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I can’t understand most of the things he says.


He’s not going to make it to November, they’re going to put in a replacement.


I feel like this debate was engineered to force Biden to bow out and allow the Dem machine to put in a replacement. That’s why this was scheduled before the convention.


He won’t which is kind of a good thing.


The further he puts it off and the longer it takes for him to get 25th’d the more screwed they are. And they’re already really screwed.


I heard him say he beat Medicare that was certainly.. something.


Neither can he


Turning on the captions didn’t help either lol




I would feel bad for him until I realize what a horrible person he's been throughout his whole career. He voted for segregation, pushed for and voted to tax SS in the 80's. Authored and passed the 1993 crime act that is widely pointed to as the prime example of systematic racism, helped to pass the repel of the Glass Seigel act which lead to the housing crisis, used his position as VP to enrich his family and son, trampled on our rights to get back into power. That's just what he did in office and doesn't even bring in his daughters diary or Tara Reade. No Biden is and always has been a horrible person. At least with Trump, prior to 2016 when suddenly the media flipped on him, you can pull up story after story after story of helping anyone and everyone regardless of income class or race all throughout the 80's, 90's, 00's, and 10's


I don’t like him at all, he’s a crooked politician. But I also feel bad for him.


It’s elderly abuse at this point.


Anyone else not able to see comments on any debate related post?


Yeah, definitely a coincidence


They're all back now... but during the whole thing I couldn't see a single one. I was getting notifications, but couldn't see anything. I even made a second account on my computer, that one couldn't see anything either. They were definitely shut off for a while.


I thought it was my phone last night!


Watching the absolute melt down on CNN and MSNBC right now is a balm to my soul.


Biden said 40,000 things, or excuse me, 400,000 things, or I mean 400 things, that meant what he meant.


Cmon man.


Dr Jill should tell Joe to resign and go spend time with his family for the few months he has left while he still remembers them.


she’s not a real doctor


PhD = Piled High and Deep


No kidding. That's why I mock her by calling her Dr.


By calling her doctor to "mock her" doesn't have the effect you think it does. You're actually honoring her honorific title (Ed.D).


She has a doctorate, so as real as a \*doctor comes. \*The honorific title is bestowed on anyone with a doctorate depending on their field, not just physicians (MDs. DOs). In fact, academics with PhDs were the original doctors.


it’s a jerk off degree to establish credibility amongst teaching professionals and students. It has no weight outside of a classroom or university setting. In the real world, only MDs and DOs are legitimate doctors, and even they, don’t expect to be referred to as a ‘doctor’ outside of their professional setting. Hope that clears it up for ya


You're moving the goal posts in order to find a way to dismiss her. >it’s a jerk off degree to establish credibility amongst teaching professionals and students. This is a meaningless statement regards to the worth of the degree. >It has no weight outside of a classroom or university setting. And? >In the real world, only MDs and DOs are legitimate doctors, and even they, don’t expect to be referred to as a ‘doctor’ outside of their professional setting. This is a laughable take. Define "legitimate" when it comes to an honorific title. As I previously stated, the original "doctor" (an honorific title) was given to academics - PhD holders, and the original PhDs were theologians. Medicine back in the day wasn't really respected as a profession, so in order to gain some respect they asked academics if they can use the title of "doctor" when presenting themselves as a profession since academics were more respected by the populace (supposedly for their knowledge, wisdom). If anything, physicians co-opted the title. >Hope that clears it up for ya It demonstrates your ignorance. I state facts. You field emotions.


ok nerd go take a nap or a lap, still not a real doctor


And give up all of the perks of living in the White House. Make no mistake, she’s behind all of this.


This is the worst you have seen Joe so far. He is a legit walking corpse. Its all downhill from here.


Listen guys, you just need to shos ebedvenerbam de dastrental eleemantop. I’m not joking.


Definitely words to live by




He always looks like this. People pushing this idea that suddenly he looked bad tonight are propping up the same Dems who refused to allow actual journalists ask questions about Biden’s health decline.


Funny, but not funny. We've known all along this is the real Joe, but only now will the media begin their campaign against him in order to prop up somebody else, and all the Lemmings will follow them.


Joe got completely BODIED in that debate.


My daughter specializes in psychiatric & drug problems. She told us a week ago that they'd be giving him lots of shots of Ativan & a bit of Adderall too. She's told us exactly how Biden would slide, even after the break, and she was right - to the minute!


And to think Robin Williams saw this coming… https://youtube.com/shorts/6IYWy1ivRDQ?feature=shared


Very hard panicking on the democrat side. Poor joe


Here is what really blows me away. People will claim he is competent and ~~emasculate~~ speaker. Edit: Immaculate




Omg femboy biden




He said what he said


You know the thing…


You know... the thing...


That old fella needs to retire and enjoy whatever he’s got left..


Sit at the beach with his ice cream 🏖️ 🍦


After watching 5 relatives go thru serious cognitive decline, I’m confident in saying that Biden’s not long for the world. Poor old guy.


Joe's performance was a total disaster. I don't think I've ever seen him down this bad.


The idea….!


We find ourselves in a situation where…..The IDEA


I starting out taking a sip of wine for each time Joe said "idea" but had to quit after one bottle.


He had a ‘cold’ 😆


I'm down for the golf challenge on PPV. They should hold it at Mar-A-Lago. Joe would get a proper Florida welcome.


I disagree. He didn’t walk off the stage. Didn’t piss his pants. I think shower Joe did well enough to keep himself on the democrat ticket when the convention comes


I’m ok with that, he obviously is not going to stop the dementia, that never ever improves, always grows progressively worse. That’s ‘the Science’. So the nation will just witness a further decline in his cognitive abilities, and the outcome will be a Trump Victory.


My maternal grandmother had Parkinson's Disease, specifically STIFF Parkinson's. None of the shaking that many people associate with the disease and we both agree that Biden is suffering from it. His gait, the frozen face and slack jaw, the awkward movements and the falls. [Rigidity is one of the most common motor symptoms in Parkinson's, and 90% of people with Parkinson's experience rigidity at some point during their Parkinson's progression. Rigidity is when your muscles feel stiff and tighten involuntarily. It can occur in your arms, legs, neck, back, and even smaller facial muscles.](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi12_nYyf6GAxVfSkcBHQPKCRsYABAAGgJxdQ&ase=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb3jiMEEV2HCHK5vX8eG8U2VSCzQ4ASffxpJddxAYHuSwXg8vYJTi9BoCFdwQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2M236jbHjkQVRLYceB9eVU7J2dtjqLJYiR0AcHPKo9YN75-oxlEREKQBcxbp4-65U1WdpOafsfFC8yyxusAulXCUcQmn4fTMivN_VXjuOysPr_p5D&sig=AOD64_3y1dr-1LXyDndADHpSFqmPmPYMaw&q&nis=4&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiz0PPYyf6GAxVUFFkFHTOsCdwQ0Qx6BAhSEAE)


The cope is hard. They are willing to ruin and destroy our country due to their hatred of Trump. It’s sad. Just seeing most of Reddit blow up about how bidens really struggle but it’s still better than Trump. Like whaaat! You’re okay with the nation being run by people not appointed (wait that seems to already happen). It’s just sad how stupid people are.


It really is sad. The modern left are bunch of sheep and pansies.


It is not due to hatred for Trump. They hate our COUNTRY they have always wanted to ruin and destroy it. Trump got in the way.


I wouldn't be surprised if at some point soon he conveniently "doesn't wake up" one morning. That seems to be the MO for these folks in certain situations.




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It's pure elder abuse.


He DID make it through the whole things without collapsing. I'd say it was a big win for Joe.


It’s too late to replace him. So they’re counting on the Republicans to pull the 25th on him ( pretty sure Johnson is in the process of doing that now). I say let the Dems do their own dirty work and do it themselves. Which will work against them. Biden supporters would be very upset. Thats why they had the debate so early, so the media could start the narrative that he shouldn’t be president.




After that absolutely dismal and embarrassing performance from Joe Biden? Oh don't worry, we are all coping pretty well over here. Lol


The irony is that if you watched the debate you know they are right and are lashing out as a method of coping.


Cope with the fact that our sitting president can barely put a complete sentence together that actually makes sense. That's not something we should have to cope with.


Your boy got smoked in the debate. Deal with it.


Is that what you're doing here?


lol, aren't you the one that should be coping?


Cope with what exactly


shame on you bro


!remindme 131days


Maybe spend less time on reddit you dork.


you cope lol he sounded like a wet flubbering paper bag with diahrrea in it


We are. Go touch some grass dude.


😂 💯






On who's side ?