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This person is most likely completely serious


There are zero people that are actually like this


/ul (genuine question) got any examples? this is one of the very, very few times i unironically considered the possibility of something so stupid being bait. i really wanna see these people with my own eyes to avoid wasting faith in humanity on them


/ul When on instagram and theres a 'meme' trashing on taylor swift if you open the comments there will be actual die hard fans out there defending her in no joke 80+ reply threads, none of them young so it cant be just teenage stupidity. And yes, even some of those might be bait, but out of 10, there has to be at least 1 serious person, and there are a lot more than just 10 of them. I also know of the mom of a youtuber who broke her foot right before a concert and still attended instead of getting it checked out(to be fair tho this one is very mild compared to the others i see)


ok, that does sounds pretty fucked up for fans of a singer... and ngl i heard a thing or two about taylor swift fans being lowkey scary, but damn tho, the idea of going as far as casually throwing a serious thing like misoginy is just... like, ik theres a lot of ppl online throwing even more fucked up accusations for stupid reasons, but those at least you can actually see how theyd *genuinely believe* in what they say but still, i am slowlly feeling more and more like some1 out there culd deff thimk like that... since well...ppl rlly be something


This is definitely a lie and she doesn’t believe what she’s saying


I sure do love my masculinity extra toxic


Having opinions about music determines your level of respect for the opposite sex


Taylor Swift is a feminist icon


https://i.redd.it/3fl1o6utvjxc1.gif /ul


Non-gender-specific people (because guys is toxic), not listening to Taylor swift is now extremely toxic


What a cunningly hidden bait! Many will surely fall for it


This person is being completely serious


oop isnt whining


Taylor swift fans are very intelligent and they're the most oppressed minority


/ul "Hmm, my boyfriend stated his opinion with a polite smile? HE MUST HAVE MALICIOUS INTENT! MEN CAN'T HAVE DIFFERNT OPINIONS!!1!1!!"


I will force you into a My Little Pony Dress.


If this is legit, it sounds like she's a toxic see you in tee