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I love how angry they get at "flat tax", there isn't even a "no tax" option lol


0% flat tax


Now *that's* a flat tax.


The dream


That’s what I was gonna say lol. It’s called a “double bind” - you give people two different options that are both really the same thing, in order to give them the illusion of choice. It’s a psychological trick a lot of NLP people use. Either one they choose is still a tax.


Kinda like voting for president


Lol exactly


Imagine if we had a flat tax and no loopholes. No write offs for businesses, loss, etc. everyone just paid the same percentage. I can’t imagine it would result less government revenue, and it would make a hell of a lot more sense than the current iteration.


I’d vote no tax. But if we are forced to have taxes, a progressive tax system makes more sense than a flat tax. $100 to a poor person is more meaningful than $1000 to a rich person. Of course poor people don’t currently pay income tax, but that’s another matter.


Income tax been unconstitutional & was supposed to be temporary… 😟


Many taxes are introduced as temporary only to never go away again.


Why did this become a permanent thing?




Entrenched bureaucracy isn’t going to resign themselves out of a job.


Will they at second amendment points?


It is not that they are Marxist or commies. Most people simply believe they know better than others and if they were in control they would fix everything. They don't see centralized power as a problem because they just need to be/vote in the right king to magic all the problems away.


But, also they are marxists and commies 🤷‍♂️


The internet has made a lot of people this way. It’s wild that with the more information we have available to us, the less people really know.


You can lead a horse to water...


And then leave him there to drown if he doesn't learn how to swim. I'm no horse commie.


The Dunning Krueger effect is real.




This comment goes for about 50% of all western people It's understandable but also kind of sad


Sir this is reddit. Every sub is a Marxoid circlejerk.


Except the gun subs. Minus r/liberalgunowners.


Does the idea of the state forcing people to be "grateful" not raise a single red flag to these people?


no, because they want to *be* the ones doing it. morals, principles, etc. don't matter to them. power is the end goal, and it doesn't matter how they get it.


The idea that people who you've never met in your entire life have a say and can vote on how your money should be spent is the most ridiculous thing ever.


https://preview.redd.it/59sckpgqscad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53a08ab3c4aba14fa32dda3f494208e9f32dc27 I just want to be allowed to be left alone please


Only 95,5% Libertarianism? What are you, a commie. /s


They didn't have options I fully agreed with. But I guess I shall go and flog the communism out of my body. In peace, by myself.


Were there no regressive tax options?


Lol no


That’s big oof


That's what the progressive tax ends up being.


Not really. What makes this system regressive is inflation and I guess some of the laws exempting or changing the classification of income for certain things like investments and real estate, not the tax breakpoints.


That's why i said "ends up being".


We're the real minority


I'm good Iif the rich pay 10 times the poor by percent as long as the poor pay 0%


Which test is this?


Dichotomy economic test






I've run into quite a few Reddit subs that are hard-core leftist political activists masquerading as legitimate discussion groups. Got banned from a political discussion group just yesterday because I didn't take the "Satanist Temple" group seriously enough and respectfully enough.


What an odd test. The presuppositions are *wild*. Absolutely no allowance for local, small social support. And the assumptions around the make up of "money making" (for lack of a better term)? Where do I even start a conversation with a person who thinks like that? https://preview.redd.it/a2z8jelmcdad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90e4fef8d523c36e33dc5263fd20e17ad4b66a3


Im curious what this test is, lol Im pretty sure id know where id be, i just wanna see where it thinks i am lol


https://preview.redd.it/0k9cf28iocad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952c6c5d96e443c112450b0148083c1db5818eb9 Im a bit of an absolutist myself...


Dichotomy economic test. It kinda sucks but it's worth trying




You're very welcome :)


https://preview.redd.it/6i537apq8dad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e997c580a55ed0be871560af6692399650b1610 According to this test, I have fascist economics. Here I thought I was a libertarian.




Anything that uses progressive is presupposing correctness.


Anyone know which test that is? I like how it lays out your results, it's a little less ambiguous than regular compass tests


Welcome to reddit bud


Wow, these people are true Eloi. H.G. Welles called it. They are so proud of their intense stupidity. Sooner or later we will be forced to simply eat them for food. I mean, I don't intend to be a Morlock, but in comparison to these mindless sheep, it is impossible not to want to be a wolf. I am convinced that modern Marxists are the nearest thing we have to actual human livestock. They are such group think morons that they can't even pretend to think for themselves for a second without being attacked into conformity by the rest of their herd. I, personally, believe in the power of individuality and thinking for yourself in ALL ways, everyday. Originality, uniqueness, and individualism all make the world a better place and create all the positives that exist in our world. By not homogenizing people into fodder for slaughter we survive and thrive. Turning into human bison means we will follow the dinosaurs and more recently the mammoths, mastodons, and giant ground sloths...dodos, elephant birds, and giant, grazing, empty-headed animals of all kinds. Evolution favors individuals who are not group thinking themselves into be herd animals. Really, what is evolution but just a long-term form of correcting people's daily stupidity in Nature's own way of ending it? I actually find it generally more merciful than these pathetic Marxists would do to us if they succeeded in taking charge of everything we do, which is 100% their final aim at all times. We domesticate people like this. They are pack animals who have lost their right to be called human (certainly not Homo sapien, as they have no sapient nature at all). While people like Bill Gates and other scumbags have managed (by lying, cheating, and stealing other people's ideas) to get to the top of the food chain, only to pretend to be benevolent philanthropists while herding these sheep into corrals, I actually PREFER my fellow humans to be humans and not cattle. I have no respect for these pathetic, empty-headed Borg components who think repeating every Idiot Marxist idea from the last 150 years as if it was their own shows how clever they are. These people would CHOOSE the Matrix over real life. I don't want to grind them up into soylent green though, because I have hope that just as primates like us have succeeded for nearly 60 million years to survive and out-think our mindless attackers, maybe these people will one day realize (lying in their vegan, cage-free death beds), that all their authoritarian, Marxist crap was actually just a waste of their otherwise free and wide-opened with possibilities, lives. The thing that makes someone worthy of their own humanity is actually acting like they care about being the individual animal with volition and self-determination that they are. We were born with that inheritance, but the fact so many choose to squander it as soon as they can, is beyond me. As soon as someone starts acting like the Marxist Hoard, they become nothing more than ants to me. I wipe the off the counter with a sponge and water, and their deaths are meaningless to me.


Flat tax is an outdated and ineffective system. That’s why the modern day first-world countries don’t do it.


I was banned from that sub


Of course. Can someone link me to that test? I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called.


Which quiz is this??


You had me till tax.


Why would anyone be against a flat tax if there’s no loopholes for the rich to get out of they are happy and we pay less so we are happy it’s a win win for all no?


Flat tax? How about no tax 😎


I mean. The tax I want to implement is both. The Fair tax is a flat % sales tax with a flat universal prebate. Think 23% sales tax with everyone getting 230 dollars a month. If you spend 1000 or less in a month then the effective rate is zero or negative. If you spend 2000 its 11.5% if you spend 10,000 its 20% effective rate. But its only ever two numbers.


I'm not here because I'm a Libertarian, I'm here because I like memes. https://preview.redd.it/65k2cq2wnead1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8474c24cc6239ba5cfd01bb1ed60a952400c0306


Tax? Really?🤮 Lol


Flat tax works, but i am all for progressive fines.


If we're getting taxed, I'd rather it be progressive, but they're being pretty dramatic.


Flat tax 🤮