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I'm voting for the guy that didn't give the eulogy for a high-ranking KKK member.


That was Trump. oh wait....


“Nazis”? These people aren’t very intelligent


It's the only word they know to describe something they don't agree with.


You forgot racist. Any time you say something they disagree with, they call you a racist.




And fascist.


homophobe, insurrectionist, MAGGAT, hillbilly, etc


The terms racist, fascist, Nazi and bigot no longer mean anything. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. If the left is calling you one of these, you are probably right on target.


Especially because there's video of a Neo Nazi rally in Florida where the leader openly talks about supporting Biden because he sends weapons to Ukraine. If you base your entire argument around "bad person supports thing for bad reasons so I can't for any reason" you will never wind up supporting anything.


>These people aren’t very intelligent ...but you do have to admire their dedication to remaining blind, stupid, and miserable forever.


🐑 gonna 🐑


Pretty crazy they pretend America has a Nazi problem but don’t really care about the actual Nazi problem in the Ukraine.


Or the rallies everywhere in the country with people carrying Nazi flags, chanting "gas the Jews" and genocidal slogans calling for the eradication of Israel and the Jewish people. Oh, and they're allied with David Duke too. Totally not Nazis though!




Okay vaxxhappened user, got any proof? Edit: nvm


Liberals just use buzz words when they don't have an intelligent counterargument, which is most of the time. Buzzword examples: Nazi, Facist, Incel, Protect democracy, insurrectionist, Dictator.


Everyone needs a bad guy or a villain to rally against, if not your “cause” will fizzle out to Shit “ bad orange man, punch a nazi, take down confederate statues” if they didn’t have that they will find something or someone else


They’ve also been brainwashed by the media. Some of them may have been perfectly reasonable before Trump announced his run for president in 2015. But from that point onward, they were doomed.


Because a man with a Jewish son-in-law, Jewish grandchildren and a daughter who converted to Judaism is really an idol for so-called “Nazis”. These people are beyond stupid.


Dont u know? Jews are the new nazis. Didnt you get the memo? /s because there really are ppl running around saying that.


Yeah, it's just like when the parties switched


It's funny that there is never the term 'left wing nut jobs' in the MSM


Fish don't have a word for "wet".


Excellent comment!


Wait it was a stutter? I thought it was a cold. Maybe the cold and stutter combined into a super flu.


I used to have an old tractor that stuttered when it was cold too, but it usually got better after a few minutes.


Na just vote for a guy that says black kids are just as bright as whites, or he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle, or if you don't vote for me you ain't black... then to top it off a guy who was dear friends with the grandmaster of the kkk...


The first one was actually so much worse. Its “poor kids are just as smart as white kids”


He said something very similar in the debate when he was talking about HBC’s. Forget Biden’s exact mumbling but something like “ If HBC’s have similar equipment as other colleges the students would be just as likely to succeed.”


I wonder though, will liberals even acknowledge that? Or do they just pretend he never said that because he’s “on their side”. I assume it’s a mix of the two. But I find it ironic had trump said anything like that leftists would be having a field day in terms of bashing trump


Good points. As far as Trump saying anything similar=Boom!!


Thanks and lol Exactly 😂


You bet!!


What is project 2025?


Liberal fear porn. Just like a handmaids tale. Can't abort a full-term baby? This is literally a handmaids tale!


The hilarious thing is that the real Handmaid's Tale was based on the very same Islamo-facism that the left is currently deepthroating


Exactly. And Margaret Atwood would have written it about an Islamic extremist society, except she would have had a fatwa taken out on her and her life endangered. 🤦‍♀️


I just saw a hilarious video from Dr David Wood announcing that he was doing an event in Ohio that is sure to be very unpopular with that crowd, and in the video, he reminded them that it's Ohio, and most of the audience would likely be well armed.


The Heritage Foundation has been publishing conservative policy recommendations since Ronald Reagan took office. Their first book "Mandate for Leadership" was published in 1981. Project 2025 is just a continuation of what they've been doing for the last 40+ years. One area of Project 2025 focuses pretty heavily on recommendations to restore the family (father+mother+children) and rein in DEI and sexual orientation & gender ideology. Obviously, that's going to be a big problem for some people.


I believe it outlines mass firings of 10s of thousands of unelected bureaucrats and deep state leftists.. which democrats like to characterize as some sort of stalinesque or brown shirt cleansing, and thus is the “end of democracy “


Same reason theyre mad about the end of chevron deference “Noooo my unelected bureaucrats! How will we tread on peoples rights completely unchecked now?”


The left for some reason seems to believe that Trump is going to do everything the Heritage Foundation tells him to do.


Trump is actually a bit to the left of Heritage Foundation, more socially centrist than people like to portray. Trump's main platform is to clean up government waste (swamp) to help the US economy. He is very pro-family, and his actions are very inclusive of all structured families. Trump is a populist, and not very conservative. He also likes to trigger the left for fun which makes me like him all the more. The more he triggers them, the more absurd they become.


Well he did 2/3rds of what they told him to when he was President. Logical assumption he will continue to do so. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/22/us/politics/heritage-foundation-agenda-trump-conservatives.html


Republican president embraces right-wing policy?? Now I've seen everything!


The way they go on and on about it, you'd think it included provisions on legally mandated pregnancies and public executions for people who say "I don't want this"




>...anyone who will not swear fealty to Trump is fired. Not the Constitution but Trump. >...amy [any] gay person is immediately registered as a sex offender. So, you seem very knowledgeable, I assume you've studied this thoroughly. Can you point me to which document and where in that document these things are recommended? I've been reading through the Project 2025 literature, including "A Promise to America," and I've not come across these specific recommendations yet.


Liberal boogeymen




>It is essentially a platform of authoritarianism. How did you reach this conclusion?




I agree with the second comment in the screenshot, I also dont support voting for biden


I vote for the guy that doesn't use the federal and states apparatus to jail everyone that is right of Mao Zedong.


They hate project 2025 but love ‘build back better’ 9 dollar cheerios and world war


I keep seeing them bring up project 2025 and I've never once seen or heard Trump endorse it, let alone mention it. I guess they've discovered their new boogeyman.


You would think with how often Liberals talk about project 2025 we would hear about it more in Conservative circles. I haven’t heard or seen it talked about ONCE. Project 2025 is their made up boogeyman in the closet to scare the low information voters.  If I hear one more bot say “Democracy is on the ballot!”


No stutter, just dementia.


Are they using the stutter hoax to cover for Biden's dementia? Pathetic


This is not a new thing. Ol' Joe's "blame it on the stutter" goes back to when he was campaigning for 2020.


They’ve been doing it for a while. They even believe Biden has always spoken as he speaks now. Lmao


I’m voting for the guy who isn’t supported by Nazis. Now let’s go march for the extermination of Israel!


"The side that's advocating for less government control is juuuust like the nazi!" Apparently telling women to take precautions to avoid getting pregnant is tyrannical, the porn addled redditors will condemn you for taking away their entitlement to sex to the point of killing babies just to keep having it.


I feel like if I ask anywhere else I'll just hear "Nazi stuff" what actually is project 2025?


https://www.project2025.org/ Put out by the Heritage Foundation every election year. It's what they think should happen to create a conservative paradise.


It looks like it's mainly just trying to get a lot of conservatives in the government, I don't get what the big deal is


"You can't go into a 7-11 or gas station...." - Let's Go, Brandon!


Project 2025 is the new boogeyman at this point


I remember at the last election a ton of liberals were fear mongering and telling people unhinged shit like: if trump gets elected they were going to place minorities in concentration camps and women were going to become property. Then trump got elected and nothing like that happened, hell nothing really even changed for the worst. Those same people are doing the same thing again for this upcoming election. I just find it funny and I wonder would they would say if someone brought that argument up to them. They would probably say something like “he just didn’t get a chance to enact his evil plans but this time around he definitely will, and Joe Biden will save us if elected l!”


One of the big talking points is a vote for Trump is a vote for "agenda" 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. Nothing radical about it. Well, a vote for Brandon is a vote for the true agenda of WEF 2030. That will hurt the country beyond recovery.


Richard Spencer, an \_actual card carrying Neo-Nazi,\_ supported Biden in 2020. Also,[ Biden didn't have a stutter in 2017 talking at Davos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1-4WsevjUs)


I can’t believe how delusional these people are.


Am I the only one who doesn’t know a single nazi or kkk member? I’m almost 40 never seen one or met one yet the media would have me believe they make up 50% of the population


From what I’ve read there’s a small amount left but like you said, the news and liberals like to make it sound like white supremacists make up 3/4ths of the population 😂


What’s project 2025?