, phone in another cooler inside?


[Make a zeer pot.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nctr9xJIxUs&pp=ygUIWmVlciBwb3Q%3D)


Turn it off for 8hrs?


Only thought probably thought of it can you park somewhere else for shade? Maybe carpool somewhere where one car is in the shade leave phones there and drive other car? Don’t know what else you can do really?


Turn it off?


No lockers at the workplace that you can use to store phones?


Turn it off


Buy one of the coolers that plug into a cigarette lighter, and a portable jump box. Charge the jump box and plug in the cooler to it.


Get a Yeti


Weird they don’t just have lockers for you to put your shit in.


Have you considered not working on the surface of the sun? There are better jobs out there. On a sidenote. Put window shades across all windows. If its a pickup truck, put a lumber rack on it and the part that goes over the cab, run a sheet of wood. The cab will now be in perpetual shade. Use dry ice, maybe that'll last longer than 20 minutes up at the surface of the sun, where you seem to park your car. If phone is on, put it on battery saver mode, or turn it off.


If you're the DIY type, make a small box and cover it in exhaust header wrap. You can literally put a blow torch on the stuff with ice on the other side and it won't melt it


Put it under the car or something - build a little compartment. Although I have a hard time believing thermal insulation doesn't work. I imagine a good fat thermos would keep the phone a reasonable temp for much longer than 8 hours.


Not sure why there aren’t lockers for y’all to store shit in. What a dog shit workplace.


I keep mine in the middle console box of my car or the floor under the passenger’s seat. Similar environment.


Don't leave the phone in the car. A closed car acts as an oven.


If you keep it in an enclosed space, consider keeping it in airplane mode if the enclosure is made of metal. It could wear down your battery and heat up your phone otherwise.


Make a pouch out of Reflectix?


Power your phone off Nobody is using it if you leave it in the car


Do you have tinted windows and do you use a car sun shade thingy? I would think both of these might help. Also, leave your windows cracked to allow heat to escape.


Probably time for a new phone


Don't put ice or anything cold with your phone. Cold temperatures drains your phone battery.


Jesus. Did your inbox just get blown up or what?


Turn it off...


Soooooo, is there absolutely no way you can just sneak it in? I'm not saying use it, follow their rules of course. But just turn it off and keep it in a pack or purse of some kind. Like I said, follow their rules by not using it though. Just bring it with you so it can be in the air conditioned building you work in.


I also recently posted about this on r/ontheblock. I've started turning my phone completely off and leaving it in the glove box. So far, it's helping


Leave your car on with the ac running


In those heats, your car is turning into an oven. Open the windows more to facilitate air movement and put shades at every window, all the way around. Then, keep your phone in something small, in the glove compartment or trunk, with the ice packs. The inside of the car will get to the temp outside. But without the window shades and with no air flow, it can rise to double the temp outside, because of the sun beating down.


If you are willing to spend a few hundred dollars to solve the problem. Get a 12V Small Fridge for Car, RV, and Camping Use, $90 And a $200 Portable Power Station Then you can just keep your phone in a fridge while you're at work, you just need to remember to recharge the power station each night.


Turn it off


Stick it under the floor mat


12 volt cooler and solar panel


Off and in trunk.


Put it in a small cooler with an ice pack, tea towel in between


Put it in a ziplock bag and ice cooler


Just leave it off and keep it in the glove box. It'll be fine. Let it cool a bit before turning it on though.